Remove unused localizable strings

Hwee-Boon Yar 7 years ago
parent 48c17b5d5b
commit 30df52a931
  1. 82
  2. 3
  3. 5
  4. 5
  5. 1

@ -7,14 +7,11 @@
"configureTransaction.gasLimit.label.description" = "The gas limit prevents smart contracts from consuming all your %@. We will try to calculate the gas limit automatically for you, but some smart contracts may require a custom gas limit.";
"configureTransaction.gasLimit.label.title" = "Gas Limit";
"configureTransaction.gasPrice.label.description" = "The higher the gas price, the more expensive your transaction fee will be, but the quicker your tranasction will be processed by the %@ network.";
"configureTransaction.gasPrice.label.title" = "Gas Price";
"configureTransaction.totalNetworkFee.label.title" = "Total network fee";
"transaction.confirmation.label.title" = "Confirmation";
"transaction.from.label.title" = "From";
"transaction.gasFee.label.title" = "Gas Fee";
"transaction.gasLimit.label.title" = "Gas Limit";
"transaction.gasPrice.label.title" = "Gas Price";
"" = "To";
"transaction.time.label.title" = "Transaction time";
"" = "Transaction #";
@ -36,12 +33,9 @@
"errorView.description.label.title" = "Something went wrong... Try again.";
"export.backup.button.title" = "Backup Wallet";
"export.controlYourMoney.label.title" = "Since only you control your money, you'll need to save your backup keystore in case this app is deleted.";
"export.enterCurrentPassword.textField.title" = "Enter current password to export your wallet";
"export.enterPassword.textField.title" = "Enter password to encrypt your wallet";
"export.neverStored.label.title" = "Your wallet is never saved to cloud storage or standard device backups.";
"export.noBackup.label.title" = "No backup, no %@.";
"export.presentBackupOptions.label.title" = "Preparing backup options...";
"export.skip.button.title" = "Do it later";
"importWallet.importingIndicator.label.title" = "Importing wallet...";
"Loading" = "Loading";
"LoadingDots" = "Loading...";
@ -52,58 +46,27 @@
"request.addressCopied.title" = "Address copied";
"request.copyWallet.button.title" = "Copy wallet address";
"request.myAddressIs.label.title" = "My %1$@ address is: %2$@";
"request.myPublicaddress.label.title" = "My Public %@ wallet address";
"Retry" = "Retry";
"Send" = "Send";
"send.amount.textField.placeholder" = "Amount";
"send.error.emptyClipBoard" = "Empty ClipBoard";
"send.error.invalidAddress" = "Invalid Address";
"send.error.invalidAmount" = "Invalid Amount";
"send.error.wrongInput" = "Wrong Input";
"send.max.button.title" = "Max";
"send.paste.button.title" = "Paste";
"send.recipientAddress.textField.placeholder" = "Recipient Address";
"settings.biometricsDisabled.label.title" = "Passcode";
"settings.biometricsEnabled.label.title" = "Passcode / %@";
"" = "Community";
"settings.donate.button.title" = "Donate";
"settings.emailUs.button.title" = "Email Us";
"settings.error.failedToSendEmail" = "Failed to send email. Make sure you have Mail app installed.";
"" = "AlphaWallet Feedback";
"settings.navigation.title" = "Settings";
"" = "Network";
"settings.openSourceDevelopment.label.title" = "Open Source Development";
"settings.privacyPolicy.button.title" = "Privacy Policy";
"settings.pushNotifications.button.title" = "Push Notifications";
"settings.rateUsAppStore.button.title" = "Rate Us on App Store";
"settings.reportBug.button.title" = "Report a Bug";
"" = "Security";
"settings.sourceCode.button.title" = "Source Code";
"" = "Support";
"settings.termsOfService.button.title" = "Terms of Service";
"settings.version.label.title" = "Version";
"transactions.deposit.button.title" = "Buy";
"transactions.myAddress.button.title" = "My Address";
"transactions.noTransactions.label.title" = "No Transactions Yet!";
"wallet.navigation.title" = "Wallets";
"wallet.create.button.title" = "Create Wallet";
"wallet.import.button.title" = "Import Wallet";
"wallets.backup.alertSheet.title" = "Backup Keystore";
"welcome.createWallet.button.title" = "CREATE WALLET";
"welcome.erc20.label.description" = "Support for ERC20 tokens by default. ";
"welcome.erc20.label.title" = "ERC20 Compatible";
"welcome.fullyTransparent.label.description" = "Code is open sourced (GPL-3.0 license) and fully audited.";
"welcome.fullyTransparent.label.title" = "Fully transparent";
"welcome.importWallet.button.title" = "IMPORT WALLET";
"welcome.privateAndSecure.label.description" = "Private keys never leave your device.";
"welcome.privateAndSecure.label.title" = "Private & Secure";
"welcome.ultraReliable.label.description" = "The fastest Ethereum wallet experience on mobile";
"welcome.ultraReliable.label.title" = "Ultra Reliable";
"tokens.navigation.title" = "Tokens";
"tokens.tabbar.item.title" = "Tokens";
"transactions.tabbar.item.title" = "Transactions";
"import.navigation.title" = "Import Wallet";
"browser.tabbar.item.title" = "Browser";
"" = "Transaction Data (Optional)";
"" = "Data";
"Contract Address" = "Contract Address";
@ -116,20 +79,15 @@
"Keystore JSON" = "Keystore JSON";
"More Details" = "More Details";
"Private Key" = "Private Key";
"settings.currency.all.label.title" = "All";
"settings.currency.button.title" = "Currency";
"settings.currency.popular.label.title" = "Popular";
"" = "Test";
"settings.wallets.button.title" = "Wallets";
"Symbol" = "Symbol";
"Today" = "Today";
"Tokens" = "Tokens";
"tokens.footer.label.title" = "Tokens will appear automagically. + to add manually.";
"tokens.newtoken.navigation.title" = "Add Custom Token";
"transaction.cell.error.title" = "Error";
"transaction.cell.received.title" = "Received";
"transaction.cell.receiving.title" = "Receiving";
"transaction.cell.sending.title" = "Sending";
"transaction.cell.sent.title" = "Sent";
"transaction.cell.tokenTransfer.title" = "Transfer %@";
"Yesterday" = "Yesterday";
@ -139,7 +97,6 @@
"Mnemonic" = "Mnemonic";
"passphrase.remember.label.title" = "Write this down, and keep it private and secure. You won't be able to restore your wallet if you lose this!";
"recoveryPhrase.navigation.title" = "Recovery Phrase";
"settings.shareWithFriends.button.title" = "Share With Friends";
"transaction.cell.unknown.title" = "Unknown";
"welldone.description.label.text" = "Help us grow by sharing this app with your friends!";
"welldone.navigation.title" = "Thank you!";
@ -161,16 +118,9 @@
"" = "Try after 1 minute.";
"Name" = "Name";
"send.action.copy.transaction.title" = "Copy Transaction ID";
"settings.dappbroser.button.title" = "DApps Browser";
"settings.emailUsReadFAQ.button.title" = "Email Us (Read FAQ first)";
"settings.faq.button.title" = "FAQ";
"settings.learnMore.label.title" = "Learn More";
"settings.wallets.balance" = "Balance: %@ ETH";
"transaction.cell.failed.title" = "Failed";
"transaction.cell.pending.title" = "Pending";
"transactions.receive.button.title" = "Receive";
"walletTokens.tabbar.item.title" = "Wallet";
"a.wallet.navigation.title" = "Wallet";
"a.wallet.import.wallet.title" = "Import";
"a.wallet.import.wallet.bubble.title" = "Have a ticket to import?";
"a.wallet.import.wallet.bubble.description" = "Check your Email/SMS for the import link. Tap it and it will automatically import to the app!";
@ -186,7 +136,6 @@
"a.wallet.ticketToken.redeem.successful.description" = "You have successfully redeemed your ticket(s)";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.sell.button.title" = "Sell";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.sell.selectTickets.title" = "Select Tickets To Sell:";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.sell.ethHelp.title" = "Set Ethereum price for magic link:";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.sell.selectTicketQuantity.atLeastOne.title" = "Please select quantity of tickets";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.sell.price.provide.title" = "Please enter price of tickets";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.sell.selectTickets.atLeastOne.title" = "Please select a ticket to sell";
@ -213,19 +162,6 @@
"a.wallet.ticketToken.sell.confirm.expiryDateDescription" = "MagicLink expires on: %@";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.sell.confirm.singleTicketSelected.title" = "1 Ticket";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.sell.confirm.multipleTicketSelected.title" = "%d Tickets";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.sell.showQRCode.title" = "Show QR Code to Redemption Booth";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.sell.mode.choose.title" = "Send your sell link";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.sell.mode.choose.text.title" = "Send SMS/iMessage";
"" = "Send Email";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.sell.mode.choose.inputWalletAddress.title" = "Input Wallet Address";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.sell.mode.choose.walletAddressViaQRCodeScanner.title" = "Use QR Code Scanner";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.sell.mode.choose.other.title" = "Share Link";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.sell.mode.walletAddress.title" = "Input Wallet Address";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.sell.mode.walletAddress.confirmation" = "Sell to wallet address %@?";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.sell.success.title" = "Your ticket has been transferred";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.sell.failed.title" = "Your ticket was not transferred";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.sell.inProgress.title" = "Transferring ticket...";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.transfer.button.title" = "Transfer";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.transfer.selectTickets.title" = "Select Tickets To Transfer:";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.transfer.selectTicketQuantity.atLeastOne.title" = "Please select quantity of tickets";
@ -234,19 +170,9 @@
"a.wallet.ticketToken.transfer.quantity.title" = "QUANTITY OF TICKETS";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.transfer.mode.magicLink.button.title" = "MagicLink for Picking Up";
"" = "Transfer now";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.transfer.mode.choose.title" = "Send your 24 hour transfer link";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.transfer.mode.choose.text.title" = "Send SMS/iMessage";
"" = "Send Email";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.transfer.mode.choose.inputWalletAddress.title" = "Input Wallet Address";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.transfer.mode.choose.walletAddressViaQRCodeScanner.title" = "Use QR Code Scanner";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.transfer.mode.choose.other.title" = "Share Link";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.transfer.confirm.title" = "Generate MagicLink";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.transfer.confirm.subtitle" = "Generate Free Transfer Link";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.transfer.mode.walletAddress.title" = "Input Wallet Address";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.transfer.mode.walletAddress.confirmation" = "Transfer to wallet address %@?";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.transfer.mode.text.title" = "Transfer Ticket via Text link";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.transfer.magicLinkDescription.title" = "The MagicLink will be valid until:";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.transfer.linkExpiryTime.atLeastNow.title" = "Please select a date in the future";
"a.wallet.ticketToken.transfer" = "PHONE NUMBER";
@ -261,7 +187,6 @@
"a.wallet.contents.value.appreciation.title" = "APPRECIATION";
"a.wallet.contents.value.dollar.title" = "USD VALUE";
"a.wallet.contents.filter.all.title" = "ALL";
"a.wallet.contents.filter.ticketTokensOnly.title" = "TICKETS";
"a.wallet.contents.filter.currencyOnly.title" = "CURRENCY";
"a.wallet.contents.filter.assetsOnly.title" = "ASSETS";
"a.wallet.contents.issuer.title" = "Issuer";
@ -276,9 +201,7 @@
"" = "App Version: %@";
"" = "Current locale: %@";
"" = "What is ETH/Ethereum?";
"" = "Why does aWallet use Ethereum?";
"" = "How do I get my money?";
"" = "What is a Seed Phrase?";
"" = "How do I transfer ETH into my wallet?";
"" = "Privacy Policy";
"" = "Terms of Service";
@ -287,7 +210,6 @@
"a.settings.navigation.title" = "Settings";
"a.settings.contents.myWalletAddress" = "My Wallet Address";
"a.settings.contents.notificationsSettings" = "Notifications Settings";
"a.settings.contents.logout" = "Log Out";
"a.welcome.navigation.title" = "Welcome";
"a.welcome.onboarding.1" = "Hold all your Crypto assets in one place";
"a.welcome.onboarding.2" = "Powered by blockchain technology, smart tickets, fraud free";
@ -308,12 +230,8 @@
"a.claim.ticket.ethCostLabel.title" = "Total Cost";
"" = "Free Import";
"a.claim.ticket.dollarCostLabel.title" = "EQUIVALENT IN USD";
"a.setup.reminder.text.text" = "Please set up text messaging to send a text.";
"" = "Please set up a Mail account in order to send email.";
"a.send.receive.button.title" = "Send/Receive";
"a.send.recipient.address.title" = "ADDRESS";
"a.send.recipient.amount.title" = "AMOUNT TO TRANSFER";
"a.send.sender.address.title" = "MY ADDRESS";
"accounts.confirm.delete.title" = "Are you sure you would like to delete this wallet?";
"accounts.confirm.delete.message" = "Make sure you have backup of your wallet.";
"accounts.confirm.delete.okTitle" = "Delete";

@ -130,7 +130,4 @@
"welldone.description.label.text" = "Ajude-nos a crescer compartilhando este aplicativo com seus amigos!";
"welldone.navigation.title" = "Obrigado!";
"welldone.share.label.text" = "Compartilhar";
"welldone.viewmodel.sharing.text1" = "Aqui está o aplicativo que eu uso para armazenar meus tokens ETH e ERC20.";
"welldone.viewmodel.sharing.text2" = "Dê uma olhada no AlphaWallet - a carteira que me permite armazenar de forma segura meus tokens Ethereum e ERC20.";
"welldone.viewmodel.sharing.text3" = "Eu armazeno de forma segura tokens Ethereum e ERC20 na carteira AlphaWallet.";
"welldone.viewmodel.sharing.text4" = "Os meus tokens Ethereum e ERC20 estão seguros na carteira AlphaWallet.";

@ -130,7 +130,4 @@
"welldone.description.label.text" = "Giúp chúng tôi lớn mạnh bằng cách chia sẻ ứng dụng này với bạn bè của bạn.";
"welldone.navigation.title" = "Cám ơn!";
"welldone.share.label.text" = "Chia sẻ";
"welldone.viewmodel.sharing.text1" = "Đây là ứng dụng tôi dùng để quản lý ETH và các loại tiền mã hóa tương thích chuẩn ERC20";
"welldone.viewmodel.sharing.text2" = "Khám phá AlphaWallet - Một ví cho phép lưu trữ an toàn Ethereum và các loại tiền tương thích với ERC20.";
"welldone.viewmodel.sharing.text3" = "Ethereum và các loại tiền mã hóa tương thích ERC20 của tôi được quản lý an toàn bởi ví AlphaWallet.";
"welldone.viewmodel.sharing.text4" = "Tôi quản lý Ethereum và các loại tiền mã hóa tương thích ERC20 bằng ví AlphaWallet.";
"welldone.viewmodel.sharing.text" = "Khám phá AlphaWallet - Một ví cho phép lưu trữ an toàn Ethereum và các loại tiền tương thích với ERC20.";

@ -130,7 +130,4 @@
"welldone.description.label.text" = "通过与你的朋友分享这个应用来帮助我们成长!";
"welldone.navigation.title" = "谢谢!";
"welldone.share.label.text" = "分享";
"welldone.viewmodel.sharing.text1" = "这个是我用来存储以太币和 ERC20 通证应用。";
"welldone.viewmodel.sharing.text2" = "请看看 AlphaWallet - 让我安全地存储以太币和 ERC20 通证的钱包。";
"welldone.viewmodel.sharing.text3" = "我安全地将以太币和 ERC20 通证存储在 AlphaWallet 钱包里。";
"welldone.viewmodel.sharing.text4" = "我在 AlphaWallet 钱包里安全地储存以太币和 ERC20 通证。";
"welldone.viewmodel.sharing.text" = "请看看 AlphaWallet - 让我安全地存储以太币和 ERC20 通证的钱包。";

@ -1,2 +1 @@
"transaction.cell.unknown.title" = "Unknown";
"welldone.viewmodel.sharing.text3" = "I securely store Ethereum and ERC20 tokens in AlphaWallet";
