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Azure quickstart tutorial seed (#536)
* Quick typo fix on Private-Network-Quickstart.md * Seeded azure quickstart ready to be improved by technical writers
@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ |
description: Pantheon private network quickstart on Azure tutorial |
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# Azure Private Network Quickstart tutorial |
This tutorial describes how to use the [Pantheon quickstart](https://github.com/PegaSysEng/pantheon-quickstart) |
to run a private network of Pantheon nodes in a Docker container in a Linux Virtual |
machine hosted on Microsoft Azure. |
## Requirements |
* An azure account. A [free trial account](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/free/) will work for this tutorial. |
* Be able to conne t to a remote console using SSH. If you use Linux or macOS, you already have one |
integrated, otherwise you can try tools like [Putty](https://www.putty.org/) (free; open-source), |
[mRemoteNG](https://mremoteng.org/) (free; open-source), |
[Terminals](https://github.com/terminals-Origin/Terminals) (free; open-source) |
or [MobaXterm](https://mobaxterm.mobatek.net/) (free; paid Pro version available). |
## Connect to Azure Portal |
Log in to [Azure portal](https://portal.azure.com/) using your account credentials. |
## Creating resources |
On the home page, click on ![Create resource button](create-resource-button-screenshot.png) |
at the top left hand corner. |
Search the Marketplace for **Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS** by Canonical and click on it. |
An information page is displayed. Accept the default deployment model of Resource Manager and click **Create**. |
In **Create a virtual machine**, set the following values for each tab as follows:: |
### Basics step |
* Subscription --> free trial |
* Resource group --> create a new one and call it as you like, "pantheon-quickstart" may be a good name. |
* Virtual machine name --> quickstart |
* Region --> **Central US** will probably selected by default, don't bother changing it. |
* Availability options --> No infrastructure redundancy required |
* Image --> Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS |
* Size --> You can keep the proposed hosting plan size as this quickstart won't require a lot |
of power and disk space. A **Standard D2s v3 (2 vcpus, 8 GB memory)** will do the job and will be |
less expensive. |
* Authentication type --> choose the one you prefer, as this is not a critical machine, you can just |
use a password, but a SSH public key is nice too and simpler if you have one. |
* Username --> provide a user name, here we propose **azure** as a user name and we'll use it all |
along this tutorial. |
* Depending on the authentication method you chose, either fill the password or the public key. |
* Login with Azure Acrive Directory --> keep it **off** |
* Public inbound ports --> Allow selected ports |
* Select inbound ports --> select **HTTP** and **SSH** |
Then go up on the top of the page and switch to the **Guest config** step tab. |
### Guest config |
This step aims at installing required software (Docker and Docker-compose) on your virtual machine |
and retrieve and run the quickstart private network. |
To do so, click on the link named **Select an extension to install** and a new resource pane will |
appear on the right. |
In the list click on **Custom Script For Linux**, another pane opens with a blue **Create** button at |
its bottom, click on it. |
A form with only two fields appear: |
First open another browser tab or window with [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PegaSysEng/pantheon-quickstart/master/azure/install_and_run.sh](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PegaSysEng/pantheon-quickstart/master/azure/install_and_run.sh) |
Save (++ctrl+s++) this script to your computer, anywhere you like, as install_and_run.sh. |
Then click on the **Script files** field, and once the file browsing dialog appear, select the `install_and_run.sh` |
you just saved. |
Fill the second field named **Command** with the following informations (replacing the pre filled `sh script.sh`): |
```bash |
sh install_and_run.sh azure |
``` |
!!!important |
The username is included at the end of this command, **azure** in our case, but change |
to whatever you defined on the Basics step if you did not use the same as us. |
Then click **Ok** and then on the **Review + create** blue button at the bottom. |
Then once everything is ok (a green **Validation passed** message should show on the top of the screen), |
press the blue **Create** button. |
You should see a **Your deployment is underway** screen with all the resources creating. It takes |
some time, around 5mn, so be patient and have a nice :tea: or :coffee:. |
Once the deployment is done, you should see **Your deployment is complete** and a list of all the |
deployed resources with green check-marks. |
![Your deployment is complete screenshot](deployment-complete-screenshot.png) |
CLick on the resource named **quickstart** in this list and you'll land on the virtual |
machine overview page. |
## Accessing the Alethio EthStat-light explorer |
On the right part of the virtual machine page you can read the **Public IP address** of this machine. |
Copy it then open a new browser tab or window and past it in the navigation bar. |
You now should see the the EthStat-light explorer. |
Wait a few seconds and you should see 6 peers indicated and a few blocks mined. |
![Alethio EthStat-light explorer](alethio-light-explorer-screenshot.png) |
## Rpc enpoints |
For the following tutorial steps, you will have to know that your RPC endpoints are the |
following : |
* for the HTTP RPC endpoint: **http://<your VM public IP>/jsonrpc** |
* for the Web Socket RPC endpoint: **ws://<your VM public IP>/jsonws** |
You can now follow the quickstart tutorial starting from |
[the part where we show how to create RPC requests](../Private-Network-Quickstart.md#run-json-rpc-requests). |
## Shutting down the quickstart |
!!!attention |
Don't forget to shutdown the quickstart it you don't need it as it will consume your Azure resources |
and that can be expensive of at least drain your free credits from your free trial account. |
You have multiple ways to shutdown the quickstart depending on if you want to restart it |
from scratch after that or continue using the same installation. Here are the options: |
### I want to remove everything from my Azure account. |
This is the only way to be sure your Azure resources won't consume any credits. |
To do so, simply navigate in the Azure portal to your resource group, the one we named **pantheon-quickstart** |
then click on the **Delete resource group** button. |
### I want to remove the virtual machine only. |
Then simply navigate in the Azure portal to your resource group, the one we named **pantheon-quickstart** |
then click on the virtual machine resource and click the **Delete** button. |
### I want to keep the VM but remove the nodes network. |
Navigate to the VM in your Azure portal (click on **All services** in the left pane, then on |
**Virtual machines** and click on the one you named **quickstart**) and click the **connect** |
button that will give you the information to connect with SSH (see [Requirements](#requirements)). |
Once connected to the machine, navigate to the pantheon-quickstart directory: |
```bash |
cd pantheon-quickstart |
``` |
then run the remove script |
```bash |
./remove.sh |
``` |
If you want to run the network again, then you can use the following script: |
```bash |
./run.sh -p 80 |
``` |
Where 80 is the port number to use for Block Explorer and RPC connections. |
### I just want to stop the nodes network and be able to resume it. |
Connect to the VM using SSH like for "[I want to keep the VM but remove the nodes network.](#i-want-to-keep-the-vm-but-remove-the-nodes-network)" |
but instead of running the remove script, run the stop script. |
```bash |
./stop.sh |
``` |
you will be then able to resume the network with |
```bash |
./resume.sh |
``` |
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