@ -52,27 +52,34 @@ import picocli.CommandLine.ParameterException;
/** The Mining CLI options. */
public class MiningOptions implements CLIOptions < MiningConfiguration > {
private static final String DEPRECATION_PREFIX =
"Deprecated. PoW consensus is deprecated. See CHANGELOG for alternative options. " ;
@Option (
names = { "--miner-enabled" } ,
description = "Set if node will perform mining (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" )
description =
DEPRECATION_PREFIX + "Set if node will perform mining (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" )
private Boolean isMiningEnabled = false ;
@Option (
names = { "--miner-stratum-enabled" } ,
description =
"Set if node will perform Stratum mining (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})."
+ "Set if node will perform Stratum mining (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})."
+ " Compatible with Proof of Work (PoW) only."
+ " Requires the network option (--network) to be set to CLASSIC." )
private Boolean iStratumMiningEnabled = false ;
@Option (
names = { "--miner-stratum-host" } ,
description = "Host for Stratum network mining service (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" )
description =
+ "Host for Stratum network mining service (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" )
private String stratumNetworkInterface = "" ;
@Option (
names = { "--miner-stratum-port" } ,
description = "Stratum port binding (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" )
description = DEPRECATION_PREFIX + "Stratum port binding (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" )
private Integer stratumPort = 8008 ;
@Option (
@ -124,7 +131,8 @@ public class MiningOptions implements CLIOptions<MiningConfiguration> {
names = { "--block-txs-selection-max-time" } ,
converter = PositiveNumberConverter . class ,
description =
"Specifies the maximum time, in milliseconds, that could be spent selecting transactions to be included in the block."
+ "Specifies the maximum time, in milliseconds, that could be spent selecting transactions to be included in the block."
+ " Not compatible with PoA networks, see poa-block-txs-selection-max-time. (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" )
private PositiveNumber nonPoaBlockTxsSelectionMaxTime =
@ -146,34 +154,40 @@ public class MiningOptions implements CLIOptions<MiningConfiguration> {
hidden = true ,
names = { "--Xminer-remote-sealers-limit" } ,
description =
"Limits the number of remote sealers that can submit their hashrates (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" )
+ "Limits the number of remote sealers that can submit their hashrates (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" )
private Integer remoteSealersLimit = DEFAULT_REMOTE_SEALERS_LIMIT ;
@CommandLine.Option (
hidden = true ,
names = { "--Xminer-remote-sealers-hashrate-ttl" } ,
description =
"Specifies the lifetime of each entry in the cache. An entry will be automatically deleted if no update has been received before the deadline (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE} minutes)" )
+ "Specifies the lifetime of each entry in the cache. An entry will be automatically deleted if no update has been received before the deadline (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE} minutes)" )
private Long remoteSealersTimeToLive = DEFAULT_REMOTE_SEALERS_TTL ;
@CommandLine.Option (
hidden = true ,
names = { "--Xminer-pow-job-ttl" } ,
description =
"Specifies the time PoW jobs are kept in cache and will accept a solution from miners (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE} milliseconds)" )
+ "Specifies the time PoW jobs are kept in cache and will accept a solution from miners (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE} milliseconds)" )
private Long powJobTimeToLive = DEFAULT_POW_JOB_TTL ;
@CommandLine.Option (
hidden = true ,
names = { "--Xmax-ommers-depth" } ,
description =
"Specifies the depth of ommer blocks to accept when receiving solutions (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" )
+ "Specifies the depth of ommer blocks to accept when receiving solutions (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" )
private Integer maxOmmersDepth = DEFAULT_MAX_OMMERS_DEPTH ;
@CommandLine.Option (
hidden = true ,
names = { "--Xminer-stratum-extranonce" } ,
description = "Extranonce for Stratum network miners (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" )
description =
+ "Extranonce for Stratum network miners (default: ${DEFAULT-VALUE})" )
private String stratumExtranonce = "080c" ;
@CommandLine.Option (
@ -230,6 +244,9 @@ public class MiningOptions implements CLIOptions<MiningConfiguration> {
final GenesisConfigOptions genesisConfigOptions ,
final boolean isMergeEnabled ,
final Logger logger ) {
if ( Boolean . TRUE . equals ( isMiningEnabled ) ) {
logger . warn ( "PoW consensus is deprecated. See CHANGELOG for alternative options." ) ;
if ( Boolean . TRUE . equals ( isMiningEnabled ) & & coinbase = = null ) {
throw new ParameterException (
commandLine ,