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description: Run Pantheon using the official docker image

Running Pantheon from Docker Image

A Docker image is provided to run a Pantheon node in a Docker container.

Use this Docker image to run a single Pantheon node without installing Pantheon.

!!!caution If you have been running a node using the v0.8.3 Docker image, the node was not saving data to the specified data directory, or referring to the custom configuration file or genesis file.

To recover the node key and data directory from the Docker container:

`docker cp <container>:/opt/pantheon/key <destination_file>`

`docker cp <container>:/opt/pantheon/database <destination_directory>` 

Where `container` is the name or ID of the Docker container containing the Pantheon node. 

The container can be running or stopped when you copy the key and data directory. If your node was 
fully synchronized to MainNet, the data directory will be ~2TB.  

When restarting your node with the v0.8.4 Docker image:

* Save the node key in the [`key` file](../Configuring-Pantheon/ in the data 
directory or specify the location using the [`--node-private-key` option](../Configuring-Pantheon/  

* Specify the `<destination_directory` as a [volume for the data directory](#data-directory). 


To run Pantheon from the Docker image, you must have Docker installed.


To run a Pantheon node in a container connected to the Ethereum mainnet:

docker run pegasyseng/pantheon:latest
docker run pegasyseng/pantheon:0.8.5

!!! note latest runs the latest cached version. To pull the latest version, use docker pull pegasyseng/pantheon:latest.

Command Line Options

!!!note You cannot use the following Pantheon command line options when running Pantheon from the Docker image:

* [`--data-path`](../Reference/, see [Persisting Data](#persisting-data)
* [`--config-file`](../Reference/, see [Custom Configuration File](#custom-configuration-file)
* [`--genesis-file`](../Reference/, see [Custom Genesis File](#custom-genesis-file).
* Host and port options, see [Exposing Ports](#exposing-ports). Host and port options are: 
    - [`--rpc-http-host`](../Reference/ and [`--rpc-http-port`](../Reference/
    - [`--metrics-host`](../Reference/ and [`--metrics-port`](../Reference/
    - [`--metrics-push-host`](../Reference/ and [`--metrics-push-port`](../Reference/
    - [`--p2p-host`](../Reference/ and [`--p2p-port`](../Reference/
    - [`--rpc-ws-host`](../Reference/ and [`--rpc-ws-port`](../Reference/

All other [Pantheon command line options](/Reference/Pantheon-CLI-Syntax) work in the same way as when Pantheon is installed locally.

Data Directory

Specify a Docker volume for the data directory. This is the equivalent of specifying the --data-path option.

To run Pantheon specifying a volume for the data directory:

docker run --mount type=bind,source=/<pantheondata-path>,target=/var/lib/pantheon pegasyseng/pantheon:latest

Where <pantheondata-path> is the volume to which the data is saved.

Custom Configuration File

Specify a custom configuration file to provide a file containing key/value pairs for command line options. This is the equivalent of specifying the --config-file option.

To run Pantheon specifying a custom configuration file:

docker run --mount type=bind,source=/<path/myconf.toml>,target=/etc/pantheon/pantheon.conf pegasyseng/pantheon:latest

Where myconf.toml is your custom configuration file and path is the absolute path to the file. !!!example bash docker run --mount type=bind,source=/Users/username/pantheon/myconf.toml,target=/etc/pantheon/pantheon.conf pegasyseng/pantheon:latest

Custom Genesis File

Specify a custom genesis file to configure the blockchain. This is equivalent to specifying the --genesis-file option.

To run Pantheon specifying a custom genesis file:

docker run --mount type=bind,source=</path/mygenesis.json>,target=/etc/pantheon/genesis.json pegasyseng/pantheon:latest

Where mygenesis.json is your custom configuration file and path is the absolute path to the file.

!!!example bash docker run --mount type=bind,source=/Users/username/pantheon/mygenesis.json,target=/etc/pantheon/genesis.json pegasyseng/pantheon:latest

Exposing Ports

Expose ports for P2P peer discovery, metrics, and HTTP and WebSockets JSON-RPC. This is required to use the defaults ports or specify different ports (the equivalent of specifying the --rpc-http-port, --p2p-port, --rpc-ws-port, --metrics-port, and --metrics-push-port options).

To run Pantheon exposing local ports for access:

$ docker run -p <localportJSON-RPC>:8545 -p <localportWS>:8546 -p <localportP2P>:30303 pegasyseng/pantheon:latest --rpc-http-enabled --rpc-ws-enabled

!!!example To enable RPC calls to and P2P discovery on bash docker run -p 8545:8545 -p 13001:30303 pegasyseng/pantheon:latest --rpc-http-enabled

Starting Pantheon

Run a Node on Ethereum Mainnet

To run a node on the Ethereum mainnet:

docker run -p 30303:30303 --mount type=bind,source=/<myvolume/pantheon>,target=/var/lib/pantheon pegasyseng/pantheon:latest

To run a node on mainnet with the HTTP JSON-RPC service enabled:

docker run -p 8545:8545 -p 30303:30303 --mount type=bind,source=/<myvolume/pantheon>,target=/var/lib/pantheon pegasyseng/pantheon:latest --rpc-http-enabled

Run a Node on Ropsten Testnet

To run a node on Ropsten:

docker run -p 30303:30303 --mount type=bind,source=/<myvolume/pantheon/ropsten>,target=/var/lib/pantheon --network=ropsten

Run a Node on Rinkeby Testnet

To run a node on Rinkeby:

docker run -p 30303:30303 --mount type=bind,source=/<myvolume/pantheon/rinkeby>,target=/var/lib/pantheon pegasyseng/pantheon:latest --network=rinkeby

Run a Node for Testing

To run a node that mines blocks at a rate suitable for testing purposes with WebSockets enabled:

docker run -p 8546:8546 --mount type=bind,source=/<myvolume/pantheon/testnode>,target=/var/lib/pantheon pegasyseng/pantheon:latest --miner-enabled --miner-coinbase fe3b557e8fb62b89f4916b721be55ceb828dbd73 --rpc-http-cors-origins="all" --rpc-ws-enabled --network=dev

Stopping Pantheon and Cleaning up Resources

When you're done running nodes, you can shut down the node container without deleting resources. Alternatively, you can delete the container (after stopping it) and its associated volume. Run docker container ls and docker volume ls to obtain the container and volume names. Then run the following commands:

To stop a container:

docker stop <container-name>

To delete a container:

docker rm <container-name>

To delete a container volume (optional):

docker volume rm <volume-name>