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description: Starting Pantheon

Starting Pantheon

Pantheon nodes can be used for varying purposes as described in the Overview. Nodes can connect to the Ethereum mainnet, public testnets such as Ropsten, or private networks.


Pantheon Installed

Local Block Data

When connecting to a network other than the network previously connected to, you must either delete the local block data or use the --datadir option to specify a different data directory.

To delete the local block data, delete the database directory in the pantheon/build/distribution/pantheon-<version> directory.

Genesis Configuration

Pantheon specifies the genesis configuration, and sets the network ID and bootnodes when connecting to Mainnet, Goerli, Rinkeby, and Ropsten.

When --dev-mode is specified, Pantheon uses the development mode genesis configuration.

The genesis files defining the genesis configurations are in the Pantheon source files.

To define a genesis configuration, create a genesis file (for example, genesis.json) and specify the file using the --genesis option.

Confirm Node is Running

If you have started Pantheon with the --rpc-enabled option, use cURL to call JSON-RPC API methods to confirm the node is running.


* `eth_chainId` returns the chain ID of the network. 

    $ curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_chainId","params":[],"id":1}'

* `eth_syncing` returns the starting, current, and highest block. 

    $ curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_syncing","params":[],"id":1}'
    For example, after connecting to mainnet `eth_syncing` will return something similar to: 
      "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
      "id" : 1,
      "result" : {
        "startingBlock" : "0x0",
        "currentBlock" : "0x2d0",
        "highestBlock" : "0x66c0"

Run a Node for Testing

To run a node that mines blocks at a rate suitable for testing purposes:

pantheon --dev-mode --network-id="2018" --bootnodes --miner-enabled --miner-coinbase=0xfe3b557e8fb62b89f4916b721be55ceb828dbd73 --rpc-cors-origins="all" --ws-enabled --rpc-enabled --datadir=/tmp/tmpDatdir

Alternatively, use the following configuration file and --bootnodes on the command line to start a node with the same options as above:


Run a Node on Ropsten Testnet

!!!note From v0.8.2, use the --ropsten option instead of the following options. For v0.8.1, use the following options.

To run a node on Ropsten:

pantheon --network-id=3 --genesis=<path>/pantheon/ethereum/core/src/main/resources/ropsten.json --bootnodes=enode://6332792c4a00e3e4ee0926ed89e0d27ef985424d97b6a45bf0f23e51f0dcb5e66b875777506458aea7af6f9e4ffb69f43f3778ee73c81ed9d34c51c4b16b0b0f@,enode://94c15d1b9e2fe7ce56e458b9a3b672ef11894ddedd0c6f247e0f1d3487f52b66208fb4aeb8179fce6e3a749ea93ed147c37976d67af557508d199d9594c35f09@

To run a node on Ropsten with the HTTP JSON-RPC service enabled and allow Remix to access the node:

pantheon --rpc-enabled --rpc-cors-origins "" --network-id=3 --genesis=<path>/pantheon/ethereum/core/src/main/resources/ropsten.json --bootnodes=enode://6332792c4a00e3e4ee0926ed89e0d27ef985424d97b6a45bf0f23e51f0dcb5e66b875777506458aea7af6f9e4ffb69f43f3778ee73c81ed9d34c51c4b16b0b0f@,enode://94c15d1b9e2fe7ce56e458b9a3b672ef11894ddedd0c6f247e0f1d3487f52b66208fb4aeb8179fce6e3a749ea93ed147c37976d67af557508d199d9594c35f09@

Where <path> is the path to the /pantheon directory.

Run a Node on Rinkeby Testnet

To run a node on Rinkeby specifying a data directory:

pantheon --rinkeby --datadir=<path>/rinkebyDataDir

Where <path> and <rinkebyDataDir> are the path and directory where the Rinkeby chain data is to be saved.

Run a Node on Goerli Testnet

To run a node on Goerli specifying a data directory:

pantheon --goerli --datadir=<path>/<goerliDataDir>

Where <path> and <goerliDataDir> are the path and directory where the Goerli chain data is to be saved.

!!!note This option is only available from v0.8.3.

Run a Node on Ethereum Mainnet

To run a node on the Ethereum mainnet:


To run a node on mainnet with the HTTP JSON-RPC service enabled:

pantheon --rpc-enabled