Blockchain explorer for Ethereum based network and a tool for inspecting and analyzing EVM based blockchains.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1161 lines
63 KiB

import Config
[__DIR__ | ~w(config_helper.exs)]
|> Path.join()
|> Code.eval_file()
### BlockScout Web ###
disable_api? = ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("DISABLE_API")
config :block_scout_web,
version: System.get_env("BLOCKSCOUT_VERSION"),
release_link: System.get_env("RELEASE_LINK"),
decompiled_smart_contract_token: System.get_env("DECOMPILED_SMART_CONTRACT_TOKEN"),
show_percentage: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("SHOW_ADDRESS_MARKETCAP_PERCENTAGE", "true"),
checksum_address_hashes: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("CHECKSUM_ADDRESS_HASHES", "true"),
other_networks: System.get_env("SUPPORTED_CHAINS"),
webapp_url: System.get_env("WEBAPP_URL"),
api_url: System.get_env("API_URL"),
apps_menu: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("APPS_MENU"),
apps: System.get_env("APPS") || System.get_env("EXTERNAL_APPS"),
gas_price: System.get_env("GAS_PRICE"),
dark_forest_addresses: System.get_env("CUSTOM_CONTRACT_ADDRESSES_DARK_FOREST"),
dark_forest_addresses_v_0_5: System.get_env("CUSTOM_CONTRACT_ADDRESSES_DARK_FOREST_V_0_5"),
circles_addresses: System.get_env("CUSTOM_CONTRACT_ADDRESSES_CIRCLES"),
new_tags: System.get_env("NEW_TAGS"),
chain_id: System.get_env("CHAIN_ID"),
json_rpc: System.get_env("JSON_RPC"),
disable_add_to_mm_button: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("DISABLE_ADD_TO_MM_BUTTON"),
permanent_dark_mode_enabled: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("PERMANENT_DARK_MODE_ENABLED"),
permanent_light_mode_enabled: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("PERMANENT_LIGHT_MODE_ENABLED"),
display_token_icons: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("DISPLAY_TOKEN_ICONS"),
hide_block_miner: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("HIDE_BLOCK_MINER"),
hide_scam_addresses: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("HIDE_SCAM_ADDRESSES"),
show_tenderly_link: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("SHOW_TENDERLY_LINK"),
sensitive_endpoints_api_key: System.get_env("API_SENSITIVE_ENDPOINTS_KEY"),
disable_api?: disable_api?
config :block_scout_web, :recaptcha,
v2_client_key: System.get_env("RE_CAPTCHA_CLIENT_KEY"),
v2_secret_key: System.get_env("RE_CAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY"),
v3_client_key: System.get_env("RE_CAPTCHA_V3_CLIENT_KEY"),
v3_secret_key: System.get_env("RE_CAPTCHA_V3_SECRET_KEY"),
is_disabled: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("RE_CAPTCHA_DISABLED"),
check_hostname?: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("RE_CAPTCHA_CHECK_HOSTNAME", "true"),
score_threshold: ConfigHelper.parse_float_env_var("RE_CAPTCHA_SCORE_THRESHOLD", "0.5")
network_path =
|> System.get_env("/")
|> (&(if String.ends_with?(&1, "/") do
String.trim_trailing(&1, "/")
# Configures the endpoint
config :block_scout_web, BlockScoutWeb.Endpoint,
server: true,
url: [
path: network_path,
scheme: System.get_env("BLOCKSCOUT_PROTOCOL") || "http",
host: System.get_env("BLOCKSCOUT_HOST") || "localhost"
render_errors: [view: BlockScoutWeb.ErrorView, accepts: ~w(html json)],
pubsub_server: BlockScoutWeb.PubSub
config :block_scout_web, BlockScoutWeb.Chain,
network: System.get_env("NETWORK"),
subnetwork: System.get_env("SUBNETWORK"),
network_icon: System.get_env("NETWORK_ICON"),
logo: System.get_env("LOGO"),
logo_text: System.get_env("LOGO_TEXT"),
has_emission_funds: false,
show_maintenance_alert: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("SHOW_MAINTENANCE_ALERT"),
enable_testnet_label: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("SHOW_TESTNET_LABEL"),
testnet_label_text: System.get_env("TESTNET_LABEL_TEXT", "Testnet")
config :block_scout_web, :footer,
logo: System.get_env("FOOTER_LOGO"),
chat_link: System.get_env("FOOTER_CHAT_LINK", ""),
github_link: System.get_env("FOOTER_GITHUB_LINK", ""),
forum_link_enabled: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("FOOTER_FORUM_LINK_ENABLED"),
forum_link: System.get_env("FOOTER_FORUM_LINK", ""),
telegram_link_enabled: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("FOOTER_TELEGRAM_LINK_ENABLED"),
telegram_link: System.get_env("FOOTER_TELEGRAM_LINK"),
link_to_other_explorers: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("FOOTER_LINK_TO_OTHER_EXPLORERS"),
other_explorers: System.get_env("FOOTER_OTHER_EXPLORERS", "")
config :block_scout_web, :contract,
verification_max_libraries: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("CONTRACT_VERIFICATION_MAX_LIBRARIES", 10),
max_length_to_show_string_without_trimming: System.get_env("CONTRACT_MAX_STRING_LENGTH_WITHOUT_TRIMMING", "2040"),
disable_interaction: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("CONTRACT_DISABLE_INTERACTION"),
certified_list: ConfigHelper.parse_list_env_var("CONTRACT_CERTIFIED_LIST", "")
default_global_api_rate_limit = 50
default_api_rate_limit_by_key = 10
config :block_scout_web, :api_rate_limit,
disabled: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("API_RATE_LIMIT_DISABLED"),
global_limit: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("API_RATE_LIMIT", default_global_api_rate_limit),
limit_by_key: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("API_RATE_LIMIT_BY_KEY", default_api_rate_limit_by_key),
ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("API_RATE_LIMIT_BY_WHITELISTED_IP", default_global_api_rate_limit),
time_interval_limit: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("API_RATE_LIMIT_TIME_INTERVAL", "1s"),
limit_by_ip: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("API_RATE_LIMIT_BY_IP", 3000),
time_interval_limit_by_ip: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("API_RATE_LIMIT_BY_IP_TIME_INTERVAL", "5m"),
static_api_key: System.get_env("API_RATE_LIMIT_STATIC_API_KEY"),
no_rate_limit_api_key: System.get_env("API_NO_RATE_LIMIT_API_KEY"),
whitelisted_ips: System.get_env("API_RATE_LIMIT_WHITELISTED_IPS"),
is_blockscout_behind_proxy: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("API_RATE_LIMIT_IS_BLOCKSCOUT_BEHIND_PROXY"),
api_v2_ui_limit: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("API_RATE_LIMIT_UI_V2_WITH_TOKEN", 5),
api_v2_token_ttl_seconds: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("API_RATE_LIMIT_UI_V2_TOKEN_TTL_IN_SECONDS", 18000),
eth_json_rpc_max_batch_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("ETH_JSON_RPC_MAX_BATCH_SIZE", 5)
default_graphql_rate_limit = 10
config :block_scout_web, Api.GraphQL,
enabled: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("API_GRAPHQL_ENABLED", "true"),
rate_limit_disabled?: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("API_GRAPHQL_RATE_LIMIT_DISABLED"),
global_limit: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("API_GRAPHQL_RATE_LIMIT", default_graphql_rate_limit),
limit_by_key: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("API_GRAPHQL_RATE_LIMIT_BY_KEY", default_graphql_rate_limit),
time_interval_limit: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("API_GRAPHQL_RATE_LIMIT_TIME_INTERVAL", "1s"),
limit_by_ip: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("API_GRAPHQL_RATE_LIMIT_BY_IP", 500),
time_interval_limit_by_ip: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("API_GRAPHQL_RATE_LIMIT_BY_IP_TIME_INTERVAL", "5m"),
static_api_key: System.get_env("API_GRAPHQL_RATE_LIMIT_STATIC_API_KEY")
# Configures History
price_chart_config =
if ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("SHOW_PRICE_CHART") do
%{market: [:price, :market_cap]}
price_chart_legend_enabled? =
ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("SHOW_PRICE_CHART") || ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("SHOW_PRICE_CHART_LEGEND")
transaction_chart_config =
if ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("SHOW_TXS_CHART", "true") do
%{transactions: [:transactions_per_day]}
config :block_scout_web, :chart,
chart_config: Map.merge(price_chart_config, transaction_chart_config),
price_chart_legend_enabled?: price_chart_legend_enabled?
config :block_scout_web, BlockScoutWeb.Chain.Address.CoinBalance,
coin_balance_history_days: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("COIN_BALANCE_HISTORY_DAYS", 10)
config :block_scout_web, BlockScoutWeb.API.V2, enabled: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("API_V2_ENABLED", "true")
config :block_scout_web, BlockScoutWeb.MicroserviceInterfaces.TransactionInterpretation,
# Configures Ueberauth's Auth0 auth provider
config :ueberauth, Ueberauth.Strategy.Auth0.OAuth,
domain: System.get_env("ACCOUNT_AUTH0_DOMAIN"),
client_id: System.get_env("ACCOUNT_AUTH0_CLIENT_ID"),
client_secret: System.get_env("ACCOUNT_AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET")
# Configures Ueberauth local settings
config :ueberauth, Ueberauth, logout_url: "https://#{System.get_env("ACCOUNT_AUTH0_DOMAIN")}/v2/logout"
### Ethereum JSONRPC ###
trace_url_missing? = System.get_env("ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_TRACE_URL") in ["", nil]
config :ethereum_jsonrpc,
rpc_transport: if(System.get_env("ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_TRANSPORT", "http") == "http", do: :http, else: :ipc),
ipc_path: System.get_env("IPC_PATH"),
trace_url_missing? or ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_DISABLE_ARCHIVE_BALANCES"),
archive_balances_window: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_ARCHIVE_BALANCES_WINDOW", 200)
config :ethereum_jsonrpc, EthereumJSONRPC.HTTP,
%{"Content-Type" => "application/json"}
|> Map.merge(ConfigHelper.parse_json_env_var("ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_HTTP_HEADERS", "{}"))
|> Map.to_list()
config :ethereum_jsonrpc, EthereumJSONRPC.Geth,
block_traceable?: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_GETH_TRACE_BY_BLOCK"),
allow_empty_traces?: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_GETH_ALLOW_EMPTY_TRACES"),
debug_trace_timeout: System.get_env("ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_DEBUG_TRACE_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT", "5s"),
Deposits and Withdrawals for Polygon Edge (#8180) * Prepare tables for Polygon Supernet Withdrawals module * Prepare Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonSupernetWithdrawal * Prepare Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonSupernetWithdrawalExit * Prepare tables for Polygon Supernet Deposits module * Partially add Polygon Supernet Deposits module * Add Polygon Supernet Deposits module * Extend transaction data in API v2 for Polygon Supernet Deposits and Withdrawals * Extend API v2 for list of Polygon Supernet Deposits * Extend API v2 for list of Polygon Supernet Withdrawals * Modify collated_gas_price constraint to support Immutable test chain * Update number of retries * Fix Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonSupernetWithdrawal * Fix API v2 for Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonSupernetWithdrawal * Return page_size to 50 * Fix API v2 for Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonSupernetDeposit * Fix Explorer.Validator.MetadataRetriever to prevent sending request to nil address * Refactor PolygonSupernet* modules * Refactor PolygonSupernet* modules * Small refactoring of PolygonSupernet* modules * Update changelog * Fixes for dialyzer and cspell * Fix of Explorer tests * Add env vars for docker * Add env variable for eth_getLogs * Share event signatures between modules * Refactoring for fill_block_range function * Small refactoring of transaction actions module * Move polygon_supernet_* modules to a separate folder * Add specs for public functions * Remove redundant function * Reuse decode_data function * Move polygon_supernet_* files into a separate folder * Move polygon_supernet_* files into a separate folder * Partially disband Explorer.Chain module * Define chain type * Remove infinite waiting for safe block * max format * Rename Polygon Supernet to Polygon Edge * Set INDEXER_INTERNAL_TRANSACTIONS_TRACER_TYPE to polygon_edge if CHAIN_TYPE is polygon_edge * Fix chain type definition * Fix repos list definition in releases_tasks * INDEXER_POLYGON_SUPERNET_ -> INDEXER_POLYGON_EDGE_ --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> Co-authored-by: Viktor Baranov <>
1 year ago
if(ConfigHelper.chain_type() == :polygon_edge,
Deposits and Withdrawals for Polygon Edge (#8180) * Prepare tables for Polygon Supernet Withdrawals module * Prepare Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonSupernetWithdrawal * Prepare Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonSupernetWithdrawalExit * Prepare tables for Polygon Supernet Deposits module * Partially add Polygon Supernet Deposits module * Add Polygon Supernet Deposits module * Extend transaction data in API v2 for Polygon Supernet Deposits and Withdrawals * Extend API v2 for list of Polygon Supernet Deposits * Extend API v2 for list of Polygon Supernet Withdrawals * Modify collated_gas_price constraint to support Immutable test chain * Update number of retries * Fix Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonSupernetWithdrawal * Fix API v2 for Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonSupernetWithdrawal * Return page_size to 50 * Fix API v2 for Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonSupernetDeposit * Fix Explorer.Validator.MetadataRetriever to prevent sending request to nil address * Refactor PolygonSupernet* modules * Refactor PolygonSupernet* modules * Small refactoring of PolygonSupernet* modules * Update changelog * Fixes for dialyzer and cspell * Fix of Explorer tests * Add env vars for docker * Add env variable for eth_getLogs * Share event signatures between modules * Refactoring for fill_block_range function * Small refactoring of transaction actions module * Move polygon_supernet_* modules to a separate folder * Add specs for public functions * Remove redundant function * Reuse decode_data function * Move polygon_supernet_* files into a separate folder * Move polygon_supernet_* files into a separate folder * Partially disband Explorer.Chain module * Define chain type * Remove infinite waiting for safe block * max format * Rename Polygon Supernet to Polygon Edge * Set INDEXER_INTERNAL_TRANSACTIONS_TRACER_TYPE to polygon_edge if CHAIN_TYPE is polygon_edge * Fix chain type definition * Fix repos list definition in releases_tasks * INDEXER_POLYGON_SUPERNET_ -> INDEXER_POLYGON_EDGE_ --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> Co-authored-by: Viktor Baranov <>
1 year ago
do: "polygon_edge",
else: System.get_env("INDEXER_INTERNAL_TRANSACTIONS_TRACER_TYPE", "call_tracer")
config :ethereum_jsonrpc, EthereumJSONRPC.PendingTransaction,
config :ethereum_jsonrpc, EthereumJSONRPC.RequestCoordinator,
wait_per_timeout: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_WAIT_PER_TIMEOUT", "20s")
config :ethereum_jsonrpc, EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.RetryWorker,
retry_interval: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_WS_RETRY_INTERVAL", "1m")
config :ethereum_jsonrpc, EthereumJSONRPC.Utility.EndpointAvailabilityChecker, enabled: true
### Explorer ###
disable_indexer? = ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("DISABLE_INDEXER")
disable_webapp? = ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("DISABLE_WEBAPP")
disable_exchange_rates? = ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("DISABLE_EXCHANGE_RATES")
checksum_function = System.get_env("CHECKSUM_FUNCTION")
exchange_rates_coin = System.get_env("EXCHANGE_RATES_COIN")
config :explorer,
mode: ConfigHelper.mode(),
coin: System.get_env("COIN") || exchange_rates_coin || "ETH",
coin_name: System.get_env("COIN_NAME") || exchange_rates_coin || "ETH",
include_uncles_in_average_block_time: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("UNCLES_IN_AVERAGE_BLOCK_TIME"),
healthy_blocks_period: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("HEALTHY_BLOCKS_PERIOD", "5m"),
if(disable_api? or disable_webapp?,
do: Explorer.Chain.Events.DBSender,
else: Explorer.Chain.Events.SimpleSender
restricted_list: System.get_env("RESTRICTED_LIST"),
restricted_list_key: System.get_env("RESTRICTED_LIST_KEY"),
checksum_function: checksum_function && String.to_atom(checksum_function),
elasticity_multiplier: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("EIP_1559_ELASTICITY_MULTIPLIER", 2),
base_fee_max_change_denominator: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("EIP_1559_BASE_FEE_MAX_CHANGE_DENOMINATOR", 8),
csv_export_limit: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("CSV_EXPORT_LIMIT", 10_000),
shrink_internal_transactions_enabled: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("SHRINK_INTERNAL_TRANSACTIONS_ENABLED")
config :explorer, :proxy,
caching_implementation_data_enabled: true,
ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("CONTRACT_PROXY_IMPLEMENTATION_TTL_VIA_AVG_BLOCK_TIME", "true"),
fallback_cached_implementation_data_ttl: :timer.seconds(4),
implementation_data_fetching_timeout: :timer.seconds(2)
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Events.Listener, enabled: disable_indexer?
precompiled_config_base_dir =
case config_env() do
:prod -> "/app/"
_ -> "./"
precompiled_config_default_path =
case ConfigHelper.chain_type() do
feat: indexer for cross level messages on Arbitrum (#9312) * Initial version of x-level messages indexer * fixes for cspell and credo * new state of x-level messages * Monitoring of new L1-to-L2 messages on L1 * new batches discovery * fetcher workers in separate modules * proper name * Fix for responses without "id", e.g. "Too Many Requests" * update DB with new batches and corresponding data * update DB with confirmed blocks * fixes for cspell and credo * tracking commitments confirmations for L1 to L2 messages * Proper usign of max function * tracking completion of L2 to L1 messages * catchup historical messages to L2 * incorrect version of committed file * catchup historical messages from L2 and completion of L1-to-L2 messages * historical batches catchup * status for historical l2-to-l1 messages * address matching issue * catchup historical executions of L2-to-L1 messages * db query to find unconfirmed blocks gaps * first changes to catchup historical confirmations * finalized catchup of historical confirmations * 4844 blobs support * fix for the issue with multiple confirmations * limit amount of batches to handle at once * Use latest L1 block by fetchers if start block is not configured * merge issue fix * missed file * historical messages discovery * reduce logs severity * first iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * second iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * third iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * fourth iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * fifth iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * final iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * merge issues addressed * code review issues addressed * code review issues addressed * fix merge issue * raising exception in the case of DB inconsistency * fix formatting issue * termination case for RollupMessagesCatchup * code review comments addressed * code review comments addressed * consistency in primary keys * dialyzer fix * code review comments addressed * missed doc comment * code review comments addressed * updated indices creation as per code review comments * fix merge issue * configuration of intervals as time variables * TODO added to reflect improvement ability * database fields refactoring * association renaming * feat: APIv2 endpoints for Arbitrum messages and batches (#9963) * Arbitrum related info in Transaction and Block views * Views to get info about batches and messages * usage of committed for batches instead of confirmed * merge issues addressed * changes after merge * formatting issue fix * code review comment addressed * associations and fields in api response renamed * format issue addressed * feat: Arbitrum-specific fields in the block and transaction API endpoints (#10067) * Arbitrum related info in Transaction and Block views * Views to get info about batches and messages * usage of committed for batches instead of confirmed * merge issues addressed * changes after merge * formatting issue fix * block and transaction views extended * code review comment addressed * associations and fields in api response renamed * format issue addressed * fix credo issue * fix tests issues * ethereumjsonrpc test fail investigation * test issues fixes
6 months ago
:arbitrum -> "#{precompiled_config_base_dir}config/assets/precompiles-arbitrum.json"
_ -> nil
config :explorer, Explorer.ChainSpec.GenesisData,
chain_spec_path: System.get_env("CHAIN_SPEC_PATH"),
emission_format: System.get_env("EMISSION_FORMAT", "DEFAULT"),
rewards_contract_address: System.get_env("REWARDS_CONTRACT", "0xeca443e8e1ab29971a45a9c57a6a9875701698a5"),
precompiled_config_path: System.get_env("PRECOMPILED_CONTRACTS_CONFIG_PATH", precompiled_config_default_path)
address_sum_global_ttl = ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("CACHE_ADDRESS_SUM_PERIOD", "1h")
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Cache.AddressSum, global_ttl: address_sum_global_ttl
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Cache.AddressSumMinusBurnt, global_ttl: address_sum_global_ttl
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Cache.GasUsage,
global_ttl: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("CACHE_TOTAL_GAS_USAGE_PERIOD", "2h")
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Cache.Block,
global_ttl: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("CACHE_BLOCK_COUNT_PERIOD", "2h")
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Cache.Transaction,
global_ttl: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("CACHE_TXS_COUNT_PERIOD", "2h")
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Cache.PendingBlockOperation,
global_ttl: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("CACHE_PBO_COUNT_PERIOD", "20m")
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Cache.GasPriceOracle,
global_ttl: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("GAS_PRICE_ORACLE_CACHE_PERIOD", "30s"),
simple_transaction_gas: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("GAS_PRICE_ORACLE_SIMPLE_TRANSACTION_GAS", 21000),
num_of_blocks: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("GAS_PRICE_ORACLE_NUM_OF_BLOCKS", 200),
safelow_percentile: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("GAS_PRICE_ORACLE_SAFELOW_PERCENTILE", 35),
average_percentile: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("GAS_PRICE_ORACLE_AVERAGE_PERCENTILE", 60),
fast_percentile: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("GAS_PRICE_ORACLE_FAST_PERCENTILE", 90),
safelow_time_coefficient: ConfigHelper.parse_float_env_var("GAS_PRICE_ORACLE_SAFELOW_TIME_COEFFICIENT", 5),
average_time_coefficient: ConfigHelper.parse_float_env_var("GAS_PRICE_ORACLE_AVERAGE_TIME_COEFFICIENT", 3),
fast_time_coefficient: ConfigHelper.parse_float_env_var("GAS_PRICE_ORACLE_FAST_TIME_COEFFICIENT", 1)
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Cache.RootstockLockedBTC,
enabled: System.get_env("ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_VARIANT") == "rsk",
global_ttl: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("ROOTSTOCK_LOCKED_BTC_CACHE_PERIOD", "10m"),
locking_cap: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("ROOTSTOCK_LOCKING_CAP", 21_000_000)
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Cache.OptimismFinalizationPeriod, enabled: ConfigHelper.chain_type() == :optimism
Optimism chain type (#9460) * Transaction page L1 fields * Path fix * Reduce the number of files from 19 to 5 in logs rotate config * Customize optimism-goerli deployment * Optimism branding * Remove testnet logo text. OG uses customized label * Fix Circles theme * L1 tx fields fix for Optimism BedRock update * Remove redundant line * Add gas_price handling for elixir_to_params and change function ordering * Remove l1TxOrigin handling for another version of RPC * Add GA * Fix realtime fetcher test * Update Changelog * Fix internal transactions processing for non-consensus blocks * Lose consensus only for consensus=true blocks * Fix handling transaction RPC responses without some fields * Fix tests except for indexer module * Add Optimism BedRock support (Txn Batches, Output Roots, Deposits, Withdrawals) (#6980) * Add op_output_roots table * Add OptimismOutputRoots runner * Add initial code for output roots fetcher * Add checks to init function * Partially add logs and L1 reorgs handling * Add reorgs handling * Add RPC retries * Write output roots to database * Log output roots handling * Update indexer README * Add API v2 for Optimism Output Roots * Add op_withdrawals table * Add OptimismWithdrawals runner * Prepare realtime optimism withdrawals fetching * Add realtime optimism withdrawals fetching * Define checks in init function * log.first_topic can be nil * Show total count of output roots in API v2 * Add msg_nonce gaps filler * Refactoring * Intermediate refactoring * Add historical withdrawals handling and refactor * Finish op_withdrawals table filling * Small refactoring * Add op_withdrawal_events table * Add OptimismWithdrawalEvents runner * Add OptimismWithdrawalEvent fetcher * Update indexer README * Add API v2 for Optimism Withdrawals * Add env variables to common-blockscout.env and Makefile * Set `from` as address object instead of just address hash for withdrawal * mix format * Add op_transaction_batches table * Add OptimismTxnBatches runner * Add a draft for OptimismTxnBatch fetcher * Add a draft for OptimismTxnBatch * Extend a draft for OptimismTxnBatch * Extend OptimismTxnBatch * Finish OptimismTxnBatch (without reorgs handling yet) * Optimize OptimismTxnBatch fetcher * Remove duplicated txn batches * Add zlib_inflate_handler for empty case * Add reorgs handling for txn batches * Fix reorgs handling for txn batches * Small refactor * Finish Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch (without refactoring yet) * Apply new ex_rlp version * Add API v2 for Optimism Txn Batches * Add env variables to common-blockscout.env and Makefile * Refactor OptimismTxnBatch fetcher for mix credo * Replace binary_slice with binary_part function to run with Elixir 1.13 * Update changelog * Update indexer readme * Rename op_withdrawals.l2_tx_hash field to l2_transaction_hash * Rename l1_tx_hash fields to l1_transaction_hash * Rename *tx* fields to *transaction* fields * Rename env variables * Rename env variables * Add an indexer helper * Add an indexer helper * Small refactoring * Fix tx_count for txn batches view * Use EthereumJSONRPC.Block.ByHash instead of the raw call * Infinity timeout for blocks query * Small refactoring * Refactor init function for two modules * Small refactoring * Rename l1_transaction_timestamp field to l1_timestamp * Rename withdrawal_hash field to hash * Refactor for decode_data function * Refactor for mix credo * Add INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_BATCH_BLOCKS_CHUNK_SIZE env and small refactoring * Add INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_BATCH_BLOCKS_CHUNK_SIZE env to other files * Add an index for l1_block_number field * Add an index for l1_block_number field * Remove redundant :ok * Use faster way to count rows in a table * Refactor reorgs monitor functions * Clarify frame structure * Reduce storage consumption for optimism transaction batches * Reuse CacheHelper.estimated_count_from function * Bedrock optimism deposits (#6993) * Create `op_deposits` table * Add OptimismDeposit runner * WIP Fetcher * Finish fetcher * Integrate deposits into APIv2 * Add envs * Fix requests * Remove debug * Update envs names * Rename `tx` -> `transaction` * Reuse `decode_data/2` * Fix review * Add `uninstall_filter` * Fix formatting * Switch to realtime mode more carefully * Fix review Allow nil in timestamp Add progress logging Improve check_interval calculation * Fix logging and env * Fix Association.NotLoaded error * Replace switching to realtime mode log * Remove excess start_block * Fix reorg logging * Fix `from_block` > `to_block` and add realtime logging * Fix block boundaries --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * mix format * Return total count of L2 entity by a separate API request * Filter by consensus blocks * Parallelize tx count operation and small refactoring * Use read replica for L2 entities in API * Parse block_number and tx_hash for Optimism Deposits module * Return page_size back to 50 * Small fixes and refactoring * Update apps/block_scout_web/lib/block_scout_web/api_router.ex Co-authored-by: Maxim Filonov <> * Small optimization * Use ecto association instead of explicit join for txn batches * Refactoring * Use Stream inspead of Enum * Small refactoring * Add assoc for transaction batches in OptimismFrameSequence * Use common reorg monitor for Optimism modules * Rename Explorer.Helpers to Explorer.Helper * Don't start an optimism module unless the main optimism module is not started * Don't start reorg monitor for optimism modules when it is not needed * Small refactoring * Remove debug broadcasting * Add Optimism BedRock Deposits to the main page in API (#7200) * Add Optimism BedRock Deposits to the main page in API * Update changelog * Pass the number of deposits instead of only one item per once --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Refactor for credo * Output L1 fields in API v2 for transaction page * Update changelog * Use helper * Refactor Indexer.Fetcher.Optimism * Fix l1_timestamp issue in OptimismTxnBatch fetcher * Reset Logger metadata before Indexer.Transform.OptimismWithdrawals.parse function finishes * Fix IDs ordering in remove_duplicates function of Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Consider rewriting of the first frame in Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Fix Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch (consider chunking) * Fix Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Fix handling invalid frame sequences in Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Read Optimism finalization period from a smart contract * Fixes for dialyzer * Fix for EthereumJSONRPC tests * Fixes for Explorer tests * Fixes for Explorer tests * Fix of block/realtime/fetcher_test.exs * mix format and small fixes for block_scout_web tests * Reset GA cache * Fix handling nil in PendingBlockOperation.estimated_count() --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> Co-authored-by: Maxim Filonov <> * Fix autocomplete * Fix merging conflicts * Add exit handler to Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismWithdrawal * Fix transactions ordering in Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Update changelog * Refactor to fix credo * Mix credo fix * Fix transaction batches module for L2 OP stack (#7827) * Fix mixed transactions handling in Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Ignore duplicated frame * Update changelog * Add sorting to the future frames list * Change list order --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Remove unused aliases * Ignore previously handled frame by OP transaction batches module (#8122) * Ignore duplicated frame * Update changelog --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Return alias for Explorer.Chain.Cache.Helper in chain.ex * Ignore invalid frame by OP transaction batches module (#8208) * Update changelog * Ignore invalid frame * Update changelog --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Fix Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Fix API v2 for OP Withdrawals * Refactor optimism fetchers init * Add log for switching from fallback url * Fix for Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Add OP withdrawal status to transaction page in API (#8702) * Add OP withdrawal status to transaction page in API * Update changelog * Small refactoring * Update .dialyzer-ignore --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Add start pause to `Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch` * Small refactor of `Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch` * Consider consensus block only when retrieving OP withdrawal transaction status (#8811) * Consider consensus block only when retrieving OP withdrawal transaction status * Update changelog * Clear GA cache --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Hotfix for optimism_withdrawal_transaction_status function * Return all OP Withdrawals bound to L2 transaction * Try to import config * Remove unused functions from Explorer.Chain * Refactor for mix credo * Fix order of proxy standards: 1167, 1967 * Fixes in Optimism due to changed log topics type * Fix for EthereumJSONRPC tests * Clear GA cache and update cspell.json * Fix indexer tests * Return current exchange rate in api/v2/stats * Fix log decoding bug * Temp disable build of image for arm64 * Rewrite Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch module * Add handling of span batches * Add support of latest block for Optimism modules * Update changelog and spelling * Rewrite Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch module * Add handling of span batches * Add support of latest block for Optimism modules * Refactoring * Partially add specs and docs for public functions * Refactoring * add an entry to * apply review (use origin entity instead of joined entity in with tx status) * Fixes after rebase * Remove old UI sustomizations * Optimism chain type * Change structure of folders * Fixes after review * Fix CHANGELOG * Fixes after 2nd review * Process 3d review: add tests for fee/2 function * Process 4th review * Review fix: move Op related functions from chain.ex * Review fix: make OptimismFinalizationPeriod configurable * Process review comment * System.get_env("CHAIN_TYPE") => Application.get_env(:explorer, :chain_type) --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> Co-authored-by: Qwerty5Uiop <> Co-authored-by: varasev <> Co-authored-by: Maxim Filonov <> Co-authored-by: rlgns98kr <>
9 months ago
config :explorer, Explorer.Counters.AddressTransactionsGasUsageCounter,
cache_period: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("CACHE_ADDRESS_TRANSACTIONS_GAS_USAGE_COUNTER_PERIOD", "30m")
config :explorer, Explorer.Counters.TokenHoldersCounter,
cache_period: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("CACHE_TOKEN_HOLDERS_COUNTER_PERIOD", "1h")
config :explorer, Explorer.Counters.TokenTransfersCounter,
cache_period: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("CACHE_TOKEN_TRANSFERS_COUNTER_PERIOD", "1h")
config :explorer, Explorer.Counters.AverageBlockTime,
enabled: true,
period: :timer.minutes(10),
cache_period: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("CACHE_AVERAGE_BLOCK_PERIOD", "30m")
config :explorer, Explorer.Market.MarketHistoryCache,
cache_period: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("CACHE_MARKET_HISTORY_PERIOD", "6h")
config :explorer, Explorer.Counters.AddressTransactionsCounter,
cache_period: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("CACHE_ADDRESS_TRANSACTIONS_COUNTER_PERIOD", "1h")
config :explorer, Explorer.Counters.AddressTokenUsdSum,
cache_period: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("CACHE_ADDRESS_TOKENS_USD_SUM_PERIOD", "1h")
config :explorer, Explorer.Counters.AddressTokenTransfersCounter,
cache_period: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("CACHE_ADDRESS_TOKEN_TRANSFERS_COUNTER_PERIOD", "1h")
config :explorer, Explorer.Counters.LastOutputRootSizeCounter,
enabled: ConfigHelper.chain_type() == :optimism,
enable_consolidation: ConfigHelper.chain_type() == :optimism,
cache_period: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("CACHE_OPTIMISM_LAST_OUTPUT_ROOT_SIZE_COUNTER_PERIOD", "5m")
config :explorer, Explorer.Counters.Transactions24hStats,
enabled: true,
cache_period: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("CACHE_TRANSACTIONS_24H_STATS_PERIOD", "1h"),
enable_consolidation: true
config :explorer, Explorer.Counters.FreshPendingTransactionsCounter,
enabled: true,
cache_period: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("CACHE_FRESH_PENDING_TRANSACTIONS_COUNTER_PERIOD", "5m"),
enable_consolidation: true
cmc_secondary_coin_id = System.get_env("EXCHANGE_RATES_COINMARKETCAP_SECONDARY_COIN_ID")
cg_secondary_coin_id = System.get_env("EXCHANGE_RATES_COINGECKO_SECONDARY_COIN_ID")
cc_secondary_coin_symbol = System.get_env("EXCHANGE_RATES_CRYPTOCOMPARE_SECONDARY_COIN_SYMBOL")
mobula_secondary_coin_id = System.get_env("EXCHANGE_RATES_MOBULA_SECONDARY_COIN_ID")
config :explorer, Explorer.ExchangeRates,
store: :ets,
enabled: !disable_exchange_rates?,
enable_consolidation: true,
!disable_exchange_rates? && (cmc_secondary_coin_id || cg_secondary_coin_id || mobula_secondary_coin_id),
fetch_btc_value: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("EXCHANGE_RATES_FETCH_BTC_VALUE"),
cache_period: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("CACHE_EXCHANGE_RATES_PERIOD", "10m")
config :explorer, Explorer.ExchangeRates.Source,
source: ConfigHelper.exchange_rates_source(),
secondary_coin_source: ConfigHelper.exchange_rates_secondary_coin_source(),
price_source: ConfigHelper.exchange_rates_price_source(),
secondary_coin_price_source: ConfigHelper.exchange_rates_secondary_coin_price_source(),
market_cap_source: ConfigHelper.exchange_rates_market_cap_source(),
tvl_source: ConfigHelper.exchange_rates_tvl_source()
config :explorer, Explorer.ExchangeRates.Source.CoinMarketCap,
secondary_coin_id: cmc_secondary_coin_id
config :explorer, Explorer.ExchangeRates.Source.CoinGecko,
base_url: System.get_env("EXCHANGE_RATES_COINGECKO_BASE_URL"),
base_pro_url: System.get_env("EXCHANGE_RATES_COINGECKO_BASE_PRO_URL"),
api_key: System.get_env("EXCHANGE_RATES_COINGECKO_API_KEY"),
coin_id: System.get_env("EXCHANGE_RATES_COINGECKO_COIN_ID"),
secondary_coin_id: cg_secondary_coin_id
config :explorer, Explorer.ExchangeRates.Source.Mobula,
platform: System.get_env("EXCHANGE_RATES_MOBULA_CHAIN_ID"),
base_url: System.get_env("EXCHANGE_RATES_MOBULA_BASE_URL", ""),
api_key: System.get_env("EXCHANGE_RATES_MOBULA_API_KEY"),
coin_id: System.get_env("EXCHANGE_RATES_MOBULA_COIN_ID"),
secondary_coin_id: mobula_secondary_coin_id
config :explorer, Explorer.ExchangeRates.Source.DefiLlama, coin_id: System.get_env("EXCHANGE_RATES_DEFILLAMA_COIN_ID")
config :explorer, Explorer.Market.History.Source.Price.CryptoCompare, secondary_coin_symbol: cc_secondary_coin_symbol
config :explorer, Explorer.ExchangeRates.TokenExchangeRates,
enabled: !ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("DISABLE_TOKEN_EXCHANGE_RATE", "true"),
interval: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("TOKEN_EXCHANGE_RATE_INTERVAL", "5s"),
refetch_interval: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("TOKEN_EXCHANGE_RATE_REFETCH_INTERVAL", "1h"),
max_batch_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("TOKEN_EXCHANGE_RATE_MAX_BATCH_SIZE", 150),
source: ConfigHelper.token_exchange_rates_source()
cryptorank_secondary_coin_id = ConfigHelper.parse_integer_or_nil_env_var("EXCHANGE_RATES_CRYPTORANK_SECONDARY_COIN_ID")
config :explorer, Explorer.ExchangeRates.Source.Cryptorank,
platform: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_or_nil_env_var("EXCHANGE_RATES_CRYPTORANK_PLATFORM_ID"),
base_url: System.get_env("EXCHANGE_RATES_CRYPTORANK_BASE_URL", ""),
api_key: System.get_env("EXCHANGE_RATES_CRYPTORANK_API_KEY"),
coin_id: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_or_nil_env_var("EXCHANGE_RATES_CRYPTORANK_COIN_ID"),
secondary_coin_id: cryptorank_secondary_coin_id,
limit: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("EXCHANGE_RATES_CRYPTORANK_LIMIT", 1000)
config :explorer, Explorer.Market.History.Cataloger,
enabled: !disable_indexer? && !disable_exchange_rates?,
history_fetch_interval: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("MARKET_HISTORY_FETCH_INTERVAL", "1h"),
cmc_secondary_coin_id || cg_secondary_coin_id || cc_secondary_coin_symbol || mobula_secondary_coin_id ||
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Transaction, suave_bid_contracts: System.get_env("SUAVE_BID_CONTRACTS", "")
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Transaction.History.Historian,
enabled: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("TXS_STATS_ENABLED", "true"),
init_lag_milliseconds: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("TXS_HISTORIAN_INIT_LAG", "0"),
days_to_compile_at_init: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("TXS_STATS_DAYS_TO_COMPILE_AT_INIT", 40)
if System.get_env("METADATA_CONTRACT") && System.get_env("VALIDATORS_CONTRACT") do
config :explorer, Explorer.Validator.MetadataRetriever,
metadata_contract_address: System.get_env("METADATA_CONTRACT"),
validators_contract_address: System.get_env("VALIDATORS_CONTRACT")
config :explorer, Explorer.Validator.MetadataProcessor, enabled: !disable_indexer?
config :explorer, Explorer.Validator.MetadataProcessor, enabled: false
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Block.Reward,
validators_contract_address: System.get_env("VALIDATORS_CONTRACT"),
keys_manager_contract_address: System.get_env("KEYS_MANAGER_CONTRACT")
case System.get_env("SUPPLY_MODULE") do
"rsk" ->
config :explorer, supply: Explorer.Chain.Supply.RSK
_ ->
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Cache.BlockNumber,
ttl_check_interval: ConfigHelper.cache_ttl_check_interval(disable_indexer?),
global_ttl: ConfigHelper.cache_global_ttl(disable_indexer?)
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Cache.Blocks,
ttl_check_interval: ConfigHelper.cache_ttl_check_interval(disable_indexer?),
global_ttl: ConfigHelper.cache_global_ttl(disable_indexer?)
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Cache.Transactions,
ttl_check_interval: ConfigHelper.cache_ttl_check_interval(disable_indexer?),
global_ttl: ConfigHelper.cache_global_ttl(disable_indexer?)
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Cache.TransactionsApiV2,
ttl_check_interval: ConfigHelper.cache_ttl_check_interval(disable_indexer?),
global_ttl: ConfigHelper.cache_global_ttl(disable_indexer?)
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Cache.Accounts,
ttl_check_interval: ConfigHelper.cache_ttl_check_interval(disable_indexer?),
global_ttl: ConfigHelper.cache_global_ttl(disable_indexer?)
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Cache.Uncles,
ttl_check_interval: ConfigHelper.cache_ttl_check_interval(disable_indexer?),
global_ttl: ConfigHelper.cache_global_ttl(disable_indexer?)
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Cache.Uncles,
ttl_check_interval: ConfigHelper.cache_ttl_check_interval(disable_indexer?),
global_ttl: ConfigHelper.cache_global_ttl(disable_indexer?)
feat: support for `:celo` chain type (#10564) * feat: indexing of Celo transactions (#10275) * feat(json-rpc): support celo-specific fields in transactions * chore: add new chain type to matrix builder * feat: add celo-specific fields to transactions schema * chore: add "celo" to `cspell.json` * chore: fix formatting * refactor: improve naming for celo fields and ignore `ethCompatible` field * chore: add block fetcher test for celo fields * feat: add celo core contract abis * feat: add a cache for core celo contracts * feat: treat celo native token transfers as token transfers * fix: update `cspell.json` with celo words * fix(dialyzer): pattern can never match the type * fix: update `cspell.json` with celo words * feat: move `CELO_NETWORK` env to config * feat: parse native Celo token transfers from internal transactions * feat: add token balances fetching * refactor: remove `dbg` and organize code better * fix: start TokenBalance fetcher * fix: start token balance fetcher * fix: typo in log message * fix: missing fields in celo transaction token transfer * refactor: remove `AbiHandler` in favour of hardcoded pieces of abi * refactor: native token transfers from internal transactions fether * feat: implement parsing of token transfers for traceable rpc node * feat: fetch address coin balances after erc20 celo token transfers * feat: add `gas_token` to transaction response in api v2 * feat: index tokens specified as `feeCurrency` * chore: fix credo warnings * chore: decrease log level to debug * chore: fix cspell warnings * refactor: apply suggestions * fix: handle case when `gas_token` is not loaded * dbg * chore: expect contract calls in celo fetcher test * fix: compile errors for celo view on default chain type * chore: remove unused import * refactor: move `celo_gas_tokens` to chain type imports * refactor: apply suggestions * fix: swap arguments in `put_if_present` * fix: indexer tests * refactor: always include `gas_token` to the response * feat: add `gas_token` to all transaction-related endpoints * feat: celo core contracts with historical data * fix: `uncles` field is expected but not present in RPC node response * fix: credo & format * fix: define `CELO_CORE_CONTRACTS` in tests * fix: put `gas_token` under `celo` section * refactor: move token transfers filtering from `TokenTotalSupplyUpdater` to `Transform.TokenTransfers` * feat: add workflow to publish docker image * refactor: apply suggestions by @nikitosing * chore: add docs and specs * fix: malformed import * fix: publish image for celo * fix: ci build for celo * feat: index celo epoch transactions (#9944) * feat(json-rpc): support celo-specific fields in transactions * chore: add new chain type to matrix builder * feat: add celo-specific fields to transactions schema * chore: add "celo" to `cspell.json` * chore: fix formatting * refactor: improve naming for celo fields and ignore `ethCompatible` field * chore: add block fetcher test for celo fields * feat: add celo core contract abis * feat: add a cache for core celo contracts * feat: treat celo native token transfers as token transfers * fix: update `cspell.json` with celo words * fix(dialyzer): pattern can never match the type * fix: update `cspell.json` with celo words * feat: move `CELO_NETWORK` env to config * feat: parse native Celo token transfers from internal transactions * feat: add token balances fetching * refactor: remove `dbg` and organize code better * fix: start TokenBalance fetcher * fix: start token balance fetcher * fix: typo in log message * fix: missing fields in celo transaction token transfer * refactor: remove `AbiHandler` in favour of hardcoded pieces of abi * refactor: native token transfers from internal transactions fether * feat: implement parsing of token transfers for traceable rpc node * feat: fetch address coin balances after erc20 celo token transfers * feat: add `gas_token` to transaction response in api v2 * feat: index tokens specified as `feeCurrency` * chore: fix credo warnings * chore: decrease log level to debug * chore: fix cspell warnings * refactor: apply suggestions * fix: handle case when `gas_token` is not loaded * dbg * chore: expect contract calls in celo fetcher test * fix: compile errors for celo view on default chain type * chore: remove unused import * refactor: move `celo_gas_tokens` to chain type imports * refactor: apply suggestions * fix: swap arguments in `put_if_present` * fix: indexer tests * refactor: always include `gas_token` to the response * feat: add `gas_token` to all transaction-related endpoints * feat: celo core contracts with historical data * fix: `uncles` field is expected but not present in RPC node response * fix: credo & format * fix: define `CELO_CORE_CONTRACTS` in tests * fix: put `gas_token` under `celo` section * refactor: move token transfers filtering from `TokenTotalSupplyUpdater` to `Transform.TokenTransfers` * feat: add workflow to publish docker image * refactor: apply suggestions by @nikitosing * chore: add docs and specs * fix: malformed import * feat: add pending epoch operations table * refactor: fix format * feat: add transformers for epoch events * feat: add query to stream pending epoch block operations * fix: call to renamed function * fix: add factory method for pending epoch block operation * feat: add utils for logs parsing * feat: add schemas for epoch rewards and election rewards * fix: rename transformer according to event name * feat: implement epoch rewards fetcher * feat: fetch and import epoch logs * feat: improve epoch rewards fetcher 1. Do not fetch logs -- use the ones stored in DB 2. Import epochs to the database 3. Configure fetcher in runtime.exs * feat: add epoch helper functions * activated_validator_group_vote.ex * feat: add task to fetch core contracts * feat: fetch core contract events in the task * fix: merge artifacts * refactor: logs requests and reduce scope of epoch logs request * chore: fix formatting, credo warning, etc. * feat: fetch epoch rewards in one sql query * feat: fetch validator group votes (historical data and on demand) * refactor: rename fields and replace all entries on conflict * feat: validator group votes fetcher * fix: put each topic in a separate request * feat: fetch voter rewards * refactor: split epoch fetcher to multiple modules * feat: send epoch blocks for async fetching from block fetcher * chore: fix credo and formatting issues * fix: dialyzer warnings * fix: add on demand fetch of group votes * fix: failed explorer and indexer tests * fix: block fetcher tests * fix: match error in epoch logs * feat: add env to manage logs batch size when fetching validator group votes * fix: Add `ssl_opts` for Celo repo * fix: add `disabled?` predicate to supervisor config * fix: return empty list when `getPaymentDelegation` is not available * fix: validate the case when there is no voter rewards for an epoch * fix: formatting * fix: import `put_if_present/3` * fix: do not treat genesis block as an epoch block * fix: some of the fetcher tests * dbg * chore: remove commented code * chore: canonical disable flag env name * fix: run test only for celo chain type * fix: add explicit `wait_ for_tasks` in token instance realtime test * fix: set missing `CELO_CORE_CONTRACTS` env * fix: rollback token instance realtime test * chore: remove debug artifact * chore: add docs for new tables * perf: remove unused fields from `celo_validator_group_votes` table * fix: add on_exit clause * refactor: use `remove/3` function for migration rollback possibility * refactor: extract celo core contracts environment variable setup into a separate function * chore: add new vars to `common-blockscout.env` file * chore: add specs and docs for new modules and functions * refactor: eliminate unused import warnings * fix: credo warning * feat: API for celo epoch rewards and fees breakdown (#10308) * feat(json-rpc): support celo-specific fields in transactions * chore: add new chain type to matrix builder * feat: add celo-specific fields to transactions schema * chore: add "celo" to `cspell.json` * chore: fix formatting * refactor: improve naming for celo fields and ignore `ethCompatible` field * chore: add block fetcher test for celo fields * feat: add celo core contract abis * feat: add a cache for core celo contracts * feat: treat celo native token transfers as token transfers * fix: update `cspell.json` with celo words * fix(dialyzer): pattern can never match the type * fix: update `cspell.json` with celo words * feat: move `CELO_NETWORK` env to config * feat: parse native Celo token transfers from internal transactions * feat: add token balances fetching * refactor: remove `dbg` and organize code better * fix: start TokenBalance fetcher * fix: start token balance fetcher * fix: typo in log message * fix: missing fields in celo transaction token transfer * refactor: remove `AbiHandler` in favour of hardcoded pieces of abi * refactor: native token transfers from internal transactions fether * feat: implement parsing of token transfers for traceable rpc node * feat: fetch address coin balances after erc20 celo token transfers * feat: add `gas_token` to transaction response in api v2 * feat: index tokens specified as `feeCurrency` * chore: fix credo warnings * chore: decrease log level to debug * chore: fix cspell warnings * refactor: apply suggestions * fix: handle case when `gas_token` is not loaded * dbg * chore: expect contract calls in celo fetcher test * fix: compile errors for celo view on default chain type * chore: remove unused import * refactor: move `celo_gas_tokens` to chain type imports * refactor: apply suggestions * fix: swap arguments in `put_if_present` * fix: indexer tests * feat: add pending epoch operations table * feat: add several celo core contracts * refactor: fix format * feat: add new core contract default addresses * feat: add transformers for epoch events * feat: add query to stream pending epoch block operations * fix: call to renamed function * fix: add factory method for pending epoch block operation * feat: add utils for logs parsing * feat: add schemas for epoch rewards and election rewards * fix: rename transformer according to event name * feat: implement epoch rewards fetcher * feat: fetch and import epoch logs * feat: improve epoch rewards fetcher 1. Do not fetch logs -- use the ones stored in DB 2. Import epochs to the database 3. Configure fetcher in runtime.exs * fix: remove duplicated module attribute * feat: add epoch helper functions * activated_validator_group_vote.ex * feat: tmp * refactor: always include `gas_token` to the response * feat: add `gas_token` to all transaction-related endpoints * feat: celo core contracts with historical data * fix: `uncles` field is expected but not present in RPC node response * fix: credo & format * fix: define `CELO_CORE_CONTRACTS` in tests * fix: put `gas_token` under `celo` section * refactor: move token transfers filtering from `TokenTotalSupplyUpdater` to `Transform.TokenTransfers` * feat: add workflow to publish docker image * refactor: apply suggestions by @nikitosing * chore: add docs and specs * fix: malformed import * feat: add pending epoch operations table * refactor: fix format * feat: add transformers for epoch events * feat: add query to stream pending epoch block operations * fix: call to renamed function * fix: add factory method for pending epoch block operation * feat: add utils for logs parsing * feat: add schemas for epoch rewards and election rewards * fix: rename transformer according to event name * feat: implement epoch rewards fetcher * feat: fetch and import epoch logs * feat: improve epoch rewards fetcher 1. Do not fetch logs -- use the ones stored in DB 2. Import epochs to the database 3. Configure fetcher in runtime.exs * feat: add epoch helper functions * activated_validator_group_vote.ex * feat: add task to fetch core contracts * feat: fetch core contract events in the task * fix: merge artifacts * refactor: logs requests and reduce scope of epoch logs request * chore: fix formatting, credo warning, etc. * feat: fetch epoch rewards in one sql query * feat: fetch validator group votes (historical data and on demand) * refactor: rename fields and replace all entries on conflict * feat: validator group votes fetcher * fix: put each topic in a separate request * feat: fetch voter rewards * fix: merge artifacts * feat: add epoch rewards in block api response * fix: merge artifacts * feat: add base fee breakdown in block api response * feat: add aggregated election rewards to block api response * perf: use replica when querying epoch rewards * feat: endpoint for paginated election rewards * feat: endpoint for paginated election rewards for address * chore: rename `rewards` to `distributions` * fix: add missing reward type to API error message * refactor: split epoch fetcher to multiple modules * feat: send epoch blocks for async fetching from block fetcher * chore: fix credo and formatting issues * fix: dialyzer warnings * fix: add on demand fetch of group votes * fix: failed explorer and indexer tests * fix: block fetcher tests * chore: remove unused module * fix: sort election rewards by block number * fix: match error in epoch logs * feat: add env to manage logs batch size when fetching validator group votes * fix: credo and formatting warnings * fix: cspell errors * fix: dialyzer errors * fix: Add `ssl_opts` for Celo repo * fix: add missing preloads and make more explicit api response for block * fix: add `disabled?` predicate to supervisor config * fix: return empty list when `getPaymentDelegation` is not available * fix: validate the case when there is no voter rewards for an epoch * fix: formatting * fix: add missing preload * refactor: more robust fees breakdown logic for the case of fee handler * fix: formatting * refactor: move epoch information to the separate endpoint * fix: import `put_if_present/3` * fix: formatting * fix: do not treat genesis block as an epoch block * fix: some of the fetcher tests * dbg * chore: remove commented code * chore: canonical disable flag env name * fix: run test only for celo chain type * fix: add explicit `wait_ for_tasks` in token instance realtime test * fix: set missing `CELO_CORE_CONTRACTS` env * fix: rollback token instance realtime test * chore: remove debug artifact * chore: add `@docs` and `@specs` * fix: missing core contracts var in tests * feat: extend `tabs-counters` endpoint with election rewards count * refactor: move dead address to `Explorer.Chain.SmartContract` * perf: clause with simplified queries in the case of `amount == 0` and/or `block_number == 0` * fix: it comes that `NotLoaded` clause is not redundant actually... * fix: add missing preload in `BlockScoutWeb.AddressChannel` * chore: unset `CELO_CORE_CONTRACTS` in tests * chore: add missing specs * fix: `paginate` clause when `amount == 0` * refactor: move `paging_options/2` to `Explorer.Chain.Celo.ElectionReward` * refactor: avoid using virtual field for block number. * fix: remove redundant condition in the query * chore: clarify `@spec` * chore: fix credo warning * chore: remove `fi-celo` from branches that trigger ci * fix: merge artifacts * fix: remove todo comment
4 months ago
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Cache.CeloCoreContracts,
contracts: ConfigHelper.parse_json_env_var("CELO_CORE_CONTRACTS")
config :explorer, Explorer.ThirdPartyIntegrations.Sourcify,
server_url: System.get_env("SOURCIFY_SERVER_URL") || "",
enabled: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("SOURCIFY_INTEGRATION_ENABLED"),
chain_id: System.get_env("CHAIN_ID"),
repo_url: System.get_env("SOURCIFY_REPO_URL") || ""
config :explorer, Explorer.ThirdPartyIntegrations.SolidityScan,
platform_id: System.get_env("SOLIDITYSCAN_PLATFORM_ID", "16"),
chain_id: System.get_env("SOLIDITYSCAN_CHAIN_ID"),
api_key: System.get_env("SOLIDITYSCAN_API_TOKEN")
11 months ago
config :explorer, Explorer.ThirdPartyIntegrations.NovesFi,
service_url: System.get_env("NOVES_FI_BASE_API_URL") || "",
11 months ago
chain_name: System.get_env("NOVES_FI_CHAIN_NAME"),
api_key: System.get_env("NOVES_FI_API_TOKEN")
config :explorer, Explorer.ThirdPartyIntegrations.Zerion,
service_url: System.get_env("ZERION_BASE_API_URL", ""),
api_key: System.get_env("ZERION_API_TOKEN")
config :explorer, Explorer.ThirdPartyIntegrations.Xname,
service_url: System.get_env("XNAME_BASE_API_URL", ""),
api_key: System.get_env("XNAME_API_TOKEN")
enabled? = ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("MICROSERVICE_SC_VERIFIER_ENABLED", "true")
# or "eth_bytecode_db"
type = System.get_env("MICROSERVICE_SC_VERIFIER_TYPE", "sc_verifier")
config :explorer, Explorer.SmartContract.RustVerifierInterfaceBehaviour,
service_url: System.get_env("MICROSERVICE_SC_VERIFIER_URL") || "",
enabled: enabled?,
type: type,
eth_bytecode_db?: enabled? && type == "eth_bytecode_db",
api_key: System.get_env("MICROSERVICE_SC_VERIFIER_API_KEY")
config :explorer, Explorer.Visualize.Sol2uml,
service_url: System.get_env("MICROSERVICE_VISUALIZE_SOL2UML_URL"),
enabled: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("MICROSERVICE_VISUALIZE_SOL2UML_ENABLED")
config :explorer, Explorer.SmartContract.SigProviderInterface,
service_url: System.get_env("MICROSERVICE_SIG_PROVIDER_URL"),
enabled: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("MICROSERVICE_SIG_PROVIDER_ENABLED")
config :explorer, Explorer.MicroserviceInterfaces.BENS,
service_url: System.get_env("MICROSERVICE_BENS_URL"),
enabled: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("MICROSERVICE_BENS_ENABLED")
config :explorer, Explorer.MicroserviceInterfaces.AccountAbstraction,
service_url: System.get_env("MICROSERVICE_ACCOUNT_ABSTRACTION_URL"),
enabled: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("MICROSERVICE_ACCOUNT_ABSTRACTION_ENABLED")
config :explorer, Explorer.MicroserviceInterfaces.Metadata,
service_url: System.get_env("MICROSERVICE_METADATA_URL"),
enabled: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("MICROSERVICE_METADATA_ENABLED")
config :explorer, Explorer.SmartContract.StylusVerifierInterface,
service_url: ConfigHelper.parse_microservice_url("MICROSERVICE_STYLUS_VERIFIER_URL")
config :explorer, :air_table_public_tags,
table_url: System.get_env("ACCOUNT_PUBLIC_TAGS_AIRTABLE_URL"),
audit_reports_table_url = System.get_env("CONTRACT_AUDIT_REPORTS_AIRTABLE_URL")
audit_reports_api_key =
config :explorer, :air_table_audit_reports,
table_url: audit_reports_table_url,
api_key: audit_reports_api_key,
enabled: (audit_reports_table_url && audit_reports_api_key && true) || false
config :explorer, Explorer.Mailer,
adapter: Bamboo.SendGridAdapter,
api_key: System.get_env("ACCOUNT_SENDGRID_API_KEY")
config :explorer, Explorer.Account,
enabled: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("ACCOUNT_ENABLED"),
sendgrid: [
sender: System.get_env("ACCOUNT_SENDGRID_SENDER"),
template: System.get_env("ACCOUNT_SENDGRID_TEMPLATE")
ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("ACCOUNT_VERIFICATION_EMAIL_RESEND_INTERVAL", "5m"),
otp_resend_interval: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("ACCOUNT_OTP_RESEND_INTERVAL", "1m"),
private_tags_limit: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_TAGS_LIMIT", 2000),
watchlist_addresses_limit: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("ACCOUNT_WATCHLIST_ADDRESSES_LIMIT", 15),
ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("ACCOUNT_WATCHLIST_NOTIFICATIONS_LIMIT_FOR_30_DAYS", 1000),
siwe_message: System.get_env("ACCOUNT_SIWE_MESSAGE", "Sign in to Blockscout Account V2")
config :explorer, :token_id_migration,
first_block: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("TOKEN_ID_MIGRATION_FIRST_BLOCK", 0),
concurrency: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("TOKEN_ID_MIGRATION_CONCURRENCY", 1),
batch_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("TOKEN_ID_MIGRATION_BATCH_SIZE", 500)
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Cache.MinMissingBlockNumber,
batch_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("MIN_MISSING_BLOCK_NUMBER_BATCH_SIZE", 100_000)
config :explorer, :spandex,
batch_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("SPANDEX_BATCH_SIZE", 100),
sync_threshold: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("SPANDEX_SYNC_THRESHOLD", 100)
config :explorer, :datadog, port: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("DATADOG_PORT", 8126)
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Cache.TransactionActionTokensData,
max_cache_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_TX_ACTIONS_MAX_TOKEN_CACHE_SIZE", 100_000)
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Fetcher.LookUpSmartContractSourcesOnDemand,
fetch_interval: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("MICROSERVICE_ETH_BYTECODE_DB_INTERVAL_BETWEEN_LOOKUPS", "10m"),
max_concurrency: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("MICROSERVICE_ETH_BYTECODE_DB_MAX_LOOKUPS_CONCURRENCY", 10)
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Cache.MinMissingBlockNumber,
enabled: !ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("DISABLE_INDEXER")
config :explorer, Explorer.TokenInstanceOwnerAddressMigration,
concurrency: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("TOKEN_INSTANCE_OWNER_MIGRATION_CONCURRENCY", 5),
batch_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("TOKEN_INSTANCE_OWNER_MIGRATION_BATCH_SIZE", 50),
enabled: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("TOKEN_INSTANCE_OWNER_MIGRATION_ENABLED")
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Transaction,
rootstock_remasc_address: System.get_env("ROOTSTOCK_REMASC_ADDRESS"),
rootstock_bridge_address: System.get_env("ROOTSTOCK_BRIDGE_ADDRESS")
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Cache.AddressesTabsCounters,
ttl: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("ADDRESSES_TABS_COUNTERS_TTL", "10m")
config :explorer, Explorer.Migrator.TransactionsDenormalization,
batch_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("DENORMALIZATION_MIGRATION_BATCH_SIZE", 500),
concurrency: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("DENORMALIZATION_MIGRATION_CONCURRENCY", 10)
config :explorer, Explorer.Migrator.TokenTransferTokenType,
batch_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("TOKEN_TRANSFER_TOKEN_TYPE_MIGRATION_BATCH_SIZE", 100),
concurrency: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("TOKEN_TRANSFER_TOKEN_TYPE_MIGRATION_CONCURRENCY", 1)
config :explorer, Explorer.Migrator.SanitizeIncorrectNFTTokenTransfers,
batch_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("SANITIZE_INCORRECT_NFT_BATCH_SIZE", 100),
concurrency: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("SANITIZE_INCORRECT_NFT_CONCURRENCY", 1)
config :explorer, Explorer.Migrator.SanitizeIncorrectWETHTokenTransfers,
batch_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("SANITIZE_INCORRECT_WETH_BATCH_SIZE", 100),
concurrency: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("SANITIZE_INCORRECT_WETH_CONCURRENCY", 1)
config :explorer, Explorer.Migrator.RestoreOmittedWETHTransfers,
concurrency: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("MIGRATION_RESTORE_OMITTED_WETH_TOKEN_TRANSFERS_CONCURRENCY", 5),
batch_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("MIGRATION_RESTORE_OMITTED_WETH_TOKEN_TRANSFERS_BATCH_SIZE", 50),
timeout: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("MIGRATION_RESTORE_OMITTED_WETH_TOKEN_TRANSFERS_TIMEOUT", "250ms")
config :explorer, Explorer.Migrator.SanitizeDuplicatedLogIndexLogs,
concurrency: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("MIGRATION_SANITIZE_DUPLICATED_LOG_INDEX_LOGS_CONCURRENCY", 10),
batch_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("MIGRATION_SANITIZE_DUPLICATED_LOG_INDEX_LOGS_BATCH_SIZE", 500)
config :explorer, Explorer.Migrator.RefetchContractCodes,
concurrency: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("MIGRATION_REFETCH_CONTRACT_CODES_CONCURRENCY", 5),
batch_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("MIGRATION_REFETCH_CONTRACT_CODES_BATCH_SIZE", 100)
config :explorer, Explorer.Migrator.ShrinkInternalTransactions,
enabled: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("SHRINK_INTERNAL_TRANSACTIONS_ENABLED"),
batch_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("SHRINK_INTERNAL_TRANSACTIONS_BATCH_SIZE", 100),
concurrency: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("SHRINK_INTERNAL_TRANSACTIONS_CONCURRENCY", 10)
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.BridgedToken,
eth_omni_bridge_mediator: System.get_env("BRIDGED_TOKENS_ETH_OMNI_BRIDGE_MEDIATOR"),
bsc_omni_bridge_mediator: System.get_env("BRIDGED_TOKENS_BSC_OMNI_BRIDGE_MEDIATOR"),
poa_omni_bridge_mediator: System.get_env("BRIDGED_TOKENS_POA_OMNI_BRIDGE_MEDIATOR"),
amb_bridge_mediators: System.get_env("BRIDGED_TOKENS_AMB_BRIDGE_MEDIATORS"),
foreign_json_rpc: System.get_env("BRIDGED_TOKENS_FOREIGN_JSON_RPC", "")
config :explorer, Explorer.Utility.MissingBalanceOfToken,
window_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("MISSING_BALANCE_OF_TOKENS_WINDOW_SIZE", 100)
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.TokenTransfer,
whitelisted_weth_contracts: ConfigHelper.parse_list_env_var("WHITELISTED_WETH_CONTRACTS", ""),
weth_token_transfers_filtering_enabled: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("WETH_TOKEN_TRANSFERS_FILTERING_ENABLED")
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Metrics,
enabled: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("PUBLIC_METRICS_ENABLED", "false"),
update_period_hours: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("PUBLIC_METRICS_UPDATE_PERIOD_HOURS", 24)
feat: support for filecoin native addresses (#10468) * feat: implement `Ecto` type for filecoin address * fix: use proper hashing algorithm for checksum * refactor: avoid hardcoding * feat: add `NativeAddress.ID` type * chore: add `alias Blake2.Blake2b` to fix credo * feat: implement `Ecto` type for filecoin address * chore: rename id address module * feat: fix formatting * feat: add a table for pending address operations * feat: add filecoin fields to addresses relation * feat: create pending operation when new address is imported * feat: implement filecoin native address fetcher * chore: remove merge artifacts * fix: cspell * fix: alias in `native_address_test.exs` * fix: cspell * fix: lock address and corresponding operation for update * feat: trigger async fetch of address info from block fetcher * fix: compilation deadlock * fix: add fetcher supervisor case * feat: add migrator * fix: create pending address operation even if the address exists * feat: render filecoin address info in API v2 views * fix: user controller test * feat: add gauge metric for pending address operations * feat: save http error code for failed fetches * chore: rename fetcher * fix: rebase artifacts * chore: list migrator envs in `common-blockscout.env` * chore: process review comments by @vbaranov * chore: migrate from `blake2_elixir` to `blake2` package * chore: reduce log level to `debug` * chore: set infinity timeout for gauge metric query * refactor: remove redundant `Multi` in filling migration
3 months ago
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Filecoin.NativeAddress,
network_prefix: ConfigHelper.parse_catalog_value("FILECOIN_NETWORK_PREFIX", ["f", "t"], true, "f")
config :explorer, Explorer.Migrator.FilecoinPendingAddressOperations,
enabled: ConfigHelper.chain_type() == :filecoin,
batch_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("FILECOIN_PENDING_ADDRESS_OPERATIONS_MIGRATION_BATCH_SIZE", 100),
concurrency: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("FILECOIN_PENDING_ADDRESS_OPERATIONS_MIGRATION_CONCURRENCY", 1)
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Blackfort.Validator, api_url: System.get_env("BLACKFORT_VALIDATOR_API_URL")
### Indexer ###
feat: Scroll rollup: L1 fee parameters in API, `queueIndex` for L2 transactions, and L1 <->L2 messages (#10484) * Add chain type for scroll and l1_fee tx field * l1_fee_scalar and l1_fee_overhead fields in api json output for tx * l2_fee field in api json output for tx * l1_gas_used field in api json output for tx * l1_fee_commit_scalar, l1_fee_blob_scalar, l1_base_fee, l1_blob_base_fee fields in api json output for tx * Partially add specs and docs * Add code specs and docs for Indexer.Fetcher.Scroll.L1FeeParam * Add code specs and docs * Small fix * Add CI matrix chain type * Fix spelling * Rename envs * Update common-blockscout.env * Small fixes * Improve scroll_view.ex * Update scroll_view.ex * Add support of queueIndex field for L1MessageTx in Scroll * Fix for mix credo * Add scroll_bridge db table * Add Scroll bridge messages indexing * Add Indexer.Transform.Scroll.Bridge * Refactoring * Add API for Scroll * Ignore credo warning about nesting level * Add specs and docs * Refactoring * Partially cover review comments * Add some specs and docs * Add GA workflows for scroll * Small refactoring * Add to_import for Explorer.Chain.Scroll.Bridge * Small refactoring * Add specs and docs * Add comments * Add Explorer.Chain.RollupReorgMonitorQueue module * Add sobelow_skip * Add INDEXER_SCROLL_ETH_GET_LOGS_RANGE_SIZE env variable * Update common-blockscout.env * Small refactoring * Add links about Curie upgrade * Small improvement * Small refactoring * Separate db query * Move chain type specific import runners from BlockReferencing to ChainTypeSpecific stage * Add draft indexer for Scroll batches * Add API for Scroll batches * Extend API for Scroll batches * Refactoring * Update common-blockscout.env * Add specs and docs * Remove misprint * Fixes * Small improvement * Refactoring * Refactoring * Refactoring * Refactoring for credo * Partially cover review comments * Add l2_block_status to transaction view for Scroll * RollupL1ReorgMonitor refactoring * Extend docs * Small refactoring of last_l2_block_number function * Extend docs * Extend docs * Fix typo * mix format * Extend docs * Extend docs * Separate eth_getLogs block range size config * Small refactoring * Add comment * Add comments * Optimization * Small optimization * Use Ecto.Multi * Extend docs * Change API response for Scroll batches * Change API response format for Scroll bridge messages * Small refactoring * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/transform/scroll/l1_fee_params.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/l1_fee_param.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/l1_fee_param.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/l1_fee_param.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/bridge.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/scroll/reader.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/scroll/reader.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/scroll/bridge.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/scroll/batch.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/scroll/batch_bundle.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/bridge.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/bridge.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/bridge.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/bridge.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/bridge.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/batch.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/batch.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/batch.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/batch.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Small refactoring * Extend docs * Update apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/scroll/reader.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/helper.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/scroll/reader.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/scroll/reader.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Improve specs * Update apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/scroll/reader.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * fix * mix format * Add DA container info for Scroll batches * Fallback INDEXER_SCROLL_L2_MESSENGER_START_BLOCK to FIRST_BLOCK * mix format * Remove redundant lines * Use multi update_all * rename "tx" shorthands --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> Co-authored-by: Viktor Baranov <> Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <>
1 month ago
first_block = ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("FIRST_BLOCK", 0)
trace_first_block = ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("TRACE_FIRST_BLOCK", 0)
trace_last_block = ConfigHelper.parse_integer_or_nil_env_var("TRACE_LAST_BLOCK")
trace_block_ranges =
case ConfigHelper.safe_get_env("TRACE_BLOCK_RANGES", nil) do
"" -> "#{trace_first_block}..#{trace_last_block || "latest"}"
ranges -> ranges
config :indexer,
block_transformer: ConfigHelper.block_transformer(),
metadata_updater_milliseconds_interval: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("TOKEN_METADATA_UPDATE_INTERVAL", "48h"),
block_ranges: System.get_env("BLOCK_RANGES"),
feat: Scroll rollup: L1 fee parameters in API, `queueIndex` for L2 transactions, and L1 <->L2 messages (#10484) * Add chain type for scroll and l1_fee tx field * l1_fee_scalar and l1_fee_overhead fields in api json output for tx * l2_fee field in api json output for tx * l1_gas_used field in api json output for tx * l1_fee_commit_scalar, l1_fee_blob_scalar, l1_base_fee, l1_blob_base_fee fields in api json output for tx * Partially add specs and docs * Add code specs and docs for Indexer.Fetcher.Scroll.L1FeeParam * Add code specs and docs * Small fix * Add CI matrix chain type * Fix spelling * Rename envs * Update common-blockscout.env * Small fixes * Improve scroll_view.ex * Update scroll_view.ex * Add support of queueIndex field for L1MessageTx in Scroll * Fix for mix credo * Add scroll_bridge db table * Add Scroll bridge messages indexing * Add Indexer.Transform.Scroll.Bridge * Refactoring * Add API for Scroll * Ignore credo warning about nesting level * Add specs and docs * Refactoring * Partially cover review comments * Add some specs and docs * Add GA workflows for scroll * Small refactoring * Add to_import for Explorer.Chain.Scroll.Bridge * Small refactoring * Add specs and docs * Add comments * Add Explorer.Chain.RollupReorgMonitorQueue module * Add sobelow_skip * Add INDEXER_SCROLL_ETH_GET_LOGS_RANGE_SIZE env variable * Update common-blockscout.env * Small refactoring * Add links about Curie upgrade * Small improvement * Small refactoring * Separate db query * Move chain type specific import runners from BlockReferencing to ChainTypeSpecific stage * Add draft indexer for Scroll batches * Add API for Scroll batches * Extend API for Scroll batches * Refactoring * Update common-blockscout.env * Add specs and docs * Remove misprint * Fixes * Small improvement * Refactoring * Refactoring * Refactoring * Refactoring for credo * Partially cover review comments * Add l2_block_status to transaction view for Scroll * RollupL1ReorgMonitor refactoring * Extend docs * Small refactoring of last_l2_block_number function * Extend docs * Extend docs * Fix typo * mix format * Extend docs * Extend docs * Separate eth_getLogs block range size config * Small refactoring * Add comment * Add comments * Optimization * Small optimization * Use Ecto.Multi * Extend docs * Change API response for Scroll batches * Change API response format for Scroll bridge messages * Small refactoring * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/transform/scroll/l1_fee_params.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/l1_fee_param.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/l1_fee_param.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/l1_fee_param.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/bridge.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/scroll/reader.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/scroll/reader.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/scroll/bridge.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/scroll/batch.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/scroll/batch_bundle.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/bridge.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/bridge.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/bridge.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/bridge.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/bridge.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/batch.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/batch.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/batch.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/batch.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Small refactoring * Extend docs * Update apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/scroll/reader.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/helper.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/scroll/reader.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/scroll/reader.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Improve specs * Update apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/scroll/reader.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * fix * mix format * Add DA container info for Scroll batches * Fallback INDEXER_SCROLL_L2_MESSENGER_START_BLOCK to FIRST_BLOCK * mix format * Remove redundant lines * Use multi update_all * rename "tx" shorthands --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> Co-authored-by: Viktor Baranov <> Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <>
1 month ago
first_block: first_block,
last_block: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_or_nil_env_var("LAST_BLOCK"),
trace_block_ranges: trace_block_ranges,
trace_first_block: trace_first_block,
trace_last_block: trace_last_block,
fetch_rewards_way: System.get_env("FETCH_REWARDS_WAY", "trace_block"),
memory_limit: ConfigHelper.indexer_memory_limit(),
system_memory_percentage: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_SYSTEM_MEMORY_PERCENTAGE", 60),
receipts_batch_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_RECEIPTS_BATCH_SIZE", 250),
receipts_concurrency: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_RECEIPTS_CONCURRENCY", 10),
hide_indexing_progress_alert: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("INDEXER_HIDE_INDEXING_PROGRESS_ALERT"),
fetcher_init_limit: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_FETCHER_INIT_QUERY_LIMIT", 100),
ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_TOKEN_BALANCES_FETCHER_INIT_QUERY_LIMIT", 100_000),
ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_COIN_BALANCES_FETCHER_INIT_QUERY_LIMIT", 2000),
graceful_shutdown_period: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("INDEXER_GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN_PERIOD", "5m"),
ConfigHelper.parse_catalog_value("INDEXER_INTERNAL_TRANSACTIONS_FETCH_ORDER", ["asc", "desc"], true, "asc")
config :indexer, :ipfs,
gateway_url: System.get_env("IPFS_GATEWAY_URL", ""),
gateway_url_param_key: System.get_env("IPFS_GATEWAY_URL_PARAM_KEY"),
gateway_url_param_value: System.get_env("IPFS_GATEWAY_URL_PARAM_VALUE"),
ConfigHelper.parse_catalog_value("IPFS_GATEWAY_URL_PARAM_LOCATION", ["query", "header"], true),
public_gateway_url: System.get_env("IPFS_PUBLIC_GATEWAY_URL", "")
config :indexer, Indexer.Supervisor, enabled: !ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("DISABLE_INDEXER")
2 years ago
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.TransactionAction.Supervisor,
enabled: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("INDEXER_TX_ACTIONS_ENABLE")
2 years ago
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.TransactionAction,
reindex_first_block: System.get_env("INDEXER_TX_ACTIONS_REINDEX_FIRST_BLOCK"),
reindex_last_block: System.get_env("INDEXER_TX_ACTIONS_REINDEX_LAST_BLOCK"),
reindex_protocols: System.get_env("INDEXER_TX_ACTIONS_REINDEX_PROTOCOLS", ""),
aave_v3_pool: System.get_env("INDEXER_TX_ACTIONS_AAVE_V3_POOL_CONTRACT"),
2 years ago
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.PendingTransaction.Supervisor,
disabled?: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("INDEXER_DISABLE_PENDING_TRANSACTIONS_FETCHER")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Token, concurrency: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_TOKEN_CONCURRENCY", 10)
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.TokenBalance,
batch_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_TOKEN_BALANCES_BATCH_SIZE", 100),
concurrency: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_TOKEN_BALANCES_CONCURRENCY", 10),
max_refetch_interval: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("INDEXER_TOKEN_BALANCES_MAX_REFETCH_INTERVAL", "168h"),
exp_timeout_coeff: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_TOKEN_BALANCES_EXPONENTIAL_TIMEOUT_COEFF", 100)
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.OnDemand.TokenBalance,
threshold: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("TOKEN_BALANCE_ON_DEMAND_FETCHER_THRESHOLD", "1h"),
fallback_threshold_in_blocks: 500
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.OnDemand.CoinBalance,
threshold: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("COIN_BALANCE_ON_DEMAND_FETCHER_THRESHOLD", "1h"),
fallback_threshold_in_blocks: 500
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.OnDemand.ContractCode,
threshold: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("CONTRACT_CODE_ON_DEMAND_FETCHER_THRESHOLD", "5s")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.OnDemand.TokenInstanceMetadataRefetch,
threshold: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("TOKEN_INSTANCE_METADATA_REFETCH_ON_DEMAND_FETCHER_THRESHOLD", "5s")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.BlockReward.Supervisor,
disabled?: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("INDEXER_DISABLE_BLOCK_REWARD_FETCHER")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.InternalTransaction.Supervisor,
disabled?: trace_url_missing? or ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("INDEXER_DISABLE_INTERNAL_TRANSACTIONS_FETCHER")
disable_coin_balances_fetcher? = ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("INDEXER_DISABLE_ADDRESS_COIN_BALANCE_FETCHER")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.CoinBalance.Catchup.Supervisor, disabled?: disable_coin_balances_fetcher?
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.CoinBalance.Realtime.Supervisor, disabled?: disable_coin_balances_fetcher?
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.TokenUpdater.Supervisor,
disabled?: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("INDEXER_DISABLE_CATALOGED_TOKEN_UPDATER_FETCHER")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.EmptyBlocksSanitizer.Supervisor,
disabled?: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("INDEXER_DISABLE_EMPTY_BLOCKS_SANITIZER")
config :indexer, Indexer.Block.Realtime.Supervisor,
enabled: !ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("DISABLE_REALTIME_INDEXER")
config :indexer, Indexer.Block.Catchup.Supervisor, enabled: !ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("DISABLE_CATCHUP_INDEXER")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.ReplacedTransaction.Supervisor,
disabled?: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("INDEXER_DISABLE_REPLACED_TRANSACTION_FETCHER")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.TokenInstance.Realtime.Supervisor,
disabled?: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("INDEXER_DISABLE_TOKEN_INSTANCE_REALTIME_FETCHER")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.TokenInstance.Retry.Supervisor,
disabled?: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("INDEXER_DISABLE_TOKEN_INSTANCE_RETRY_FETCHER")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.TokenInstance.Sanitize.Supervisor,
disabled?: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("INDEXER_DISABLE_TOKEN_INSTANCE_SANITIZE_FETCHER")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.TokenInstance.LegacySanitize,
enabled: !ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("INDEXER_DISABLE_TOKEN_INSTANCE_LEGACY_SANITIZE_FETCHER", "true")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.TokenInstance.SanitizeERC1155,
enabled: !ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("INDEXER_DISABLE_TOKEN_INSTANCE_ERC_1155_SANITIZE_FETCHER", "false")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.TokenInstance.SanitizeERC721,
enabled: !ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("INDEXER_DISABLE_TOKEN_INSTANCE_ERC_721_SANITIZE_FETCHER", "false")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.EmptyBlocksSanitizer,
batch_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_EMPTY_BLOCKS_SANITIZER_BATCH_SIZE", 100),
interval: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("INDEXER_EMPTY_BLOCKS_SANITIZER_INTERVAL", "10s")
config :indexer, Indexer.Block.Realtime.Fetcher,
max_gap: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_REALTIME_FETCHER_MAX_GAP", 1000)
config :indexer, Indexer.Block.Catchup.MissingRangesCollector,
batch_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_CATCHUP_MISSING_RANGES_BATCH_SIZE", 100_000)
config :indexer, Indexer.Block.Catchup.Fetcher,
batch_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_CATCHUP_BLOCKS_BATCH_SIZE", 10),
concurrency: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_CATCHUP_BLOCKS_CONCURRENCY", 10)
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.BlockReward,
batch_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_BLOCK_REWARD_BATCH_SIZE", 10),
concurrency: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_BLOCK_REWARD_CONCURRENCY", 4)
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.TokenInstance.Helper,
base_uri_retry?: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("INDEXER_TOKEN_INSTANCE_USE_BASE_URI_RETRY")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.TokenInstance.Retry,
concurrency: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_TOKEN_INSTANCE_RETRY_CONCURRENCY", 10),
batch_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_TOKEN_INSTANCE_RETRY_BATCH_SIZE", 10),
max_refetch_interval: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("INDEXER_TOKEN_INSTANCE_RETRY_MAX_REFETCH_INTERVAL", "168h"),
exp_timeout_base: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_TOKEN_INSTANCE_RETRY_EXPONENTIAL_TIMEOUT_BASE", 2),
exp_timeout_coeff: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_TOKEN_INSTANCE_RETRY_EXPONENTIAL_TIMEOUT_COEFF", 100)
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.TokenInstance.Realtime,
concurrency: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_TOKEN_INSTANCE_REALTIME_CONCURRENCY", 10),
batch_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_TOKEN_INSTANCE_REALTIME_BATCH_SIZE", 1),
retry_with_cooldown?: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("INDEXER_TOKEN_INSTANCE_REALTIME_RETRY_ENABLED"),
retry_timeout: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("INDEXER_TOKEN_INSTANCE_REALTIME_RETRY_TIMEOUT", "5s")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.TokenInstance.Sanitize,
concurrency: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_TOKEN_INSTANCE_SANITIZE_CONCURRENCY", 10),
batch_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_TOKEN_INSTANCE_SANITIZE_BATCH_SIZE", 10)
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.TokenInstance.LegacySanitize,
concurrency: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_TOKEN_INSTANCE_LEGACY_SANITIZE_CONCURRENCY", 2),
batch_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_TOKEN_INSTANCE_LEGACY_SANITIZE_BATCH_SIZE", 10)
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.TokenInstance.SanitizeERC1155,
concurrency: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_TOKEN_INSTANCE_ERC_1155_SANITIZE_CONCURRENCY", 2),
batch_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_TOKEN_INSTANCE_ERC_1155_SANITIZE_BATCH_SIZE", 10)
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.TokenInstance.SanitizeERC721,
concurrency: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_TOKEN_INSTANCE_ERC_721_SANITIZE_CONCURRENCY", 2),
batch_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_TOKEN_INSTANCE_ERC_721_SANITIZE_BATCH_SIZE", 10),
ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_TOKEN_INSTANCE_ERC_721_SANITIZE_TOKENS_BATCH_SIZE", 100)
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.InternalTransaction,
batch_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_INTERNAL_TRANSACTIONS_BATCH_SIZE", 10),
concurrency: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_INTERNAL_TRANSACTIONS_CONCURRENCY", 4),
coin_balances_batch_size = ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_COIN_BALANCES_BATCH_SIZE", 100)
coin_balances_concurrency = ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_COIN_BALANCES_CONCURRENCY", 4)
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.CoinBalance.Catchup,
batch_size: coin_balances_batch_size,
concurrency: coin_balances_concurrency
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.CoinBalance.Realtime,
batch_size: coin_balances_batch_size,
concurrency: coin_balances_concurrency
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Optimism.TransactionBatch.Supervisor, enabled: ConfigHelper.chain_type() == :optimism
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Optimism.OutputRoot.Supervisor, enabled: ConfigHelper.chain_type() == :optimism
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Optimism.DisputeGame.Supervisor, enabled: ConfigHelper.chain_type() == :optimism
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Optimism.Deposit.Supervisor, enabled: ConfigHelper.chain_type() == :optimism
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Optimism.Withdrawal.Supervisor, enabled: ConfigHelper.chain_type() == :optimism
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Optimism.WithdrawalEvent.Supervisor, enabled: ConfigHelper.chain_type() == :optimism
Optimism chain type (#9460) * Transaction page L1 fields * Path fix * Reduce the number of files from 19 to 5 in logs rotate config * Customize optimism-goerli deployment * Optimism branding * Remove testnet logo text. OG uses customized label * Fix Circles theme * L1 tx fields fix for Optimism BedRock update * Remove redundant line * Add gas_price handling for elixir_to_params and change function ordering * Remove l1TxOrigin handling for another version of RPC * Add GA * Fix realtime fetcher test * Update Changelog * Fix internal transactions processing for non-consensus blocks * Lose consensus only for consensus=true blocks * Fix handling transaction RPC responses without some fields * Fix tests except for indexer module * Add Optimism BedRock support (Txn Batches, Output Roots, Deposits, Withdrawals) (#6980) * Add op_output_roots table * Add OptimismOutputRoots runner * Add initial code for output roots fetcher * Add checks to init function * Partially add logs and L1 reorgs handling * Add reorgs handling * Add RPC retries * Write output roots to database * Log output roots handling * Update indexer README * Add API v2 for Optimism Output Roots * Add op_withdrawals table * Add OptimismWithdrawals runner * Prepare realtime optimism withdrawals fetching * Add realtime optimism withdrawals fetching * Define checks in init function * log.first_topic can be nil * Show total count of output roots in API v2 * Add msg_nonce gaps filler * Refactoring * Intermediate refactoring * Add historical withdrawals handling and refactor * Finish op_withdrawals table filling * Small refactoring * Add op_withdrawal_events table * Add OptimismWithdrawalEvents runner * Add OptimismWithdrawalEvent fetcher * Update indexer README * Add API v2 for Optimism Withdrawals * Add env variables to common-blockscout.env and Makefile * Set `from` as address object instead of just address hash for withdrawal * mix format * Add op_transaction_batches table * Add OptimismTxnBatches runner * Add a draft for OptimismTxnBatch fetcher * Add a draft for OptimismTxnBatch * Extend a draft for OptimismTxnBatch * Extend OptimismTxnBatch * Finish OptimismTxnBatch (without reorgs handling yet) * Optimize OptimismTxnBatch fetcher * Remove duplicated txn batches * Add zlib_inflate_handler for empty case * Add reorgs handling for txn batches * Fix reorgs handling for txn batches * Small refactor * Finish Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch (without refactoring yet) * Apply new ex_rlp version * Add API v2 for Optimism Txn Batches * Add env variables to common-blockscout.env and Makefile * Refactor OptimismTxnBatch fetcher for mix credo * Replace binary_slice with binary_part function to run with Elixir 1.13 * Update changelog * Update indexer readme * Rename op_withdrawals.l2_tx_hash field to l2_transaction_hash * Rename l1_tx_hash fields to l1_transaction_hash * Rename *tx* fields to *transaction* fields * Rename env variables * Rename env variables * Add an indexer helper * Add an indexer helper * Small refactoring * Fix tx_count for txn batches view * Use EthereumJSONRPC.Block.ByHash instead of the raw call * Infinity timeout for blocks query * Small refactoring * Refactor init function for two modules * Small refactoring * Rename l1_transaction_timestamp field to l1_timestamp * Rename withdrawal_hash field to hash * Refactor for decode_data function * Refactor for mix credo * Add INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_BATCH_BLOCKS_CHUNK_SIZE env and small refactoring * Add INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_BATCH_BLOCKS_CHUNK_SIZE env to other files * Add an index for l1_block_number field * Add an index for l1_block_number field * Remove redundant :ok * Use faster way to count rows in a table * Refactor reorgs monitor functions * Clarify frame structure * Reduce storage consumption for optimism transaction batches * Reuse CacheHelper.estimated_count_from function * Bedrock optimism deposits (#6993) * Create `op_deposits` table * Add OptimismDeposit runner * WIP Fetcher * Finish fetcher * Integrate deposits into APIv2 * Add envs * Fix requests * Remove debug * Update envs names * Rename `tx` -> `transaction` * Reuse `decode_data/2` * Fix review * Add `uninstall_filter` * Fix formatting * Switch to realtime mode more carefully * Fix review Allow nil in timestamp Add progress logging Improve check_interval calculation * Fix logging and env * Fix Association.NotLoaded error * Replace switching to realtime mode log * Remove excess start_block * Fix reorg logging * Fix `from_block` > `to_block` and add realtime logging * Fix block boundaries --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * mix format * Return total count of L2 entity by a separate API request * Filter by consensus blocks * Parallelize tx count operation and small refactoring * Use read replica for L2 entities in API * Parse block_number and tx_hash for Optimism Deposits module * Return page_size back to 50 * Small fixes and refactoring * Update apps/block_scout_web/lib/block_scout_web/api_router.ex Co-authored-by: Maxim Filonov <> * Small optimization * Use ecto association instead of explicit join for txn batches * Refactoring * Use Stream inspead of Enum * Small refactoring * Add assoc for transaction batches in OptimismFrameSequence * Use common reorg monitor for Optimism modules * Rename Explorer.Helpers to Explorer.Helper * Don't start an optimism module unless the main optimism module is not started * Don't start reorg monitor for optimism modules when it is not needed * Small refactoring * Remove debug broadcasting * Add Optimism BedRock Deposits to the main page in API (#7200) * Add Optimism BedRock Deposits to the main page in API * Update changelog * Pass the number of deposits instead of only one item per once --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Refactor for credo * Output L1 fields in API v2 for transaction page * Update changelog * Use helper * Refactor Indexer.Fetcher.Optimism * Fix l1_timestamp issue in OptimismTxnBatch fetcher * Reset Logger metadata before Indexer.Transform.OptimismWithdrawals.parse function finishes * Fix IDs ordering in remove_duplicates function of Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Consider rewriting of the first frame in Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Fix Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch (consider chunking) * Fix Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Fix handling invalid frame sequences in Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Read Optimism finalization period from a smart contract * Fixes for dialyzer * Fix for EthereumJSONRPC tests * Fixes for Explorer tests * Fixes for Explorer tests * Fix of block/realtime/fetcher_test.exs * mix format and small fixes for block_scout_web tests * Reset GA cache * Fix handling nil in PendingBlockOperation.estimated_count() --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> Co-authored-by: Maxim Filonov <> * Fix autocomplete * Fix merging conflicts * Add exit handler to Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismWithdrawal * Fix transactions ordering in Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Update changelog * Refactor to fix credo * Mix credo fix * Fix transaction batches module for L2 OP stack (#7827) * Fix mixed transactions handling in Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Ignore duplicated frame * Update changelog * Add sorting to the future frames list * Change list order --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Remove unused aliases * Ignore previously handled frame by OP transaction batches module (#8122) * Ignore duplicated frame * Update changelog --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Return alias for Explorer.Chain.Cache.Helper in chain.ex * Ignore invalid frame by OP transaction batches module (#8208) * Update changelog * Ignore invalid frame * Update changelog --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Fix Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Fix API v2 for OP Withdrawals * Refactor optimism fetchers init * Add log for switching from fallback url * Fix for Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Add OP withdrawal status to transaction page in API (#8702) * Add OP withdrawal status to transaction page in API * Update changelog * Small refactoring * Update .dialyzer-ignore --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Add start pause to `Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch` * Small refactor of `Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch` * Consider consensus block only when retrieving OP withdrawal transaction status (#8811) * Consider consensus block only when retrieving OP withdrawal transaction status * Update changelog * Clear GA cache --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Hotfix for optimism_withdrawal_transaction_status function * Return all OP Withdrawals bound to L2 transaction * Try to import config * Remove unused functions from Explorer.Chain * Refactor for mix credo * Fix order of proxy standards: 1167, 1967 * Fixes in Optimism due to changed log topics type * Fix for EthereumJSONRPC tests * Clear GA cache and update cspell.json * Fix indexer tests * Return current exchange rate in api/v2/stats * Fix log decoding bug * Temp disable build of image for arm64 * Rewrite Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch module * Add handling of span batches * Add support of latest block for Optimism modules * Update changelog and spelling * Rewrite Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch module * Add handling of span batches * Add support of latest block for Optimism modules * Refactoring * Partially add specs and docs for public functions * Refactoring * add an entry to * apply review (use origin entity instead of joined entity in with tx status) * Fixes after rebase * Remove old UI sustomizations * Optimism chain type * Change structure of folders * Fixes after review * Fix CHANGELOG * Fixes after 2nd review * Process 3d review: add tests for fee/2 function * Process 4th review * Review fix: move Op related functions from chain.ex * Review fix: make OptimismFinalizationPeriod configurable * Process review comment * System.get_env("CHAIN_TYPE") => Application.get_env(:explorer, :chain_type) --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> Co-authored-by: Qwerty5Uiop <> Co-authored-by: varasev <> Co-authored-by: Maxim Filonov <> Co-authored-by: rlgns98kr <>
9 months ago
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Optimism,
optimism_l1_rpc: System.get_env("INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_RPC"),
optimism_l1_system_config: System.get_env("INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_SYSTEM_CONFIG_CONTRACT"),
l1_eth_get_logs_range_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_ETH_GET_LOGS_RANGE_SIZE", 250),
l2_eth_get_logs_range_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L2_ETH_GET_LOGS_RANGE_SIZE", 250),
block_duration: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_OPTIMISM_BLOCK_DURATION", 2),
start_block_l1: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_or_nil_env_var("INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_START_BLOCK"),
Optimism chain type (#9460) * Transaction page L1 fields * Path fix * Reduce the number of files from 19 to 5 in logs rotate config * Customize optimism-goerli deployment * Optimism branding * Remove testnet logo text. OG uses customized label * Fix Circles theme * L1 tx fields fix for Optimism BedRock update * Remove redundant line * Add gas_price handling for elixir_to_params and change function ordering * Remove l1TxOrigin handling for another version of RPC * Add GA * Fix realtime fetcher test * Update Changelog * Fix internal transactions processing for non-consensus blocks * Lose consensus only for consensus=true blocks * Fix handling transaction RPC responses without some fields * Fix tests except for indexer module * Add Optimism BedRock support (Txn Batches, Output Roots, Deposits, Withdrawals) (#6980) * Add op_output_roots table * Add OptimismOutputRoots runner * Add initial code for output roots fetcher * Add checks to init function * Partially add logs and L1 reorgs handling * Add reorgs handling * Add RPC retries * Write output roots to database * Log output roots handling * Update indexer README * Add API v2 for Optimism Output Roots * Add op_withdrawals table * Add OptimismWithdrawals runner * Prepare realtime optimism withdrawals fetching * Add realtime optimism withdrawals fetching * Define checks in init function * log.first_topic can be nil * Show total count of output roots in API v2 * Add msg_nonce gaps filler * Refactoring * Intermediate refactoring * Add historical withdrawals handling and refactor * Finish op_withdrawals table filling * Small refactoring * Add op_withdrawal_events table * Add OptimismWithdrawalEvents runner * Add OptimismWithdrawalEvent fetcher * Update indexer README * Add API v2 for Optimism Withdrawals * Add env variables to common-blockscout.env and Makefile * Set `from` as address object instead of just address hash for withdrawal * mix format * Add op_transaction_batches table * Add OptimismTxnBatches runner * Add a draft for OptimismTxnBatch fetcher * Add a draft for OptimismTxnBatch * Extend a draft for OptimismTxnBatch * Extend OptimismTxnBatch * Finish OptimismTxnBatch (without reorgs handling yet) * Optimize OptimismTxnBatch fetcher * Remove duplicated txn batches * Add zlib_inflate_handler for empty case * Add reorgs handling for txn batches * Fix reorgs handling for txn batches * Small refactor * Finish Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch (without refactoring yet) * Apply new ex_rlp version * Add API v2 for Optimism Txn Batches * Add env variables to common-blockscout.env and Makefile * Refactor OptimismTxnBatch fetcher for mix credo * Replace binary_slice with binary_part function to run with Elixir 1.13 * Update changelog * Update indexer readme * Rename op_withdrawals.l2_tx_hash field to l2_transaction_hash * Rename l1_tx_hash fields to l1_transaction_hash * Rename *tx* fields to *transaction* fields * Rename env variables * Rename env variables * Add an indexer helper * Add an indexer helper * Small refactoring * Fix tx_count for txn batches view * Use EthereumJSONRPC.Block.ByHash instead of the raw call * Infinity timeout for blocks query * Small refactoring * Refactor init function for two modules * Small refactoring * Rename l1_transaction_timestamp field to l1_timestamp * Rename withdrawal_hash field to hash * Refactor for decode_data function * Refactor for mix credo * Add INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_BATCH_BLOCKS_CHUNK_SIZE env and small refactoring * Add INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_BATCH_BLOCKS_CHUNK_SIZE env to other files * Add an index for l1_block_number field * Add an index for l1_block_number field * Remove redundant :ok * Use faster way to count rows in a table * Refactor reorgs monitor functions * Clarify frame structure * Reduce storage consumption for optimism transaction batches * Reuse CacheHelper.estimated_count_from function * Bedrock optimism deposits (#6993) * Create `op_deposits` table * Add OptimismDeposit runner * WIP Fetcher * Finish fetcher * Integrate deposits into APIv2 * Add envs * Fix requests * Remove debug * Update envs names * Rename `tx` -> `transaction` * Reuse `decode_data/2` * Fix review * Add `uninstall_filter` * Fix formatting * Switch to realtime mode more carefully * Fix review Allow nil in timestamp Add progress logging Improve check_interval calculation * Fix logging and env * Fix Association.NotLoaded error * Replace switching to realtime mode log * Remove excess start_block * Fix reorg logging * Fix `from_block` > `to_block` and add realtime logging * Fix block boundaries --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * mix format * Return total count of L2 entity by a separate API request * Filter by consensus blocks * Parallelize tx count operation and small refactoring * Use read replica for L2 entities in API * Parse block_number and tx_hash for Optimism Deposits module * Return page_size back to 50 * Small fixes and refactoring * Update apps/block_scout_web/lib/block_scout_web/api_router.ex Co-authored-by: Maxim Filonov <> * Small optimization * Use ecto association instead of explicit join for txn batches * Refactoring * Use Stream inspead of Enum * Small refactoring * Add assoc for transaction batches in OptimismFrameSequence * Use common reorg monitor for Optimism modules * Rename Explorer.Helpers to Explorer.Helper * Don't start an optimism module unless the main optimism module is not started * Don't start reorg monitor for optimism modules when it is not needed * Small refactoring * Remove debug broadcasting * Add Optimism BedRock Deposits to the main page in API (#7200) * Add Optimism BedRock Deposits to the main page in API * Update changelog * Pass the number of deposits instead of only one item per once --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Refactor for credo * Output L1 fields in API v2 for transaction page * Update changelog * Use helper * Refactor Indexer.Fetcher.Optimism * Fix l1_timestamp issue in OptimismTxnBatch fetcher * Reset Logger metadata before Indexer.Transform.OptimismWithdrawals.parse function finishes * Fix IDs ordering in remove_duplicates function of Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Consider rewriting of the first frame in Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Fix Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch (consider chunking) * Fix Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Fix handling invalid frame sequences in Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Read Optimism finalization period from a smart contract * Fixes for dialyzer * Fix for EthereumJSONRPC tests * Fixes for Explorer tests * Fixes for Explorer tests * Fix of block/realtime/fetcher_test.exs * mix format and small fixes for block_scout_web tests * Reset GA cache * Fix handling nil in PendingBlockOperation.estimated_count() --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> Co-authored-by: Maxim Filonov <> * Fix autocomplete * Fix merging conflicts * Add exit handler to Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismWithdrawal * Fix transactions ordering in Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Update changelog * Refactor to fix credo * Mix credo fix * Fix transaction batches module for L2 OP stack (#7827) * Fix mixed transactions handling in Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Ignore duplicated frame * Update changelog * Add sorting to the future frames list * Change list order --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Remove unused aliases * Ignore previously handled frame by OP transaction batches module (#8122) * Ignore duplicated frame * Update changelog --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Return alias for Explorer.Chain.Cache.Helper in chain.ex * Ignore invalid frame by OP transaction batches module (#8208) * Update changelog * Ignore invalid frame * Update changelog --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Fix Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Fix API v2 for OP Withdrawals * Refactor optimism fetchers init * Add log for switching from fallback url * Fix for Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Add OP withdrawal status to transaction page in API (#8702) * Add OP withdrawal status to transaction page in API * Update changelog * Small refactoring * Update .dialyzer-ignore --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Add start pause to `Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch` * Small refactor of `Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch` * Consider consensus block only when retrieving OP withdrawal transaction status (#8811) * Consider consensus block only when retrieving OP withdrawal transaction status * Update changelog * Clear GA cache --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Hotfix for optimism_withdrawal_transaction_status function * Return all OP Withdrawals bound to L2 transaction * Try to import config * Remove unused functions from Explorer.Chain * Refactor for mix credo * Fix order of proxy standards: 1167, 1967 * Fixes in Optimism due to changed log topics type * Fix for EthereumJSONRPC tests * Clear GA cache and update cspell.json * Fix indexer tests * Return current exchange rate in api/v2/stats * Fix log decoding bug * Temp disable build of image for arm64 * Rewrite Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch module * Add handling of span batches * Add support of latest block for Optimism modules * Update changelog and spelling * Rewrite Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch module * Add handling of span batches * Add support of latest block for Optimism modules * Refactoring * Partially add specs and docs for public functions * Refactoring * add an entry to * apply review (use origin entity instead of joined entity in with tx status) * Fixes after rebase * Remove old UI sustomizations * Optimism chain type * Change structure of folders * Fixes after review * Fix CHANGELOG * Fixes after 2nd review * Process 3d review: add tests for fee/2 function * Process 4th review * Review fix: move Op related functions from chain.ex * Review fix: make OptimismFinalizationPeriod configurable * Process review comment * System.get_env("CHAIN_TYPE") => Application.get_env(:explorer, :chain_type) --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> Co-authored-by: Qwerty5Uiop <> Co-authored-by: varasev <> Co-authored-by: Maxim Filonov <> Co-authored-by: rlgns98kr <>
9 months ago
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Optimism.Deposit,
transaction_type: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_DEPOSITS_TRANSACTION_TYPE", 126)
Optimism chain type (#9460) * Transaction page L1 fields * Path fix * Reduce the number of files from 19 to 5 in logs rotate config * Customize optimism-goerli deployment * Optimism branding * Remove testnet logo text. OG uses customized label * Fix Circles theme * L1 tx fields fix for Optimism BedRock update * Remove redundant line * Add gas_price handling for elixir_to_params and change function ordering * Remove l1TxOrigin handling for another version of RPC * Add GA * Fix realtime fetcher test * Update Changelog * Fix internal transactions processing for non-consensus blocks * Lose consensus only for consensus=true blocks * Fix handling transaction RPC responses without some fields * Fix tests except for indexer module * Add Optimism BedRock support (Txn Batches, Output Roots, Deposits, Withdrawals) (#6980) * Add op_output_roots table * Add OptimismOutputRoots runner * Add initial code for output roots fetcher * Add checks to init function * Partially add logs and L1 reorgs handling * Add reorgs handling * Add RPC retries * Write output roots to database * Log output roots handling * Update indexer README * Add API v2 for Optimism Output Roots * Add op_withdrawals table * Add OptimismWithdrawals runner * Prepare realtime optimism withdrawals fetching * Add realtime optimism withdrawals fetching * Define checks in init function * log.first_topic can be nil * Show total count of output roots in API v2 * Add msg_nonce gaps filler * Refactoring * Intermediate refactoring * Add historical withdrawals handling and refactor * Finish op_withdrawals table filling * Small refactoring * Add op_withdrawal_events table * Add OptimismWithdrawalEvents runner * Add OptimismWithdrawalEvent fetcher * Update indexer README * Add API v2 for Optimism Withdrawals * Add env variables to common-blockscout.env and Makefile * Set `from` as address object instead of just address hash for withdrawal * mix format * Add op_transaction_batches table * Add OptimismTxnBatches runner * Add a draft for OptimismTxnBatch fetcher * Add a draft for OptimismTxnBatch * Extend a draft for OptimismTxnBatch * Extend OptimismTxnBatch * Finish OptimismTxnBatch (without reorgs handling yet) * Optimize OptimismTxnBatch fetcher * Remove duplicated txn batches * Add zlib_inflate_handler for empty case * Add reorgs handling for txn batches * Fix reorgs handling for txn batches * Small refactor * Finish Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch (without refactoring yet) * Apply new ex_rlp version * Add API v2 for Optimism Txn Batches * Add env variables to common-blockscout.env and Makefile * Refactor OptimismTxnBatch fetcher for mix credo * Replace binary_slice with binary_part function to run with Elixir 1.13 * Update changelog * Update indexer readme * Rename op_withdrawals.l2_tx_hash field to l2_transaction_hash * Rename l1_tx_hash fields to l1_transaction_hash * Rename *tx* fields to *transaction* fields * Rename env variables * Rename env variables * Add an indexer helper * Add an indexer helper * Small refactoring * Fix tx_count for txn batches view * Use EthereumJSONRPC.Block.ByHash instead of the raw call * Infinity timeout for blocks query * Small refactoring * Refactor init function for two modules * Small refactoring * Rename l1_transaction_timestamp field to l1_timestamp * Rename withdrawal_hash field to hash * Refactor for decode_data function * Refactor for mix credo * Add INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_BATCH_BLOCKS_CHUNK_SIZE env and small refactoring * Add INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_BATCH_BLOCKS_CHUNK_SIZE env to other files * Add an index for l1_block_number field * Add an index for l1_block_number field * Remove redundant :ok * Use faster way to count rows in a table * Refactor reorgs monitor functions * Clarify frame structure * Reduce storage consumption for optimism transaction batches * Reuse CacheHelper.estimated_count_from function * Bedrock optimism deposits (#6993) * Create `op_deposits` table * Add OptimismDeposit runner * WIP Fetcher * Finish fetcher * Integrate deposits into APIv2 * Add envs * Fix requests * Remove debug * Update envs names * Rename `tx` -> `transaction` * Reuse `decode_data/2` * Fix review * Add `uninstall_filter` * Fix formatting * Switch to realtime mode more carefully * Fix review Allow nil in timestamp Add progress logging Improve check_interval calculation * Fix logging and env * Fix Association.NotLoaded error * Replace switching to realtime mode log * Remove excess start_block * Fix reorg logging * Fix `from_block` > `to_block` and add realtime logging * Fix block boundaries --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * mix format * Return total count of L2 entity by a separate API request * Filter by consensus blocks * Parallelize tx count operation and small refactoring * Use read replica for L2 entities in API * Parse block_number and tx_hash for Optimism Deposits module * Return page_size back to 50 * Small fixes and refactoring * Update apps/block_scout_web/lib/block_scout_web/api_router.ex Co-authored-by: Maxim Filonov <> * Small optimization * Use ecto association instead of explicit join for txn batches * Refactoring * Use Stream inspead of Enum * Small refactoring * Add assoc for transaction batches in OptimismFrameSequence * Use common reorg monitor for Optimism modules * Rename Explorer.Helpers to Explorer.Helper * Don't start an optimism module unless the main optimism module is not started * Don't start reorg monitor for optimism modules when it is not needed * Small refactoring * Remove debug broadcasting * Add Optimism BedRock Deposits to the main page in API (#7200) * Add Optimism BedRock Deposits to the main page in API * Update changelog * Pass the number of deposits instead of only one item per once --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Refactor for credo * Output L1 fields in API v2 for transaction page * Update changelog * Use helper * Refactor Indexer.Fetcher.Optimism * Fix l1_timestamp issue in OptimismTxnBatch fetcher * Reset Logger metadata before Indexer.Transform.OptimismWithdrawals.parse function finishes * Fix IDs ordering in remove_duplicates function of Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Consider rewriting of the first frame in Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Fix Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch (consider chunking) * Fix Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Fix handling invalid frame sequences in Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Read Optimism finalization period from a smart contract * Fixes for dialyzer * Fix for EthereumJSONRPC tests * Fixes for Explorer tests * Fixes for Explorer tests * Fix of block/realtime/fetcher_test.exs * mix format and small fixes for block_scout_web tests * Reset GA cache * Fix handling nil in PendingBlockOperation.estimated_count() --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> Co-authored-by: Maxim Filonov <> * Fix autocomplete * Fix merging conflicts * Add exit handler to Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismWithdrawal * Fix transactions ordering in Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Update changelog * Refactor to fix credo * Mix credo fix * Fix transaction batches module for L2 OP stack (#7827) * Fix mixed transactions handling in Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Ignore duplicated frame * Update changelog * Add sorting to the future frames list * Change list order --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Remove unused aliases * Ignore previously handled frame by OP transaction batches module (#8122) * Ignore duplicated frame * Update changelog --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Return alias for Explorer.Chain.Cache.Helper in chain.ex * Ignore invalid frame by OP transaction batches module (#8208) * Update changelog * Ignore invalid frame * Update changelog --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Fix Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Fix API v2 for OP Withdrawals * Refactor optimism fetchers init * Add log for switching from fallback url * Fix for Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Add OP withdrawal status to transaction page in API (#8702) * Add OP withdrawal status to transaction page in API * Update changelog * Small refactoring * Update .dialyzer-ignore --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Add start pause to `Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch` * Small refactor of `Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch` * Consider consensus block only when retrieving OP withdrawal transaction status (#8811) * Consider consensus block only when retrieving OP withdrawal transaction status * Update changelog * Clear GA cache --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Hotfix for optimism_withdrawal_transaction_status function * Return all OP Withdrawals bound to L2 transaction * Try to import config * Remove unused functions from Explorer.Chain * Refactor for mix credo * Fix order of proxy standards: 1167, 1967 * Fixes in Optimism due to changed log topics type * Fix for EthereumJSONRPC tests * Clear GA cache and update cspell.json * Fix indexer tests * Return current exchange rate in api/v2/stats * Fix log decoding bug * Temp disable build of image for arm64 * Rewrite Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch module * Add handling of span batches * Add support of latest block for Optimism modules * Update changelog and spelling * Rewrite Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch module * Add handling of span batches * Add support of latest block for Optimism modules * Refactoring * Partially add specs and docs for public functions * Refactoring * add an entry to * apply review (use origin entity instead of joined entity in with tx status) * Fixes after rebase * Remove old UI sustomizations * Optimism chain type * Change structure of folders * Fixes after review * Fix CHANGELOG * Fixes after 2nd review * Process 3d review: add tests for fee/2 function * Process 4th review * Review fix: move Op related functions from chain.ex * Review fix: make OptimismFinalizationPeriod configurable * Process review comment * System.get_env("CHAIN_TYPE") => Application.get_env(:explorer, :chain_type) --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> Co-authored-by: Qwerty5Uiop <> Co-authored-by: varasev <> Co-authored-by: Maxim Filonov <> Co-authored-by: rlgns98kr <>
9 months ago
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Optimism.OutputRoot,
output_oracle: System.get_env("INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_OUTPUT_ORACLE_CONTRACT")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Optimism.Withdrawal,
start_block_l2: System.get_env("INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L2_WITHDRAWALS_START_BLOCK", "1"),
System.get_env("INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L2_MESSAGE_PASSER_CONTRACT", "0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000016")
Optimism chain type (#9460) * Transaction page L1 fields * Path fix * Reduce the number of files from 19 to 5 in logs rotate config * Customize optimism-goerli deployment * Optimism branding * Remove testnet logo text. OG uses customized label * Fix Circles theme * L1 tx fields fix for Optimism BedRock update * Remove redundant line * Add gas_price handling for elixir_to_params and change function ordering * Remove l1TxOrigin handling for another version of RPC * Add GA * Fix realtime fetcher test * Update Changelog * Fix internal transactions processing for non-consensus blocks * Lose consensus only for consensus=true blocks * Fix handling transaction RPC responses without some fields * Fix tests except for indexer module * Add Optimism BedRock support (Txn Batches, Output Roots, Deposits, Withdrawals) (#6980) * Add op_output_roots table * Add OptimismOutputRoots runner * Add initial code for output roots fetcher * Add checks to init function * Partially add logs and L1 reorgs handling * Add reorgs handling * Add RPC retries * Write output roots to database * Log output roots handling * Update indexer README * Add API v2 for Optimism Output Roots * Add op_withdrawals table * Add OptimismWithdrawals runner * Prepare realtime optimism withdrawals fetching * Add realtime optimism withdrawals fetching * Define checks in init function * log.first_topic can be nil * Show total count of output roots in API v2 * Add msg_nonce gaps filler * Refactoring * Intermediate refactoring * Add historical withdrawals handling and refactor * Finish op_withdrawals table filling * Small refactoring * Add op_withdrawal_events table * Add OptimismWithdrawalEvents runner * Add OptimismWithdrawalEvent fetcher * Update indexer README * Add API v2 for Optimism Withdrawals * Add env variables to common-blockscout.env and Makefile * Set `from` as address object instead of just address hash for withdrawal * mix format * Add op_transaction_batches table * Add OptimismTxnBatches runner * Add a draft for OptimismTxnBatch fetcher * Add a draft for OptimismTxnBatch * Extend a draft for OptimismTxnBatch * Extend OptimismTxnBatch * Finish OptimismTxnBatch (without reorgs handling yet) * Optimize OptimismTxnBatch fetcher * Remove duplicated txn batches * Add zlib_inflate_handler for empty case * Add reorgs handling for txn batches * Fix reorgs handling for txn batches * Small refactor * Finish Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch (without refactoring yet) * Apply new ex_rlp version * Add API v2 for Optimism Txn Batches * Add env variables to common-blockscout.env and Makefile * Refactor OptimismTxnBatch fetcher for mix credo * Replace binary_slice with binary_part function to run with Elixir 1.13 * Update changelog * Update indexer readme * Rename op_withdrawals.l2_tx_hash field to l2_transaction_hash * Rename l1_tx_hash fields to l1_transaction_hash * Rename *tx* fields to *transaction* fields * Rename env variables * Rename env variables * Add an indexer helper * Add an indexer helper * Small refactoring * Fix tx_count for txn batches view * Use EthereumJSONRPC.Block.ByHash instead of the raw call * Infinity timeout for blocks query * Small refactoring * Refactor init function for two modules * Small refactoring * Rename l1_transaction_timestamp field to l1_timestamp * Rename withdrawal_hash field to hash * Refactor for decode_data function * Refactor for mix credo * Add INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_BATCH_BLOCKS_CHUNK_SIZE env and small refactoring * Add INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_BATCH_BLOCKS_CHUNK_SIZE env to other files * Add an index for l1_block_number field * Add an index for l1_block_number field * Remove redundant :ok * Use faster way to count rows in a table * Refactor reorgs monitor functions * Clarify frame structure * Reduce storage consumption for optimism transaction batches * Reuse CacheHelper.estimated_count_from function * Bedrock optimism deposits (#6993) * Create `op_deposits` table * Add OptimismDeposit runner * WIP Fetcher * Finish fetcher * Integrate deposits into APIv2 * Add envs * Fix requests * Remove debug * Update envs names * Rename `tx` -> `transaction` * Reuse `decode_data/2` * Fix review * Add `uninstall_filter` * Fix formatting * Switch to realtime mode more carefully * Fix review Allow nil in timestamp Add progress logging Improve check_interval calculation * Fix logging and env * Fix Association.NotLoaded error * Replace switching to realtime mode log * Remove excess start_block * Fix reorg logging * Fix `from_block` > `to_block` and add realtime logging * Fix block boundaries --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * mix format * Return total count of L2 entity by a separate API request * Filter by consensus blocks * Parallelize tx count operation and small refactoring * Use read replica for L2 entities in API * Parse block_number and tx_hash for Optimism Deposits module * Return page_size back to 50 * Small fixes and refactoring * Update apps/block_scout_web/lib/block_scout_web/api_router.ex Co-authored-by: Maxim Filonov <> * Small optimization * Use ecto association instead of explicit join for txn batches * Refactoring * Use Stream inspead of Enum * Small refactoring * Add assoc for transaction batches in OptimismFrameSequence * Use common reorg monitor for Optimism modules * Rename Explorer.Helpers to Explorer.Helper * Don't start an optimism module unless the main optimism module is not started * Don't start reorg monitor for optimism modules when it is not needed * Small refactoring * Remove debug broadcasting * Add Optimism BedRock Deposits to the main page in API (#7200) * Add Optimism BedRock Deposits to the main page in API * Update changelog * Pass the number of deposits instead of only one item per once --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Refactor for credo * Output L1 fields in API v2 for transaction page * Update changelog * Use helper * Refactor Indexer.Fetcher.Optimism * Fix l1_timestamp issue in OptimismTxnBatch fetcher * Reset Logger metadata before Indexer.Transform.OptimismWithdrawals.parse function finishes * Fix IDs ordering in remove_duplicates function of Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Consider rewriting of the first frame in Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Fix Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch (consider chunking) * Fix Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Fix handling invalid frame sequences in Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Read Optimism finalization period from a smart contract * Fixes for dialyzer * Fix for EthereumJSONRPC tests * Fixes for Explorer tests * Fixes for Explorer tests * Fix of block/realtime/fetcher_test.exs * mix format and small fixes for block_scout_web tests * Reset GA cache * Fix handling nil in PendingBlockOperation.estimated_count() --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> Co-authored-by: Maxim Filonov <> * Fix autocomplete * Fix merging conflicts * Add exit handler to Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismWithdrawal * Fix transactions ordering in Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Update changelog * Refactor to fix credo * Mix credo fix * Fix transaction batches module for L2 OP stack (#7827) * Fix mixed transactions handling in Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Ignore duplicated frame * Update changelog * Add sorting to the future frames list * Change list order --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Remove unused aliases * Ignore previously handled frame by OP transaction batches module (#8122) * Ignore duplicated frame * Update changelog --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Return alias for Explorer.Chain.Cache.Helper in chain.ex * Ignore invalid frame by OP transaction batches module (#8208) * Update changelog * Ignore invalid frame * Update changelog --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Fix Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Fix API v2 for OP Withdrawals * Refactor optimism fetchers init * Add log for switching from fallback url * Fix for Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Add OP withdrawal status to transaction page in API (#8702) * Add OP withdrawal status to transaction page in API * Update changelog * Small refactoring * Update .dialyzer-ignore --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Add start pause to `Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch` * Small refactor of `Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch` * Consider consensus block only when retrieving OP withdrawal transaction status (#8811) * Consider consensus block only when retrieving OP withdrawal transaction status * Update changelog * Clear GA cache --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Hotfix for optimism_withdrawal_transaction_status function * Return all OP Withdrawals bound to L2 transaction * Try to import config * Remove unused functions from Explorer.Chain * Refactor for mix credo * Fix order of proxy standards: 1167, 1967 * Fixes in Optimism due to changed log topics type * Fix for EthereumJSONRPC tests * Clear GA cache and update cspell.json * Fix indexer tests * Return current exchange rate in api/v2/stats * Fix log decoding bug * Temp disable build of image for arm64 * Rewrite Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch module * Add handling of span batches * Add support of latest block for Optimism modules * Update changelog and spelling * Rewrite Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch module * Add handling of span batches * Add support of latest block for Optimism modules * Refactoring * Partially add specs and docs for public functions * Refactoring * add an entry to * apply review (use origin entity instead of joined entity in with tx status) * Fixes after rebase * Remove old UI sustomizations * Optimism chain type * Change structure of folders * Fixes after review * Fix CHANGELOG * Fixes after 2nd review * Process 3d review: add tests for fee/2 function * Process 4th review * Review fix: move Op related functions from chain.ex * Review fix: make OptimismFinalizationPeriod configurable * Process review comment * System.get_env("CHAIN_TYPE") => Application.get_env(:explorer, :chain_type) --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> Co-authored-by: Qwerty5Uiop <> Co-authored-by: varasev <> Co-authored-by: Maxim Filonov <> Co-authored-by: rlgns98kr <>
9 months ago
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Optimism.TransactionBatch,
Optimism chain type (#9460) * Transaction page L1 fields * Path fix * Reduce the number of files from 19 to 5 in logs rotate config * Customize optimism-goerli deployment * Optimism branding * Remove testnet logo text. OG uses customized label * Fix Circles theme * L1 tx fields fix for Optimism BedRock update * Remove redundant line * Add gas_price handling for elixir_to_params and change function ordering * Remove l1TxOrigin handling for another version of RPC * Add GA * Fix realtime fetcher test * Update Changelog * Fix internal transactions processing for non-consensus blocks * Lose consensus only for consensus=true blocks * Fix handling transaction RPC responses without some fields * Fix tests except for indexer module * Add Optimism BedRock support (Txn Batches, Output Roots, Deposits, Withdrawals) (#6980) * Add op_output_roots table * Add OptimismOutputRoots runner * Add initial code for output roots fetcher * Add checks to init function * Partially add logs and L1 reorgs handling * Add reorgs handling * Add RPC retries * Write output roots to database * Log output roots handling * Update indexer README * Add API v2 for Optimism Output Roots * Add op_withdrawals table * Add OptimismWithdrawals runner * Prepare realtime optimism withdrawals fetching * Add realtime optimism withdrawals fetching * Define checks in init function * log.first_topic can be nil * Show total count of output roots in API v2 * Add msg_nonce gaps filler * Refactoring * Intermediate refactoring * Add historical withdrawals handling and refactor * Finish op_withdrawals table filling * Small refactoring * Add op_withdrawal_events table * Add OptimismWithdrawalEvents runner * Add OptimismWithdrawalEvent fetcher * Update indexer README * Add API v2 for Optimism Withdrawals * Add env variables to common-blockscout.env and Makefile * Set `from` as address object instead of just address hash for withdrawal * mix format * Add op_transaction_batches table * Add OptimismTxnBatches runner * Add a draft for OptimismTxnBatch fetcher * Add a draft for OptimismTxnBatch * Extend a draft for OptimismTxnBatch * Extend OptimismTxnBatch * Finish OptimismTxnBatch (without reorgs handling yet) * Optimize OptimismTxnBatch fetcher * Remove duplicated txn batches * Add zlib_inflate_handler for empty case * Add reorgs handling for txn batches * Fix reorgs handling for txn batches * Small refactor * Finish Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch (without refactoring yet) * Apply new ex_rlp version * Add API v2 for Optimism Txn Batches * Add env variables to common-blockscout.env and Makefile * Refactor OptimismTxnBatch fetcher for mix credo * Replace binary_slice with binary_part function to run with Elixir 1.13 * Update changelog * Update indexer readme * Rename op_withdrawals.l2_tx_hash field to l2_transaction_hash * Rename l1_tx_hash fields to l1_transaction_hash * Rename *tx* fields to *transaction* fields * Rename env variables * Rename env variables * Add an indexer helper * Add an indexer helper * Small refactoring * Fix tx_count for txn batches view * Use EthereumJSONRPC.Block.ByHash instead of the raw call * Infinity timeout for blocks query * Small refactoring * Refactor init function for two modules * Small refactoring * Rename l1_transaction_timestamp field to l1_timestamp * Rename withdrawal_hash field to hash * Refactor for decode_data function * Refactor for mix credo * Add INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_BATCH_BLOCKS_CHUNK_SIZE env and small refactoring * Add INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_BATCH_BLOCKS_CHUNK_SIZE env to other files * Add an index for l1_block_number field * Add an index for l1_block_number field * Remove redundant :ok * Use faster way to count rows in a table * Refactor reorgs monitor functions * Clarify frame structure * Reduce storage consumption for optimism transaction batches * Reuse CacheHelper.estimated_count_from function * Bedrock optimism deposits (#6993) * Create `op_deposits` table * Add OptimismDeposit runner * WIP Fetcher * Finish fetcher * Integrate deposits into APIv2 * Add envs * Fix requests * Remove debug * Update envs names * Rename `tx` -> `transaction` * Reuse `decode_data/2` * Fix review * Add `uninstall_filter` * Fix formatting * Switch to realtime mode more carefully * Fix review Allow nil in timestamp Add progress logging Improve check_interval calculation * Fix logging and env * Fix Association.NotLoaded error * Replace switching to realtime mode log * Remove excess start_block * Fix reorg logging * Fix `from_block` > `to_block` and add realtime logging * Fix block boundaries --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * mix format * Return total count of L2 entity by a separate API request * Filter by consensus blocks * Parallelize tx count operation and small refactoring * Use read replica for L2 entities in API * Parse block_number and tx_hash for Optimism Deposits module * Return page_size back to 50 * Small fixes and refactoring * Update apps/block_scout_web/lib/block_scout_web/api_router.ex Co-authored-by: Maxim Filonov <> * Small optimization * Use ecto association instead of explicit join for txn batches * Refactoring * Use Stream inspead of Enum * Small refactoring * Add assoc for transaction batches in OptimismFrameSequence * Use common reorg monitor for Optimism modules * Rename Explorer.Helpers to Explorer.Helper * Don't start an optimism module unless the main optimism module is not started * Don't start reorg monitor for optimism modules when it is not needed * Small refactoring * Remove debug broadcasting * Add Optimism BedRock Deposits to the main page in API (#7200) * Add Optimism BedRock Deposits to the main page in API * Update changelog * Pass the number of deposits instead of only one item per once --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Refactor for credo * Output L1 fields in API v2 for transaction page * Update changelog * Use helper * Refactor Indexer.Fetcher.Optimism * Fix l1_timestamp issue in OptimismTxnBatch fetcher * Reset Logger metadata before Indexer.Transform.OptimismWithdrawals.parse function finishes * Fix IDs ordering in remove_duplicates function of Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Consider rewriting of the first frame in Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Fix Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch (consider chunking) * Fix Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Fix handling invalid frame sequences in Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Read Optimism finalization period from a smart contract * Fixes for dialyzer * Fix for EthereumJSONRPC tests * Fixes for Explorer tests * Fixes for Explorer tests * Fix of block/realtime/fetcher_test.exs * mix format and small fixes for block_scout_web tests * Reset GA cache * Fix handling nil in PendingBlockOperation.estimated_count() --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> Co-authored-by: Maxim Filonov <> * Fix autocomplete * Fix merging conflicts * Add exit handler to Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismWithdrawal * Fix transactions ordering in Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Update changelog * Refactor to fix credo * Mix credo fix * Fix transaction batches module for L2 OP stack (#7827) * Fix mixed transactions handling in Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Ignore duplicated frame * Update changelog * Add sorting to the future frames list * Change list order --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Remove unused aliases * Ignore previously handled frame by OP transaction batches module (#8122) * Ignore duplicated frame * Update changelog --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Return alias for Explorer.Chain.Cache.Helper in chain.ex * Ignore invalid frame by OP transaction batches module (#8208) * Update changelog * Ignore invalid frame * Update changelog --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Fix Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Fix API v2 for OP Withdrawals * Refactor optimism fetchers init * Add log for switching from fallback url * Fix for Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Add OP withdrawal status to transaction page in API (#8702) * Add OP withdrawal status to transaction page in API * Update changelog * Small refactoring * Update .dialyzer-ignore --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Add start pause to `Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch` * Small refactor of `Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch` * Consider consensus block only when retrieving OP withdrawal transaction status (#8811) * Consider consensus block only when retrieving OP withdrawal transaction status * Update changelog * Clear GA cache --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Hotfix for optimism_withdrawal_transaction_status function * Return all OP Withdrawals bound to L2 transaction * Try to import config * Remove unused functions from Explorer.Chain * Refactor for mix credo * Fix order of proxy standards: 1167, 1967 * Fixes in Optimism due to changed log topics type * Fix for EthereumJSONRPC tests * Clear GA cache and update cspell.json * Fix indexer tests * Return current exchange rate in api/v2/stats * Fix log decoding bug * Temp disable build of image for arm64 * Rewrite Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch module * Add handling of span batches * Add support of latest block for Optimism modules * Update changelog and spelling * Rewrite Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch module * Add handling of span batches * Add support of latest block for Optimism modules * Refactoring * Partially add specs and docs for public functions * Refactoring * add an entry to * apply review (use origin entity instead of joined entity in with tx status) * Fixes after rebase * Remove old UI sustomizations * Optimism chain type * Change structure of folders * Fixes after review * Fix CHANGELOG * Fixes after 2nd review * Process 3d review: add tests for fee/2 function * Process 4th review * Review fix: move Op related functions from chain.ex * Review fix: make OptimismFinalizationPeriod configurable * Process review comment * System.get_env("CHAIN_TYPE") => Application.get_env(:explorer, :chain_type) --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> Co-authored-by: Qwerty5Uiop <> Co-authored-by: varasev <> Co-authored-by: Maxim Filonov <> Co-authored-by: rlgns98kr <>
9 months ago
blocks_chunk_size: System.get_env("INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_BATCH_BLOCKS_CHUNK_SIZE", "4"),
eip4844_blobs_api_url: System.get_env("INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_BATCH_BLOCKSCOUT_BLOBS_API_URL", ""),
celestia_blobs_api_url: System.get_env("INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_BATCH_CELESTIA_BLOBS_API_URL", ""),
genesis_block_l2: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_or_nil_env_var("INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L2_BATCH_GENESIS_BLOCK_NUMBER"),
inbox: System.get_env("INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_BATCH_INBOX"),
submitter: System.get_env("INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_BATCH_SUBMITTER")
Optimism chain type (#9460) * Transaction page L1 fields * Path fix * Reduce the number of files from 19 to 5 in logs rotate config * Customize optimism-goerli deployment * Optimism branding * Remove testnet logo text. OG uses customized label * Fix Circles theme * L1 tx fields fix for Optimism BedRock update * Remove redundant line * Add gas_price handling for elixir_to_params and change function ordering * Remove l1TxOrigin handling for another version of RPC * Add GA * Fix realtime fetcher test * Update Changelog * Fix internal transactions processing for non-consensus blocks * Lose consensus only for consensus=true blocks * Fix handling transaction RPC responses without some fields * Fix tests except for indexer module * Add Optimism BedRock support (Txn Batches, Output Roots, Deposits, Withdrawals) (#6980) * Add op_output_roots table * Add OptimismOutputRoots runner * Add initial code for output roots fetcher * Add checks to init function * Partially add logs and L1 reorgs handling * Add reorgs handling * Add RPC retries * Write output roots to database * Log output roots handling * Update indexer README * Add API v2 for Optimism Output Roots * Add op_withdrawals table * Add OptimismWithdrawals runner * Prepare realtime optimism withdrawals fetching * Add realtime optimism withdrawals fetching * Define checks in init function * log.first_topic can be nil * Show total count of output roots in API v2 * Add msg_nonce gaps filler * Refactoring * Intermediate refactoring * Add historical withdrawals handling and refactor * Finish op_withdrawals table filling * Small refactoring * Add op_withdrawal_events table * Add OptimismWithdrawalEvents runner * Add OptimismWithdrawalEvent fetcher * Update indexer README * Add API v2 for Optimism Withdrawals * Add env variables to common-blockscout.env and Makefile * Set `from` as address object instead of just address hash for withdrawal * mix format * Add op_transaction_batches table * Add OptimismTxnBatches runner * Add a draft for OptimismTxnBatch fetcher * Add a draft for OptimismTxnBatch * Extend a draft for OptimismTxnBatch * Extend OptimismTxnBatch * Finish OptimismTxnBatch (without reorgs handling yet) * Optimize OptimismTxnBatch fetcher * Remove duplicated txn batches * Add zlib_inflate_handler for empty case * Add reorgs handling for txn batches * Fix reorgs handling for txn batches * Small refactor * Finish Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch (without refactoring yet) * Apply new ex_rlp version * Add API v2 for Optimism Txn Batches * Add env variables to common-blockscout.env and Makefile * Refactor OptimismTxnBatch fetcher for mix credo * Replace binary_slice with binary_part function to run with Elixir 1.13 * Update changelog * Update indexer readme * Rename op_withdrawals.l2_tx_hash field to l2_transaction_hash * Rename l1_tx_hash fields to l1_transaction_hash * Rename *tx* fields to *transaction* fields * Rename env variables * Rename env variables * Add an indexer helper * Add an indexer helper * Small refactoring * Fix tx_count for txn batches view * Use EthereumJSONRPC.Block.ByHash instead of the raw call * Infinity timeout for blocks query * Small refactoring * Refactor init function for two modules * Small refactoring * Rename l1_transaction_timestamp field to l1_timestamp * Rename withdrawal_hash field to hash * Refactor for decode_data function * Refactor for mix credo * Add INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_BATCH_BLOCKS_CHUNK_SIZE env and small refactoring * Add INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_BATCH_BLOCKS_CHUNK_SIZE env to other files * Add an index for l1_block_number field * Add an index for l1_block_number field * Remove redundant :ok * Use faster way to count rows in a table * Refactor reorgs monitor functions * Clarify frame structure * Reduce storage consumption for optimism transaction batches * Reuse CacheHelper.estimated_count_from function * Bedrock optimism deposits (#6993) * Create `op_deposits` table * Add OptimismDeposit runner * WIP Fetcher * Finish fetcher * Integrate deposits into APIv2 * Add envs * Fix requests * Remove debug * Update envs names * Rename `tx` -> `transaction` * Reuse `decode_data/2` * Fix review * Add `uninstall_filter` * Fix formatting * Switch to realtime mode more carefully * Fix review Allow nil in timestamp Add progress logging Improve check_interval calculation * Fix logging and env * Fix Association.NotLoaded error * Replace switching to realtime mode log * Remove excess start_block * Fix reorg logging * Fix `from_block` > `to_block` and add realtime logging * Fix block boundaries --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * mix format * Return total count of L2 entity by a separate API request * Filter by consensus blocks * Parallelize tx count operation and small refactoring * Use read replica for L2 entities in API * Parse block_number and tx_hash for Optimism Deposits module * Return page_size back to 50 * Small fixes and refactoring * Update apps/block_scout_web/lib/block_scout_web/api_router.ex Co-authored-by: Maxim Filonov <> * Small optimization * Use ecto association instead of explicit join for txn batches * Refactoring * Use Stream inspead of Enum * Small refactoring * Add assoc for transaction batches in OptimismFrameSequence * Use common reorg monitor for Optimism modules * Rename Explorer.Helpers to Explorer.Helper * Don't start an optimism module unless the main optimism module is not started * Don't start reorg monitor for optimism modules when it is not needed * Small refactoring * Remove debug broadcasting * Add Optimism BedRock Deposits to the main page in API (#7200) * Add Optimism BedRock Deposits to the main page in API * Update changelog * Pass the number of deposits instead of only one item per once --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Refactor for credo * Output L1 fields in API v2 for transaction page * Update changelog * Use helper * Refactor Indexer.Fetcher.Optimism * Fix l1_timestamp issue in OptimismTxnBatch fetcher * Reset Logger metadata before Indexer.Transform.OptimismWithdrawals.parse function finishes * Fix IDs ordering in remove_duplicates function of Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Consider rewriting of the first frame in Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Fix Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch (consider chunking) * Fix Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Fix handling invalid frame sequences in Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Read Optimism finalization period from a smart contract * Fixes for dialyzer * Fix for EthereumJSONRPC tests * Fixes for Explorer tests * Fixes for Explorer tests * Fix of block/realtime/fetcher_test.exs * mix format and small fixes for block_scout_web tests * Reset GA cache * Fix handling nil in PendingBlockOperation.estimated_count() --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> Co-authored-by: Maxim Filonov <> * Fix autocomplete * Fix merging conflicts * Add exit handler to Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismWithdrawal * Fix transactions ordering in Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Update changelog * Refactor to fix credo * Mix credo fix * Fix transaction batches module for L2 OP stack (#7827) * Fix mixed transactions handling in Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Ignore duplicated frame * Update changelog * Add sorting to the future frames list * Change list order --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Remove unused aliases * Ignore previously handled frame by OP transaction batches module (#8122) * Ignore duplicated frame * Update changelog --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Return alias for Explorer.Chain.Cache.Helper in chain.ex * Ignore invalid frame by OP transaction batches module (#8208) * Update changelog * Ignore invalid frame * Update changelog --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Fix Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Fix API v2 for OP Withdrawals * Refactor optimism fetchers init * Add log for switching from fallback url * Fix for Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch * Add OP withdrawal status to transaction page in API (#8702) * Add OP withdrawal status to transaction page in API * Update changelog * Small refactoring * Update .dialyzer-ignore --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Add start pause to `Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch` * Small refactor of `Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch` * Consider consensus block only when retrieving OP withdrawal transaction status (#8811) * Consider consensus block only when retrieving OP withdrawal transaction status * Update changelog * Clear GA cache --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> * Hotfix for optimism_withdrawal_transaction_status function * Return all OP Withdrawals bound to L2 transaction * Try to import config * Remove unused functions from Explorer.Chain * Refactor for mix credo * Fix order of proxy standards: 1167, 1967 * Fixes in Optimism due to changed log topics type * Fix for EthereumJSONRPC tests * Clear GA cache and update cspell.json * Fix indexer tests * Return current exchange rate in api/v2/stats * Fix log decoding bug * Temp disable build of image for arm64 * Rewrite Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch module * Add handling of span batches * Add support of latest block for Optimism modules * Update changelog and spelling * Rewrite Indexer.Fetcher.OptimismTxnBatch module * Add handling of span batches * Add support of latest block for Optimism modules * Refactoring * Partially add specs and docs for public functions * Refactoring * add an entry to * apply review (use origin entity instead of joined entity in with tx status) * Fixes after rebase * Remove old UI sustomizations * Optimism chain type * Change structure of folders * Fixes after review * Fix CHANGELOG * Fixes after 2nd review * Process 3d review: add tests for fee/2 function * Process 4th review * Review fix: move Op related functions from chain.ex * Review fix: make OptimismFinalizationPeriod configurable * Process review comment * System.get_env("CHAIN_TYPE") => Application.get_env(:explorer, :chain_type) --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> Co-authored-by: Qwerty5Uiop <> Co-authored-by: varasev <> Co-authored-by: Maxim Filonov <> Co-authored-by: rlgns98kr <>
9 months ago
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Withdrawal.Supervisor,
disabled?: System.get_env("INDEXER_DISABLE_WITHDRAWALS_FETCHER", "true") == "true"
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Withdrawal, first_block: System.get_env("WITHDRAWALS_FIRST_BLOCK")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonEdge.Deposit.Supervisor, enabled: ConfigHelper.chain_type() == :polygon_edge
Deposits and Withdrawals for Polygon Edge (#8180) * Prepare tables for Polygon Supernet Withdrawals module * Prepare Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonSupernetWithdrawal * Prepare Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonSupernetWithdrawalExit * Prepare tables for Polygon Supernet Deposits module * Partially add Polygon Supernet Deposits module * Add Polygon Supernet Deposits module * Extend transaction data in API v2 for Polygon Supernet Deposits and Withdrawals * Extend API v2 for list of Polygon Supernet Deposits * Extend API v2 for list of Polygon Supernet Withdrawals * Modify collated_gas_price constraint to support Immutable test chain * Update number of retries * Fix Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonSupernetWithdrawal * Fix API v2 for Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonSupernetWithdrawal * Return page_size to 50 * Fix API v2 for Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonSupernetDeposit * Fix Explorer.Validator.MetadataRetriever to prevent sending request to nil address * Refactor PolygonSupernet* modules * Refactor PolygonSupernet* modules * Small refactoring of PolygonSupernet* modules * Update changelog * Fixes for dialyzer and cspell * Fix of Explorer tests * Add env vars for docker * Add env variable for eth_getLogs * Share event signatures between modules * Refactoring for fill_block_range function * Small refactoring of transaction actions module * Move polygon_supernet_* modules to a separate folder * Add specs for public functions * Remove redundant function * Reuse decode_data function * Move polygon_supernet_* files into a separate folder * Move polygon_supernet_* files into a separate folder * Partially disband Explorer.Chain module * Define chain type * Remove infinite waiting for safe block * max format * Rename Polygon Supernet to Polygon Edge * Set INDEXER_INTERNAL_TRANSACTIONS_TRACER_TYPE to polygon_edge if CHAIN_TYPE is polygon_edge * Fix chain type definition * Fix repos list definition in releases_tasks * INDEXER_POLYGON_SUPERNET_ -> INDEXER_POLYGON_EDGE_ --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> Co-authored-by: Viktor Baranov <>
1 year ago
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonEdge.DepositExecute.Supervisor,
enabled: ConfigHelper.chain_type() == :polygon_edge
Deposits and Withdrawals for Polygon Edge (#8180) * Prepare tables for Polygon Supernet Withdrawals module * Prepare Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonSupernetWithdrawal * Prepare Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonSupernetWithdrawalExit * Prepare tables for Polygon Supernet Deposits module * Partially add Polygon Supernet Deposits module * Add Polygon Supernet Deposits module * Extend transaction data in API v2 for Polygon Supernet Deposits and Withdrawals * Extend API v2 for list of Polygon Supernet Deposits * Extend API v2 for list of Polygon Supernet Withdrawals * Modify collated_gas_price constraint to support Immutable test chain * Update number of retries * Fix Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonSupernetWithdrawal * Fix API v2 for Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonSupernetWithdrawal * Return page_size to 50 * Fix API v2 for Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonSupernetDeposit * Fix Explorer.Validator.MetadataRetriever to prevent sending request to nil address * Refactor PolygonSupernet* modules * Refactor PolygonSupernet* modules * Small refactoring of PolygonSupernet* modules * Update changelog * Fixes for dialyzer and cspell * Fix of Explorer tests * Add env vars for docker * Add env variable for eth_getLogs * Share event signatures between modules * Refactoring for fill_block_range function * Small refactoring of transaction actions module * Move polygon_supernet_* modules to a separate folder * Add specs for public functions * Remove redundant function * Reuse decode_data function * Move polygon_supernet_* files into a separate folder * Move polygon_supernet_* files into a separate folder * Partially disband Explorer.Chain module * Define chain type * Remove infinite waiting for safe block * max format * Rename Polygon Supernet to Polygon Edge * Set INDEXER_INTERNAL_TRANSACTIONS_TRACER_TYPE to polygon_edge if CHAIN_TYPE is polygon_edge * Fix chain type definition * Fix repos list definition in releases_tasks * INDEXER_POLYGON_SUPERNET_ -> INDEXER_POLYGON_EDGE_ --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> Co-authored-by: Viktor Baranov <>
1 year ago
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonEdge.Withdrawal.Supervisor, enabled: ConfigHelper.chain_type() == :polygon_edge
Deposits and Withdrawals for Polygon Edge (#8180) * Prepare tables for Polygon Supernet Withdrawals module * Prepare Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonSupernetWithdrawal * Prepare Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonSupernetWithdrawalExit * Prepare tables for Polygon Supernet Deposits module * Partially add Polygon Supernet Deposits module * Add Polygon Supernet Deposits module * Extend transaction data in API v2 for Polygon Supernet Deposits and Withdrawals * Extend API v2 for list of Polygon Supernet Deposits * Extend API v2 for list of Polygon Supernet Withdrawals * Modify collated_gas_price constraint to support Immutable test chain * Update number of retries * Fix Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonSupernetWithdrawal * Fix API v2 for Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonSupernetWithdrawal * Return page_size to 50 * Fix API v2 for Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonSupernetDeposit * Fix Explorer.Validator.MetadataRetriever to prevent sending request to nil address * Refactor PolygonSupernet* modules * Refactor PolygonSupernet* modules * Small refactoring of PolygonSupernet* modules * Update changelog * Fixes for dialyzer and cspell * Fix of Explorer tests * Add env vars for docker * Add env variable for eth_getLogs * Share event signatures between modules * Refactoring for fill_block_range function * Small refactoring of transaction actions module * Move polygon_supernet_* modules to a separate folder * Add specs for public functions * Remove redundant function * Reuse decode_data function * Move polygon_supernet_* files into a separate folder * Move polygon_supernet_* files into a separate folder * Partially disband Explorer.Chain module * Define chain type * Remove infinite waiting for safe block * max format * Rename Polygon Supernet to Polygon Edge * Set INDEXER_INTERNAL_TRANSACTIONS_TRACER_TYPE to polygon_edge if CHAIN_TYPE is polygon_edge * Fix chain type definition * Fix repos list definition in releases_tasks * INDEXER_POLYGON_SUPERNET_ -> INDEXER_POLYGON_EDGE_ --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> Co-authored-by: Viktor Baranov <>
1 year ago
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonEdge.WithdrawalExit.Supervisor,
enabled: ConfigHelper.chain_type() == :polygon_edge
Deposits and Withdrawals for Polygon Edge (#8180) * Prepare tables for Polygon Supernet Withdrawals module * Prepare Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonSupernetWithdrawal * Prepare Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonSupernetWithdrawalExit * Prepare tables for Polygon Supernet Deposits module * Partially add Polygon Supernet Deposits module * Add Polygon Supernet Deposits module * Extend transaction data in API v2 for Polygon Supernet Deposits and Withdrawals * Extend API v2 for list of Polygon Supernet Deposits * Extend API v2 for list of Polygon Supernet Withdrawals * Modify collated_gas_price constraint to support Immutable test chain * Update number of retries * Fix Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonSupernetWithdrawal * Fix API v2 for Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonSupernetWithdrawal * Return page_size to 50 * Fix API v2 for Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonSupernetDeposit * Fix Explorer.Validator.MetadataRetriever to prevent sending request to nil address * Refactor PolygonSupernet* modules * Refactor PolygonSupernet* modules * Small refactoring of PolygonSupernet* modules * Update changelog * Fixes for dialyzer and cspell * Fix of Explorer tests * Add env vars for docker * Add env variable for eth_getLogs * Share event signatures between modules * Refactoring for fill_block_range function * Small refactoring of transaction actions module * Move polygon_supernet_* modules to a separate folder * Add specs for public functions * Remove redundant function * Reuse decode_data function * Move polygon_supernet_* files into a separate folder * Move polygon_supernet_* files into a separate folder * Partially disband Explorer.Chain module * Define chain type * Remove infinite waiting for safe block * max format * Rename Polygon Supernet to Polygon Edge * Set INDEXER_INTERNAL_TRANSACTIONS_TRACER_TYPE to polygon_edge if CHAIN_TYPE is polygon_edge * Fix chain type definition * Fix repos list definition in releases_tasks * INDEXER_POLYGON_SUPERNET_ -> INDEXER_POLYGON_EDGE_ --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> Co-authored-by: Viktor Baranov <>
1 year ago
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonEdge,
polygon_edge_l1_rpc: System.get_env("INDEXER_POLYGON_EDGE_L1_RPC"),
ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_POLYGON_EDGE_ETH_GET_LOGS_RANGE_SIZE", 1000)
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonEdge.Deposit,
start_block_l1: System.get_env("INDEXER_POLYGON_EDGE_L1_DEPOSITS_START_BLOCK"),
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonEdge.DepositExecute,
start_block_l2: System.get_env("INDEXER_POLYGON_EDGE_L2_DEPOSITS_START_BLOCK"),
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonEdge.Withdrawal,
start_block_l2: System.get_env("INDEXER_POLYGON_EDGE_L2_WITHDRAWALS_START_BLOCK"),
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonEdge.WithdrawalExit,
start_block_l1: System.get_env("INDEXER_POLYGON_EDGE_L1_WITHDRAWALS_START_BLOCK"),
zksync chain type support (#9631) * zkSync customizations * Insert placeholders instead of deriving current token balances * ZkSync Batches status tracking (#9080) * initial version of batch tracking * missed file added * attempt to add DB migration * Finalized L1 txs tracking * keep batches in DB * Batches statuses tracker introduction * rpc endponts to get batches data * extended views for blocks and transactions * Refactoring of fetchers * Fetch historical blocks * handle_info calls simplified * Ability to recover missed blocks * zksync info in a separate sub-map * added doc comments, part 1 * finalized doc comments * actual bathes count instead of the last imported batch * fix formatting * credo fixes * Address dialyzer warnings * Fix spelling * remaining issues with spelling and dialyzer * Attempt to address BlockScout Web Tests issue * review comments addressed, part 1 * review comments addressed, part 2 * collection all_options for import module reworked to get rid of dialyzer findings * removed unnecessary functionality * proper import * Credo fixes * Add CHAIN_TYPE=zksync to image generation workflow * Proper handling of empty transactions list in etc_getBlockByNumber * Merge master * Address merge issues * Fix format * Refactoring of chain type specific code for block and transaction views * Consistent name for functions * add exceptions for Credo.Check.Design.AliasUsage * Fix rebasing conflicts * Fix rebase conflicts * fix issue with stability fees in tx view * make Stability related tests dependent on chain type in compile time * move zksync related migration * Changelog updated * removal of duplicated migration * List r,s,v as optional attributes for transaction --------- Co-authored-by: Viktor Baranov <> Co-authored-by: Qwerty5Uiop <>
9 months ago
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.ZkSync.TransactionBatch,
chunk_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_ZKSYNC_BATCHES_CHUNK_SIZE", 50),
batches_max_range: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_ZKSYNC_NEW_BATCHES_MAX_RANGE", 50),
recheck_interval: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_ZKSYNC_NEW_BATCHES_RECHECK_INTERVAL", 60)
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.ZkSync.TransactionBatch.Supervisor,
enabled: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("INDEXER_ZKSYNC_BATCHES_ENABLED")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.ZkSync.BatchesStatusTracker,
zksync_l1_rpc: System.get_env("INDEXER_ZKSYNC_L1_RPC"),
recheck_interval: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_ZKSYNC_BATCHES_STATUS_RECHECK_INTERVAL", 60)
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.ZkSync.BatchesStatusTracker.Supervisor,
enabled: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("INDEXER_ZKSYNC_BATCHES_ENABLED")
feat: indexer for cross level messages on Arbitrum (#9312) * Initial version of x-level messages indexer * fixes for cspell and credo * new state of x-level messages * Monitoring of new L1-to-L2 messages on L1 * new batches discovery * fetcher workers in separate modules * proper name * Fix for responses without "id", e.g. "Too Many Requests" * update DB with new batches and corresponding data * update DB with confirmed blocks * fixes for cspell and credo * tracking commitments confirmations for L1 to L2 messages * Proper usign of max function * tracking completion of L2 to L1 messages * catchup historical messages to L2 * incorrect version of committed file * catchup historical messages from L2 and completion of L1-to-L2 messages * historical batches catchup * status for historical l2-to-l1 messages * address matching issue * catchup historical executions of L2-to-L1 messages * db query to find unconfirmed blocks gaps * first changes to catchup historical confirmations * finalized catchup of historical confirmations * 4844 blobs support * fix for the issue with multiple confirmations * limit amount of batches to handle at once * Use latest L1 block by fetchers if start block is not configured * merge issue fix * missed file * historical messages discovery * reduce logs severity * first iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * second iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * third iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * fourth iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * fifth iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * final iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * merge issues addressed * code review issues addressed * code review issues addressed * fix merge issue * raising exception in the case of DB inconsistency * fix formatting issue * termination case for RollupMessagesCatchup * code review comments addressed * code review comments addressed * consistency in primary keys * dialyzer fix * code review comments addressed * missed doc comment * code review comments addressed * updated indices creation as per code review comments * fix merge issue * configuration of intervals as time variables * TODO added to reflect improvement ability * database fields refactoring * association renaming * feat: APIv2 endpoints for Arbitrum messages and batches (#9963) * Arbitrum related info in Transaction and Block views * Views to get info about batches and messages * usage of committed for batches instead of confirmed * merge issues addressed * changes after merge * formatting issue fix * code review comment addressed * associations and fields in api response renamed * format issue addressed * feat: Arbitrum-specific fields in the block and transaction API endpoints (#10067) * Arbitrum related info in Transaction and Block views * Views to get info about batches and messages * usage of committed for batches instead of confirmed * merge issues addressed * changes after merge * formatting issue fix * block and transaction views extended * code review comment addressed * associations and fields in api response renamed * format issue addressed * fix credo issue * fix tests issues * ethereumjsonrpc test fail investigation * test issues fixes
6 months ago
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Arbitrum.Messaging,
ConfigHelper.safe_get_env("INDEXER_ARBITRUM_ARBSYS_CONTRACT", "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000064")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Arbitrum,
l1_rpc: System.get_env("INDEXER_ARBITRUM_L1_RPC"),
l1_rpc_chunk_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_ARBITRUM_L1_RPC_CHUNK_SIZE", 20),
l1_rpc_block_range: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_ARBITRUM_L1_RPC_HISTORICAL_BLOCKS_RANGE", 1000),
l1_rollup_address: System.get_env("INDEXER_ARBITRUM_L1_ROLLUP_CONTRACT"),
l1_rollup_init_block: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_ARBITRUM_L1_ROLLUP_INIT_BLOCK", 1),
l1_start_block: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_ARBITRUM_L1_COMMON_START_BLOCK", 0),
l1_finalization_threshold: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_ARBITRUM_L1_FINALIZATION_THRESHOLD", 1000),
feat: indexer for cross level messages on Arbitrum (#9312) * Initial version of x-level messages indexer * fixes for cspell and credo * new state of x-level messages * Monitoring of new L1-to-L2 messages on L1 * new batches discovery * fetcher workers in separate modules * proper name * Fix for responses without "id", e.g. "Too Many Requests" * update DB with new batches and corresponding data * update DB with confirmed blocks * fixes for cspell and credo * tracking commitments confirmations for L1 to L2 messages * Proper usign of max function * tracking completion of L2 to L1 messages * catchup historical messages to L2 * incorrect version of committed file * catchup historical messages from L2 and completion of L1-to-L2 messages * historical batches catchup * status for historical l2-to-l1 messages * address matching issue * catchup historical executions of L2-to-L1 messages * db query to find unconfirmed blocks gaps * first changes to catchup historical confirmations * finalized catchup of historical confirmations * 4844 blobs support * fix for the issue with multiple confirmations * limit amount of batches to handle at once * Use latest L1 block by fetchers if start block is not configured * merge issue fix * missed file * historical messages discovery * reduce logs severity * first iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * second iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * third iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * fourth iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * fifth iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * final iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * merge issues addressed * code review issues addressed * code review issues addressed * fix merge issue * raising exception in the case of DB inconsistency * fix formatting issue * termination case for RollupMessagesCatchup * code review comments addressed * code review comments addressed * consistency in primary keys * dialyzer fix * code review comments addressed * missed doc comment * code review comments addressed * updated indices creation as per code review comments * fix merge issue * configuration of intervals as time variables * TODO added to reflect improvement ability * database fields refactoring * association renaming * feat: APIv2 endpoints for Arbitrum messages and batches (#9963) * Arbitrum related info in Transaction and Block views * Views to get info about batches and messages * usage of committed for batches instead of confirmed * merge issues addressed * changes after merge * formatting issue fix * code review comment addressed * associations and fields in api response renamed * format issue addressed * feat: Arbitrum-specific fields in the block and transaction API endpoints (#10067) * Arbitrum related info in Transaction and Block views * Views to get info about batches and messages * usage of committed for batches instead of confirmed * merge issues addressed * changes after merge * formatting issue fix * block and transaction views extended * code review comment addressed * associations and fields in api response renamed * format issue addressed * fix credo issue * fix tests issues * ethereumjsonrpc test fail investigation * test issues fixes
6 months ago
rollup_chunk_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_ARBITRUM_ROLLUP_CHUNK_SIZE", 20)
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Arbitrum.TrackingMessagesOnL1,
recheck_interval: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("INDEXER_ARBITRUM_TRACKING_MESSAGES_ON_L1_RECHECK_INTERVAL", "20s")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Arbitrum.TrackingMessagesOnL1.Supervisor,
enabled: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("INDEXER_ARBITRUM_BRIDGE_MESSAGES_TRACKING_ENABLED")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Arbitrum.TrackingBatchesStatuses,
recheck_interval: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("INDEXER_ARBITRUM_BATCHES_TRACKING_RECHECK_INTERVAL", "20s"),
feat: indexer for cross level messages on Arbitrum (#9312) * Initial version of x-level messages indexer * fixes for cspell and credo * new state of x-level messages * Monitoring of new L1-to-L2 messages on L1 * new batches discovery * fetcher workers in separate modules * proper name * Fix for responses without "id", e.g. "Too Many Requests" * update DB with new batches and corresponding data * update DB with confirmed blocks * fixes for cspell and credo * tracking commitments confirmations for L1 to L2 messages * Proper usign of max function * tracking completion of L2 to L1 messages * catchup historical messages to L2 * incorrect version of committed file * catchup historical messages from L2 and completion of L1-to-L2 messages * historical batches catchup * status for historical l2-to-l1 messages * address matching issue * catchup historical executions of L2-to-L1 messages * db query to find unconfirmed blocks gaps * first changes to catchup historical confirmations * finalized catchup of historical confirmations * 4844 blobs support * fix for the issue with multiple confirmations * limit amount of batches to handle at once * Use latest L1 block by fetchers if start block is not configured * merge issue fix * missed file * historical messages discovery * reduce logs severity * first iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * second iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * third iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * fourth iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * fifth iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * final iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * merge issues addressed * code review issues addressed * code review issues addressed * fix merge issue * raising exception in the case of DB inconsistency * fix formatting issue * termination case for RollupMessagesCatchup * code review comments addressed * code review comments addressed * consistency in primary keys * dialyzer fix * code review comments addressed * missed doc comment * code review comments addressed * updated indices creation as per code review comments * fix merge issue * configuration of intervals as time variables * TODO added to reflect improvement ability * database fields refactoring * association renaming * feat: APIv2 endpoints for Arbitrum messages and batches (#9963) * Arbitrum related info in Transaction and Block views * Views to get info about batches and messages * usage of committed for batches instead of confirmed * merge issues addressed * changes after merge * formatting issue fix * code review comment addressed * associations and fields in api response renamed * format issue addressed * feat: Arbitrum-specific fields in the block and transaction API endpoints (#10067) * Arbitrum related info in Transaction and Block views * Views to get info about batches and messages * usage of committed for batches instead of confirmed * merge issues addressed * changes after merge * formatting issue fix * block and transaction views extended * code review comment addressed * associations and fields in api response renamed * format issue addressed * fix credo issue * fix tests issues * ethereumjsonrpc test fail investigation * test issues fixes
6 months ago
finalized_confirmations: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("INDEXER_ARBITRUM_CONFIRMATIONS_TRACKING_FINALIZED", "true"),
new_batches_limit: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_ARBITRUM_NEW_BATCHES_LIMIT", 10),
ConfigHelper.safe_get_env("INDEXER_ARBITRUM_NODE_INTERFACE_CONTRACT", "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000C8"),
missing_batches_range: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_ARBITRUM_MISSING_BATCHES_RANGE", 10000)
feat: indexer for cross level messages on Arbitrum (#9312) * Initial version of x-level messages indexer * fixes for cspell and credo * new state of x-level messages * Monitoring of new L1-to-L2 messages on L1 * new batches discovery * fetcher workers in separate modules * proper name * Fix for responses without "id", e.g. "Too Many Requests" * update DB with new batches and corresponding data * update DB with confirmed blocks * fixes for cspell and credo * tracking commitments confirmations for L1 to L2 messages * Proper usign of max function * tracking completion of L2 to L1 messages * catchup historical messages to L2 * incorrect version of committed file * catchup historical messages from L2 and completion of L1-to-L2 messages * historical batches catchup * status for historical l2-to-l1 messages * address matching issue * catchup historical executions of L2-to-L1 messages * db query to find unconfirmed blocks gaps * first changes to catchup historical confirmations * finalized catchup of historical confirmations * 4844 blobs support * fix for the issue with multiple confirmations * limit amount of batches to handle at once * Use latest L1 block by fetchers if start block is not configured * merge issue fix * missed file * historical messages discovery * reduce logs severity * first iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * second iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * third iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * fourth iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * fifth iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * final iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * merge issues addressed * code review issues addressed * code review issues addressed * fix merge issue * raising exception in the case of DB inconsistency * fix formatting issue * termination case for RollupMessagesCatchup * code review comments addressed * code review comments addressed * consistency in primary keys * dialyzer fix * code review comments addressed * missed doc comment * code review comments addressed * updated indices creation as per code review comments * fix merge issue * configuration of intervals as time variables * TODO added to reflect improvement ability * database fields refactoring * association renaming * feat: APIv2 endpoints for Arbitrum messages and batches (#9963) * Arbitrum related info in Transaction and Block views * Views to get info about batches and messages * usage of committed for batches instead of confirmed * merge issues addressed * changes after merge * formatting issue fix * code review comment addressed * associations and fields in api response renamed * format issue addressed * feat: Arbitrum-specific fields in the block and transaction API endpoints (#10067) * Arbitrum related info in Transaction and Block views * Views to get info about batches and messages * usage of committed for batches instead of confirmed * merge issues addressed * changes after merge * formatting issue fix * block and transaction views extended * code review comment addressed * associations and fields in api response renamed * format issue addressed * fix credo issue * fix tests issues * ethereumjsonrpc test fail investigation * test issues fixes
6 months ago
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Arbitrum.TrackingBatchesStatuses.Supervisor,
enabled: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("INDEXER_ARBITRUM_BATCHES_TRACKING_ENABLED")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Arbitrum.RollupMessagesCatchup,
recheck_interval: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("INDEXER_ARBITRUM_MISSED_MESSAGES_RECHECK_INTERVAL", "1h"),
ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_ARBITRUM_MISSED_MESSAGES_BLOCKS_DEPTH", 10000)
feat: indexer for cross level messages on Arbitrum (#9312) * Initial version of x-level messages indexer * fixes for cspell and credo * new state of x-level messages * Monitoring of new L1-to-L2 messages on L1 * new batches discovery * fetcher workers in separate modules * proper name * Fix for responses without "id", e.g. "Too Many Requests" * update DB with new batches and corresponding data * update DB with confirmed blocks * fixes for cspell and credo * tracking commitments confirmations for L1 to L2 messages * Proper usign of max function * tracking completion of L2 to L1 messages * catchup historical messages to L2 * incorrect version of committed file * catchup historical messages from L2 and completion of L1-to-L2 messages * historical batches catchup * status for historical l2-to-l1 messages * address matching issue * catchup historical executions of L2-to-L1 messages * db query to find unconfirmed blocks gaps * first changes to catchup historical confirmations * finalized catchup of historical confirmations * 4844 blobs support * fix for the issue with multiple confirmations * limit amount of batches to handle at once * Use latest L1 block by fetchers if start block is not configured * merge issue fix * missed file * historical messages discovery * reduce logs severity * first iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * second iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * third iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * fourth iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * fifth iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * final iteration to improve documentation for new functionality * merge issues addressed * code review issues addressed * code review issues addressed * fix merge issue * raising exception in the case of DB inconsistency * fix formatting issue * termination case for RollupMessagesCatchup * code review comments addressed * code review comments addressed * consistency in primary keys * dialyzer fix * code review comments addressed * missed doc comment * code review comments addressed * updated indices creation as per code review comments * fix merge issue * configuration of intervals as time variables * TODO added to reflect improvement ability * database fields refactoring * association renaming * feat: APIv2 endpoints for Arbitrum messages and batches (#9963) * Arbitrum related info in Transaction and Block views * Views to get info about batches and messages * usage of committed for batches instead of confirmed * merge issues addressed * changes after merge * formatting issue fix * code review comment addressed * associations and fields in api response renamed * format issue addressed * feat: Arbitrum-specific fields in the block and transaction API endpoints (#10067) * Arbitrum related info in Transaction and Block views * Views to get info about batches and messages * usage of committed for batches instead of confirmed * merge issues addressed * changes after merge * formatting issue fix * block and transaction views extended * code review comment addressed * associations and fields in api response renamed * format issue addressed * fix credo issue * fix tests issues * ethereumjsonrpc test fail investigation * test issues fixes
6 months ago
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Arbitrum.RollupMessagesCatchup.Supervisor,
enabled: ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("INDEXER_ARBITRUM_BRIDGE_MESSAGES_TRACKING_ENABLED")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Arbitrum.MessagesToL2Matcher.Supervisor,
disabled?: not ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("INDEXER_ARBITRUM_BRIDGE_MESSAGES_TRACKING_ENABLED")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.RootstockData.Supervisor,
ConfigHelper.chain_type() != :rsk || ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("INDEXER_DISABLE_ROOTSTOCK_DATA_FETCHER")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.RootstockData,
interval: ConfigHelper.parse_time_env_var("INDEXER_ROOTSTOCK_DATA_FETCHER_INTERVAL", "3s"),
batch_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_ROOTSTOCK_DATA_FETCHER_BATCH_SIZE", 10),
max_concurrency: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_ROOTSTOCK_DATA_FETCHER_CONCURRENCY", 5),
db_batch_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_ROOTSTOCK_DATA_FETCHER_DB_BATCH_SIZE", 300)
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Beacon, beacon_rpc: System.get_env("INDEXER_BEACON_RPC_URL") || "http://localhost:5052"
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Beacon.Blob.Supervisor,
ConfigHelper.chain_type() != :ethereum ||
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Beacon.Blob,
slot_duration: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_BEACON_BLOB_FETCHER_SLOT_DURATION", 12),
reference_slot: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_BEACON_BLOB_FETCHER_REFERENCE_SLOT", 8_000_000),
ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_BEACON_BLOB_FETCHER_REFERENCE_TIMESTAMP", 1_702_824_023),
start_block: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_BEACON_BLOB_FETCHER_START_BLOCK", 19_200_000),
end_block: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_BEACON_BLOB_FETCHER_END_BLOCK", 0)
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Shibarium.L1,
rpc: System.get_env("INDEXER_SHIBARIUM_L1_RPC"),
start_block: System.get_env("INDEXER_SHIBARIUM_L1_START_BLOCK"),
deposit_manager_proxy: System.get_env("INDEXER_SHIBARIUM_L1_DEPOSIT_MANAGER_CONTRACT"),
ether_predicate_proxy: System.get_env("INDEXER_SHIBARIUM_L1_ETHER_PREDICATE_CONTRACT"),
erc20_predicate_proxy: System.get_env("INDEXER_SHIBARIUM_L1_ERC20_PREDICATE_CONTRACT"),
erc721_predicate_proxy: System.get_env("INDEXER_SHIBARIUM_L1_ERC721_PREDICATE_CONTRACT"),
erc1155_predicate_proxy: System.get_env("INDEXER_SHIBARIUM_L1_ERC1155_PREDICATE_CONTRACT"),
withdraw_manager_proxy: System.get_env("INDEXER_SHIBARIUM_L1_WITHDRAW_MANAGER_CONTRACT")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Shibarium.L2,
start_block: System.get_env("INDEXER_SHIBARIUM_L2_START_BLOCK"),
child_chain: System.get_env("INDEXER_SHIBARIUM_L2_CHILD_CHAIN_CONTRACT"),
bone_withdraw: System.get_env("INDEXER_SHIBARIUM_L2_BONE_WITHDRAW_CONTRACT")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Shibarium.L1.Supervisor, enabled: ConfigHelper.chain_type() == :shibarium
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Shibarium.L2.Supervisor, enabled: ConfigHelper.chain_type() == :shibarium
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonZkevm.BridgeL1,
12 months ago
rpc: System.get_env("INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L1_RPC"),
start_block: System.get_env("INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L1_BRIDGE_START_BLOCK"),
bridge_contract: System.get_env("INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L1_BRIDGE_CONTRACT"),
native_symbol: System.get_env("INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L1_BRIDGE_NATIVE_SYMBOL", "ETH"),
native_decimals: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L1_BRIDGE_NATIVE_DECIMALS", 18),
rollup_network_id_l1: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_or_nil_env_var("INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L1_BRIDGE_NETWORK_ID"),
rollup_index_l1: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_or_nil_env_var("INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L1_BRIDGE_ROLLUP_INDEX")
12 months ago
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonZkevm.BridgeL1.Supervisor, enabled: ConfigHelper.chain_type() == :polygon_zkevm
12 months ago
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonZkevm.BridgeL1Tokens.Supervisor,
enabled: ConfigHelper.chain_type() == :polygon_zkevm
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonZkevm.BridgeL2,
12 months ago
start_block: System.get_env("INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L2_BRIDGE_START_BLOCK"),
bridge_contract: System.get_env("INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L2_BRIDGE_CONTRACT"),
rollup_network_id_l2: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_or_nil_env_var("INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L2_BRIDGE_NETWORK_ID"),
rollup_index_l2: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_or_nil_env_var("INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_L2_BRIDGE_ROLLUP_INDEX")
12 months ago
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonZkevm.BridgeL2.Supervisor, enabled: ConfigHelper.chain_type() == :polygon_zkevm
12 months ago
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonZkevm.TransactionBatch,
chunk_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_BATCHES_CHUNK_SIZE", 20),
recheck_interval: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_POLYGON_ZKEVM_BATCHES_RECHECK_INTERVAL", 60)
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.PolygonZkevm.TransactionBatch.Supervisor,
ConfigHelper.chain_type() == :polygon_zkevm &&
10 months ago
feat: support for `:celo` chain type (#10564) * feat: indexing of Celo transactions (#10275) * feat(json-rpc): support celo-specific fields in transactions * chore: add new chain type to matrix builder * feat: add celo-specific fields to transactions schema * chore: add "celo" to `cspell.json` * chore: fix formatting * refactor: improve naming for celo fields and ignore `ethCompatible` field * chore: add block fetcher test for celo fields * feat: add celo core contract abis * feat: add a cache for core celo contracts * feat: treat celo native token transfers as token transfers * fix: update `cspell.json` with celo words * fix(dialyzer): pattern can never match the type * fix: update `cspell.json` with celo words * feat: move `CELO_NETWORK` env to config * feat: parse native Celo token transfers from internal transactions * feat: add token balances fetching * refactor: remove `dbg` and organize code better * fix: start TokenBalance fetcher * fix: start token balance fetcher * fix: typo in log message * fix: missing fields in celo transaction token transfer * refactor: remove `AbiHandler` in favour of hardcoded pieces of abi * refactor: native token transfers from internal transactions fether * feat: implement parsing of token transfers for traceable rpc node * feat: fetch address coin balances after erc20 celo token transfers * feat: add `gas_token` to transaction response in api v2 * feat: index tokens specified as `feeCurrency` * chore: fix credo warnings * chore: decrease log level to debug * chore: fix cspell warnings * refactor: apply suggestions * fix: handle case when `gas_token` is not loaded * dbg * chore: expect contract calls in celo fetcher test * fix: compile errors for celo view on default chain type * chore: remove unused import * refactor: move `celo_gas_tokens` to chain type imports * refactor: apply suggestions * fix: swap arguments in `put_if_present` * fix: indexer tests * refactor: always include `gas_token` to the response * feat: add `gas_token` to all transaction-related endpoints * feat: celo core contracts with historical data * fix: `uncles` field is expected but not present in RPC node response * fix: credo & format * fix: define `CELO_CORE_CONTRACTS` in tests * fix: put `gas_token` under `celo` section * refactor: move token transfers filtering from `TokenTotalSupplyUpdater` to `Transform.TokenTransfers` * feat: add workflow to publish docker image * refactor: apply suggestions by @nikitosing * chore: add docs and specs * fix: malformed import * fix: publish image for celo * fix: ci build for celo * feat: index celo epoch transactions (#9944) * feat(json-rpc): support celo-specific fields in transactions * chore: add new chain type to matrix builder * feat: add celo-specific fields to transactions schema * chore: add "celo" to `cspell.json` * chore: fix formatting * refactor: improve naming for celo fields and ignore `ethCompatible` field * chore: add block fetcher test for celo fields * feat: add celo core contract abis * feat: add a cache for core celo contracts * feat: treat celo native token transfers as token transfers * fix: update `cspell.json` with celo words * fix(dialyzer): pattern can never match the type * fix: update `cspell.json` with celo words * feat: move `CELO_NETWORK` env to config * feat: parse native Celo token transfers from internal transactions * feat: add token balances fetching * refactor: remove `dbg` and organize code better * fix: start TokenBalance fetcher * fix: start token balance fetcher * fix: typo in log message * fix: missing fields in celo transaction token transfer * refactor: remove `AbiHandler` in favour of hardcoded pieces of abi * refactor: native token transfers from internal transactions fether * feat: implement parsing of token transfers for traceable rpc node * feat: fetch address coin balances after erc20 celo token transfers * feat: add `gas_token` to transaction response in api v2 * feat: index tokens specified as `feeCurrency` * chore: fix credo warnings * chore: decrease log level to debug * chore: fix cspell warnings * refactor: apply suggestions * fix: handle case when `gas_token` is not loaded * dbg * chore: expect contract calls in celo fetcher test * fix: compile errors for celo view on default chain type * chore: remove unused import * refactor: move `celo_gas_tokens` to chain type imports * refactor: apply suggestions * fix: swap arguments in `put_if_present` * fix: indexer tests * refactor: always include `gas_token` to the response * feat: add `gas_token` to all transaction-related endpoints * feat: celo core contracts with historical data * fix: `uncles` field is expected but not present in RPC node response * fix: credo & format * fix: define `CELO_CORE_CONTRACTS` in tests * fix: put `gas_token` under `celo` section * refactor: move token transfers filtering from `TokenTotalSupplyUpdater` to `Transform.TokenTransfers` * feat: add workflow to publish docker image * refactor: apply suggestions by @nikitosing * chore: add docs and specs * fix: malformed import * feat: add pending epoch operations table * refactor: fix format * feat: add transformers for epoch events * feat: add query to stream pending epoch block operations * fix: call to renamed function * fix: add factory method for pending epoch block operation * feat: add utils for logs parsing * feat: add schemas for epoch rewards and election rewards * fix: rename transformer according to event name * feat: implement epoch rewards fetcher * feat: fetch and import epoch logs * feat: improve epoch rewards fetcher 1. Do not fetch logs -- use the ones stored in DB 2. Import epochs to the database 3. Configure fetcher in runtime.exs * feat: add epoch helper functions * activated_validator_group_vote.ex * feat: add task to fetch core contracts * feat: fetch core contract events in the task * fix: merge artifacts * refactor: logs requests and reduce scope of epoch logs request * chore: fix formatting, credo warning, etc. * feat: fetch epoch rewards in one sql query * feat: fetch validator group votes (historical data and on demand) * refactor: rename fields and replace all entries on conflict * feat: validator group votes fetcher * fix: put each topic in a separate request * feat: fetch voter rewards * refactor: split epoch fetcher to multiple modules * feat: send epoch blocks for async fetching from block fetcher * chore: fix credo and formatting issues * fix: dialyzer warnings * fix: add on demand fetch of group votes * fix: failed explorer and indexer tests * fix: block fetcher tests * fix: match error in epoch logs * feat: add env to manage logs batch size when fetching validator group votes * fix: Add `ssl_opts` for Celo repo * fix: add `disabled?` predicate to supervisor config * fix: return empty list when `getPaymentDelegation` is not available * fix: validate the case when there is no voter rewards for an epoch * fix: formatting * fix: import `put_if_present/3` * fix: do not treat genesis block as an epoch block * fix: some of the fetcher tests * dbg * chore: remove commented code * chore: canonical disable flag env name * fix: run test only for celo chain type * fix: add explicit `wait_ for_tasks` in token instance realtime test * fix: set missing `CELO_CORE_CONTRACTS` env * fix: rollback token instance realtime test * chore: remove debug artifact * chore: add docs for new tables * perf: remove unused fields from `celo_validator_group_votes` table * fix: add on_exit clause * refactor: use `remove/3` function for migration rollback possibility * refactor: extract celo core contracts environment variable setup into a separate function * chore: add new vars to `common-blockscout.env` file * chore: add specs and docs for new modules and functions * refactor: eliminate unused import warnings * fix: credo warning * feat: API for celo epoch rewards and fees breakdown (#10308) * feat(json-rpc): support celo-specific fields in transactions * chore: add new chain type to matrix builder * feat: add celo-specific fields to transactions schema * chore: add "celo" to `cspell.json` * chore: fix formatting * refactor: improve naming for celo fields and ignore `ethCompatible` field * chore: add block fetcher test for celo fields * feat: add celo core contract abis * feat: add a cache for core celo contracts * feat: treat celo native token transfers as token transfers * fix: update `cspell.json` with celo words * fix(dialyzer): pattern can never match the type * fix: update `cspell.json` with celo words * feat: move `CELO_NETWORK` env to config * feat: parse native Celo token transfers from internal transactions * feat: add token balances fetching * refactor: remove `dbg` and organize code better * fix: start TokenBalance fetcher * fix: start token balance fetcher * fix: typo in log message * fix: missing fields in celo transaction token transfer * refactor: remove `AbiHandler` in favour of hardcoded pieces of abi * refactor: native token transfers from internal transactions fether * feat: implement parsing of token transfers for traceable rpc node * feat: fetch address coin balances after erc20 celo token transfers * feat: add `gas_token` to transaction response in api v2 * feat: index tokens specified as `feeCurrency` * chore: fix credo warnings * chore: decrease log level to debug * chore: fix cspell warnings * refactor: apply suggestions * fix: handle case when `gas_token` is not loaded * dbg * chore: expect contract calls in celo fetcher test * fix: compile errors for celo view on default chain type * chore: remove unused import * refactor: move `celo_gas_tokens` to chain type imports * refactor: apply suggestions * fix: swap arguments in `put_if_present` * fix: indexer tests * feat: add pending epoch operations table * feat: add several celo core contracts * refactor: fix format * feat: add new core contract default addresses * feat: add transformers for epoch events * feat: add query to stream pending epoch block operations * fix: call to renamed function * fix: add factory method for pending epoch block operation * feat: add utils for logs parsing * feat: add schemas for epoch rewards and election rewards * fix: rename transformer according to event name * feat: implement epoch rewards fetcher * feat: fetch and import epoch logs * feat: improve epoch rewards fetcher 1. Do not fetch logs -- use the ones stored in DB 2. Import epochs to the database 3. Configure fetcher in runtime.exs * fix: remove duplicated module attribute * feat: add epoch helper functions * activated_validator_group_vote.ex * feat: tmp * refactor: always include `gas_token` to the response * feat: add `gas_token` to all transaction-related endpoints * feat: celo core contracts with historical data * fix: `uncles` field is expected but not present in RPC node response * fix: credo & format * fix: define `CELO_CORE_CONTRACTS` in tests * fix: put `gas_token` under `celo` section * refactor: move token transfers filtering from `TokenTotalSupplyUpdater` to `Transform.TokenTransfers` * feat: add workflow to publish docker image * refactor: apply suggestions by @nikitosing * chore: add docs and specs * fix: malformed import * feat: add pending epoch operations table * refactor: fix format * feat: add transformers for epoch events * feat: add query to stream pending epoch block operations * fix: call to renamed function * fix: add factory method for pending epoch block operation * feat: add utils for logs parsing * feat: add schemas for epoch rewards and election rewards * fix: rename transformer according to event name * feat: implement epoch rewards fetcher * feat: fetch and import epoch logs * feat: improve epoch rewards fetcher 1. Do not fetch logs -- use the ones stored in DB 2. Import epochs to the database 3. Configure fetcher in runtime.exs * feat: add epoch helper functions * activated_validator_group_vote.ex * feat: add task to fetch core contracts * feat: fetch core contract events in the task * fix: merge artifacts * refactor: logs requests and reduce scope of epoch logs request * chore: fix formatting, credo warning, etc. * feat: fetch epoch rewards in one sql query * feat: fetch validator group votes (historical data and on demand) * refactor: rename fields and replace all entries on conflict * feat: validator group votes fetcher * fix: put each topic in a separate request * feat: fetch voter rewards * fix: merge artifacts * feat: add epoch rewards in block api response * fix: merge artifacts * feat: add base fee breakdown in block api response * feat: add aggregated election rewards to block api response * perf: use replica when querying epoch rewards * feat: endpoint for paginated election rewards * feat: endpoint for paginated election rewards for address * chore: rename `rewards` to `distributions` * fix: add missing reward type to API error message * refactor: split epoch fetcher to multiple modules * feat: send epoch blocks for async fetching from block fetcher * chore: fix credo and formatting issues * fix: dialyzer warnings * fix: add on demand fetch of group votes * fix: failed explorer and indexer tests * fix: block fetcher tests * chore: remove unused module * fix: sort election rewards by block number * fix: match error in epoch logs * feat: add env to manage logs batch size when fetching validator group votes * fix: credo and formatting warnings * fix: cspell errors * fix: dialyzer errors * fix: Add `ssl_opts` for Celo repo * fix: add missing preloads and make more explicit api response for block * fix: add `disabled?` predicate to supervisor config * fix: return empty list when `getPaymentDelegation` is not available * fix: validate the case when there is no voter rewards for an epoch * fix: formatting * fix: add missing preload * refactor: more robust fees breakdown logic for the case of fee handler * fix: formatting * refactor: move epoch information to the separate endpoint * fix: import `put_if_present/3` * fix: formatting * fix: do not treat genesis block as an epoch block * fix: some of the fetcher tests * dbg * chore: remove commented code * chore: canonical disable flag env name * fix: run test only for celo chain type * fix: add explicit `wait_ for_tasks` in token instance realtime test * fix: set missing `CELO_CORE_CONTRACTS` env * fix: rollback token instance realtime test * chore: remove debug artifact * chore: add `@docs` and `@specs` * fix: missing core contracts var in tests * feat: extend `tabs-counters` endpoint with election rewards count * refactor: move dead address to `Explorer.Chain.SmartContract` * perf: clause with simplified queries in the case of `amount == 0` and/or `block_number == 0` * fix: it comes that `NotLoaded` clause is not redundant actually... * fix: add missing preload in `BlockScoutWeb.AddressChannel` * chore: unset `CELO_CORE_CONTRACTS` in tests * chore: add missing specs * fix: `paginate` clause when `amount == 0` * refactor: move `paging_options/2` to `Explorer.Chain.Celo.ElectionReward` * refactor: avoid using virtual field for block number. * fix: remove redundant condition in the query * chore: clarify `@spec` * chore: fix credo warning * chore: remove `fi-celo` from branches that trigger ci * fix: merge artifacts * fix: remove todo comment
4 months ago
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Celo.ValidatorGroupVotes,
batch_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_CELO_VALIDATOR_GROUP_VOTES_BATCH_SIZE", 200_000)
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Celo.ValidatorGroupVotes.Supervisor,
ConfigHelper.chain_type() == :celo and
feat: support for `:celo` chain type (#10564) * feat: indexing of Celo transactions (#10275) * feat(json-rpc): support celo-specific fields in transactions * chore: add new chain type to matrix builder * feat: add celo-specific fields to transactions schema * chore: add "celo" to `cspell.json` * chore: fix formatting * refactor: improve naming for celo fields and ignore `ethCompatible` field * chore: add block fetcher test for celo fields * feat: add celo core contract abis * feat: add a cache for core celo contracts * feat: treat celo native token transfers as token transfers * fix: update `cspell.json` with celo words * fix(dialyzer): pattern can never match the type * fix: update `cspell.json` with celo words * feat: move `CELO_NETWORK` env to config * feat: parse native Celo token transfers from internal transactions * feat: add token balances fetching * refactor: remove `dbg` and organize code better * fix: start TokenBalance fetcher * fix: start token balance fetcher * fix: typo in log message * fix: missing fields in celo transaction token transfer * refactor: remove `AbiHandler` in favour of hardcoded pieces of abi * refactor: native token transfers from internal transactions fether * feat: implement parsing of token transfers for traceable rpc node * feat: fetch address coin balances after erc20 celo token transfers * feat: add `gas_token` to transaction response in api v2 * feat: index tokens specified as `feeCurrency` * chore: fix credo warnings * chore: decrease log level to debug * chore: fix cspell warnings * refactor: apply suggestions * fix: handle case when `gas_token` is not loaded * dbg * chore: expect contract calls in celo fetcher test * fix: compile errors for celo view on default chain type * chore: remove unused import * refactor: move `celo_gas_tokens` to chain type imports * refactor: apply suggestions * fix: swap arguments in `put_if_present` * fix: indexer tests * refactor: always include `gas_token` to the response * feat: add `gas_token` to all transaction-related endpoints * feat: celo core contracts with historical data * fix: `uncles` field is expected but not present in RPC node response * fix: credo & format * fix: define `CELO_CORE_CONTRACTS` in tests * fix: put `gas_token` under `celo` section * refactor: move token transfers filtering from `TokenTotalSupplyUpdater` to `Transform.TokenTransfers` * feat: add workflow to publish docker image * refactor: apply suggestions by @nikitosing * chore: add docs and specs * fix: malformed import * fix: publish image for celo * fix: ci build for celo * feat: index celo epoch transactions (#9944) * feat(json-rpc): support celo-specific fields in transactions * chore: add new chain type to matrix builder * feat: add celo-specific fields to transactions schema * chore: add "celo" to `cspell.json` * chore: fix formatting * refactor: improve naming for celo fields and ignore `ethCompatible` field * chore: add block fetcher test for celo fields * feat: add celo core contract abis * feat: add a cache for core celo contracts * feat: treat celo native token transfers as token transfers * fix: update `cspell.json` with celo words * fix(dialyzer): pattern can never match the type * fix: update `cspell.json` with celo words * feat: move `CELO_NETWORK` env to config * feat: parse native Celo token transfers from internal transactions * feat: add token balances fetching * refactor: remove `dbg` and organize code better * fix: start TokenBalance fetcher * fix: start token balance fetcher * fix: typo in log message * fix: missing fields in celo transaction token transfer * refactor: remove `AbiHandler` in favour of hardcoded pieces of abi * refactor: native token transfers from internal transactions fether * feat: implement parsing of token transfers for traceable rpc node * feat: fetch address coin balances after erc20 celo token transfers * feat: add `gas_token` to transaction response in api v2 * feat: index tokens specified as `feeCurrency` * chore: fix credo warnings * chore: decrease log level to debug * chore: fix cspell warnings * refactor: apply suggestions * fix: handle case when `gas_token` is not loaded * dbg * chore: expect contract calls in celo fetcher test * fix: compile errors for celo view on default chain type * chore: remove unused import * refactor: move `celo_gas_tokens` to chain type imports * refactor: apply suggestions * fix: swap arguments in `put_if_present` * fix: indexer tests * refactor: always include `gas_token` to the response * feat: add `gas_token` to all transaction-related endpoints * feat: celo core contracts with historical data * fix: `uncles` field is expected but not present in RPC node response * fix: credo & format * fix: define `CELO_CORE_CONTRACTS` in tests * fix: put `gas_token` under `celo` section * refactor: move token transfers filtering from `TokenTotalSupplyUpdater` to `Transform.TokenTransfers` * feat: add workflow to publish docker image * refactor: apply suggestions by @nikitosing * chore: add docs and specs * fix: malformed import * feat: add pending epoch operations table * refactor: fix format * feat: add transformers for epoch events * feat: add query to stream pending epoch block operations * fix: call to renamed function * fix: add factory method for pending epoch block operation * feat: add utils for logs parsing * feat: add schemas for epoch rewards and election rewards * fix: rename transformer according to event name * feat: implement epoch rewards fetcher * feat: fetch and import epoch logs * feat: improve epoch rewards fetcher 1. Do not fetch logs -- use the ones stored in DB 2. Import epochs to the database 3. Configure fetcher in runtime.exs * feat: add epoch helper functions * activated_validator_group_vote.ex * feat: add task to fetch core contracts * feat: fetch core contract events in the task * fix: merge artifacts * refactor: logs requests and reduce scope of epoch logs request * chore: fix formatting, credo warning, etc. * feat: fetch epoch rewards in one sql query * feat: fetch validator group votes (historical data and on demand) * refactor: rename fields and replace all entries on conflict * feat: validator group votes fetcher * fix: put each topic in a separate request * feat: fetch voter rewards * refactor: split epoch fetcher to multiple modules * feat: send epoch blocks for async fetching from block fetcher * chore: fix credo and formatting issues * fix: dialyzer warnings * fix: add on demand fetch of group votes * fix: failed explorer and indexer tests * fix: block fetcher tests * fix: match error in epoch logs * feat: add env to manage logs batch size when fetching validator group votes * fix: Add `ssl_opts` for Celo repo * fix: add `disabled?` predicate to supervisor config * fix: return empty list when `getPaymentDelegation` is not available * fix: validate the case when there is no voter rewards for an epoch * fix: formatting * fix: import `put_if_present/3` * fix: do not treat genesis block as an epoch block * fix: some of the fetcher tests * dbg * chore: remove commented code * chore: canonical disable flag env name * fix: run test only for celo chain type * fix: add explicit `wait_ for_tasks` in token instance realtime test * fix: set missing `CELO_CORE_CONTRACTS` env * fix: rollback token instance realtime test * chore: remove debug artifact * chore: add docs for new tables * perf: remove unused fields from `celo_validator_group_votes` table * fix: add on_exit clause * refactor: use `remove/3` function for migration rollback possibility * refactor: extract celo core contracts environment variable setup into a separate function * chore: add new vars to `common-blockscout.env` file * chore: add specs and docs for new modules and functions * refactor: eliminate unused import warnings * fix: credo warning * feat: API for celo epoch rewards and fees breakdown (#10308) * feat(json-rpc): support celo-specific fields in transactions * chore: add new chain type to matrix builder * feat: add celo-specific fields to transactions schema * chore: add "celo" to `cspell.json` * chore: fix formatting * refactor: improve naming for celo fields and ignore `ethCompatible` field * chore: add block fetcher test for celo fields * feat: add celo core contract abis * feat: add a cache for core celo contracts * feat: treat celo native token transfers as token transfers * fix: update `cspell.json` with celo words * fix(dialyzer): pattern can never match the type * fix: update `cspell.json` with celo words * feat: move `CELO_NETWORK` env to config * feat: parse native Celo token transfers from internal transactions * feat: add token balances fetching * refactor: remove `dbg` and organize code better * fix: start TokenBalance fetcher * fix: start token balance fetcher * fix: typo in log message * fix: missing fields in celo transaction token transfer * refactor: remove `AbiHandler` in favour of hardcoded pieces of abi * refactor: native token transfers from internal transactions fether * feat: implement parsing of token transfers for traceable rpc node * feat: fetch address coin balances after erc20 celo token transfers * feat: add `gas_token` to transaction response in api v2 * feat: index tokens specified as `feeCurrency` * chore: fix credo warnings * chore: decrease log level to debug * chore: fix cspell warnings * refactor: apply suggestions * fix: handle case when `gas_token` is not loaded * dbg * chore: expect contract calls in celo fetcher test * fix: compile errors for celo view on default chain type * chore: remove unused import * refactor: move `celo_gas_tokens` to chain type imports * refactor: apply suggestions * fix: swap arguments in `put_if_present` * fix: indexer tests * feat: add pending epoch operations table * feat: add several celo core contracts * refactor: fix format * feat: add new core contract default addresses * feat: add transformers for epoch events * feat: add query to stream pending epoch block operations * fix: call to renamed function * fix: add factory method for pending epoch block operation * feat: add utils for logs parsing * feat: add schemas for epoch rewards and election rewards * fix: rename transformer according to event name * feat: implement epoch rewards fetcher * feat: fetch and import epoch logs * feat: improve epoch rewards fetcher 1. Do not fetch logs -- use the ones stored in DB 2. Import epochs to the database 3. Configure fetcher in runtime.exs * fix: remove duplicated module attribute * feat: add epoch helper functions * activated_validator_group_vote.ex * feat: tmp * refactor: always include `gas_token` to the response * feat: add `gas_token` to all transaction-related endpoints * feat: celo core contracts with historical data * fix: `uncles` field is expected but not present in RPC node response * fix: credo & format * fix: define `CELO_CORE_CONTRACTS` in tests * fix: put `gas_token` under `celo` section * refactor: move token transfers filtering from `TokenTotalSupplyUpdater` to `Transform.TokenTransfers` * feat: add workflow to publish docker image * refactor: apply suggestions by @nikitosing * chore: add docs and specs * fix: malformed import * feat: add pending epoch operations table * refactor: fix format * feat: add transformers for epoch events * feat: add query to stream pending epoch block operations * fix: call to renamed function * fix: add factory method for pending epoch block operation * feat: add utils for logs parsing * feat: add schemas for epoch rewards and election rewards * fix: rename transformer according to event name * feat: implement epoch rewards fetcher * feat: fetch and import epoch logs * feat: improve epoch rewards fetcher 1. Do not fetch logs -- use the ones stored in DB 2. Import epochs to the database 3. Configure fetcher in runtime.exs * feat: add epoch helper functions * activated_validator_group_vote.ex * feat: add task to fetch core contracts * feat: fetch core contract events in the task * fix: merge artifacts * refactor: logs requests and reduce scope of epoch logs request * chore: fix formatting, credo warning, etc. * feat: fetch epoch rewards in one sql query * feat: fetch validator group votes (historical data and on demand) * refactor: rename fields and replace all entries on conflict * feat: validator group votes fetcher * fix: put each topic in a separate request * feat: fetch voter rewards * fix: merge artifacts * feat: add epoch rewards in block api response * fix: merge artifacts * feat: add base fee breakdown in block api response * feat: add aggregated election rewards to block api response * perf: use replica when querying epoch rewards * feat: endpoint for paginated election rewards * feat: endpoint for paginated election rewards for address * chore: rename `rewards` to `distributions` * fix: add missing reward type to API error message * refactor: split epoch fetcher to multiple modules * feat: send epoch blocks for async fetching from block fetcher * chore: fix credo and formatting issues * fix: dialyzer warnings * fix: add on demand fetch of group votes * fix: failed explorer and indexer tests * fix: block fetcher tests * chore: remove unused module * fix: sort election rewards by block number * fix: match error in epoch logs * feat: add env to manage logs batch size when fetching validator group votes * fix: credo and formatting warnings * fix: cspell errors * fix: dialyzer errors * fix: Add `ssl_opts` for Celo repo * fix: add missing preloads and make more explicit api response for block * fix: add `disabled?` predicate to supervisor config * fix: return empty list when `getPaymentDelegation` is not available * fix: validate the case when there is no voter rewards for an epoch * fix: formatting * fix: add missing preload * refactor: more robust fees breakdown logic for the case of fee handler * fix: formatting * refactor: move epoch information to the separate endpoint * fix: import `put_if_present/3` * fix: formatting * fix: do not treat genesis block as an epoch block * fix: some of the fetcher tests * dbg * chore: remove commented code * chore: canonical disable flag env name * fix: run test only for celo chain type * fix: add explicit `wait_ for_tasks` in token instance realtime test * fix: set missing `CELO_CORE_CONTRACTS` env * fix: rollback token instance realtime test * chore: remove debug artifact * chore: add `@docs` and `@specs` * fix: missing core contracts var in tests * feat: extend `tabs-counters` endpoint with election rewards count * refactor: move dead address to `Explorer.Chain.SmartContract` * perf: clause with simplified queries in the case of `amount == 0` and/or `block_number == 0` * fix: it comes that `NotLoaded` clause is not redundant actually... * fix: add missing preload in `BlockScoutWeb.AddressChannel` * chore: unset `CELO_CORE_CONTRACTS` in tests * chore: add missing specs * fix: `paginate` clause when `amount == 0` * refactor: move `paging_options/2` to `Explorer.Chain.Celo.ElectionReward` * refactor: avoid using virtual field for block number. * fix: remove redundant condition in the query * chore: clarify `@spec` * chore: fix credo warning * chore: remove `fi-celo` from branches that trigger ci * fix: merge artifacts * fix: remove todo comment
4 months ago
celo_epoch_fetchers_enabled? =
ConfigHelper.chain_type() == :celo and
not ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("INDEXER_DISABLE_CELO_EPOCH_FETCHER")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Celo.EpochBlockOperations.Supervisor,
enabled: celo_epoch_fetchers_enabled?,
disabled?: not celo_epoch_fetchers_enabled?
feat: support for filecoin native addresses (#10468) * feat: implement `Ecto` type for filecoin address * fix: use proper hashing algorithm for checksum * refactor: avoid hardcoding * feat: add `NativeAddress.ID` type * chore: add `alias Blake2.Blake2b` to fix credo * feat: implement `Ecto` type for filecoin address * chore: rename id address module * feat: fix formatting * feat: add a table for pending address operations * feat: add filecoin fields to addresses relation * feat: create pending operation when new address is imported * feat: implement filecoin native address fetcher * chore: remove merge artifacts * fix: cspell * fix: alias in `native_address_test.exs` * fix: cspell * fix: lock address and corresponding operation for update * feat: trigger async fetch of address info from block fetcher * fix: compilation deadlock * fix: add fetcher supervisor case * feat: add migrator * fix: create pending address operation even if the address exists * feat: render filecoin address info in API v2 views * fix: user controller test * feat: add gauge metric for pending address operations * feat: save http error code for failed fetches * chore: rename fetcher * fix: rebase artifacts * chore: list migrator envs in `common-blockscout.env` * chore: process review comments by @vbaranov * chore: migrate from `blake2_elixir` to `blake2` package * chore: reduce log level to `debug` * chore: set infinity timeout for gauge metric query * refactor: remove redundant `Multi` in filling migration
3 months ago
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Filecoin.BeryxAPI,
base_url: ConfigHelper.safe_get_env("BERYX_API_BASE_URL", ""),
feat: support for filecoin native addresses (#10468) * feat: implement `Ecto` type for filecoin address * fix: use proper hashing algorithm for checksum * refactor: avoid hardcoding * feat: add `NativeAddress.ID` type * chore: add `alias Blake2.Blake2b` to fix credo * feat: implement `Ecto` type for filecoin address * chore: rename id address module * feat: fix formatting * feat: add a table for pending address operations * feat: add filecoin fields to addresses relation * feat: create pending operation when new address is imported * feat: implement filecoin native address fetcher * chore: remove merge artifacts * fix: cspell * fix: alias in `native_address_test.exs` * fix: cspell * fix: lock address and corresponding operation for update * feat: trigger async fetch of address info from block fetcher * fix: compilation deadlock * fix: add fetcher supervisor case * feat: add migrator * fix: create pending address operation even if the address exists * feat: render filecoin address info in API v2 views * fix: user controller test * feat: add gauge metric for pending address operations * feat: save http error code for failed fetches * chore: rename fetcher * fix: rebase artifacts * chore: list migrator envs in `common-blockscout.env` * chore: process review comments by @vbaranov * chore: migrate from `blake2_elixir` to `blake2` package * chore: reduce log level to `debug` * chore: set infinity timeout for gauge metric query * refactor: remove redundant `Multi` in filling migration
3 months ago
api_token: System.get_env("BERYX_API_TOKEN")
filecoin_native_address_fetcher_enabled? =
ConfigHelper.chain_type() == :filecoin and
not ConfigHelper.parse_bool_env_var("INDEXER_DISABLE_FILECOIN_ADDRESS_INFO_FETCHER")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Filecoin.AddressInfo.Supervisor,
enabled: filecoin_native_address_fetcher_enabled?,
disabled?: not filecoin_native_address_fetcher_enabled?
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Filecoin.AddressInfo,
concurrency: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_FILECOIN_ADDRESS_INFO_CONCURRENCY", 1)
feat: Scroll rollup: L1 fee parameters in API, `queueIndex` for L2 transactions, and L1 <->L2 messages (#10484) * Add chain type for scroll and l1_fee tx field * l1_fee_scalar and l1_fee_overhead fields in api json output for tx * l2_fee field in api json output for tx * l1_gas_used field in api json output for tx * l1_fee_commit_scalar, l1_fee_blob_scalar, l1_base_fee, l1_blob_base_fee fields in api json output for tx * Partially add specs and docs * Add code specs and docs for Indexer.Fetcher.Scroll.L1FeeParam * Add code specs and docs * Small fix * Add CI matrix chain type * Fix spelling * Rename envs * Update common-blockscout.env * Small fixes * Improve scroll_view.ex * Update scroll_view.ex * Add support of queueIndex field for L1MessageTx in Scroll * Fix for mix credo * Add scroll_bridge db table * Add Scroll bridge messages indexing * Add Indexer.Transform.Scroll.Bridge * Refactoring * Add API for Scroll * Ignore credo warning about nesting level * Add specs and docs * Refactoring * Partially cover review comments * Add some specs and docs * Add GA workflows for scroll * Small refactoring * Add to_import for Explorer.Chain.Scroll.Bridge * Small refactoring * Add specs and docs * Add comments * Add Explorer.Chain.RollupReorgMonitorQueue module * Add sobelow_skip * Add INDEXER_SCROLL_ETH_GET_LOGS_RANGE_SIZE env variable * Update common-blockscout.env * Small refactoring * Add links about Curie upgrade * Small improvement * Small refactoring * Separate db query * Move chain type specific import runners from BlockReferencing to ChainTypeSpecific stage * Add draft indexer for Scroll batches * Add API for Scroll batches * Extend API for Scroll batches * Refactoring * Update common-blockscout.env * Add specs and docs * Remove misprint * Fixes * Small improvement * Refactoring * Refactoring * Refactoring * Refactoring for credo * Partially cover review comments * Add l2_block_status to transaction view for Scroll * RollupL1ReorgMonitor refactoring * Extend docs * Small refactoring of last_l2_block_number function * Extend docs * Extend docs * Fix typo * mix format * Extend docs * Extend docs * Separate eth_getLogs block range size config * Small refactoring * Add comment * Add comments * Optimization * Small optimization * Use Ecto.Multi * Extend docs * Change API response for Scroll batches * Change API response format for Scroll bridge messages * Small refactoring * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/transform/scroll/l1_fee_params.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/l1_fee_param.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/l1_fee_param.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/l1_fee_param.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/bridge.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/scroll/reader.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/scroll/reader.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/scroll/bridge.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/scroll/batch.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/scroll/batch_bundle.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/bridge.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/bridge.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/bridge.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/bridge.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/bridge.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/batch.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/batch.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/batch.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/fetcher/scroll/batch.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Small refactoring * Extend docs * Update apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/scroll/reader.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/indexer/lib/indexer/helper.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/scroll/reader.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Update apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/scroll/reader.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * Improve specs * Update apps/explorer/lib/explorer/chain/scroll/reader.ex Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <> * fix * mix format * Add DA container info for Scroll batches * Fallback INDEXER_SCROLL_L2_MESSENGER_START_BLOCK to FIRST_BLOCK * mix format * Remove redundant lines * Use multi update_all * rename "tx" shorthands --------- Co-authored-by: POA <> Co-authored-by: Viktor Baranov <> Co-authored-by: Alexander Kolotov <>
1 month ago
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Scroll,
l1_eth_get_logs_range_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_SCROLL_L1_ETH_GET_LOGS_RANGE_SIZE", 250),
l2_eth_get_logs_range_size: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_SCROLL_L2_ETH_GET_LOGS_RANGE_SIZE", 1000),
rpc: System.get_env("INDEXER_SCROLL_L1_RPC")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Scroll.L1FeeParam, gas_oracle: System.get_env("INDEXER_SCROLL_L2_GAS_ORACLE_CONTRACT")
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Scroll.L1FeeParam,
curie_upgrade_block: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("SCROLL_L2_CURIE_UPGRADE_BLOCK", 0),
scalar_init: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("SCROLL_L1_SCALAR_INIT", 0),
overhead_init: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("SCROLL_L1_OVERHEAD_INIT", 0),
commit_scalar_init: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("SCROLL_L1_COMMIT_SCALAR_INIT", 0),
blob_scalar_init: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("SCROLL_L1_BLOB_SCALAR_INIT", 0),
l1_base_fee_init: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("SCROLL_L1_BASE_FEE_INIT", 0),
l1_blob_base_fee_init: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("SCROLL_L1_BLOB_BASE_FEE_INIT", 0)
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Scroll.L1FeeParam.Supervisor, disabled?: ConfigHelper.chain_type() != :scroll
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Scroll.BridgeL1,
messenger_contract: System.get_env("INDEXER_SCROLL_L1_MESSENGER_CONTRACT"),
start_block: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_or_nil_env_var("INDEXER_SCROLL_L1_MESSENGER_START_BLOCK")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Scroll.BridgeL2,
messenger_contract: System.get_env("INDEXER_SCROLL_L2_MESSENGER_CONTRACT"),
start_block: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_env_var("INDEXER_SCROLL_L2_MESSENGER_START_BLOCK", first_block)
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Scroll.Batch,
scroll_chain_contract: System.get_env("INDEXER_SCROLL_L1_CHAIN_CONTRACT"),
start_block: ConfigHelper.parse_integer_or_nil_env_var("INDEXER_SCROLL_L1_BATCH_START_BLOCK")
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Scroll.BridgeL1.Supervisor, disabled?: ConfigHelper.chain_type() != :scroll
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Scroll.BridgeL2.Supervisor, disabled?: ConfigHelper.chain_type() != :scroll
config :indexer, Indexer.Fetcher.Scroll.Batch.Supervisor, disabled?: ConfigHelper.chain_type() != :scroll
Code.require_file("#{config_env()}.exs", "config/runtime")
for config <- "../apps/*/config/runtime/#{config_env()}.exs" |> Path.expand(__DIR__) |> Path.wildcard() do
Code.require_file("#{config_env()}.exs", Path.dirname(config))