Blockchain explorer for Ethereum based network and a tool for inspecting and analyzing EVM based blockchains.
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# This file is responsible for configuring your application
# and its dependencies with the aid of the Mix.Config module.
# This configuration file is loaded before any dependency and
# is restricted to this project.
use Mix.Config
# General application configuration
config :explorer,
ecto_repos: [Explorer.Repo],
coin: System.get_env("COIN") || "POA",
coingecko_coin_id: System.get_env("COINGECKO_COIN_ID"),
token_functions_reader_max_retries: 3,
System.get_env("ALLOWED_EVM_VERSIONS") ||
if(System.get_env("UNCLES_IN_AVERAGE_BLOCK_TIME") == "true", do: true, else: false),
healthy_blocks_period: System.get_env("HEALTHY_BLOCKS_PERIOD") || :timer.minutes(5),
if(System.get_env("DISABLE_WEBAPP") != "true",
do: Explorer.Chain.Events.SimpleSender,
else: Explorer.Chain.Events.DBSender
average_block_period =
case Integer.parse(System.get_env("AVERAGE_BLOCK_CACHE_PERIOD", "")) do
{secs, ""} -> :timer.seconds(secs)
_ -> :timer.minutes(30)
config :explorer, Explorer.Counters.AverageBlockTime,
enabled: true,
period: average_block_period
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Events.Listener,
5 years ago
if(System.get_env("DISABLE_WEBAPP") == nil && System.get_env("DISABLE_INDEXER") == nil,
do: false,
else: true
config :explorer, Explorer.ChainSpec.GenesisData,
enabled: true,
chain_spec_path: System.get_env("CHAIN_SPEC_PATH"),
emission_format: System.get_env("EMISSION_FORMAT", "DEFAULT"),
rewards_contract_address: System.get_env("REWARDS_CONTRACT", "0xeca443e8e1ab29971a45a9c57a6a9875701698a5")
6 years ago
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Cache.BlockNumber,
enabled: true,
ttl_check_interval: if(System.get_env("DISABLE_INDEXER") == "true", do: :timer.seconds(1), else: false),
global_ttl: if(System.get_env("DISABLE_INDEXER") == "true", do: :timer.seconds(5))
6 years ago
address_sum_global_ttl =
|> System.get_env("")
|> Integer.parse()
|> case do
{integer, ""} -> :timer.seconds(integer)
_ -> :timer.minutes(60)
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Cache.AddressSum,
enabled: true,
ttl_check_interval: :timer.seconds(1),
global_ttl: address_sum_global_ttl
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Cache.AddressSumMinusBurnt,
enabled: true,
ttl_check_interval: :timer.seconds(1),
global_ttl: address_sum_global_ttl
balances_update_interval =
case Integer.parse(System.get_env("ADDRESS_WITH_BALANCES_UPDATE_INTERVAL")) do
6 years ago
{integer, ""} -> integer
_ -> nil
config :explorer, Explorer.Counters.AddressesWithBalanceCounter,
enabled: false,
enable_consolidation: true,
update_interval_in_seconds: balances_update_interval || 30 * 60
config :explorer, Explorer.Counters.AddressesCounter,
enabled: true,
enable_consolidation: true,
update_interval_in_seconds: balances_update_interval || 30 * 60
address_transactions_counter_cache_period =
case Integer.parse(System.get_env("ADDRESS_TRANSACTIONS_COUNTER_CACHE_PERIOD", "")) do
{secs, ""} -> :timer.seconds(secs)
_ -> :timer.hours(1)
address_transactions_gas_usage_counter_cache_period =
case Integer.parse(System.get_env("ADDRESS_TRANSACTIONS_GAS_USAGE_COUNTER_CACHE_PERIOD", "")) do
{secs, ""} -> :timer.seconds(secs)
_ -> :timer.hours(1)
config :explorer, Explorer.Counters.AddressTransactionsGasUsageCounter,
enabled: true,
enable_consolidation: true,
period: address_transactions_gas_usage_counter_cache_period
config :explorer, Explorer.Counters.AddressTransactionsCounter,
enabled: true,
enable_consolidation: true,
period: address_transactions_counter_cache_period
bridge_market_cap_update_interval =
case Integer.parse(System.get_env("BRIDGE_MARKET_CAP_UPDATE_INTERVAL")) do
{integer, ""} -> integer
_ -> nil
config :explorer, Explorer.Counters.Bridge,
enabled: if(System.get_env("SUPPLY_MODULE") === "TokenBridge", do: true, else: false),
enable_consolidation: System.get_env("DISABLE_BRIDGE_MARKET_CAP_UPDATER") !== "true",
update_interval_in_seconds: bridge_market_cap_update_interval || 30 * 60
config :explorer, Explorer.ExchangeRates, enabled: System.get_env("DISABLE_EXCHANGE_RATES") != "true", store: :ets
config :explorer, Explorer.KnownTokens, enabled: true, store: :ets
config :explorer, Explorer.Integrations.EctoLogger, query_time_ms_threshold: :timer.seconds(2)
config :explorer, Explorer.Market.History.Cataloger, enabled: System.get_env("DISABLE_INDEXER") != "true"
txs_stats_init_lag =
System.get_env("TXS_HISTORIAN_INIT_LAG", "0")
|> Integer.parse()
|> elem(0)
|> :timer.minutes()
txs_stats_days_to_compile_at_init =
System.get_env("TXS_STATS_DAYS_TO_COMPILE_AT_INIT", "40")
|> Integer.parse()
|> elem(0)
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Transaction.History.Historian,
enabled: System.get_env("ENABLE_TXS_STATS", "false") != "false",
init_lag: txs_stats_init_lag,
days_to_compile_at_init: txs_stats_days_to_compile_at_init
history_fetch_interval =
case Integer.parse(System.get_env("HISTORY_FETCH_INTERVAL", "")) do
{mins, ""} -> mins
_ -> 60
|> :timer.minutes()
config :explorer, Explorer.History.Process, history_fetch_interval: history_fetch_interval
config :explorer, Explorer.Repo, migration_timestamps: [type: :utc_datetime_usec]
config :explorer, Explorer.Tracer,
service: :explorer,
adapter: SpandexDatadog.Adapter,
trace_key: :blockscout
if System.get_env("METADATA_CONTRACT") && System.get_env("VALIDATORS_CONTRACT") do
config :explorer, Explorer.Validator.MetadataRetriever,
metadata_contract_address: System.get_env("METADATA_CONTRACT"),
validators_contract_address: System.get_env("VALIDATORS_CONTRACT")
config :explorer, Explorer.Validator.MetadataProcessor, enabled: System.get_env("DISABLE_INDEXER") != "true"
config :explorer, Explorer.Validator.MetadataProcessor, enabled: false
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Block.Reward,
validators_contract_address: System.get_env("VALIDATORS_CONTRACT"),
keys_manager_contract_address: System.get_env("KEYS_MANAGER_CONTRACT")
6 years ago
if System.get_env("POS_STAKING_CONTRACT") do
Consolidate POSDAO contract reading (#2371) Previously, staking contract reading was arbitrarily spread across Explorer.Staking.ContractState, Explorer.Staking.PoolsReader and Indexer.Fetcher.StakingPools. Using async fetcher infrastructure for staking contracts is inadequate, as blocks may arrive out of order, while we want fetching to be triggered by newer block arrival. Also, contract calls were not batched enough, and it was hard to follow their sequence across involved modules. Now, on each incoming block, which is newer than the last seen, we fully update not only global contract state, but all validators, pools and delegators. All requests are intelligently compiled into four batches. These are defined together to give better overview of performed actions. Chain.import infrastructure is still used for inserting data into DB to leverage smart batching of INSERT queries. Likelihood calculation is added: it zips results of getPoolsToBeElected and getPoolsLikelihood calls to make a map of addresses. Only POS_STAKING_CONTRACT env variable is required now. Other contract addresses are fetched from it during launch. ABIs are concatenated together during launch as well, as we don't support batch requests against distinct ABIs yet. This should be addressed in further PRs. Up-to-date ABIs copied from build artifacts of posdao-contracts repo. File names now correspond to contract names, README directs to their origin. * Fetch inactive delegators, mark pools and delegators deleted (#2205) * Fetch min stakes and token contract address from StakingAuRa (#2313) * Fetch block reward ratio using validatorRewardPercent getter (#2424) * Add missing `banned_until` field in ON CONFLICT clause for staking pools.
5 years ago
config :explorer, Explorer.Staking.ContractState,
6 years ago
enabled: true,
staking_contract_address: System.get_env("POS_STAKING_CONTRACT")
Consolidate POSDAO contract reading (#2371) Previously, staking contract reading was arbitrarily spread across Explorer.Staking.ContractState, Explorer.Staking.PoolsReader and Indexer.Fetcher.StakingPools. Using async fetcher infrastructure for staking contracts is inadequate, as blocks may arrive out of order, while we want fetching to be triggered by newer block arrival. Also, contract calls were not batched enough, and it was hard to follow their sequence across involved modules. Now, on each incoming block, which is newer than the last seen, we fully update not only global contract state, but all validators, pools and delegators. All requests are intelligently compiled into four batches. These are defined together to give better overview of performed actions. Chain.import infrastructure is still used for inserting data into DB to leverage smart batching of INSERT queries. Likelihood calculation is added: it zips results of getPoolsToBeElected and getPoolsLikelihood calls to make a map of addresses. Only POS_STAKING_CONTRACT env variable is required now. Other contract addresses are fetched from it during launch. ABIs are concatenated together during launch as well, as we don't support batch requests against distinct ABIs yet. This should be addressed in further PRs. Up-to-date ABIs copied from build artifacts of posdao-contracts repo. File names now correspond to contract names, README directs to their origin. * Fetch inactive delegators, mark pools and delegators deleted (#2205) * Fetch min stakes and token contract address from StakingAuRa (#2313) * Fetch block reward ratio using validatorRewardPercent getter (#2424) * Add missing `banned_until` field in ON CONFLICT clause for staking pools.
5 years ago
config :explorer, Explorer.Staking.ContractState, enabled: false
6 years ago
case System.get_env("SUPPLY_MODULE") do
"TokenBridge" ->
config :explorer, supply: Explorer.Chain.Supply.TokenBridge
"rsk" ->
config :explorer, supply: Explorer.Chain.Supply.RSK
_ ->
if System.get_env("SOURCE_MODULE") == "TokenBridge" do
config :explorer, Explorer.ExchangeRates.Source, source: Explorer.ExchangeRates.Source.TokenBridge
config :explorer,
solc_bin_api_url: "",
checksum_function: System.get_env("CHECKSUM_FUNCTION") && String.to_atom(System.get_env("CHECKSUM_FUNCTION"))
config :logger, :explorer,
# keep synced with `config/config.exs`
format: "$dateT$time $metadata[$level] $message\n",
~w(application fetcher request_id first_block_number last_block_number missing_block_range_count missing_block_count
block_number step count error_count shrunk import_id transaction_id)a,
metadata_filter: [application: :explorer]
config :spandex_ecto, SpandexEcto.EctoLogger,
service: :ecto,
tracer: Explorer.Tracer,
otp_app: :explorer
6 years ago
market_history_cache_period =
case Integer.parse(System.get_env("MARKET_HISTORY_CACHE_PERIOD", "")) do
{secs, ""} -> :timer.seconds(secs)
_ -> :timer.hours(6)
config :explorer, Explorer.Market.MarketHistoryCache, period: market_history_cache_period
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Cache.Blocks,
ttl_check_interval: if(System.get_env("DISABLE_INDEXER") == "true", do: :timer.seconds(1), else: false),
global_ttl: if(System.get_env("DISABLE_INDEXER") == "true", do: :timer.seconds(5))
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Cache.Transactions,
ttl_check_interval: if(System.get_env("DISABLE_INDEXER") == "true", do: :timer.seconds(1), else: false),
global_ttl: if(System.get_env("DISABLE_INDEXER") == "true", do: :timer.seconds(5))
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Cache.Accounts,
ttl_check_interval: if(System.get_env("DISABLE_INDEXER") == "true", do: :timer.seconds(1), else: false),
global_ttl: if(System.get_env("DISABLE_INDEXER") == "true", do: :timer.seconds(5))
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Cache.PendingTransactions,
if(System.get_env("ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_VARIANT") == "besu",
do: false,
else: true
ttl_check_interval: if(System.get_env("DISABLE_INDEXER") == "true", do: :timer.seconds(1), else: false),
global_ttl: if(System.get_env("DISABLE_INDEXER") == "true", do: :timer.seconds(5))
config :explorer, Explorer.Chain.Cache.Uncles,
ttl_check_interval: if(System.get_env("DISABLE_INDEXER") == "true", do: :timer.seconds(1), else: false),
global_ttl: if(System.get_env("DISABLE_INDEXER") == "true", do: :timer.seconds(5))
# Import environment specific config. This must remain at the bottom
# of this file so it overrides the configuration defined above.
import_config "#{Mix.env()}.exs"