@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ |
defmodule Explorer.Chain.Address.CoinBalanceDaily do |
@moduledoc """ |
Maximum `t:Explorer.Chain.Wei.t/0` `value` of `t:Explorer.Chain.Address.t/0` at the day. |
This table is used to display coinn balance history chart. |
""" |
use Explorer.Schema |
alias Explorer.Chain.{Address, Hash, Wei} |
alias Explorer.Chain.Address.CoinBalanceDaily |
@optional_fields ~w(value)a |
@required_fields ~w(address_hash day)a |
@allowed_fields @optional_fields ++ @required_fields |
@typedoc """ |
* `address` - the `t:Explorer.Chain.Address.t/0`. |
* `address_hash` - foreign key for `address`. |
* `day` - the `t:Date.t/0`. |
* `inserted_at` - When the balance was first inserted into the database. |
* `updated_at` - When the balance was last updated. |
* `value` - the max balance (`value`) of `address` during the `day`. |
""" |
@type t :: %__MODULE__{ |
address: %Ecto.Association.NotLoaded{} | Address.t(), |
address_hash: Hash.Address.t(), |
day: Date.t(), |
inserted_at: DateTime.t(), |
updated_at: DateTime.t(), |
value: Wei.t() | nil |
} |
@primary_key false |
schema "address_coin_balances_daily" do |
field(:day, :date) |
field(:value, Wei) |
timestamps() |
belongs_to(:address, Address, foreign_key: :address_hash, references: :hash, type: Hash.Address) |
end |
@doc """ |
Builds an `Ecto.Query` to fetch a series of balances by day for the given account. Each element in the series |
corresponds to the maximum balance in that day. Only the last 90 days of data are used. |
""" |
def balances_by_day(address_hash) do |
CoinBalanceDaily |
|> where([cbd], cbd.address_hash == ^address_hash) |
|> limit_time_interval() |
|> order_by([cbd], |
|> select([cbd], %{date:, value: cbd.value}) |
end |
def limit_time_interval(query) do |
query |> where([cbd], >= fragment("date_trunc('day', now()) - interval '90 days'")) |
end |
def changeset(%__MODULE__{} = balance, params) do |
balance |
|> cast(params, @allowed_fields) |
|> validate_required(@required_fields) |
|> foreign_key_constraint(:address_hash) |
|> unique_constraint(:day, name: :address_coin_balances_daily_address_hash_day_index) |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ |
defmodule Explorer.Chain.Import.Runner.Address.CoinBalancesDaily do |
@moduledoc """ |
Bulk imports `t:Explorer.Chain.Address.CoinBalancesDaily.t/0`. |
""" |
require Ecto.Query |
import Ecto.Query, only: [from: 2] |
alias Ecto.{Changeset, Multi, Repo} |
alias Explorer.Chain.Address.CoinBalanceDaily |
alias Explorer.Chain.{Hash, Import, Wei} |
@behaviour Import.Runner |
# milliseconds |
@timeout 60_000 |
@type imported :: [ |
%{required(:address_hash) => Hash.Address.t(), required(:day) => Date.t()} |
] |
@impl Import.Runner |
def ecto_schema_module, do: CoinBalanceDaily |
@impl Import.Runner |
def option_key, do: :address_coin_balances_daily |
@impl Import.Runner |
def imported_table_row do |
%{ |
value_type: "[%{address_hash: Explorer.Chain.Hash.t(), day: Date.t()}]", |
value_description: "List of maps of the `t:#{ecto_schema_module()}.t/0` `address_hash` and `day`" |
} |
end |
@impl Import.Runner |
def run(multi, changes_list, %{timestamps: timestamps} = options) do |
insert_options = |
options |
|> Map.get(option_key(), %{}) |
|> Map.take(~w(on_conflict timeout)a) |
|> Map.put_new(:timeout, @timeout) |
|> Map.put(:timestamps, timestamps) |
|, :address_coin_balances_daily, fn repo, _ -> |
insert(repo, changes_list, insert_options) |
end) |
end |
@impl Import.Runner |
def timeout, do: @timeout |
@spec insert( |
Repo.t(), |
[ |
%{ |
required(:address_hash) => Hash.Address.t(), |
required(:day) => Date.t(), |
required(:value) => Wei.t() |
} |
], |
%{ |
optional(:on_conflict) => Import.Runner.on_conflict(), |
required(:timeout) => timeout, |
required(:timestamps) => Import.timestamps() |
} |
) :: |
{:ok, [%{required(:address_hash) => Hash.Address.t(), required(:day) => Date.t()}]} |
| {:error, [Changeset.t()]} |
defp insert(repo, changes_list, %{timeout: timeout, timestamps: timestamps} = options) when is_list(changes_list) do |
on_conflict = Map.get_lazy(options, :on_conflict, &default_on_conflict/0) |
combined_changes_list = |
changes_list |
|> Enum.reduce([], fn change, acc -> |
if Enum.empty?(acc) do |
[change | acc] |
else |
target_item = |
Enum.find(acc, fn item -> |
| == && item.address_hash == change.address_hash |
end) |
if target_item do |
if change.value > target_item.value do |
acc_updated = List.delete(acc, target_item) |
[change | acc_updated] |
else |
acc |
end |
else |
[change | acc] |
end |
end |
end) |
# Enforce CoinBalanceDaily ShareLocks order (see docs: |
ordered_changes_list = Enum.sort_by(combined_changes_list, &{&1.address_hash, &}) |
{:ok, _} = |
Import.insert_changes_list( |
repo, |
ordered_changes_list, |
conflict_target: [:address_hash, :day], |
on_conflict: on_conflict, |
for: CoinBalanceDaily, |
timeout: timeout, |
timestamps: timestamps |
) |
{:ok,, &Map.take(&1, ~w(address_hash day)a))} |
end |
def default_on_conflict do |
from( |
balance in CoinBalanceDaily, |
update: [ |
set: [ |
value: |
fragment( |
""" |
EXCLUDED.value |
? |
""", |
balance.value |
), |
inserted_at: fragment("LEAST(EXCLUDED.inserted_at, ?)", balance.inserted_at), |
updated_at: fragment("GREATEST(EXCLUDED.updated_at, ?)", balance.updated_at) |
] |
], |
where: fragment("EXCLUDED.value IS NOT NULL") |
) |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ |
defmodule Explorer.Repo.Migrations.AddressCoinBalancesDaily do |
use Ecto.Migration |
def change do |
create table(:address_coin_balances_daily, primary_key: false) do |
add(:address_hash, references(:addresses, column: :hash, type: :bytea), null: false) |
add(:day, :date, null: false) |
# null until fetched |
add(:value, :numeric, precision: 100, default: fragment("NULL"), null: true) |
timestamps(null: false, type: :utc_datetime_usec) |
end |
create(unique_index(:address_coin_balances_daily, [:address_hash, :day])) |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ |
defmodule Indexer.Fetcher.CoinBalanceDaily do |
@moduledoc """ |
Fetches `t:Explorer.Chain.Address.CoinBalanceDaily.t/0`. |
""" |
use Indexer.Fetcher |
use Spandex.Decorators |
require Logger |
import EthereumJSONRPC, only: [integer_to_quantity: 1, quantity_to_integer: 1] |
alias EthereumJSONRPC.{Blocks, FetchedBalances} |
alias Explorer.Chain |
alias Explorer.Chain.Cache.Accounts |
alias Explorer.Chain.Hash |
alias Indexer.{BufferedTask, Tracer} |
@behaviour BufferedTask |
@defaults [ |
flush_interval: :timer.seconds(3), |
max_batch_size: 500, |
max_concurrency: 4, |
task_supervisor: Indexer.Fetcher.CoinBalanceDaily.TaskSupervisor, |
metadata: [fetcher: :coin_balance_daily] |
] |
@doc """ |
Asynchronously fetches balances for each address `hash` at the `day`. |
""" |
@spec async_fetch_balances([ |
%{required(:address_hash) => Hash.Address.t(), required(:day) => Date.t()} |
]) :: :ok |
def async_fetch_balances(balance_fields) when is_list(balance_fields) do |
entries =, &entry/1) |
BufferedTask.buffer(__MODULE__, entries) |
end |
@doc false |
# credo:disable-for-next-line Credo.Check.Design.DuplicatedCode |
def child_spec([init_options, gen_server_options]) do |
{state, mergeable_init_options} = Keyword.pop(init_options, :json_rpc_named_arguments) |
unless state do |
raise ArgumentError, |
":json_rpc_named_arguments must be provided to `#{__MODULE__}.child_spec " <> |
"to allow for json_rpc calls when running." |
end |
merged_init_options = |
@defaults |
|> Keyword.merge(mergeable_init_options) |
|> Keyword.put(:state, state) |
Supervisor.child_spec({BufferedTask, [{__MODULE__, merged_init_options}, gen_server_options]}, id: __MODULE__) |
end |
@impl BufferedTask |
def init(initial, reducer, _) do |
{:ok, final} = |
Chain.stream_unfetched_balances(initial, fn address_fields, acc -> |
address_fields |
|> entry() |
|> reducer.(acc) |
end) |
final |
end |
@impl BufferedTask |
@decorate trace(name: "fetch", resource: "", service: :indexer, tracer: Tracer) |
def run(entries, json_rpc_named_arguments) do |
# the same address may be used more than once in the same block, but we only want one `Balance` for a given |
# `{address, block}`, so take unique params only |
unique_entries = Enum.uniq(entries) |
unique_filtered_entries = |
Enum.filter(unique_entries, fn {_hash, block_number} -> |
block_number > first_block_to_index() |
end) |
unique_entry_count = Enum.count(unique_filtered_entries) |
Logger.metadata(count: unique_entry_count) |
Logger.debug(fn -> "fetching" end) |
unique_filtered_entries |
|> |
|> EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_balances(json_rpc_named_arguments) |
|> case do |
{:ok, fetched_balances} -> |
run_fetched_balances(fetched_balances, unique_entries) |
{:error, reason} -> |
Logger.error( |
fn -> |
["failed to fetch: ", inspect(reason)] |
end, |
error_count: unique_entry_count |
) |
{:retry, unique_entries} |
end |
end |
defp first_block_to_index do |
string_value = Application.get_env(:indexer, :first_block) |
case Integer.parse(string_value) do |
{integer, ""} -> integer |
_ -> 0 |
end |
end |
defp entry_to_params({address_hash_bytes, block_number}) when is_integer(block_number) do |
{:ok, address_hash} = Hash.Address.cast(address_hash_bytes) |
%{block_quantity: integer_to_quantity(block_number), hash_data: to_string(address_hash)} |
end |
defp entry(%{address_hash: %Hash{bytes: address_hash_bytes}, block_number: block_number}) do |
{address_hash_bytes, block_number} |
end |
def balances_params_to_address_params(balances_params) do |
balances_params |
|> Enum.group_by(fn %{address_hash: address_hash} -> address_hash end) |
|> Map.values() |
|>, fn %{block_number: block_number} -> block_number end)) |
|> %{address_hash: address_hash, block_number: block_number, value: value} -> |
%{ |
hash: address_hash, |
fetched_coin_balance_block_number: block_number, |
fetched_coin_balance: value |
} |
end) |
end |
def import_fetched_balances(%FetchedBalances{params_list: params_list}, broadcast_type \\ false) do |
day = |
if Enum.empty?(params_list) do |
nil |
else |
json_rpc_named_arguments = Application.get_env(:explorer, :json_rpc_named_arguments) |
block_number =, 0)[:block_number] |
{:ok, %Blocks{blocks_params: blocks_params}} = |
EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_blocks_by_range(block_number..block_number, json_rpc_named_arguments) |
block_timestamp =, 0).timestamp |
DateTime.to_date(block_timestamp) |
end |
importable_balances_daily_params = |
|, fn param -> |
param |
|> Map.put(:day, day) |
end) |
addresses_params = balances_params_to_address_params(importable_balances_daily_params) |
Chain.import(%{ |
addresses: %{params: addresses_params, with: :balance_changeset}, |
address_coin_balances_daily: %{params: importable_balances_daily_params}, |
broadcast: broadcast_type |
}) |
end |
defp run_fetched_balances(%FetchedBalances{errors: errors} = fetched_balances, _) do |
{:ok, imported} = import_fetched_balances(fetched_balances) |
Accounts.drop(imported[:addresses]) |
retry(errors) |
end |
defp retry([]), do: :ok |
defp retry(errors) when is_list(errors) do |
retried_entries = fetched_balances_errors_to_entries(errors) |
Logger.error( |
fn -> |
[ |
"failed to fetch: ", |
fetched_balance_errors_to_iodata(errors) |
] |
end, |
error_count: Enum.count(retried_entries) |
) |
{:retry, retried_entries} |
end |
defp fetched_balances_errors_to_entries(errors) when is_list(errors) do |
|, &fetched_balance_error_to_entry/1) |
end |
defp fetched_balance_error_to_entry(%{data: %{block_quantity: block_quantity, day: day, hash_data: hash_data}}) |
when is_binary(block_quantity) and is_binary(hash_data) do |
{:ok, %Hash{bytes: address_hash_bytes}} = Hash.Address.cast(hash_data) |
block_number = quantity_to_integer(block_quantity) |
{address_hash_bytes, block_number, day} |
end |
defp fetched_balance_errors_to_iodata(errors) when is_list(errors) do |
fetched_balance_errors_to_iodata(errors, []) |
end |
defp fetched_balance_errors_to_iodata([], iodata), do: iodata |
defp fetched_balance_errors_to_iodata([error | errors], iodata) do |
fetched_balance_errors_to_iodata(errors, [iodata | fetched_balance_error_to_iodata(error)]) |
end |
defp fetched_balance_error_to_iodata(%{ |
code: code, |
message: message, |
data: %{day: day, hash_data: hash_data} |
}) |
when is_integer(code) and is_binary(message) and is_binary(day) and is_binary(hash_data) do |
[hash_data, "@", day, ": (", to_string(code), ") ", message, ?\n] |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ |
defmodule Indexer.Transform.AddressCoinBalancesDaily do |
@moduledoc """ |
Extracts `Explorer.Chain.Address.CoinBalanceDaily` params from other schema's params. |
""" |
alias EthereumJSONRPC.Blocks |
def params_set(%{} = import_options) do |
Enum.reduce(import_options,, &reducer/2) |
end |
defp reducer({:beneficiary_params, beneficiary_params}, acc) when is_list(beneficiary_params) do |
Enum.into(beneficiary_params, acc, fn %{ |
address_hash: address_hash, |
block_number: block_number |
} |
when is_binary(address_hash) and is_integer(block_number) -> |
json_rpc_named_arguments = Application.get_env(:explorer, :json_rpc_named_arguments) |
{:ok, %Blocks{blocks_params: blocks_params}} = |
EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_blocks_by_range(block_number..block_number, json_rpc_named_arguments) |
block_timestamp =, 0).timestamp |
day = DateTime.to_date(block_timestamp) |
%{address_hash: address_hash, day: day} |
end) |
end |
defp reducer({:blocks_params, blocks_params}, acc) when is_list(blocks_params) do |
# a block MUST have a miner_hash and number |
Enum.into(blocks_params, acc, fn %{miner_hash: address_hash, number: block_number, timestamp: block_timestamp} |
when is_binary(address_hash) and is_integer(block_number) -> |
day = DateTime.to_date(block_timestamp) |
%{address_hash: address_hash, day: day} |
end) |
end |
defp reducer({:internal_transactions_params, internal_transactions_params}, initial) |
when is_list(internal_transactions_params) do |
Enum.reduce(internal_transactions_params, initial, &internal_transactions_params_reducer/2) |
end |
defp reducer({:logs_params, logs_params}, acc) when is_list(logs_params) do |
# a log MUST have address_hash and block_number |
logs_params |
|> Enum.into(acc, fn |
%{address_hash: address_hash, block_number: block_number} |
when is_binary(address_hash) and is_integer(block_number) -> |
json_rpc_named_arguments = Application.get_env(:explorer, :json_rpc_named_arguments) |
{:ok, %Blocks{blocks_params: blocks_params}} = |
EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_blocks_by_range(block_number..block_number, json_rpc_named_arguments) |
block_timestamp =, 0).timestamp |
day = DateTime.to_date(block_timestamp) |
%{address_hash: address_hash, day: day} |
%{type: "pending"} -> |
nil |
end) |
|> Enum.reject(fn val -> is_nil(val) end) |
|> |
end |
defp reducer({:transactions_params, transactions_params}, initial) when is_list(transactions_params) do |
Enum.reduce(transactions_params, initial, &transactions_params_reducer/2) |
end |
defp reducer({:block_second_degree_relations_params, block_second_degree_relations_params}, initial) |
when is_list(block_second_degree_relations_params), |
do: initial |
defp internal_transactions_params_reducer( |
%{block_number: block_number} = internal_transaction_params, |
acc |
) |
when is_integer(block_number) do |
case internal_transaction_params do |
%{type: "call"} -> |
acc |
%{type: "create", error: _} -> |
acc |
%{type: "create", created_contract_address_hash: address_hash} when is_binary(address_hash) -> |
json_rpc_named_arguments = Application.get_env(:explorer, :json_rpc_named_arguments) |
{:ok, %Blocks{blocks_params: blocks_params}} = |
EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_blocks_by_range(block_number..block_number, json_rpc_named_arguments) |
block_timestamp =, 0).timestamp |
day = DateTime.to_date(block_timestamp) |
MapSet.put(acc, %{address_hash: address_hash, day: day}) |
%{type: "selfdestruct", from_address_hash: from_address_hash, to_address_hash: to_address_hash} |
when is_binary(from_address_hash) and is_binary(to_address_hash) -> |
json_rpc_named_arguments = Application.get_env(:explorer, :json_rpc_named_arguments) |
{:ok, %Blocks{blocks_params: blocks_params}} = |
EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_blocks_by_range(block_number..block_number, json_rpc_named_arguments) |
block_timestamp =, 0).timestamp |
day = DateTime.to_date(block_timestamp) |
acc |
|> MapSet.put(%{address_hash: from_address_hash, day: day}) |
|> MapSet.put(%{address_hash: to_address_hash, day: day}) |
end |
end |
defp transactions_params_reducer( |
%{block_number: block_number, from_address_hash: from_address_hash} = transaction_params, |
initial |
) |
when is_binary(from_address_hash) do |
# a transaction MUST have a `from_address_hash` |
json_rpc_named_arguments = Application.get_env(:explorer, :json_rpc_named_arguments) |
{:ok, %Blocks{blocks_params: blocks_params}} = |
EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_blocks_by_range(block_number..block_number, json_rpc_named_arguments) |
block_timestamp =, 0).timestamp |
day = DateTime.to_date(block_timestamp) |
acc = MapSet.put(initial, %{address_hash: from_address_hash, day: day}) |
# `to_address_hash` is optional |
case transaction_params do |
%{to_address_hash: to_address_hash} when is_binary(to_address_hash) -> |
MapSet.put(acc, %{address_hash: to_address_hash, day: day}) |
_ -> |
acc |
end |
end |
end |
Reference in new issue