@ -119,25 +119,35 @@ defmodule Explorer.Chain.Log do |
@doc """ |
Decode transaction log data. |
""" |
def decode(_log, %Transaction{to_address: nil}), do: {:error, :no_to_address} |
def decode(log, transaction = %Transaction{to_address: %{smart_contract: %{abi: abi, address_hash: address_hash}}}) |
when not is_nil(abi) do |
full_abi = Chain.combine_proxy_implementation_abi(address_hash, abi) |
def decode(log, transaction) do |
address_options = [ |
necessity_by_association: %{ |
:smart_contract => :optional |
} |
] |
with {:ok, selector, mapping} <- find_and_decode(full_abi, log, transaction), |
identifier <- Base.encode16(selector.method_id, case: :lower), |
text <- function_call(selector.function, mapping), |
do: {:ok, identifier, text, mapping} |
case Chain.find_contract_address(log.address_hash, address_options, true) do |
{:ok, %{smart_contract: %{abi: abi}}} -> |
full_abi = Chain.combine_proxy_implementation_abi(log.address_hash, abi) |
with {:ok, selector, mapping} <- find_and_decode(full_abi, log, transaction), |
identifier <- Base.encode16(selector.method_id, case: :lower), |
text <- function_call(selector.function, mapping), |
do: {:ok, identifier, text, mapping} |
_ -> |
find_candidates(log, transaction) |
end |
end |
def decode(log, transaction) do |
defp find_candidates(log, transaction) do |
case log.first_topic do |
"0x" <> hex_part -> |
case Integer.parse(hex_part, 16) do |
{number, ""} -> |
<<method_id::binary-size(4), _rest::binary>> = :binary.encode_unsigned(number) |
find_candidates(method_id, log, transaction) |
find_candidates_query(method_id, log, transaction) |
_ -> |
{:error, :could_not_decode} |
@ -148,26 +158,7 @@ defmodule Explorer.Chain.Log do |
end |
end |
def decode(log, transaction, %Address{hash: address_hash}) do |
address_options = [ |
necessity_by_association: %{ |
:smart_contract => :optional |
} |
] |
with {:ok, %{smart_contract: %{abi: abi}}} <- Chain.find_contract_address(address_hash, address_options, true) do |
full_abi = Chain.combine_proxy_implementation_abi(address_hash, abi) |
with {:ok, selector, mapping} <- find_and_decode(full_abi, log, transaction), |
identifier <- Base.encode16(selector.method_id, case: :lower), |
text <- function_call(selector.function, mapping), |
do: {:ok, identifier, text, mapping} |
end |
end |
def decode(_log, _transaction, nil), do: {:error, :no_to_address} |
defp find_candidates(method_id, log, transaction) do |
defp find_candidates_query(method_id, log, transaction) do |
candidates_query = |
from( |
contract_method in ContractMethod, |