Merge pull request #4382 from blockscout/vb-autocomplete
Replace awesomplete with autocomplete.jspull/4388/head
@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ |
import AutoComplete from '@tarekraafat/autocomplete.js/dist/autoComplete.js' |
const placeHolder = 'Search by address, token symbol, name, transaction hash, or block number' |
const dataSrc = async (query, id) => { |
try { |
// Loading placeholder text
const searchInput = document |
.getElementById(id) |
searchInput.setAttribute('placeholder', 'Loading...') |
// Fetch External Data Source
const source = await fetch( |
`/token-autocomplete?q=${query}` |
) |
const data = await source.json() |
// Post Loading placeholder text
searchInput.setAttribute('placeholder', placeHolder) |
// Returns Fetched data
return data |
} catch (error) { |
return error |
} |
} |
const resultsListElement = (list, data) => { |
const info = document.createElement('p') |
const adv = ` |
<div class="ad mb-3 d-none"> |
Sponsored: <img class="ad-img-url" width=20 height=20 /> <b><span class="ad-name"></span></b> - <span class="ad-short-description"></span> <a class="ad-url"><b><span class="ad-cta-button"></span></a></b> |
</div>` |
info.innerHTML = adv |
if (data.results.length > 0) { |
info.innerHTML += `Displaying <strong>${data.results.length}</strong> results` |
} else if (data.query !== '###') { |
info.innerHTML += `Found <strong>${data.matches.length}</strong> matching results for <strong>"${data.query}"</strong>` |
} |
list.prepend(info) |
} |
const searchEngine = (query, record) => { |
if ( || |
record.symbol.toLowerCase().includes(query.toLowerCase()) || |
record.contract_address_hash.toLowerCase().includes(query.toLowerCase())) { |
var searchResult = `${record.contract_address_hash}<br/><b>${}</b>` |
if (record.symbol) { |
searchResult = searchResult + ` (${record.symbol})` |
} |
if (record.holder_count) { |
searchResult = searchResult + ` <i>${record.holder_count} holder(s)</i>` |
} |
var re = new RegExp(query, 'ig') |
searchResult = searchResult.replace(re, '<mark class=\'autoComplete_highlight\'>$&</mark>') |
return searchResult |
} |
} |
const resultItemElement = (item, data) => { |
// Modify Results Item Style
| = 'display: flex; justify-content: space-between;' |
// Modify Results Item Content
item.innerHTML = ` |
<span style="text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden;"> |
${data.match} |
</span>` |
} |
const config = (id) => { |
return { |
selector: `#${id}`, |
data: { |
src: (query) => dataSrc(query, id), |
cache: false |
}, |
placeHolder: placeHolder, |
searchEngine: (query, record) => searchEngine(query, record), |
threshold: 2, |
resultsList: { |
element: (list, data) => resultsListElement(list, data), |
noResults: true, |
maxResults: 100, |
tabSelect: true |
}, |
resultItem: { |
element: (item, data) => resultItemElement(item, data), |
highlight: 'autoComplete_highlight' |
}, |
events: { |
input: { |
focus: () => { |
if (autoCompleteJS.input.value.length) autoCompleteJS.start() |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
const autoCompleteJS = new AutoComplete(config('main-search-autocomplete')) |
// eslint-disable-next-line
const _autoCompleteJSMobile = new AutoComplete(config('main-search-autocomplete-mobile')) |
const selection = (event) => { |
const selectionValue = event.detail.selection.value |
if (selectionValue.symbol) { |
window.location = `/tokens/${selectionValue.contract_address_hash}` |
} else { |
window.location = `/address/${selectionValue.contract_address_hash}` |
} |
} |
document.querySelector('#main-search-autocomplete').addEventListener('selection', function (event) { |
selection(event) |
}) |
document.querySelector('#main-search-autocomplete-mobile').addEventListener('selection', function (event) { |
selection(event) |
}) |
const openOnFocus = (event) => { |
const query = |
if (query) { |
autoCompleteJS.start(query) |
} |
} |
document.querySelector('#main-search-autocomplete').addEventListener('focus', function (event) { |
openOnFocus(event) |
}) |
document.querySelector('#main-search-autocomplete-mobile').addEventListener('focus', function (event) { |
openOnFocus(event) |
}) |
@ -1,640 +0,0 @@ |
/* eslint-env browser */ |
/* global Awesomplete */ |
/* exported AwesompleteUtil */ |
/* |
* Library endorsing Lea Verou's Awesomplete widget, providing: |
* - dynamic remote data loading |
* - labels with HTML markup |
* - events and styling for exact matches |
* - events and styling for mismatches |
* - select item when TAB key is used |
* |
* (c) Nico Hoogervorst |
* License: MIT |
* |
*/ |
window.AwesompleteUtil = (function () { |
// event names and css classes
var _AWE = 'awesomplete-' |
var _AWE_LOAD = _AWE + 'loadcomplete' |
var _AWE_CLOSE = _AWE + 'close' |
var _AWE_MATCH = _AWE + 'match' |
var _AWE_PREPOP = _AWE + 'prepop' |
var _AWE_SELECT = _AWE + 'select' |
var _CLS_FOUND = 'awe-found' |
var _CLS_NOT_FOUND = 'awe-not-found' |
var $ = Awesomplete.$ /* shortcut for document.querySelector */ |
// private functions
// Some parts are shamelessly copied from Awesomplete.js like the logic inside this _suggestion function.
// Returns an object with label and value properties. Data parameter is plain text or Object/Array with label and value.
function _suggestion (data) { |
var lv = Array.isArray(data) |
? { label: data[0], value: data[1] } |
: typeof data === 'object' && 'label' in data && 'value' in data ? data : { label: data, value: data } |
return { label: lv.label || lv.value, value: lv.value } |
} |
// Helper to send events with detail property.
function _fire (target, name, detail) { |
// $.fire uses deprecated methods but other methods don't work in IE11.
return $.fire(target, name, { detail: detail }) |
} |
// Look if there is an exact match or a mismatch, set awe-found, awe-not-found css class and send match events.
function _matchValue (awe, prepop) { |
var input = awe.input /* the input field */ |
var classList = input.classList |
var utilprops = awe.utilprops /* extra properties piggybacked on Awesomplete object */ |
var selected = utilprops.selected /* the exact selected Suggestion with label and value */ |
var val =, input.value) /* trimmed lowercased value */ |
var opened = awe.opened /* is the suggestion list opened? */ |
var result = [] /* matches with value */ |
var list = awe._list /* current list of suggestions */ |
var suggestion, fake, rec, j /* function scoped variables */ |
utilprops.prepop = false /* after the first call it's not a prepopulation phase anymore */ |
if (list) { /* if there is a suggestion list */ |
for (j = 0; j < list.length; j++) { /* loop all suggestions */ |
rec = list[j] |
suggestion = _suggestion(, val)) /* call data convert function */ |
// with maxItems = 0 cannot look if suggestion list is opened to determine if there are still matches,
// instead call the filter method to see if there are still some options.
if (awe.maxItems === 0) { |
// Awesomplete.FILTER_CONTAINS and Awesomplete.FILTER_STARTSWITH use the toString method.
suggestion.toString = function () { return '' + this.label } |
if (awe.filter(suggestion, val)) { |
// filter returns true, so there is at least one partial match.
opened = true |
} |
} |
// Don't want to change the real input field, emulate a fake one.
fake = { input: { value: '' } } |
// Determine how this suggestion would look like if it is replaced in the input field,
// it is an exact match if somebody types exactly that.
// Use the fake input here. fake.input.value will contain the result of the replace function.
||||||, suggestion) |
// Trim and lowercase also the fake input and compare that with the currently typed-in value.
if (, fake.input.value) === val) { |
// This is an exact match. However there might more suggestions with the same value.
// If the user selected a suggestion from the list, check if this one matches, assuming that
// value + label is unique (if not it will be difficult for the user to make an informed decision).
if (selected && selected.value === suggestion.value && selected.label === suggestion.label) { |
// this surely is the selected one
result = [rec] |
break |
} |
// add the matching record to the result set.
result.push(rec) |
} // end if
} // end loop
// if the result differs from the previous result
if (utilprops.prevSelected !== result) { |
// if there is an exact match
if (result.length > 0) { |
// if prepopulation phase (initial/autofill value); not triggered by user input
if (prepop) { |
_fire(input, _AWE_PREPOP, result) |
} else if (utilprops.changed) { /* if input is changed */ |
utilprops.prevSelected = result /* new result */ |
classList.remove(_CLS_NOT_FOUND) /* remove class */ |
classList.add(_CLS_FOUND) /* add css class */ |
_fire(input, _AWE_MATCH, result) /* fire event */ |
} |
} else if (prepop) { /* no exact match, if in prepopulation phase */ |
_fire(input, _AWE_PREPOP, []) |
} else if (utilprops.changed) { /* no exact match, if input is changed */ |
utilprops.prevSelected = [] |
classList.remove(_CLS_FOUND) |
// Mark as not-found if there are no suggestions anymore or if another field is now active
if (!opened || (input !== document.activeElement)) { |
if (val.length > 0) { |
classList.add(_CLS_NOT_FOUND) |
_fire(input, _AWE_MATCH, []) |
} |
} else { |
classList.remove(_CLS_NOT_FOUND) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
// Listen to certain events of THIS awesomplete object to trigger input validation.
function _match (ev) { |
var awe = this |
if ((ev.type === _AWE_CLOSE || ev.type === _AWE_LOAD || ev.type === 'blur') && === awe.input) { |
_matchValue(awe, awe.utilprops.prepop && ev.type === _AWE_LOAD) |
} |
} |
// Select currently selected item if tab or shift-tab key is used.
function _onKeydown (ev) { |
var awe = this |
if ( === awe.input && ev.keyCode === 9) { // TAB key
|||||| // take current selected item
} |
} |
// Handle selection event. State changes when an item is selected.
function _select (ev) { |
var awe = this |
awe.utilprops.changed = true // yes, user made a change
awe.utilprops.selected = ev.text // Suggestion object
const address = ev.text.split(/<p>/)[0] |
||||||`/search?q=${address}`, '_self') |
} |
// check if the object is empty {} object
function _isEmpty (val) { |
return Object.keys(val).length === 0 && val.constructor === Object |
} |
// Need an updated suggestion list if:
// - There is no result yet, or there is a result but not for the characters we entered
// - or there might be more specific results because the limit was reached.
function _ifNeedListUpdate (awe, val, queryVal) { |
var utilprops = awe.utilprops |
return (!utilprops.listQuery || |
(!utilprops.loadall && /* with loadall, if there is a result, there is no need for new lists */ |
val.lastIndexOf(queryVal, 0) === 0 && |
(val.lastIndexOf(utilprops.listQuery, 0) !== 0 || |
(typeof utilprops.limit === 'number' && awe._list.length >= utilprops.limit)))) |
} |
// Set a new suggestion list. Trigger loadcomplete event.
function _loadComplete (awe, list, queryVal) { |
awe.list = list |
awe.utilprops.listQuery = queryVal |
_fire(awe.input, _AWE_LOAD, queryVal) |
} |
// Handle ajax response. Expects HTTP OK (200) response with JSON object with suggestion(s) (array).
function _onLoad () { |
var t = this |
var awe = t.awe |
var xhr = t.xhr |
var queryVal = t.queryVal |
var val = awe.utilprops.val |
var data |
var prop |
if (xhr.status === 200) { |
data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText) |
if (awe.utilprops.convertResponse) data = awe.utilprops.convertResponse(data) |
if (!Array.isArray(data)) { |
if (awe.utilprops.limit === 0 || awe.utilprops.limit === 1) { |
// if there is max 1 result expected, the array is not needed.
// Fur further processing, take the whole result and put it as one element in an array.
data = _isEmpty(data) ? [] : [data] |
} else { |
// search for the first property that contains an array
for (prop in data) { |
if (Array.isArray(data[prop])) { |
data = data[prop] |
break |
} |
} |
} |
} |
// can only handle arrays
if (Array.isArray(data)) { |
// are we still interested in this response?
if (_ifNeedListUpdate(awe, val, queryVal)) { |
// accept the new suggestion list
_loadComplete(awe, data, queryVal || awe.utilprops.loadall) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
// Perform suggestion list lookup for the current value and validate. Use ajax when there is an url specified.
function _lookup (awe, val) { |
var xhr |
if (awe.utilprops.url) { |
// are we still interested in this response?
if (_ifNeedListUpdate(awe, val, val)) { |
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest() |
||||||, |
awe.utilprops.url, |
awe.utilprops.urlEnd, |
awe.utilprops.loadall ? '' : val, |
_onLoad.bind({ awe: awe, xhr: xhr, queryVal: val }), |
xhr |
) |
} else { |
_matchValue(awe, awe.utilprops.prepop) |
} |
} else { |
_matchValue(awe, awe.utilprops.prepop) |
} |
} |
// Restart autocomplete search: clear css classes and send match-event with empty list.
function _restart (awe) { |
var elem = awe.input |
var classList = elem.classList |
// IE11 only handles the first parameter of the remove method.
classList.remove(_CLS_NOT_FOUND) |
classList.remove(_CLS_FOUND) |
_fire(elem, _AWE_MATCH, []) |
} |
// handle new input value
function _update (awe, val, prepop) { |
// prepop parameter is optional. Default value is false.
awe.utilprops.prepop = prepop || false |
// if value changed
if (awe.utilprops.val !== val) { |
// new value, clear previous selection
awe.utilprops.selected = null |
// yes, user made a change
awe.utilprops.changed = true |
awe.utilprops.val = val |
// value is empty or smaller than minChars
if (val.length < awe.minChars || val.length === 0) { |
// restart autocomplete search
_restart(awe) |
} |
if (val.length >= awe.minChars) { |
// lookup suggestions and validate input
_lookup(awe, val) |
} |
} |
return awe |
} |
// handle input changed event for THIS awesomplete object
function _onInput (e) { |
var awe = this |
var val |
if ( === awe.input) { |
// lowercase and trim input value
val =, awe.input.value) |
_update(awe, val) |
} |
} |
// item function (as specified in Awesomplete) which just creates the 'li' HTML tag.
function _item (html /* , input */) { |
return $.create('li', { |
innerHTML: html, |
'aria-selected': 'false' |
}) |
} |
// Escape HTML characters in text.
function _htmlEscape (text) { |
return text.replace('&', '&').replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>') |
} |
// Function to copy a field from the selected autocomplete item to another DOM element.
function _copyFun (e) { |
var t = this |
var sourceId = t.sourceId |
var dataField = t.dataField |
var targetId = t.targetId |
var elem |
var val |
if ( === $(sourceId)) { |
if (typeof targetId === 'function') { |
targetId(e, dataField) |
} else { |
// lookup target element if it isn't resolved yet
elem = $(targetId) |
// don't override target inputs if user is currently editing it.
if (elem && elem !== document.activeElement) { |
// event must contain 1 item from suggestion list
val = Array.isArray(e.detail) && e.detail.length === 1 ? e.detail[0] : null |
// if a datafield is specified, take that value
val = (dataField && val ? val[dataField] : val) || '' |
// if it is an input control
if (typeof elem.value !== 'undefined') { |
// set new value
elem.value = val |
// not really sure if it is an input control, check if it has a classList
if (elem.classList && elem.classList.remove) { |
// it might be another awesomplete control, if so the input is not wrong anymore because it's changed now
elem.classList.remove(_CLS_NOT_FOUND) |
} |
} else if (typeof elem.src !== 'undefined') { /* is it an image tag? */ |
elem.src = val |
} else { |
// use innerHTML to set the new value, because value might intentionally contain HTML markup
elem.innerHTML = val |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
// click function for the combobox button
function _clickFun (e) { |
var t = this |
var awe |
var minChars |
if ( === $(t.btnId)) { |
e.preventDefault() |
awe = t.awe |
// toggle open/close
if (awe.ul.childNodes.length === 0 || awe.ul.hasAttribute('hidden')) { |
minChars = awe.minChars |
// ignore that the input value is empty
awe.minChars = 0 |
// show the suggestion list
awe.evaluate() |
awe.minChars = minChars |
} else { |
awe.close() |
} |
} |
} |
// Return text with mark tags arround matching input. Don't replace inside <HTML> tags.
// When startsWith is true, mark only the matching begin text.
function _mark (text, input, startsWith) { |
var searchText = $.regExpEscape(_htmlEscape(input).trim()) |
var regExp = searchText.length <= 0 ? null : startsWith ? RegExp('^' + searchText, 'i') : RegExp('(?!<[^>]+?>)' + searchText + '(?![^<]*?>)', 'gi') |
return text.replace(regExp, '<mark>$&</mark>') |
} |
// Recursive jsonFlatten function
function _jsonFlatten (result, cur, prop, level, opts) { |
var root = opts.root /* filter resulting json tree on root property (optional) */ |
var value = opts.value /* search for this property and copy it's value to a new 'value' property |
(optional, do not specify it if the json array contains plain strings) */ |
var label = opts.label || opts.value /* search this property and copy it's value to a new 'label' property. |
If there is a 'opts.value' field but no 'opts.label', assume label is the same. */ |
var isEmpty = true |
var arrayResult = [] |
var j |
// at top level, look if there is a property which starts with root (if specified)
if (level === 0 && root && prop && (prop + '.').lastIndexOf(root + '.', 0) !== 0 && (root + '.').lastIndexOf(prop + '.', 0) !== 0) { |
return result |
} |
// handle current part of the json tree
if (Object(cur) !== cur) { |
if (prop) { |
result[prop] = cur |
} else { |
result = cur |
} |
} else if (Array.isArray(cur)) { |
for (j = 0; j < cur.length; j++) { |
arrayResult.push(_jsonFlatten({}, cur[j], '', level + 1, opts)) |
} |
if (prop) { |
result[prop] = arrayResult |
} else { |
result = arrayResult |
} |
} else { |
for (j in cur) { |
isEmpty = false |
_jsonFlatten(result, cur[j], prop ? prop + '.' + j : j, level, opts) |
} |
if (isEmpty && prop) result[prop] = {} |
} |
// for arrays at top and subtop level
if (level < 2 && prop) { |
// if a 'value' is specified and found a mathing property, create extra 'value' property.
if (value && (prop + '.').lastIndexOf(value + '.', 0) === 0) { result.value = result[prop] } |
// if a 'label' is specified and found a mathing property, create extra 'label' property.
if (label && (prop + '.').lastIndexOf(label + '.', 0) === 0) { result.label = result[prop] } |
} |
if (level === 0) { |
// Make sure that both value and label properties exist, even if they are nil.
// This is handy with limit 0 or 1 when the result doesn't have to contain an array.
if (value && !('value' in result)) { result.value = null } |
if (label && !('label' in result)) { result.label = null } |
} |
return result |
} |
// Stop AwesompleteUtil; detach event handlers from the Awesomplete object.
function _detach () { |
var t = this |
var elem = t.awe.input |
var boundMatch = t.boundMatch |
var boundOnInput = t.boundOnInput |
var boundOnKeydown = t.boundOnKeydown |
var boundSelect = t.boundSelect |
elem.removeEventListener(_AWE_SELECT, boundSelect) |
elem.removeEventListener(_AWE_LOAD, boundMatch) |
elem.removeEventListener(_AWE_CLOSE, boundMatch) |
elem.removeEventListener('blur', boundMatch) |
elem.removeEventListener('input', boundOnInput) |
elem.removeEventListener('keydown', boundOnKeydown) |
} |
// public methods
return { |
// ajax call for url + val + urlEnd. fn is the callback function. xhr parameter is optional.
ajax: function (url, urlEnd, val, fn, xhr) { |
xhr = xhr || new XMLHttpRequest() |
||||||'GET', url + encodeURIComponent(val) + (urlEnd || '')) |
xhr.onload = fn |
xhr.send() |
return xhr |
}, |
// Convert input before comparing it with suggestion. lowercase and trim the text
convertInput: function (text) { |
return typeof text === 'string' ? text.trim().toLowerCase() : '' |
}, |
// item function as defined in Awesomplete.
// item(html, input). input is optional and ignored in this implementation
item: _item, |
// Set a new suggestion list. Trigger loadcomplete event.
// load(awesomplete, list, queryVal)
load: _loadComplete, |
// Return text with mark tags arround matching input. Don't replace inside <HTML> tags.
// When startsWith is true, mark only the matching begin text.
// mark(text, input, startsWith)
mark: _mark, |
// highlight items: Marks input in the first line, not in the optional description
itemContains: function (text, input) { |
var arr |
if (input.trim().length > 0) { |
arr = ('' + text).split(/<p>/) |
arr[0] = _mark(arr[0], input) |
text = arr.join('<p>') |
} |
return _item(text, input) |
}, |
// highlight items: mark all occurrences of the input text
itemMarkAll: function (text, input) { |
return _item(input.trim() === '' ? '' + text : _mark('' + text, input), input) |
}, |
// highlight items: mark input in the begin text
itemStartsWith: function (text, input) { |
return _item(input.trim() === '' ? '' + text : _mark('' + text, input, true), input) |
}, |
// create Awesomplete object for input control elemId. opts are passed unchanged to Awesomplete.
create: function (elemId, utilOpts, opts) { |
opts.item = opts.item || this.itemContains /* by default uses itemContains, can be overriden */ |
var awe = new Awesomplete(elemId, opts) |
awe.utilprops = utilOpts || {} |
// loadall is true if there is no url (there is a static data-list)
if (!awe.utilprops.url && typeof awe.utilprops.loadall === 'undefined') { |
awe.utilprops.loadall = true |
} |
awe.utilprops.ajax = awe.utilprops.ajax || this.ajax /* default ajax function can be overriden */ |
awe.utilprops.convertInput = awe.utilprops.convertInput || this.convertInput /* the same applies for convertInput */ |
return awe |
}, |
// attach Awesomplete object to event listeners
attach: function (awe) { |
var elem = awe.input |
var boundMatch = _match.bind(awe) |
var boundOnKeydown = _onKeydown.bind(awe) |
var boundOnInput = _onInput.bind(awe) |
var boundSelect = _select.bind(awe) |
var boundDetach = _detach.bind({ |
awe: awe, |
boundMatch: boundMatch, |
boundOnInput: boundOnInput, |
boundOnKeydown: boundOnKeydown, |
boundSelect: boundSelect |
}) |
var events = { |
keydown: boundOnKeydown, |
input: boundOnInput |
} |
events.blur = events[_AWE_CLOSE] = events[_AWE_LOAD] = boundMatch |
events[_AWE_SELECT] = boundSelect |
$.bind(elem, events) |
awe.utilprops.detach = boundDetach |
// Perform ajax call if prepop is true and there is an initial input value, or when all values must be loaded (loadall)
if (awe.utilprops.prepop && (awe.utilprops.loadall || elem.value.length > 0)) { |
awe.utilprops.val =, elem.value) |
_lookup(awe, awe.utilprops.val) |
} |
return awe |
}, |
// update input value via javascript. Use prepop=true when this is an initial/prepopulation value.
update: function (awe, value, prepop) { |
awe.input.value = value |
return _update(awe, value, prepop) |
}, |
// create and attach Awesomplete object for input control elemId. opts are passed unchanged to Awesomplete.
start: function (elemId, utilOpts, opts) { |
return this.attach(this.create(elemId, utilOpts, opts)) |
}, |
// Stop AwesompleteUtil; detach event handlers from the Awesomplete object.
detach: function (awe) { |
if (awe.utilprops.detach) { |
awe.utilprops.detach() |
delete awe.utilprops.detach |
} |
return awe |
}, |
// Create function to copy a field from the selected autocomplete item to another DOM element.
// dataField can be null.
createCopyFun: function (sourceId, dataField, targetId) { |
return _copyFun.bind({ sourceId: sourceId, dataField: dataField, targetId: $(targetId) || targetId }) |
}, |
// attach copy function to event listeners. prepop is optional and by default true.
// if true the copy function will also listen to awesomplete-prepop events.
// The optional listenEl is the element that listens, defaults to document.body.
attachCopyFun: function (fun, prepop, listenEl) { |
// prepop parameter defaults to true
prepop = typeof prepop === 'boolean' ? prepop : true |
listenEl = listenEl || document.body |
listenEl.addEventListener(_AWE_MATCH, fun) |
if (prepop) listenEl.addEventListener(_AWE_PREPOP, fun) |
return fun |
}, |
// Create and attach copy function.
startCopy: function (sourceId, dataField, targetId, prepop) { |
var sourceEl = $(sourceId) |
return this.attachCopyFun(this.createCopyFun(sourceEl || sourceId, dataField, targetId), prepop, sourceEl) |
}, |
// Stop copy function. Detach it from event listeners.
// The optional listenEl must be the same element that was used during startCopy/attachCopyFun;
// in general: Awesomplete.$(sourceId). listenEl defaults to document.body.
detachCopyFun: function (fun, listenEl) { |
listenEl = listenEl || document.body |
listenEl.removeEventListener(_AWE_PREPOP, fun) |
listenEl.removeEventListener(_AWE_MATCH, fun) |
return fun |
}, |
// Create function for combobox button (btnId) to toggle dropdown list.
createClickFun: function (btnId, awe) { |
return _clickFun.bind({ btnId: btnId, awe: awe }) |
}, |
// Attach click function for combobox to click event.
// The optional listenEl is the element that listens, defaults to document.body.
attachClickFun: function (fun, listenEl) { |
listenEl = listenEl || document.body |
listenEl.addEventListener('click', fun) |
return fun |
}, |
// Create and attach click function for combobox button. Toggles open/close of suggestion list.
startClick: function (btnId, awe) { |
var btnEl = $(btnId) |
return this.attachClickFun(this.createClickFun(btnEl || btnId, awe), btnEl) |
}, |
// Stop click function. Detach it from event listeners.
// The optional listenEl must be the same element that was used during startClick/attachClickFun;
// in general: Awesomplete.$(btnId). listenEl defaults to document.body.
detachClickFun: function (fun, listenEl) { |
listenEl = listenEl || document.body |
listenEl.removeEventListener('click', fun) |
return fun |
}, |
// filter function as specified in Awesomplete. Filters suggestion list on items containing input value.
// Awesomplete.FILTER_CONTAINS filters on data.label, however
// this function filters on value and not on the shown label which may contain markup.
filterContains: function (data, input) { |
return Awesomplete.FILTER_CONTAINS(data.value, input) |
}, |
// filter function as specified in Awesomplete. Filters suggestion list on matching begin text.
// Awesomplete.FILTER_STARTSWITH filters on data.label, however
// this function filters on value and not on the shown label which may contain markup.
filterStartsWith: function (data, input) { |
return Awesomplete.FILTER_STARTSWITH(data.value, input) |
}, |
// Flatten JSON.
// { "a":{"b":{"c":[{"d":{"e":1}}]}}} becomes {"a.b.c":[{"d.e":1}]}.
// This function can be bind to configure it with extra options;
// bind({root: '<root path>', value: '<value property>', label: '<label property>'})
jsonFlatten: function (data) { |
// start json tree recursion
return _jsonFlatten({}, data, '', 0, this) |
} |
} |
}()) |
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ |
import 'awesomplete/awesomplete.css' |
import 'awesomplete' |
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