@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ |
defmodule Indexer.Block.UncatalogedRewards.Importer do |
@moduledoc """ |
a module to fetch and import the rewards for blocks that were indexed without the reward |
""" |
alias Ecto.Multi |
alias EthereumJSONRPC.FetchedBeneficiaries |
alias Explorer.Chain |
alias Explorer.Chain.{Block.Reward, Wei} |
# max number of blocks in a single request |
# higher numbers may cause the requests to time out |
# lower numbers will generate more requests |
@chunk_size 10 |
@doc """ |
receives a list of blocks and tries to fetch and insert rewards for them |
""" |
def fetch_and_import_rewards(blocks_batch) do |
result = |
blocks_batch |
|> break_into_chunks_of_block_numbers() |
|> Enum.reduce([], fn chunk, acc -> |
chunk |
|> fetch_beneficiaries() |
|> fetch_block_rewards() |
|> insert_reward_group() |
|> case do |
:empty -> acc |
insert -> [insert | acc] |
end |
end) |
{:ok, result} |
rescue |
e in RuntimeError -> {:error, %{exception: e}} |
end |
defp fetch_beneficiaries(chunk) do |
{chunk_start, chunk_end} = Enum.min_max(chunk) |
{:ok, %FetchedBeneficiaries{params_set: result}} = |
with :ignore <- EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_beneficiaries(chunk_start..chunk_end, json_rpc_named_arguments()) do |
{:ok, %FetchedBeneficiaries{params_set:}} |
end |
result |
end |
defp fetch_block_rewards(beneficiaries) do |
|, fn beneficiary -> |
beneficiary_changes = |
case beneficiary.address_type do |
:validator -> |
validation_reward = fetch_validation_reward(beneficiary) |
{:ok, reward} = Wei.cast(beneficiary.reward) |
%{beneficiary | reward: Wei.sum(reward, validation_reward)} |
_ -> |
beneficiary |
end |
Reward.changeset(%Reward{}, beneficiary_changes) |
end) |
end |
defp fetch_validation_reward(beneficiary) do |
{:ok, accumulator} = Wei.cast(0) |
beneficiary.block_number |
|> Chain.get_transactions_of_block_number() |
|> Enum.reduce(accumulator, fn t, acc -> |
{:ok, price_as_wei} = Wei.cast(t.gas_used) |
price_as_wei |> Wei.mult(t.gas_price) |> Wei.sum(acc) |
end) |
end |
defp break_into_chunks_of_block_numbers(blocks) do |
Enum.chunk_while( |
blocks, |
[], |
fn block, acc -> |
if (acc == [] || hd(acc) + 1 == block.number) && length(acc) < @chunk_size do |
{:cont, [block.number | acc]} |
else |
{:cont, acc, [block.number]} |
end |
end, |
fn |
[] -> {:cont, []} |
acc -> {:cont, acc, []} |
end |
) |
end |
defp insert_reward_group([]), do: :empty |
defp insert_reward_group(rewards) do |
rewards |
|> Enum.reduce({, 0}, fn changeset, {multi, index} -> |
{Multi.insert(multi, "insert_#{index}", changeset), index + 1} |
end) |
|> elem(0) |
|> Explorer.Repo.transaction() |
end |
defp json_rpc_named_arguments do |
Application.get_env(:explorer, :json_rpc_named_arguments) |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ |
defmodule Indexer.Block.UncatalogedRewards.ImporterTest do |
use EthereumJSONRPC.Case, async: false |
use Explorer.DataCase |
import Mox |
import EthereumJSONRPC, only: [integer_to_quantity: 1] |
import EthereumJSONRPC.Case |
alias Explorer.Chain |
alias Indexer.Block.UncatalogedRewards.Importer |
describe "fetch_and_import_rewards/1" do |
test "return `{:ok, []}` when receiving an empty list" do |
assert Importer.fetch_and_import_rewards([]) == {:ok, []} |
end |
@tag :no_geth |
test "return `{:ok, [transactions executed]}`" do |
address = insert(:address) |
block = insert(:block, number: 1234, miner: address) |
expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn [%{id: id, method: "trace_block", params: _params}], _options -> |
{:ok, |
[ |
%{ |
id: id, |
result: [ |
%{ |
"action" => %{ |
"author" => to_string(address.hash), |
"rewardType" => "external", |
"value" => "0xde0b6b3a7640000" |
}, |
"blockHash" => to_string(block.hash), |
"blockNumber" => 1234, |
"result" => nil, |
"subtraces" => 0, |
"traceAddress" => [], |
"transactionHash" => nil, |
"transactionPosition" => nil, |
"type" => "reward" |
} |
] |
} |
]} |
end) |
expected = |
{:ok, |
[ |
ok: %{ |
"insert_0" => %Explorer.Chain.Block.Reward{ |
address_hash: address.hash, |
block_hash: block.hash, |
address_type: :validator |
} |
} |
]} |
result = Importer.fetch_and_import_rewards([block]) |
assert result = expected |
end |
end |
end |
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