@ -1,99 +0,0 @@ |
defmodule Indexer.ReplacedTransaction.Fetcher do |
@moduledoc """ |
A transaction can get dropped and replaced when a newly created transaction with the same `FROM` |
account nonce is accepted and confirmed by the network. |
And because it has the same account nonce as the previous transaction it replaces the previous txhash. |
This fetcher finds these transaction and sets them `failed` status with `dropped/replaced` error. |
""" |
use GenServer |
require Logger |
alias Explorer.Chain |
alias Indexer.ReplacedTransaction |
# 1 second |
@default_interval 1_000 |
# 60 seconds |
@query_timeout 60_000 |
defstruct interval: @default_interval, |
query_timeout: @query_timeout, |
task: nil |
def child_spec([init_arguments]) do |
child_spec([init_arguments, []]) |
end |
def child_spec([_init_arguments, _gen_server_options] = start_link_arguments) do |
default = %{ |
id: __MODULE__, |
start: {__MODULE__, :start_link, start_link_arguments} |
} |
Supervisor.child_spec(default, []) |
end |
def start_link(arguments, gen_server_options \\ []) do |
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, arguments, gen_server_options) |
end |
@impl GenServer |
def init(opts) when is_list(opts) do |
Logger.metadata(fetcher: :pending_transaction) |
opts = |
:indexer |
|> Application.get_all_env() |
|> Keyword.merge(opts) |
state = |
%__MODULE__{ |
interval: opts[:replaced_transaction_interval] || @default_interval, |
query_timeout: opts[:replaced_transaction_query_timeout] || @query_timeout |
} |
|> schedule_find() |
{:ok, state} |
end |
@impl GenServer |
def handle_info(:find, %__MODULE__{} = state) do |
task = Task.Supervisor.async_nolink(ReplacedTransaction.TaskSupervisor, fn -> task(state) end) |
{:noreply, %__MODULE__{state | task: task}} |
end |
def handle_info({ref, _}, %__MODULE__{task: %Task{ref: ref}} = state) do |
Process.demonitor(ref, [:flush]) |
{:noreply, schedule_find(state)} |
end |
def handle_info( |
{:DOWN, ref, :process, pid, reason}, |
%__MODULE__{task: %Task{pid: pid, ref: ref}} = state |
) do |
Logger.error(fn -> "replaced transaction finder task exited due to #{inspect(reason)}. Rescheduling." end) |
{:noreply, schedule_find(state)} |
end |
defp schedule_find(%__MODULE__{interval: interval} = state) do |
Process.send_after(self(), :find, interval) |
%__MODULE__{state | task: nil} |
end |
defp task(%__MODULE__{query_timeout: query_timeout}) do |
Logger.metadata(fetcher: :replaced_transaction) |
try do |
Chain.update_replaced_transactions(query_timeout) |
rescue |
error -> |
Logger.error(fn -> ["Failed to make pending transactions dropped: ", inspect(error)] end) |
end |
end |
end |
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ |
defmodule Indexer.ReplacedTransaction.Supervisor do |
@moduledoc """ |
Supervises `Indexer.ReplacedTransaction.Fetcher` and its batch tasks through |
`Indexer.ReplacedTransaction.TaskSupervisor`. |
""" |
use Supervisor |
alias Indexer.ReplacedTransaction.Fetcher |
def child_spec([init_arguments]) do |
child_spec([init_arguments, []]) |
end |
def child_spec([_init_arguments, _gen_server_options] = start_link_arguments) do |
default = %{ |
id: __MODULE__, |
start: {__MODULE__, :start_link, start_link_arguments}, |
type: :supervisor |
} |
Supervisor.child_spec(default, []) |
end |
def start_link(arguments, gen_server_options \\ []) do |
Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, arguments, Keyword.put_new(gen_server_options, :name, __MODULE__)) |
end |
@impl Supervisor |
def init(fetcher_arguments) do |
Supervisor.init( |
[ |
{Task.Supervisor, name: Indexer.ReplacedTransaction.TaskSupervisor}, |
{Fetcher, [fetcher_arguments, [name: Fetcher]]} |
], |
strategy: :one_for_one |
) |
end |
end |
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ |
defmodule Indexer.ReplacedTransaction.FetcherTest do |
use Explorer.DataCase |
alias Explorer.Chain.Transaction |
alias Indexer.ReplacedTransaction |
@moduletag :capture_log |
setup do |
start_supervised!({Task.Supervisor, name: Indexer.TaskSupervisor}) |
:ok |
end |
describe "start_link/1" do |
test "starts finding replaced transactions" do |
common_from_address_hash = %Explorer.Chain.Hash{ |
byte_count: 20, |
bytes: <<0x4615CC10092B514258577DAFCA98C142577F1578::big-integer-size(20)-unit(8)>> |
} |
address = insert(:address, hash: common_from_address_hash) |
common_nonce = 10 |
replaced_transaction_hash = %Explorer.Chain.Hash{ |
byte_count: 32, |
bytes: <<0x9FC76417374AA880D4449A1F7F31EC597F00B1F6F3DD2D66F4C9C6C445836D8B::big-integer-size(32)-unit(8)>> |
} |
insert(:transaction, |
hash: replaced_transaction_hash, |
nonce: common_nonce, |
from_address: address |
) |
mined_transaction_hash = %Explorer.Chain.Hash{ |
byte_count: 32, |
bytes: <<0x8FC76417374AA880D4449A1F7F31EC597F00B1F6F3DD2D66F4C9C6C445836D8B::big-integer-size(32)-unit(8)>> |
} |
block = insert(:block) |
insert(:transaction, |
hash: mined_transaction_hash, |
nonce: common_nonce, |
from_address: address, |
block_number: block.number, |
block_hash: block.hash, |
cumulative_gas_used: 10, |
gas_used: 1, |
index: 0, |
status: :ok |
) |
ReplacedTransaction.Supervisor.Case.start_supervised!() |
found_replaced_transaction = |
wait_for_results(fn -> |
||||||!( |
from(transaction in Transaction, |
where: transaction.status == ^:error and transaction.error == "dropped/replaced" |
) |
) |
end) |
assert found_replaced_transaction.hash == replaced_transaction_hash |
end |
end |
end |
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ |
defmodule Indexer.ReplacedTransaction.Supervisor.Case do |
alias Indexer.ReplacedTransaction |
def start_supervised!(fetcher_arguments \\ []) when is_list(fetcher_arguments) do |
merged_fetcher_arguments = |
Keyword.merge( |
fetcher_arguments, |
flush_interval: 50, |
max_batch_size: 1, |
max_concurrency: 1 |
) |
[merged_fetcher_arguments] |
|> ReplacedTransaction.Supervisor.child_spec() |
|> ExUnit.Callbacks.start_supervised!() |
end |
end |
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