Clean setup and shutdown of Explorer.Chain.Statistics.Server

Fixes #466
Luke Imhoff 6 years ago
parent 8342f364dc
commit 52196bf329
  1. 52
  2. 102

@ -3,10 +3,15 @@ defmodule Explorer.Chain.Statistics.Server do
use GenServer use GenServer
require Logger
alias Explorer.Chain.Statistics alias Explorer.Chain.Statistics
@interval 1_000 @interval 1_000
defstruct statistics: %Statistics{},
task: nil
def child_spec(_) do def child_spec(_) do
Supervisor.Spec.worker(__MODULE__, [[refresh: true]]) Supervisor.Spec.worker(__MODULE__, [[refresh: true]])
end end
@ -20,30 +25,53 @@ defmodule Explorer.Chain.Statistics.Server do
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, opts, name: __MODULE__) GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, opts, name: __MODULE__)
end end
@impl GenServer
def init(options) when is_list(options) do def init(options) when is_list(options) do
if Keyword.get(options, :refresh, true) do if Keyword.get(options, :refresh, true) do
send(self(), :refresh) send(self(), :refresh)
end end
{:ok, %Statistics{}} {:ok, %__MODULE__{}}
@impl GenServer
def handle_info(:refresh, %__MODULE__{task: task} = state) do
new_state =
case task do
nil ->
%__MODULE__{state | task: Task.Supervisor.async_nolink(Explorer.TaskSupervisor, Statistics, :fetch, [])}
_ ->
{:noreply, new_state}
end end
def handle_info(:refresh, %Statistics{} = statistics) do def handle_info({ref, %Statistics{} = statistics}, %__MODULE__{task: %Task{ref: ref}} = state) do
Task.start_link(fn -> Process.demonitor(ref, [:flush])
GenServer.cast(__MODULE__, {:update, Statistics.fetch()}) Process.send_after(self(), :refresh, @interval)
{:noreply, statistics} {:noreply, %__MODULE__{state | statistics: statistics, task: nil}}
end end
def handle_info(_, %Statistics{} = statistics), do: {:noreply, statistics} def handle_info({:DOWN, ref, :process, pid, reason}, %__MODULE__{task: %Task{pid: pid, ref: ref}} = state) do
def handle_call(:fetch, _, %Statistics{} = statistics), do: {:reply, statistics, statistics} Logger.error(fn -> "#{inspect(Statistics)}.fetch failed and could not be cached: #{inspect(reason)}" end)
def handle_call(_, _, %Statistics{} = statistics), do: {:noreply, statistics}
def handle_cast({:update, %Statistics{} = statistics}, %Statistics{} = _) do
Process.send_after(self(), :refresh, @interval) Process.send_after(self(), :refresh, @interval)
{:noreply, statistics}
{:noreply, %__MODULE__{state | task: nil}}
end end
def handle_cast(_, %Statistics{} = statistics), do: {:noreply, statistics} @impl GenServer
def handle_call(:fetch, _, %__MODULE__{statistics: %Statistics{} = statistics} = state),
do: {:reply, statistics, state}
@impl GenServer
def terminate(_, %__MODULE__{task: nil}), do: :ok
def terminate(_, %__MODULE__{task: task}) do
end end

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
defmodule Explorer.Chain.Statistics.ServerTest do defmodule Explorer.Chain.Statistics.ServerTest do
use Explorer.DataCase use Explorer.DataCase, async: false
import ExUnit.CaptureLog
alias Explorer.Chain.Statistics alias Explorer.Chain.Statistics
alias Explorer.Chain.Statistics.Server alias Explorer.Chain.Statistics.Server
@ -9,21 +11,28 @@ defmodule Explorer.Chain.Statistics.ServerTest do
describe "child_spec/1" do describe "child_spec/1" do
test "it defines a child_spec/1 that works with supervisors" do test "it defines a child_spec/1 that works with supervisors" do
assert {:ok, _} = start_supervised(Server) insert(:block)
assert {:ok, pid} = start_supervised(Server)
%Server{task: %Task{pid: pid}} = :sys.get_state(pid)
ref = Process.monitor(pid)
assert_receive {:DOWN, ^ref, :process, ^pid, _}
end end
end end
describe "init/1" do describe "init/1" do
test "returns a new chain when not told to refresh" do test "returns a new chain when not told to refresh" do
{:ok, statistics} = Server.init(refresh: false) empty_statistics = %Statistics{}
assert statistics == %Statistics{} assert {:ok, %Server{statistics: ^empty_statistics}} = Server.init(refresh: false)
end end
test "returns a new chain when told to refresh" do test "returns a new Statistics when told to refresh" do
{:ok, statistics} = Server.init(refresh: true) empty_statistics = %Statistics{}
assert statistics == %Statistics{} assert {:ok, %Server{statistics: ^empty_statistics}} = Server.init(refresh: true)
end end
test "refreshes when told to refresh" do test "refreshes when told to refresh" do
@ -34,57 +43,78 @@ defmodule Explorer.Chain.Statistics.ServerTest do
end end
describe "handle_info/2" do describe "handle_info/2" do
test "returns the original chain when sent a :refresh message" do setup :state
original = Statistics.fetch()
test "returns the original statistics when sent a :refresh message", %{
state: %Server{statistics: statistics} = state
} do
assert {:noreply, %Server{statistics: ^statistics, task: task}} = Server.handle_info(:refresh, state)
assert {:noreply, ^original} = Server.handle_info(:refresh, original) Task.await(task)
end end
test "launches an update when sent a :refresh message" do test "launches a Statistics.fetch Task update when sent a :refresh message", %{state: state} do
original = Statistics.fetch() assert {:noreply, %Server{task: %Task{} = task}} = Server.handle_info(:refresh, state)
{:ok, pid} = Server.start_link()
chain = Server.fetch()
:ok = GenServer.stop(pid)
assert original.number == chain.number assert %Statistics{} = Task.await(task)
end end
test "does not reply when sent any other message" do test "stores successful Task in state", %{state: state} do
assert {:noreply, _} = Server.handle_info(:ham, %Statistics{}) # so that `statistics` from Task will be different
assert {:noreply, %Server{task: %Task{ref: ref}} = refresh_state} = Server.handle_info(:refresh, state)
assert_receive {^ref, %Statistics{} = message_statistics} = message
assert {:noreply, %Server{statistics: ^message_statistics, task: nil}} =
Server.handle_info(message, refresh_state)
refute message_statistics == state.statistics
test "logs crashed Task", %{state: state} do
assert {:noreply, %Server{task: %Task{pid: pid, ref: ref}} = refresh_state} = Server.handle_info(:refresh, state)
Process.exit(pid, :boom)
assert_receive {:DOWN, ^ref, :process, ^pid, :boom} = message
captured_log =
capture_log(fn ->
assert {:noreply, %Server{task: nil}} = Server.handle_info(message, refresh_state)
assert captured_log =~ "Explorer.Chain.Statistics.fetch failed and could not be cached: :boom"
end end
end end
describe "handle_call/3" do describe "handle_call/3" do
test "replies with statistics when sent a :fetch message" do test "replies with statistics when sent a :fetch message" do
original = Statistics.fetch() original = Statistics.fetch()
state = %Server{statistics: original}
assert {:reply, _, ^original} = Server.handle_call(:fetch, self(), original) assert {:reply, ^original, ^state} = Server.handle_call(:fetch, self(), state)
test "does not reply when sent any other message" do
assert {:noreply, _} = Server.handle_call(:ham, self(), %Statistics{})
end end
end end
describe "handle_cast/2" do describe "terminate/2" do
test "schedules a refresh of the statistics when sent an update" do setup :state
statistics = Statistics.fetch()
Server.handle_cast({:update, statistics}, %Statistics{}) test "cleans up in-progress tasks when terminated", %{state: state} do
assert {:noreply, %Server{task: %Task{pid: pid}} = refresh_state} = Server.handle_info(:refresh, state)
assert_receive :refresh, 2_000 second_ref = Process.monitor(pid)
test "returns a noreply and the new incoming chain when sent an update" do Server.terminate(:boom, refresh_state)
original = Statistics.fetch()
assert {:noreply, ^original} = Server.handle_cast({:update, original}, %Statistics{}) assert_receive {:DOWN, ^second_ref, :process, ^pid, :shutdown}
end end
test "returns a noreply and the old chain when sent any other cast" do defp state(_) do
original = Statistics.fetch() {:ok, state} = Server.init([])
assert {:noreply, ^original} = Server.handle_cast(:ham, original) %{state: state}
end end
end end
