render BlockScoutWeb.StakesView, "_stakes_th.html", title: amount_col_title, tooltip: gettext("Amount of %{symbol} placed by an address.", symbol: @token.symbol)
tooltip =
gettext("Amount of %{symbol} placed by an address.", symbol: @token.symbol) <>
if @show_snapshotted_data do
gettext(" Working Stake Amount is an amount which is accounted and working at the current staking epoch.")
<%= render BlockScoutWeb.CommonComponentsView, "_modal_bottom_disclaimer.html", text: gettext("Stake placed on a candidate pool or an active validator pool <strong>during the current staking epoch</strong> can be moved from one pool to another. Active stake cannot be moved. To re-delegate active stake: order a withdrawal, claim the amount on the next staking epoch, and stake the amount on a different pool.") |> raw(), extra_class: "b-b-l-0 #{if @pool_to do "b-b-r-0" end}" %>
<%= render BlockScoutWeb.CommonComponentsView, "_modal_bottom_disclaimer.html", text: gettext("Stake placed on a candidate pool or an active validator pool <strong>during the current staking epoch</strong> can be moved from one pool to another. Active stake cannot be moved. To re-delegate active stake: order a withdrawal, claim the amount on the next staking epoch, and stake the amount on a different pool.") |> raw(), extra_class: "b-b-l-0 #{if @pool_to do "b-b-r-0" end}" %>
<%= render BlockScoutWeb.StakesView, "_stakes_th.html", title: gettext("Pool"), tooltip: gettext("Candidate and Validator Pool Addresses. Current validator pools are specified by a checkmark.") %>
tooltip = cond do
@pools_type == :validator ->
gettext("Validator Pool Addresses.")
@pools_type == :active ->
gettext("Candidate and Validator Pool Addresses. Current validator pools are specified by a checkmark.")
@pools_type == :inactive ->
gettext("Inactive Pool Addresses. Current validator pools are specified by a checkmark.")
<%= render BlockScoutWeb.StakesView, "_stakes_th.html", title: gettext("Staked Amount"), tooltip: gettext("The first amount is the validator’s own stake, the second is the total amount staked into the pool by the validator and all delegators.") %>
tooltip = cond do
@pools_type == :validator ->
gettext("The first amount is the validator’s own stake, the second is the total amount staked into the pool by the validator and all delegators.")
@pools_type == :active ->
gettext("The first amount is the candidate’s own stake, the second is the total amount staked into the pool by the candidate and all delegators.")
@pools_type == :inactive ->
gettext("The first amount is the pool owner’s stake, the second is the total amount staked into the pool by the pool owner and all delegators.")
<%= render BlockScoutWeb.StakesView, "_stakes_th.html", title: gettext("Delegators"), tooltip: gettext("The number of delegators providing stake to the current pool. Click on the number to see more details.") %>
<%= render BlockScoutWeb.StakesView, "_stakes_th.html", title: gettext("Delegators"), tooltip: gettext("The number of delegators providing stake to the pool. Click on the number to see more details.") %>