@ -6,6 +6,12 @@ defmodule Explorer.Chain.Cache.MinMissingBlockNumber do |
use GenServer |
alias Explorer.Chain |
alias Explorer.Chain.Cache.BlockNumber |
@default_batch_size 100_000 |
@normal_interval 10 |
@increased_interval :timer.minutes(20) |
@default_last_fetched_number -1 |
@doc """ |
Starts a process to periodically update the % of blocks indexed. |
@ -16,37 +22,52 @@ defmodule Explorer.Chain.Cache.MinMissingBlockNumber do |
end |
@impl true |
def init(args) do |
Task.start_link(&fetch_min_missing_block/0) |
def init(_) do |
schedule_next_consolidation(@normal_interval) |
{:ok, %{last_fetched_number: @default_last_fetched_number}} |
end |
schedule_next_consolidation() |
def fetch_min_missing_block(last_fetched_number) do |
from = last_fetched_number + 1 |
to = last_fetched_number + batch_size() |
max_block_number = BlockNumber.get_max() - 1 |
{:ok, args} |
end |
{corrected_to, continue?} = if to >= max_block_number, do: {max_block_number, false}, else: {to, true} |
def fetch_min_missing_block do |
result = Chain.fetch_min_missing_block_cache() |
result = Chain.fetch_min_missing_block_cache(from, corrected_to) |
unless is_nil(result) do |
cond do |
not is_nil(result) -> |
params = %{ |
counter_type: "min_missing_block_number", |
value: result |
} |
Chain.upsert_last_fetched_counter(params) |
schedule_next_consolidation(@increased_interval) |
@default_last_fetched_number |
continue? -> |
schedule_next_consolidation(@normal_interval) |
corrected_to |
true -> |
schedule_next_consolidation(@increased_interval) |
@default_last_fetched_number |
end |
end |
defp schedule_next_consolidation do |
Process.send_after(self(), :fetch_min_missing_block, :timer.minutes(20)) |
defp schedule_next_consolidation(interval) do |
Process.send_after(self(), :fetch_min_missing_block, interval) |
end |
@impl true |
def handle_info(:fetch_min_missing_block, state) do |
fetch_min_missing_block() |
schedule_next_consolidation() |
def handle_info(:fetch_min_missing_block, %{last_fetched_number: last_fetched_number} = state) do |
new_last_number = fetch_min_missing_block(last_fetched_number) |
{:noreply, %{state | last_fetched_number: new_last_number}} |
end |
{:noreply, state} |
defp batch_size do |
Application.get_env(:explorer, __MODULE__)[:batch_size] || @default_batch_size |
end |
end |