Merge pull request #1376 from poanetwork/1337
Prevent block rewards for different hash being recorded for same block number during reorgpull/1384/head
@ -0,0 +1,246 @@ |
defmodule Indexer.Block.Reward.Fetcher do |
@moduledoc """ |
Fetches `t:Explorer.Chain.Block.Reward.t/0` for a given `t:Explorer.Chain.Block.block_number/0`. |
To protect from reorgs where the returned rewards are for same `number`, but a different `hash`, the `hash` is |
retrieved from the database and compared against that returned from `EthereumJSONRPC.` |
""" |
use Spandex.Decorators |
require Logger |
import EthereumJSONRPC, only: [quantity_to_integer: 1] |
alias Ecto.Changeset |
alias EthereumJSONRPC.FetchedBeneficiaries |
alias Explorer.Chain |
alias Explorer.Chain.{Block, Wei} |
alias Indexer.Address.CoinBalances |
alias Indexer.{AddressExtraction, BufferedTask, CoinBalance, Tracer} |
@behaviour BufferedTask |
@defaults [ |
flush_interval: :timer.seconds(3), |
max_batch_size: 10, |
max_concurrency: 4, |
task_supervisor: Indexer.Block.Reward.TaskSupervisor, |
metadata: [fetcher: :block_reward] |
] |
@doc """ |
Asynchronously fetches block rewards for each `t:Explorer.Chain.Explorer.block_number/0`` in `block_numbers`. |
""" |
@spec async_fetch([Block.block_number()]) :: :ok |
def async_fetch(block_numbers) when is_list(block_numbers) do |
BufferedTask.buffer(__MODULE__, block_numbers) |
end |
@doc false |
# credo:disable-for-next-line Credo.Check.Design.DuplicatedCode |
def child_spec([init_options, gen_server_options]) do |
{state, mergeable_init_options} = Keyword.pop(init_options, :json_rpc_named_arguments) |
unless state do |
raise ArgumentError, |
":json_rpc_named_arguments must be provided to `#{__MODULE__}.child_spec " <> |
"to allow for json_rpc calls when running." |
end |
merged_init_options = |
@defaults |
|> Keyword.merge(mergeable_init_options) |
|> Keyword.put(:state, state) |
Supervisor.child_spec({BufferedTask, [{__MODULE__, merged_init_options}, gen_server_options]}, id: __MODULE__) |
end |
@impl BufferedTask |
def init(initial, reducer, _) do |
{:ok, final} = |
Chain.stream_blocks_without_rewards(initial, fn %{number: number}, acc -> |
reducer.(number, acc) |
end) |
final |
end |
@impl BufferedTask |
@decorate trace(name: "fetch", resource: "", service: :indexer, tracer: Tracer) |
def run(entries, json_rpc_named_arguments) do |
hash_string_by_number = |
entries |
|> Enum.uniq() |
|> hash_string_by_number() |
consensus_numbers = Map.keys(hash_string_by_number) |
consensus_number_count = Enum.count(consensus_numbers) |
Logger.metadata(count: consensus_number_count) |
Logger.debug(fn -> "fetching" end) |
consensus_numbers |
|> EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_beneficiaries(json_rpc_named_arguments) |
|> case do |
{:ok, fetched_beneficiaries} -> |
run_fetched_beneficiaries(fetched_beneficiaries, hash_string_by_number) |
{:error, reason} -> |
Logger.error( |
fn -> |
["failed to fetch: ", inspect(reason)] |
end, |
error_count: consensus_number_count |
) |
{:retry, consensus_numbers} |
end |
end |
defp hash_string_by_number(numbers) when is_list(numbers) do |
numbers |
|> Chain.block_hash_by_number() |
|> Enum.into(%{}, fn {number, hash} -> |
{number, to_string(hash)} |
end) |
end |
defp run_fetched_beneficiaries(%FetchedBeneficiaries{params_set: params_set, errors: errors}, hash_string_by_number) do |
params_set |
|> filter_consensus_params(hash_string_by_number) |
|> case do |
[] -> |
retry_errors(errors) |
beneficiaries_params -> |
beneficiaries_params |
|> add_gas_payments() |
|> import_block_reward_params() |
|> case do |
{:ok, %{address_coin_balances: address_coin_balances}} -> |
CoinBalance.Fetcher.async_fetch_balances(address_coin_balances) |
retry_errors(errors) |
{:error, [%Changeset{} | _] = changesets} -> |
Logger.error(fn -> ["Failed to validate: ", inspect(changesets)] end, |
error_count: Enum.count(hash_string_by_number) |
) |
retry_beneficiaries_params(beneficiaries_params) |
{:error, step, failed_value, _changes_so_far} -> |
Logger.error(fn -> ["Failed to import", inspect(failed_value)] end, |
step: step, |
error_count: Enum.count(hash_string_by_number) |
) |
retry_beneficiaries_params(beneficiaries_params) |
end |
end |
end |
defp filter_consensus_params(params_set, hash_string_by_number) do |
Enum.filter(params_set, fn %{block_number: block_number, block_hash: block_hash} -> |
case Map.fetch!(hash_string_by_number, block_number) do |
^block_hash -> |
true |
other_block_hash -> |
Logger.debug(fn -> |
[ |
"fetch beneficiaries reported block number (", |
to_string(block_number), |
") maps to different (", |
other_block_hash, |
") block hash than the one in the database (", |
block_hash, |
"). A reorg has occurred." |
] |
end) |
false |
end |
end) |
end |
defp add_gas_payments(beneficiaries_params) do |
gas_payment_by_block_hash = |
beneficiaries_params |
|> Stream.filter(&(&1.address_type == :validator)) |
|> &1.block_hash) |
|> Chain.gas_payment_by_block_hash() |
|, fn %{block_hash: block_hash} = beneficiary -> |
case gas_payment_by_block_hash do |
%{^block_hash => gas_payment} -> |
{:ok, minted} = Wei.cast(beneficiary.reward) |
%{beneficiary | reward: Wei.sum(minted, gas_payment)} |
_ -> |
beneficiary |
end |
end) |
end |
defp import_block_reward_params(block_rewards_params) when is_list(block_rewards_params) do |
addresses_params = AddressExtraction.extract_addresses(%{block_reward_contract_beneficiaries: block_rewards_params}) |
address_coin_balances_params_set = CoinBalances.params_set(%{beneficiary_params: block_rewards_params}) |
Chain.import(%{ |
addresses: %{params: addresses_params}, |
address_coin_balances: %{params: address_coin_balances_params_set}, |
block_rewards: %{params: block_rewards_params} |
}) |
end |
defp retry_beneficiaries_params(beneficiaries_params) when is_list(beneficiaries_params) do |
entries =, & &1.block_number) |
{:retry, entries} |
end |
defp retry_errors([]), do: :ok |
defp retry_errors(errors) when is_list(errors) do |
retried_entries = fetched_beneficiaries_errors_to_entries(errors) |
Logger.error( |
fn -> |
[ |
"failed to fetch: ", |
fetched_beneficiaries_errors_to_iodata(errors) |
] |
end, |
error_count: Enum.count(retried_entries) |
) |
{:retry, retried_entries} |
end |
defp fetched_beneficiaries_errors_to_entries(errors) when is_list(errors) do |
|, &fetched_beneficiary_error_to_entry/1) |
end |
defp fetched_beneficiary_error_to_entry(%{data: %{block_quantity: block_quantity}}) when is_binary(block_quantity) do |
quantity_to_integer(block_quantity) |
end |
defp fetched_beneficiaries_errors_to_iodata(errors) when is_list(errors) do |
fetched_beneficiaries_errors_to_iodata(errors, []) |
end |
defp fetched_beneficiaries_errors_to_iodata([], iodata), do: iodata |
defp fetched_beneficiaries_errors_to_iodata([error | errors], iodata) do |
fetched_beneficiaries_errors_to_iodata(errors, [iodata | fetched_beneficiary_error_to_iodata(error)]) |
end |
defp fetched_beneficiary_error_to_iodata(%{code: code, message: message, data: %{block_quantity: block_quantity}}) |
when is_integer(code) and is_binary(message) and is_binary(block_quantity) do |
["@", quantity_to_integer(block_quantity), ": (", to_string(code), ") ", message, ?\n] |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ |
defmodule Indexer.Block.Reward.Supervisor do |
@moduledoc """ |
Supervises `Indexer.Block.Reward.Fetcher` and its batch tasks through `Indexer.Block.Reward.TaskSupervisor` |
""" |
use Supervisor |
alias Indexer.Block.Reward.Fetcher |
def child_spec([init_arguments]) do |
child_spec([init_arguments, []]) |
end |
def child_spec([_init_arguments, _gen_server_options] = start_link_arguments) do |
default = %{ |
id: __MODULE__, |
start: {__MODULE__, :start_link, start_link_arguments}, |
type: :supervisor |
} |
Supervisor.child_spec(default, []) |
end |
def start_link(arguments, gen_server_options \\ []) do |
Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, arguments, Keyword.put_new(gen_server_options, :name, __MODULE__)) |
end |
@impl Supervisor |
def init(fetcher_arguments) do |
Supervisor.init( |
[ |
{Task.Supervisor, name: Indexer.Block.Reward.TaskSupervisor}, |
{Fetcher, [fetcher_arguments, [name: Fetcher]]} |
], |
strategy: :one_for_one |
) |
end |
end |
@ -1,115 +0,0 @@ |
defmodule Indexer.Block.UncatalogedRewards.Importer do |
@moduledoc """ |
a module to fetch and import the rewards for blocks that were indexed without the reward |
""" |
alias Ecto.Multi |
alias EthereumJSONRPC.FetchedBeneficiaries |
alias Explorer.Chain |
alias Explorer.Chain.{Block.Reward, Wei} |
# max number of blocks in a single request |
# higher numbers may cause the requests to time out |
# lower numbers will generate more requests |
@chunk_size 10 |
@doc """ |
receives a list of blocks and tries to fetch and insert rewards for them |
""" |
def fetch_and_import_rewards(blocks_batch) do |
result = |
blocks_batch |
|> break_into_chunks_of_block_numbers() |
|> Enum.reduce([], fn chunk, acc -> |
chunk |
|> fetch_beneficiaries() |
|> fetch_block_rewards() |
|> insert_reward_group() |
|> case do |
:empty -> acc |
insert -> [insert | acc] |
end |
end) |
{:ok, result} |
rescue |
e in RuntimeError -> {:error, %{exception: e}} |
end |
defp fetch_beneficiaries(chunk) do |
{chunk_start, chunk_end} = Enum.min_max(chunk) |
{:ok, %FetchedBeneficiaries{params_set: result}} = |
with :ignore <- EthereumJSONRPC.fetch_beneficiaries(chunk_start..chunk_end, json_rpc_named_arguments()) do |
{:ok, %FetchedBeneficiaries{params_set:}} |
end |
result |
end |
defp fetch_block_rewards(beneficiaries) do |
||||||, fn beneficiary -> |
beneficiary_changes = |
case beneficiary.address_type do |
:validator -> |
validation_reward = fetch_validation_reward(beneficiary) |
{:ok, reward} = Wei.cast(beneficiary.reward) |
%{beneficiary | reward: Wei.sum(reward, validation_reward)} |
_ -> |
beneficiary |
end |
Reward.changeset(%Reward{}, beneficiary_changes) |
end) |
end |
defp fetch_validation_reward(beneficiary) do |
{:ok, accumulator} = Wei.cast(0) |
beneficiary.block_number |
|> Chain.get_transactions_of_block_number() |
|> Enum.reduce(accumulator, fn t, acc -> |
{:ok, price_as_wei} = Wei.cast(t.gas_used) |
price_as_wei |> Wei.mult(t.gas_price) |> Wei.sum(acc) |
end) |
end |
defp break_into_chunks_of_block_numbers(blocks) do |
Enum.chunk_while( |
blocks, |
[], |
fn block, acc -> |
if (acc == [] || hd(acc) + 1 == block.number) && length(acc) < @chunk_size do |
{:cont, [block.number | acc]} |
else |
{:cont, acc, [block.number]} |
end |
end, |
fn |
[] -> {:cont, []} |
acc -> {:cont, acc, []} |
end |
) |
end |
defp insert_reward_group([]), do: :empty |
defp insert_reward_group(rewards) do |
rewards |
|> Enum.reduce({, 0}, fn changeset, {multi, index} -> |
{Multi.insert(multi, "insert_#{index}", changeset, |
conflict_target: ~w(address_hash address_type block_hash), |
on_conflict: {:replace, [:reward]} |
), index + 1} |
end) |
|> elem(0) |
|> Explorer.Repo.transaction() |
end |
defp json_rpc_named_arguments do |
Application.get_env(:explorer, :json_rpc_named_arguments) |
end |
end |
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ |
defmodule Indexer.Block.UncatalogedRewards.Processor do |
@moduledoc """ |
genserver to find blocks without rewards and fetch their rewards in batches |
""" |
use GenServer |
alias Explorer.Chain |
alias Indexer.Block.UncatalogedRewards.Importer |
@max_batch_size 150 |
@default_cooldown 300 |
def start_link(_) do |
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, :ok, name: __MODULE__) |
end |
@impl true |
def init(args) do |
send(self(), :import_batch) |
{:ok, args} |
end |
@impl true |
def handle_info(:import_batch, state) do |
@max_batch_size |
|> Chain.get_blocks_without_reward() |
|> import_or_try_later |
{:noreply, state} |
end |
defp import_or_try_later(batch) do |
import_results = Importer.fetch_and_import_rewards(batch) |
wait_time = if import_results == {:ok, []}, do: :timer.hours(24), else: @default_cooldown |
Process.send_after(self(), :import_batch, wait_time) |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,687 @@ |
defmodule Indexer.Block.Reward.FetcherTest do |
# MUST be `async: false` so that {:shared, pid} is set for connection to allow CoinBalanceFetcher's self-send to have |
# connection allowed immediately. |
use EthereumJSONRPC.Case, async: false |
use Explorer.DataCase |
import EthereumJSONRPC, only: [integer_to_quantity: 1] |
import Mox |
alias Explorer.Chain |
alias Explorer.Chain.{Block, Hash, Wei} |
alias Indexer.Block.Reward |
alias Indexer.BufferedTask |
@moduletag :capture_log |
# MUST use global mode because we aren't guaranteed to get `start_supervised`'s pid back fast enough to `allow` it to |
# use expectations and stubs from test's pid. |
setup :set_mox_global |
setup :verify_on_exit! |
setup do |
start_supervised!({Task.Supervisor, name: Indexer.TaskSupervisor}) |
# Need to always mock to allow consensus switches to happen on demand and protect from them happening when we don't |
# want them to. |
%{ |
json_rpc_named_arguments: [ |
transport: EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, |
transport_options: [], |
# Which one does not matter, so pick one |
variant: EthereumJSONRPC.Parity |
] |
} |
end |
describe "init/3" do |
test "without blocks" do |
assert [] = Reward.Fetcher.init([], &[&1 | &2], nil) |
end |
test "with consensus block without reward" do |
%Block{number: block_number} = insert(:block) |
assert [^block_number] = Reward.Fetcher.init([], &[&1 | &2], nil) |
end |
test "with consensus block with reward" do |
block = insert(:block) |
insert(:reward, address_hash: block.miner_hash, block_hash: block.hash) |
assert [] = Reward.Fetcher.init([], &[&1 | &2], nil) |
end |
test "with non-consensus block" do |
insert(:block, consensus: false) |
assert [] = Reward.Fetcher.init([], &[&1 | &2], nil) |
end |
end |
describe "async_fetch/1" do |
setup %{json_rpc_named_arguments: json_rpc_named_arguments} do |
Reward.Supervisor.Case.start_supervised!(json_rpc_named_arguments: json_rpc_named_arguments) |
block = insert(:block) |
%{block: block} |
end |
test "with consensus block without reward", %{ |
block: %Block{ |
hash: block_hash, |
number: block_number, |
miner_hash: %Hash{bytes: miner_hash_bytes} = miner_hash, |
consensus: true |
} |
} do |
block_quantity = integer_to_quantity(block_number) |
expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn [ |
%{ |
id: id, |
jsonrpc: "2.0", |
method: "trace_block", |
params: [^block_quantity] |
} |
], |
_ -> |
{ |
:ok, |
[ |
%{ |
id: id, |
jsonrpc: "2.0", |
result: [ |
%{ |
"action" => %{ |
"author" => to_string(miner_hash), |
"rewardType" => "external", |
"value" => "0x0" |
}, |
# ... but, switches to non-consensus by the time `trace_block` is called |
"blockHash" => to_string(block_hash), |
"blockNumber" => block_number, |
"result" => nil, |
"subtraces" => 0, |
"traceAddress" => [], |
"transactionHash" => nil, |
"transactionPosition" => nil, |
"type" => "reward" |
} |
] |
} |
] |
} |
end) |
assert count(Chain.Block.Reward) == 0 |
parent = self() |
pid = |
spawn_link(fn -> |
receive do |
{:"$gen_call", from, {:buffer, balance_fields}} -> |
GenServer.reply(from, :ok) |
send(parent, {:balance_fields, balance_fields}) |
end |
end) |
Process.register(pid, Indexer.CoinBalance.Fetcher) |
assert :ok = Reward.Fetcher.async_fetch([block_number]) |
wait_for_tasks(Reward.Fetcher) |
assert count(Chain.Block.Reward) == 1 |
assert_receive {:balance_fields, [{^miner_hash_bytes, ^block_number}]}, 500 |
end |
test "with consensus block with reward", %{ |
block: %Block{ |
hash: block_hash, |
number: block_number, |
miner_hash: %Hash{bytes: miner_hash_bytes} = miner_hash, |
consensus: true |
} |
} do |
insert(:reward, block_hash: block_hash, address_hash: miner_hash) |
block_quantity = integer_to_quantity(block_number) |
expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn [ |
%{ |
id: id, |
jsonrpc: "2.0", |
method: "trace_block", |
params: [^block_quantity] |
} |
], |
_ -> |
{ |
:ok, |
[ |
%{ |
id: id, |
jsonrpc: "2.0", |
result: [ |
%{ |
"action" => %{ |
"author" => to_string(miner_hash), |
"rewardType" => "external", |
"value" => "0x0" |
}, |
# ... but, switches to non-consensus by the time `trace_block` is called |
"blockHash" => to_string(block_hash), |
"blockNumber" => block_number, |
"result" => nil, |
"subtraces" => 0, |
"traceAddress" => [], |
"transactionHash" => nil, |
"transactionPosition" => nil, |
"type" => "reward" |
} |
] |
} |
] |
} |
end) |
parent = self() |
pid = |
spawn_link(fn -> |
receive do |
{:"$gen_call", from, {:buffer, balance_fields}} -> |
GenServer.reply(from, :ok) |
send(parent, {:balance_fields, balance_fields}) |
end |
end) |
Process.register(pid, Indexer.CoinBalance.Fetcher) |
assert :ok = Reward.Fetcher.async_fetch([block_number]) |
wait_for_tasks(Reward.Fetcher) |
assert count(Chain.Block.Reward) == 1 |
assert_receive {:balance_fields, [{^miner_hash_bytes, ^block_number}]}, 500 |
end |
test "with consensus block does not import if fetch beneficiaries returns a different block hash for block number", |
%{block: %Block{hash: block_hash, number: block_number, consensus: true, miner_hash: miner_hash}} do |
block_quantity = integer_to_quantity(block_number) |
new_block_hash = block_hash() |
refute block_hash == new_block_hash |
expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn [ |
%{ |
id: id, |
jsonrpc: "2.0", |
method: "trace_block", |
params: [^block_quantity] |
} |
], |
_ -> |
{ |
:ok, |
[ |
%{ |
id: id, |
jsonrpc: "2.0", |
result: [ |
%{ |
"action" => %{ |
"author" => to_string(miner_hash), |
"rewardType" => "external", |
"value" => "0x0" |
}, |
# ... but, switches to non-consensus by the time `trace_block` is called |
"blockHash" => to_string(new_block_hash), |
"blockNumber" => block_number, |
"result" => nil, |
"subtraces" => 0, |
"traceAddress" => [], |
"transactionHash" => nil, |
"transactionPosition" => nil, |
"type" => "reward" |
} |
] |
} |
] |
} |
end) |
assert :ok = Reward.Fetcher.async_fetch([block_number]) |
wait_for_tasks(Reward.Fetcher) |
assert count(Chain.Block.Reward) == 0 |
end |
end |
describe "run/2" do |
setup do |
block = insert(:block) |
%{block: block} |
end |
test "with consensus block without reward", %{ |
block: %Block{ |
hash: block_hash, |
number: block_number, |
miner_hash: %Hash{bytes: miner_hash_bytes} = miner_hash, |
consensus: true |
}, |
json_rpc_named_arguments: json_rpc_named_arguments |
} do |
block_quantity = integer_to_quantity(block_number) |
expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn [ |
%{ |
id: id, |
jsonrpc: "2.0", |
method: "trace_block", |
params: [^block_quantity] |
} |
], |
_ -> |
{ |
:ok, |
[ |
%{ |
id: id, |
jsonrpc: "2.0", |
result: [ |
%{ |
"action" => %{ |
"author" => to_string(miner_hash), |
"rewardType" => "external", |
"value" => "0x0" |
}, |
# ... but, switches to non-consensus by the time `trace_block` is called |
"blockHash" => to_string(block_hash), |
"blockNumber" => block_number, |
"result" => nil, |
"subtraces" => 0, |
"traceAddress" => [], |
"transactionHash" => nil, |
"transactionPosition" => nil, |
"type" => "reward" |
} |
] |
} |
] |
} |
end) |
assert count(Chain.Block.Reward) == 0 |
assert count(Chain.Address.CoinBalance) == 0 |
parent = self() |
pid = |
spawn_link(fn -> |
receive do |
{:"$gen_call", from, {:buffer, balance_fields}} -> |
GenServer.reply(from, :ok) |
send(parent, {:balance_fields, balance_fields}) |
end |
end) |
Process.register(pid, Indexer.CoinBalance.Fetcher) |
assert :ok =[block_number], json_rpc_named_arguments) |
assert count(Chain.Block.Reward) == 1 |
assert count(Chain.Address.CoinBalance) == 1 |
assert_receive {:balance_fields, [{^miner_hash_bytes, ^block_number}]}, 500 |
end |
test "with consensus block without reward with new address adds rewards for all addresses", %{ |
block: %Block{ |
hash: block_hash, |
number: block_number, |
miner_hash: %Hash{bytes: miner_hash_bytes} = miner_hash, |
consensus: true |
}, |
json_rpc_named_arguments: json_rpc_named_arguments |
} do |
block_quantity = integer_to_quantity(block_number) |
%Hash{bytes: new_address_hash_bytes} = new_address_hash = address_hash() |
expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn [ |
%{ |
id: id, |
jsonrpc: "2.0", |
method: "trace_block", |
params: [^block_quantity] |
} |
], |
_ -> |
{ |
:ok, |
[ |
%{ |
id: id, |
jsonrpc: "2.0", |
result: [ |
%{ |
"action" => %{ |
"author" => to_string(miner_hash), |
"rewardType" => "external", |
"value" => "0x1" |
}, |
# ... but, switches to non-consensus by the time `trace_block` is called |
"blockHash" => to_string(block_hash), |
"blockNumber" => block_number, |
"result" => nil, |
"subtraces" => 0, |
"traceAddress" => [], |
"transactionHash" => nil, |
"transactionPosition" => nil, |
"type" => "reward" |
}, |
%{ |
"action" => %{ |
"author" => to_string(new_address_hash), |
"rewardType" => "external", |
"value" => "0x2" |
}, |
"blockHash" => to_string(block_hash), |
"blockNumber" => block_number, |
"result" => nil, |
"subtraces" => 0, |
"traceAddress" => [], |
"transactionHash" => nil, |
"transactionPosition" => nil, |
"type" => "reward" |
} |
] |
} |
] |
} |
end) |
assert count(Chain.Block.Reward) == 0 |
assert count(Chain.Address.CoinBalance) == 0 |
parent = self() |
pid = |
spawn_link(fn -> |
receive do |
{:"$gen_call", from, {:buffer, balance_fields}} -> |
GenServer.reply(from, :ok) |
send(parent, {:balance_fields, balance_fields}) |
end |
end) |
Process.register(pid, Indexer.CoinBalance.Fetcher) |
assert :ok =[block_number], json_rpc_named_arguments) |
assert count(Chain.Block.Reward) == 2 |
assert count(Chain.Address.CoinBalance) == 2 |
assert_receive {:balance_fields, balance_fields}, 500 |
assert {miner_hash_bytes, block_number} in balance_fields |
assert {new_address_hash_bytes, block_number} in balance_fields |
end |
test "with consensus block with reward", %{ |
block: %Block{ |
hash: block_hash, |
number: block_number, |
miner_hash: %Hash{bytes: miner_hash_bytes} = miner_hash, |
consensus: true |
}, |
json_rpc_named_arguments: json_rpc_named_arguments |
} do |
insert(:reward, block_hash: block_hash, address_hash: miner_hash, reward: 0) |
insert(:unfetched_balance, address_hash: miner_hash, block_number: block_number) |
block_quantity = integer_to_quantity(block_number) |
expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn [ |
%{ |
id: id, |
jsonrpc: "2.0", |
method: "trace_block", |
params: [^block_quantity] |
} |
], |
_ -> |
{ |
:ok, |
[ |
%{ |
id: id, |
jsonrpc: "2.0", |
result: [ |
%{ |
"action" => %{ |
"author" => to_string(miner_hash), |
"rewardType" => "external", |
"value" => "0x1" |
}, |
# ... but, switches to non-consensus by the time `trace_block` is called |
"blockHash" => to_string(block_hash), |
"blockNumber" => block_number, |
"result" => nil, |
"subtraces" => 0, |
"traceAddress" => [], |
"transactionHash" => nil, |
"transactionPosition" => nil, |
"type" => "reward" |
} |
] |
} |
] |
} |
end) |
assert count(Chain.Block.Reward) == 1 |
assert count(Chain.Address.CoinBalance) == 1 |
value = |
assert [%Chain.Block.Reward{reward: %Wei{value: ^value}}] = Repo.all(Chain.Block.Reward) |
parent = self() |
pid = |
spawn_link(fn -> |
receive do |
{:"$gen_call", from, {:buffer, balance_fields}} -> |
GenServer.reply(from, :ok) |
send(parent, {:balance_fields, balance_fields}) |
end |
end) |
Process.register(pid, Indexer.CoinBalance.Fetcher) |
assert :ok =[block_number], json_rpc_named_arguments) |
assert count(Chain.Block.Reward) == 1 |
assert count(Chain.Address.CoinBalance) == 1 |
value = |
assert [%Chain.Block.Reward{reward: %Wei{value: ^value}}] = Repo.all(Chain.Block.Reward) |
assert_receive {:balance_fields, [{^miner_hash_bytes, ^block_number}]}, 500 |
end |
test "with consensus block does not import if fetch beneficiaries returns a different block hash for block number", |
%{ |
block: %Block{hash: block_hash, number: block_number, consensus: true, miner_hash: miner_hash}, |
json_rpc_named_arguments: json_rpc_named_arguments |
} do |
block_quantity = integer_to_quantity(block_number) |
new_block_hash = block_hash() |
refute block_hash == new_block_hash |
expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn [ |
%{ |
id: id, |
jsonrpc: "2.0", |
method: "trace_block", |
params: [^block_quantity] |
} |
], |
_ -> |
{ |
:ok, |
[ |
%{ |
id: id, |
jsonrpc: "2.0", |
result: [ |
%{ |
"action" => %{ |
"author" => to_string(miner_hash), |
"rewardType" => "external", |
"value" => "0x0" |
}, |
# ... but, switches to non-consensus by the time `trace_block` is called |
"blockHash" => to_string(new_block_hash), |
"blockNumber" => block_number, |
"result" => nil, |
"subtraces" => 0, |
"traceAddress" => [], |
"transactionHash" => nil, |
"transactionPosition" => nil, |
"type" => "reward" |
} |
] |
} |
] |
} |
end) |
assert :ok =[block_number], json_rpc_named_arguments) |
assert count(Chain.Block.Reward) == 0 |
assert count(Chain.Address.CoinBalance) == 0 |
end |
test "with mix of beneficiaries_params and errors, imports beneficiaries_params and retries errors", %{ |
block: %Block{ |
hash: block_hash, |
number: block_number, |
miner_hash: %Hash{bytes: miner_hash_bytes} = miner_hash, |
consensus: true |
}, |
json_rpc_named_arguments: json_rpc_named_arguments |
} do |
block_quantity = integer_to_quantity(block_number) |
%Block{number: error_block_number} = insert(:block) |
error_block_quantity = integer_to_quantity(error_block_number) |
EthereumJSONRPC.Mox |
|> expect(:json_rpc, fn [_, _] = requests, _ -> |
{ |
:ok, |
|, fn |
%{ |
id: id, |
jsonrpc: "2.0", |
method: "trace_block", |
params: [^block_quantity] |
} -> |
%{ |
id: id, |
jsonrpc: "2.0", |
result: [ |
%{ |
"action" => %{ |
"author" => to_string(miner_hash), |
"rewardType" => "external", |
"value" => "0x1" |
}, |
# ... but, switches to non-consensus by the time `trace_block` is called |
"blockHash" => to_string(block_hash), |
"blockNumber" => block_number, |
"result" => nil, |
"subtraces" => 0, |
"traceAddress" => [], |
"transactionHash" => nil, |
"transactionPosition" => nil, |
"type" => "reward" |
} |
] |
} |
%{id: id, jsonrpc: "2.0", method: "trace_block", params: [^error_block_quantity]} -> |
%{id: id, jsonrpc: "2.0", result: nil} |
end) |
} |
end) |
assert count(Chain.Block.Reward) == 0 |
assert count(Chain.Address.CoinBalance) == 0 |
parent = self() |
pid = |
spawn_link(fn -> |
receive do |
{:"$gen_call", from, {:buffer, balance_fields}} -> |
GenServer.reply(from, :ok) |
send(parent, {:balance_fields, balance_fields}) |
end |
end) |
Process.register(pid, Indexer.CoinBalance.Fetcher) |
assert {:retry, [^error_block_number]} = |
|[block_number, error_block_number], json_rpc_named_arguments) |
assert count(Chain.Block.Reward) == 1 |
assert count(Chain.Address.CoinBalance) == 1 |
assert_receive {:balance_fields, balance_fields}, 500 |
assert {miner_hash_bytes, block_number} in balance_fields |
end |
end |
defp count(schema) do |
|!(select(schema, fragment("COUNT(*)"))) |
end |
defp wait_for_tasks(buffered_task) do |
wait_until(:timer.seconds(10), fn -> |
counts = BufferedTask.debug_count(buffered_task) |
counts.buffer == 0 and counts.tasks == 0 |
end) |
end |
defp wait_until(timeout, producer) do |
parent = self() |
ref = make_ref() |
spawn(fn -> do_wait_until(parent, ref, producer) end) |
receive do |
{^ref, :ok} -> :ok |
after |
timeout -> exit(:timeout) |
end |
end |
defp do_wait_until(parent, ref, producer) do |
if producer.() do |
send(parent, {ref, :ok}) |
else |
:timer.sleep(100) |
do_wait_until(parent, ref, producer) |
end |
end |
end |
@ -1,104 +0,0 @@ |
defmodule Indexer.Block.UncatalogedRewards.ImporterTest do |
use EthereumJSONRPC.Case, async: false |
use Explorer.DataCase |
import Mox |
alias Explorer.Chain.Wei |
alias Explorer.Chain.Block.Reward |
alias Indexer.Block.UncatalogedRewards.Importer |
describe "fetch_and_import_rewards/1" do |
test "return `{:ok, []}` when receiving an empty list" do |
assert Importer.fetch_and_import_rewards([]) == {:ok, []} |
end |
@tag :no_geth |
test "return `{:ok, [transactions executed]}`" do |
address = insert(:address) |
address_hash = address.hash |
block = insert(:block, number: 1234, miner: address) |
block_hash = block.hash |
expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn [%{id: id, method: "trace_block", params: _params}], _options -> |
{:ok, |
[ |
%{ |
id: id, |
result: [ |
%{ |
"action" => %{ |
"author" => to_string(address_hash), |
"rewardType" => "external", |
"value" => "0xde0b6b3a7640000" |
}, |
"blockHash" => to_string(block_hash), |
"blockNumber" => block.number, |
"result" => nil, |
"subtraces" => 0, |
"traceAddress" => [], |
"transactionHash" => nil, |
"transactionPosition" => nil, |
"type" => "reward" |
} |
] |
} |
]} |
end) |
assert {:ok, |
[ |
ok: %{ |
"insert_0" => %Reward{ |
address_hash: ^address_hash, |
block_hash: ^block_hash, |
address_type: :validator |
} |
} |
]} = Importer.fetch_and_import_rewards([block]) |
end |
@tag :no_geth |
test "replaces reward on conflict" do |
miner = insert(:address) |
block = insert(:block, miner: miner) |
block_hash = block.hash |
address_type = :validator |
insert(:reward, block_hash: block_hash, address_hash: miner.hash, address_type: address_type, reward: 1) |
value = "0x2" |
expect(EthereumJSONRPC.Mox, :json_rpc, fn [%{id: id, method: "trace_block"}], _options -> |
{:ok, |
[ |
%{ |
id: id, |
result: [ |
%{ |
"action" => %{ |
"author" => to_string(miner), |
"rewardType" => "external", |
"value" => value |
}, |
"blockHash" => to_string(block_hash), |
"blockNumber" => block.number, |
"result" => nil, |
"subtraces" => 0, |
"traceAddress" => [], |
"transactionHash" => nil, |
"transactionPosition" => nil, |
"type" => "reward" |
} |
] |
} |
]} |
end) |
{:ok, reward} = Wei.cast(value) |
assert {:ok, |
[ok: %{"insert_0" => %Reward{block_hash: ^block_hash, address_type: ^address_type, reward: ^reward}}]} = |
Importer.fetch_and_import_rewards([block]) |
end |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ |
defmodule Indexer.Block.Reward.Supervisor.Case do |
alias Indexer.Block.Reward |
def start_supervised!(fetcher_arguments \\ []) when is_list(fetcher_arguments) do |
merged_fetcher_arguments = |
Keyword.merge( |
fetcher_arguments, |
flush_interval: 50, |
max_batch_size: 1, |
max_concurrency: 1 |
) |
[merged_fetcher_arguments] |
|> Reward.Supervisor.child_spec() |
|> ExUnit.Callbacks.start_supervised!() |
end |
end |
Reference in new issue