File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ |
import $ from 'jquery' |
import 'malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin/jquery.mCustomScrollbar.concat.min' |
$(function() { |
$(".mCustomScrollbar").mCustomScrollbar({ |
callbacks: { |
onOverflowY: () => { |
$("#txActionsTitle .note").css("display", "block"); |
}, |
onOverflowYNone: () => { |
$("#txActionsTitle .note").css("display", "none"); |
} |
}, |
theme: "dark", |
autoHideScrollbar: true, |
scrollButtons: {enable: false}, |
scrollbarPosition: "outside" |
}); |
}); |
@ -1,89 +1,93 @@ |
<%= if @action.protocol == :uniswap_v3 do %> |
<%= if @action.type == :mint_nft do %> |
<span class="actions-item"> |
<i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i> |
<div class="<%= if @isLast, do: "lastItem", else: "" %>"> |
<span class="actions-item"> |
<i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i> |
<% address_string = Map.get(, "address") %> |
<% {address_hash_status, address_hash} = Chain.string_to_address_hash(address_string) %> |
<% {address_status, address} = Chain.hash_to_address(address_hash) %> |
<% address = if address_hash_status == :ok and address_status == :ok do %> |
<%= render BlockScoutWeb.AddressView, "_link.html", address: address, contract: BlockScoutWeb.AddressView.contract?(address), use_custom_tooltip: false, trimmed: false %> |
<% else %> |
<%= link to: address_path(BlockScoutWeb.Endpoint, :show, address_string), "data-test": "address_hash_link" do %> |
<% name = Map.get(, "name") %> |
<span data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="<%= name %>"> |
<span class="d-none d-md-none d-lg-inline d-xl-inline"><%= AddressView.short_string(name, 15) %></span> |
<span class="d-inline d-md-inline d-lg-none d-xl-none"><%= AddressView.short_string(name, 5) %></span> |
</span> |
<% address_string = Map.get(, "address") %> |
<% {address_hash_status, address_hash} = Chain.string_to_address_hash(address_string) %> |
<% {address_status, address} = Chain.hash_to_address(address_hash) %> |
<% address = if address_hash_status == :ok and address_status == :ok do %> |
<%= render BlockScoutWeb.AddressView, "_link.html", address: address, contract: BlockScoutWeb.AddressView.contract?(address), use_custom_tooltip: false, trimmed: false %> |
<% else %> |
<%= link to: address_path(BlockScoutWeb.Endpoint, :show, address_string), "data-test": "address_hash_link" do %> |
<% name = Map.get(, "name") %> |
<span data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="<%= name %>"> |
<span class="d-none d-md-none d-lg-inline d-xl-inline"><%= AddressView.short_string(name, 15) %></span> |
<span class="d-inline d-md-inline d-lg-none d-xl-none"><%= AddressView.short_string(name, 5) %></span> |
</span> |
<% symbol = Map.get(, "symbol") %> |
<span data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="<%= symbol %>"> |
<span class="d-none d-md-none d-lg-inline d-xl-inline">(<%= AddressView.short_string(symbol, 15) %>)</span> |
<span class="d-inline d-md-inline d-lg-none d-xl-none">(<%= AddressView.short_string(symbol, 5) %>)</span> |
</span> |
<% end %> |
<% end %> |
<% symbol = Map.get(, "symbol") %> |
<span data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="<%= symbol %>"> |
<span class="d-none d-md-none d-lg-inline d-xl-inline">(<%= AddressView.short_string(symbol, 15) %>)</span> |
<span class="d-inline d-md-inline d-lg-none d-xl-none">(<%= AddressView.short_string(symbol, 5) %>)</span> |
<% to_address = Map.get(, "to") %> |
<% to = link to: address_path(BlockScoutWeb.Endpoint, :show, to_address), "data-test": "address_hash_link" do %> |
<span data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="<%= to_address %>"> |
<span class="d-none d-md-none d-xl-inline"><%= to_address %></span> |
<span class="d-md-inline-block d-xl-none"><%= BlockScoutWeb.AddressView.trimmed_hash(to_address) %></span> |
</span> |
<% end %> |
<% end %> |
<%= gettext("Mint of %{address} <span class=\"text-muted\">To</span> %{to}", address: safe_to_string(address), to: safe_to_string(to)) |> raw() %> |
</span> |
<br /> |
<% to_address = Map.get(, "to") %> |
<% to = link to: address_path(BlockScoutWeb.Endpoint, :show, to_address), "data-test": "address_hash_link" do %> |
<span data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="<%= to_address %>"> |
<span class="d-none d-md-none d-xl-inline"><%= to_address %></span> |
<span class="d-md-inline-block d-xl-none"><%= BlockScoutWeb.AddressView.trimmed_hash(to_address) %></span> |
<% token_ids = Map.get(, "ids") %> |
<%= for id <- token_ids do %> |
<span class="actions-item subitem"> |
<i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i> |
<% link_to_id = link id, to: token_instance_path(BlockScoutWeb.Endpoint, :show, address_string, id), "data-test": "token_link" %> |
<%= gettext("%{qty} of <span class=\"text-muted\">Token ID [%{link_to_id}]</span>", qty: 1, link_to_id: safe_to_string(link_to_id)) |> raw() %> |
</span> |
<br /> |
<% end %> |
<%= gettext("Mint of %{address} <span class=\"text-muted\">To</span> %{to}", address: safe_to_string(address), to: safe_to_string(to)) |> raw() %> |
</span> |
<br /> |
<% token_ids = Map.get(, "ids") %> |
<%= for id <- token_ids do %> |
<span class="actions-item subitem"> |
<i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i> |
<% link_to_id = link id, to: token_instance_path(BlockScoutWeb.Endpoint, :show, address_string, id), "data-test": "token_link" %> |
<%= gettext("%{qty} of <span class=\"text-muted\">Token ID [%{link_to_id}]</span>", qty: 1, link_to_id: safe_to_string(link_to_id)) |> raw() %> |
</span> |
<br /> |
<% end %> |
</div> |
<% end %> |
<%= if Enum.member?([:mint, :burn, :collect, :swap], @action.type) do %> |
<span class="actions-item"> |
<% amount0 = Map.get(, "amount0") %> |
<% amount0 = BlockScoutWeb.CldrHelper.Number.to_string!(, format: "#,##0.##################") %> |
<% amount1 = Map.get(, "amount1") %> |
<% amount1 = BlockScoutWeb.CldrHelper.Number.to_string!(, format: "#,##0.##################") %> |
<div class="<%= if @isLast, do: "lastItem", else: "" %>"> |
<span class="actions-item"> |
<% amount0 = Map.get(, "amount0") %> |
<% amount0 = BlockScoutWeb.CldrHelper.Number.to_string!(, format: "#,##0.##################") %> |
<% amount1 = Map.get(, "amount1") %> |
<% amount1 = BlockScoutWeb.CldrHelper.Number.to_string!(, format: "#,##0.##################") %> |
<% symbol0 = Map.get(, "symbol0") %> |
<% address0 = Map.get(, "address0") %> |
<% symbol1 = Map.get(, "symbol1") %> |
<% address1 = Map.get(, "address1") %> |
<% symbol0 = Map.get(, "symbol0") %> |
<% address0 = Map.get(, "address0") %> |
<% symbol1 = Map.get(, "symbol1") %> |
<% address1 = Map.get(, "address1") %> |
<i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i> |
<i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i> |
<% symbol0 = if symbol0 != "Ether" do %> |
<%= link(symbol0, to: token_path(BlockScoutWeb.Endpoint, :show, address0), "data-test": "token_link") %> |
<% else %> |
<%= symbol0 %> |
<% end %> |
<% symbol0 = if symbol0 != "Ether" do %> |
<%= link(symbol0, to: token_path(BlockScoutWeb.Endpoint, :show, address0), "data-test": "token_link") %> |
<% else %> |
<%= symbol0 %> |
<% end %> |
<% symbol1 = if symbol1 != "Ether" do %> |
<%= link(symbol1, to: token_path(BlockScoutWeb.Endpoint, :show, address1), "data-test": "token_link") %> |
<% else %> |
<%= symbol1 %> |
<% end %> |
<% symbol1 = if symbol1 != "Ether" do %> |
<%= link(symbol1, to: token_path(BlockScoutWeb.Endpoint, :show, address1), "data-test": "token_link") %> |
<% else %> |
<%= symbol1 %> |
<% end %> |
<%= if @action.type == :mint do %> |
<%= gettext("<span class=\"text-muted\">Add</span> %{amount0} %{symbol0} <span class=\"text-muted\">And</span> %{amount1} %{symbol1} <span class=\"text-muted\">Liquidity To Uniswap V3</span>", amount0: amount0, symbol0: safe_to_string(symbol0), amount1: amount1, symbol1: safe_to_string(symbol1)) |> raw() %> |
<% end %> |
<%= if @action.type == :burn do %> |
<%= gettext("<span class=\"text-muted\">Remove</span> %{amount0} %{symbol0} <span class=\"text-muted\">And</span> %{amount1} %{symbol1} <span class=\"text-muted\">Liquidity From Uniswap V3</span>", amount0: amount0, symbol0: safe_to_string(symbol0), amount1: amount1, symbol1: safe_to_string(symbol1)) |> raw() %> |
<% end %> |
<%= if @action.type == :collect do %> |
<%= gettext("<span class=\"text-muted\">Collect</span> %{amount0} %{symbol0} <span class=\"text-muted\">And</span> %{amount1} %{symbol1} <span class=\"text-muted\">From Uniswap V3</span>", amount0: amount0, symbol0: safe_to_string(symbol0), amount1: amount1, symbol1: safe_to_string(symbol1)) |> raw() %> |
<% end %> |
<%= if @action.type == :swap do %> |
<%= gettext("<span class=\"text-muted\">Swap</span> %{amount0} %{symbol0} <span class=\"text-muted\">For</span> %{amount1} %{symbol1} <span class=\"text-muted\">On Uniswap V3</span>", amount0: amount0, symbol0: safe_to_string(symbol0), amount1: amount1, symbol1: safe_to_string(symbol1)) |> raw() %> |
<% end %> |
</span> |
<br /> |
<%= if @action.type == :mint do %> |
<%= gettext("<span class=\"text-muted\">Add</span> %{amount0} %{symbol0} <span class=\"text-muted\">And</span> %{amount1} %{symbol1} <span class=\"text-muted\">Liquidity To Uniswap V3</span>", amount0: amount0, symbol0: safe_to_string(symbol0), amount1: amount1, symbol1: safe_to_string(symbol1)) |> raw() %> |
<% end %> |
<%= if @action.type == :burn do %> |
<%= gettext("<span class=\"text-muted\">Remove</span> %{amount0} %{symbol0} <span class=\"text-muted\">And</span> %{amount1} %{symbol1} <span class=\"text-muted\">Liquidity From Uniswap V3</span>", amount0: amount0, symbol0: safe_to_string(symbol0), amount1: amount1, symbol1: safe_to_string(symbol1)) |> raw() %> |
<% end %> |
<%= if @action.type == :collect do %> |
<%= gettext("<span class=\"text-muted\">Collect</span> %{amount0} %{symbol0} <span class=\"text-muted\">And</span> %{amount1} %{symbol1} <span class=\"text-muted\">From Uniswap V3</span>", amount0: amount0, symbol0: safe_to_string(symbol0), amount1: amount1, symbol1: safe_to_string(symbol1)) |> raw() %> |
<% end %> |
<%= if @action.type == :swap do %> |
<%= gettext("<span class=\"text-muted\">Swap</span> %{amount0} %{symbol0} <span class=\"text-muted\">For</span> %{amount1} %{symbol1} <span class=\"text-muted\">On Uniswap V3</span>", amount0: amount0, symbol0: safe_to_string(symbol0), amount1: amount1, symbol1: safe_to_string(symbol1)) |> raw() %> |
<% end %> |
</span> |
<br /> |
</div> |
<% end %> |
<% end %> |
Reference in new issue