Merge pull request #934 from poanetwork/924
Reconnect, rerequest, and resubscribe when websocket disconnectspull/939/merge
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ |
defmodule EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.WebSocketClient.Options do |
@moduledoc """ |
`t:EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.options/0` for `EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.WebSocketClient` `t:EthereumJSONRPC.Subscription.t/0` `transport_options`. |
""" |
alias EthereumJSONRPC.Subscription |
@enforce_keys ~w(web_socket)a |
defstruct ~w(web_socket event params)a |
@typedoc """ |
* `web_socket` - the `t:pid/0` of the `EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.WebSocketClient`. |
* `event` - the event that should be resubscribed to after disconnect. |
* `params` - the parameters that should be used to customized `event` when resubscribing after disconnect. |
""" |
@type t :: %__MODULE__{web_socket: pid(), event: Subscription.event(), params: Subscription.params()} |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,223 @@ |
defmodule EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.WebSocketClientTest do |
use ExUnit.Case |
alias EthereumJSONRPC.Subscription |
alias EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.{Registration, WebSocketClient} |
import EthereumJSONRPC, only: [unique_request_id: 0] |
describe "ondisconnect/2" do |
setup :example_state |
test "reconnects", %{state: state} do |
assert {:reconnect, _} = WebSocketClient.ondisconnect({:closed, :remote}, state) |
end |
test "treats in-progress unsubscribes as successful", %{state: state} do |
subscription_id = 1 |
state = put_subscription(state, subscription_id) |
%Registration{from: {_, ref}} = |
registration = registration(%{type: :unsubscribe, subscription_id: subscription_id}) |
state = put_registration(state, registration) |
assert {_, disconnected_state} = WebSocketClient.ondisconnect({:closed, :remote}, state) |
assert Enum.empty?(disconnected_state.request_id_to_registration) |
assert Enum.empty?(disconnected_state.subscription_id_to_subscription_reference) |
assert Enum.empty?(disconnected_state.subscription_reference_to_subscription) |
assert Enum.empty?(disconnected_state.subscription_reference_to_subscription_id) |
assert_receive {^ref, :ok} |
end |
test "keeps :json_rpc requests for re-requesting on reconnect", %{state: state} do |
state = put_registration(state, %{type: :json_rpc, method: "eth_getBlockByNumber", params: [1, true]}) |
assert {_, disconnected_state} = WebSocketClient.ondisconnect({:closed, :remote}, state) |
assert Enum.count(disconnected_state.request_id_to_registration) == 1 |
end |
test "keeps :subscribe requests for re-requesting on reconnect", %{state: state} do |
state = put_registration(state, %{type: :subscribe}) |
assert {_, disconnected_state} = WebSocketClient.ondisconnect({:closed, :remote}, state) |
assert Enum.count(disconnected_state.request_id_to_registration) == 1 |
end |
end |
describe "websocket_handle/3" do |
setup :example_state |
test "Jason.decode errors are broadcast to all subscribers", %{state: %WebSocketClient{url: url} = state} do |
subscription_id = 1 |
subscription_reference = make_ref() |
subscription = subscription(%{url: url, reference: subscription_reference}) |
state = put_subscription(state, subscription_id, subscription) |
assert {:ok, ^state} = WebSocketClient.websocket_handle({:text, ""}, nil, state) |
assert_receive {^subscription, {:error, %Jason.DecodeError{}}} |
end |
end |
describe "websocket_terminate/3" do |
setup :example_state |
test "broadcasts close to all subscribers", %{state: %WebSocketClient{url: url} = state} do |
subscription_id = 1 |
subscription_reference = make_ref() |
subscription = subscription(%{url: url, reference: subscription_reference}) |
state = put_subscription(state, subscription_id, subscription) |
assert {:ok, ^state} = WebSocketClient.websocket_handle({:text, ""}, nil, state) |
assert_receive {^subscription, {:error, %Jason.DecodeError{}}} |
end |
end |
describe "reconnect" do |
setup do |
dispatch = :cowboy_router.compile([{:_, [{"/websocket", EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Cowboy.WebSocketHandler, []}]}]) |
{:ok, _} = :cowboy.start_http(EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Cowboy, 100, [], env: [dispatch: dispatch]) |
on_exit(fn -> |
:ranch.stop_listener(EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Cowboy) |
end) |
port = :ranch.get_port(EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Cowboy) |
pid = start_supervised!({WebSocketClient, ["ws://localhost:#{port}/websocket", []]}) |
%{pid: pid, port: port} |
end |
test "resubscribes", %{pid: pid, port: port} do |
assert {:ok, subscription} = WebSocketClient.subscribe(pid, "newHeads", []) |
assert_receive {^subscription, {:ok, %{}}}, 500 |
assert :ok = :ranch.stop_listener(EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Cowboy) |
refute_receive {^subscription, {:ok, %{}}}, 100 |
cowboy(port) |
assert_receive {^subscription, {:ok, %{}}}, 500 |
end |
test "rerequests", %{pid: pid, port: port} do |
first_params = [1] |
# json_rpc requests work before connection is closed |
assert {:ok, ^first_params} = |
WebSocketClient.json_rpc( |
pid, |
EthereumJSONRPC.request(%{id: :erlang.unique_integer(), method: "echo", params: first_params}) |
) |
assert :ok = :ranch.stop_listener(EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Cowboy) |
spawn_link(fn -> |
Process.sleep(500) |
cowboy(port) |
end) |
second_params = [2] |
assert {:ok, ^second_params} = |
WebSocketClient.json_rpc( |
pid, |
EthereumJSONRPC.request(%{id: :erlang.unique_integer(), method: "echo", params: second_params}) |
) |
end |
end |
defp cowboy(0) do |
dispatch = :cowboy_router.compile([{:_, [{"/websocket", EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Cowboy.WebSocketHandler, []}]}]) |
{:ok, _} = :cowboy.start_http(EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Cowboy, 100, [], env: [dispatch: dispatch]) |
:ranch.get_port(EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Cowboy) |
end |
defp cowboy(port) do |
dispatch = :cowboy_router.compile([{:_, [{"/websocket", EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Cowboy.WebSocketHandler, []}]}]) |
{:ok, _} = :cowboy.start_http(EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Cowboy, 100, [port: port], env: [dispatch: dispatch]) |
port |
end |
defp example_state(_) do |
%{state: %WebSocketClient{url: "ws://"}} |
end |
defp put_registration(%WebSocketClient{} = state, %Registration{request: %{id: request_id}} = registration) do |
%WebSocketClient{state | request_id_to_registration: %{request_id => registration}} |
end |
defp put_registration(%WebSocketClient{} = state, map) when is_map(map) do |
put_registration(state, registration(map)) |
end |
defp put_subscription(%WebSocketClient{url: url} = state, subscription_id) when is_integer(subscription_id) do |
subscription_reference = make_ref() |
put_subscription(state, subscription_id, subscription(%{url: url, reference: subscription_reference})) |
end |
defp put_subscription( |
%WebSocketClient{url: url} = state, |
subscription_id, |
%Subscription{ |
reference: subscription_reference, |
transport_options: %EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket{url: url} |
} = subscription |
) do |
%WebSocketClient{ |
state |
| subscription_id_to_subscription_reference: %{subscription_id => subscription_reference}, |
subscription_reference_to_subscription: %{subscription_reference => subscription}, |
subscription_reference_to_subscription_id: %{subscription_reference => subscription_id} |
} |
end |
defp registration(%{type: :subscribe = type}) do |
%Registration{ |
type: type, |
from: {self(), make_ref()}, |
request: %{id: unique_request_id(), method: "eth_subscribe", params: ["newHeads"]} |
} |
end |
defp registration(%{type: :unsubscribe = type, subscription_id: subscription_id}) do |
%Registration{ |
type: type, |
from: {self(), make_ref()}, |
request: %{id: unique_request_id(), method: "eth_unsubscribe", params: [subscription_id]} |
} |
end |
defp registration(%{type: type, method: method, params: params}) do |
%Registration{ |
type: type, |
from: {self(), make_ref()}, |
request: %{id: unique_request_id(), method: method, params: params} |
} |
end |
defp subscription(%{reference: reference, url: url}) do |
%Subscription{ |
reference: reference, |
subscriber_pid: self(), |
transport: EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket, |
transport_options: %EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket{ |
url: url, |
web_socket: WebSocketClient, |
web_socket_options: %WebSocketClient.Options{ |
web_socket: self(), |
event: "newHeads", |
params: [] |
} |
} |
} |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ |
# See |
defmodule EthereumJSONRPC.WebSocket.Cowboy.WebSocketHandler do |
@behaviour :cowboy_websocket_handler |
defstruct subscription_id_set:, |
new_heads_timer_reference: nil |
def init({:tcp, :http}, _request, _opts) do |
{:upgrade, :protocol, :cowboy_websocket} |
end |
@impl :cowboy_websocket_handler |
def websocket_init(_transport_name, request, _opts) do |
{:ok, request, %__MODULE__{}} |
end |
@impl :cowboy_websocket_handler |
def websocket_handle( |
{:text, text}, |
request, |
%__MODULE__{subscription_id_set: subscription_id_set, new_heads_timer_reference: new_heads_timer_reference} = |
state |
) do |
json = Jason.decode!(text) |
case json do |
%{"id" => id, "method" => "eth_subscribe", "params" => ["newHeads"]} -> |
subscription_id = :erlang.unique_integer() |
response = %{id: id, result: subscription_id} |
frame = {:text, Jason.encode!(response)} |
new_heads_timer_reference = |
case new_heads_timer_reference do |
nil -> |
{:ok, timer_reference} = :timer.send_interval(10, :new_head) |
timer_reference |
_ -> |
new_heads_timer_reference |
end |
{:reply, frame, request, |
%__MODULE__{ |
state |
| new_heads_timer_reference: new_heads_timer_reference, |
subscription_id_set: MapSet.put(subscription_id_set, subscription_id) |
}} |
%{"id" => id, "method" => "echo", "params" => params} -> |
response = %{id: id, result: params} |
frame = {:text, Jason.encode!(response)} |
{:reply, frame, request, state} |
end |
end |
@impl :cowboy_websocket_handler |
def websocket_info(:new_head, request, %__MODULE__{subscription_id_set: subscription_id_set} = state) do |
frames = |
|, fn subscription_id -> |
response = %{method: "eth_subscription", params: %{result: %{}, subscription: subscription_id}} |
{:text, Jason.encode!(response)} |
end) |
{:reply, frames, request, state} |
end |
@impl :cowboy_websocket_handler |
def websocket_terminate(_reason, _request, _state) do |
:ok |
end |
end |
Reference in new issue