@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
use std ::cmp ::min ;
use std ::time ::Duration ;
use tokio ::time ::sleep ;
use tracing ::{ debug , info , info_span , warn } ;
use tracing ::{ instrument ::Instrumented , Instrument } ;
use abacus_core ::{ name_from_domain_id , CommittedMessage , ListValidity , OutboxIndexer } ;
use abacus_core ::{
name_from_domain_id , CommittedMessage , Indexer , ListValidity , OutboxIndexer ,
SyncBlockRangeCursor ,
} ;
use crate ::contract_sync ::last_message ::validate_message_continuity ;
use crate ::{ contract_sync ::schema ::OutboxContractSyncDB , ContractSync } ;
@ -40,82 +39,91 @@ where
let message_leaf_index = self . metrics . message_leaf_index . clone ( ) ;
let chain_name = self . chain_name . clone ( ) ;
let config_from = self . index_settings . from ( ) ;
let chunk_size = self . index_settings . chunk_size ( ) ;
let cursor = {
let config_initial_height = self . index_settings . from ( ) ;
let initial_height = db
. retrieve_latest_valid_message_range_start_block ( )
. map_or ( config_initial_height , | b | b + 1 ) ;
create_cursor (
indexer . clone ( ) ,
self . index_settings . chunk_size ( ) ,
initial_height ,
} ;
// Indexes messages by fetching messages in ranges of blocks.
// We've observed occasional flakiness with providers where some events in
// a range will be missing. The leading theories are:
// 1. The provider is just flaky and sometimes misses events :(
// 2. For outbox chains with low finality times, it's possible that when
// we query the RPC provider for the latest finalized block number,
// we're returned a block number T. However when we attempt to index a range
// where the `to` block is T, the `eth_getLogs` RPC is load balanced by the
// provider to a different node whose latest known block is some block T' <T.
// The `eth_getLogs` RPC implementations seem to happily accept `to` blocks that
// exceed the latest known block, so it's possible that in our indexer we think
// that we've indexed up to block T but we've only *actually* indexed up to block T'.
// The `eth_getLogs` RPC implementations seem to happily accept
// `to` blocks that exceed the latest known block, so it's possible
// that in our indexer we think that we've indexed up to block T but
// we've only *actually* indexed up to block T'.
// It's easy to determine if a provider has skipped any message events by
// looking at the indices of each message and ensuring that we've indexed a valid
// continuation of messages.
// looking at the indices of each message and ensuring that we've indexed a
// valid continuation of messages.
// There are two classes of invalid continuations:
// 1. The latest previously indexed message index is M that was found in a previously
// indexed block range. A new block range [A,B] is indexed, returning a list of messages.
// The lowest message index in that list is `M + 1`, but there are some missing messages
// indices in the list. This is likely a flaky provider, and we can simply re-index the
// range [A,B] hoping that the provider will soon return a correct list.
// 2. The latest previously indexed message index is M that was found in a previously
// indexed block range, [A,B]. A new block range [C,D] is indexed, returning a list of
// messages. However, the lowest message index in that list is M' where M' > M + 1.
// This missing messages could be anywhere in the range [A,D]:
// * It's possible there was an issue when the prior block range [A,B] was indexed, where
// the provider didn't provide some messages with indices > M that it should have.
// * It's possible that the range [B,C] that was presumed to be empty when it was indexed
// actually wasn't.
// * And it's possible that this was just a flaky gap, where there are messages in the [C,D]
// range that weren't returned for some reason.
// 1. The latest previously indexed message index is M that was found in a
// previously indexed block range. A new block range [A,B] is indexed, returning
// a list of messages. The lowest message index in that list is `M + 1`,
// but there are some missing messages indices in the list. This is
// likely a flaky provider, and we can simply re-index the range [A,B]
// hoping that the provider will soon return a correct list.
// 2. The latest previously indexed message index is M that was found in a
// previously indexed block range, [A,B]. A new block range [C,D] is
// indexed, returning a list of messages. However, the lowest message
// index in that list is M' where M' > M + 1. This missing messages
// could be anywhere in the range [A,D]:
// * It's possible there was an issue when the prior block range [A,B] was
// indexed, where the provider didn't provide some messages with indices >
// M that it should have.
// * It's possible that the range [B,C] that was presumed to be empty when it
// was indexed actually wasn't.
// * And it's possible that this was just a flaky gap, where there are
// messages in the [C,D] range that weren't returned for some reason.
// We can handle this by re-indexing starting from block A.
// Note this means we only handle this case upon observing messages in some range [C,D]
// that indicate a previously indexed range may have missed some messages.
// Note this means we only handle this case upon observing messages in some
// range [C,D] that indicate a previously indexed range may have
// missed some messages.
tokio ::spawn ( async move {
let mut from = db
. retrieve_latest_valid_message_range_start_block ( )
. unwrap_or ( config_from ) ;
let mut last_valid_range_start_block = from ;
let mut cursor = cursor . await ? ;
info ! ( from = from , "[Messages]: resuming indexer from latest valid message range start block" ) ;
let start_block = cursor . current_position ( ) ;
let mut last_valid_range_start_block = start_block ;
info ! ( from = start_block , "[Messages]: resuming indexer from latest valid message range start block" ) ;
indexed_height . set ( start_block as i64 ) ;
indexed_height . set ( from as i64 ) ;
loop {
sleep ( Duration ::from_secs ( 5 ) ) . await ;
// Only index blocks considered final.
// If there's an error getting the block number, just start the loop over
let Ok ( tip ) = indexer . get_finalized_block_number ( ) . await else {
continue ;
} ;
if tip < = from {
// Sleep if caught up to tip
sleep ( Duration ::from_secs ( 10 ) ) . await ;
let start_block = cursor . current_position ( ) ;
let ( from , to ) = match cursor . next_range ( ) . await {
Ok ( range ) = > range ,
Err ( err ) = > {
warn ! ( error = % err , "[Messages]: failed to get next block range" ) ;
continue ;
} ;
// Index the chunk_size, capping at the tip.
let to = min ( tip , from + chunk_size ) ;
// Still search the full-size chunk size to possibly catch events that nodes have dropped "close to the tip"
let full_chunk_from = to . checked_sub ( chunk_size ) . unwrap_or_default ( ) ;
let mut sorted_messages : Vec < _ > = indexer . fetch_sorted_messages ( full_chunk_from , to ) . await ? . into_iter ( ) . map ( | ( msg , _ ) | msg ) . collect ( ) ;
let mut sorted_messages : Vec < _ > = indexer
. fetch_sorted_messages ( from , to )
. await ?
. into_iter ( )
. map ( | ( msg , _ ) | msg )
. collect ( ) ;
info ! (
from = full_chunk_from ,
to = to ,
message_count = sorted_messages . len ( ) ,
"[Messages]: indexed block range"
) ;
info ! ( from , to , message_count = sorted_messages . len ( ) , "[Messages]: indexed block range" ) ;
// Get the latest known leaf index. All messages whose indices are <= this index
// have been stored in the DB.
@ -127,12 +135,7 @@ where
sorted_messages . retain ( | m | m . leaf_index > min_index ) ;
debug ! (
from = full_chunk_from ,
to = to ,
message_count = sorted_messages . len ( ) ,
"[Messages]: filtered any messages already indexed"
) ;
debug ! ( from , to , message_count = sorted_messages . len ( ) , "[Messages]: filtered any messages already indexed" ) ;
// Ensure the sorted messages are a valid continuation of last_leaf_index
match validate_message_continuity ( last_leaf_index , & sorted_messages . iter ( ) . collect ::< Vec < _ > > ( ) ) {
@ -155,11 +158,10 @@ where
// Update the latest valid start block.
db . store_latest_valid_message_range_start_block ( full_chunk_f rom ) ? ;
last_valid_range_start_block = full_chunk_f rom ;
db . store_latest_valid_message_range_start_block ( from ) ? ;
last_valid_range_start_block = from ;
// Move forward to the next height
from = to + 1 ;
indexed_height . set ( to as i64 ) ;
// The index of the first message in sorted_messages is not the
@ -175,11 +177,12 @@ where
"[Messages]: Found invalid continuation in range. Re-indexing from the start block of the last successful range." ,
) ;
from = last_valid_range_start_block ;
indexed_height . set ( from as i64 ) ;
cursor . backtrack ( last_valid_range_start_block ) ;
indexed_height . set ( last_valid_range_start_block as i64 ) ;
ListValidity ::ContainsGaps = > {
missed_messages . inc ( ) ;
cursor . backtrack ( start_block ) ;
warn ! (
last_leaf_index = ? last_leaf_index ,
@ -193,7 +196,6 @@ where
// We don't update last_valid_range_start_block because we cannot extrapolate
// if the range was correctly indexed if there are no messages to observe their
// indices.
from = to + 1 ;
indexed_height . set ( to as i64 ) ;
} ;
@ -203,6 +205,28 @@ where
#[ cfg(test) ]
static mut MOCK_CURSOR : Option < abacus_test ::mocks ::cursor ::MockSyncBlockRangeCursor > = None ;
/// Create a new cursor. In test mode we should use the mock cursor created by
/// the test.
#[ cfg_attr(test, allow(unused_variables)) ]
async fn create_cursor < I : Indexer > (
indexer : I ,
chunk_size : u32 ,
initial_height : u32 ,
) -> eyre ::Result < impl SyncBlockRangeCursor > {
#[ cfg(not(test)) ]
crate ::RateLimitedSyncBlockRangeCursor ::new ( indexer , chunk_size , initial_height ) . await
#[ cfg(test) ]
let cursor = unsafe { MOCK_CURSOR . take ( ) } ;
Ok ( cursor . expect ( "Mock cursor was not set before it was used" ) )
#[ cfg(test) ]
mod test {
use std ::sync ::Arc ;
@ -210,22 +234,32 @@ mod test {
use ethers ::core ::types ::H256 ;
use eyre ::eyre ;
use mockall ::predicate ::eq ;
use mockall ::* ;
use tokio ::select ;
use tokio ::time ::{ interval , timeout } ;
use tokio ::sync ::Mutex ;
use tokio ::time ::{ interval , sleep , timeout } ;
use abacus_core ::{ db ::AbacusDB , AbacusMessage , Encode , LogMeta , RawCommittedMessage } ;
use abacus_test ::mocks ::cursor ::MockSyncBlockRangeCursor ;
use abacus_test ::mocks ::indexer ::MockAbacusIndexer ;
use abacus_test ::test_utils ;
use mockall ::predicate ::eq ;
use crate ::contract_sync ::outbox ::MOCK_CURSOR ;
use crate ::contract_sync ::schema ::OutboxContractSyncDB ;
use crate ::ContractSync ;
use crate ::{ settings ::IndexSettings , ContractSyncMetrics , CoreMetrics } ;
// we need a mutex for our tests because of the static cursor object
lazy_static ! {
static ref TEST_MTX : Mutex < ( ) > = Mutex ::new ( ( ) ) ;
#[ tokio::test ]
async fn handles_missing_rpc_messages ( ) {
test_utils ::run_test_db ( | db | async move {
let _test_lock = TEST_MTX . lock ( ) . await ;
let mut message_vec = vec! [ ] ;
AbacusMessage {
origin : 1000 ,
@ -279,160 +313,102 @@ mod test {
let latest_valid_message_range_start_block = 100 ;
let mut mock_indexer = MockAbacusIndexer ::new ( ) ;
let mut mock_cursor = MockSyncBlockRangeCursor ::new ( ) ;
let mut seq = Sequence ::new ( ) ;
// Return m0.
let m0_clone = m0 . clone ( ) ;
. expect__get_finalized_block_number ( )
// Some local macros to reduce code-duplication.
macro_rules! expect_current_position {
( $return_position :literal ) = > {
. expect__current_position ( )
. times ( 1 )
. in_sequence ( & mut seq )
. return_once ( | | Ok ( 110 ) ) ;
. expect__fetch_sorted_messages ( )
. return_once ( | | $return_position ) ;
} ;
macro_rules! expect_backtrack {
( $expected_new_from :literal ) = > {
. expect__backtrack ( )
. times ( 1 )
. with ( eq ( 91 ) , eq ( 110 ) )
. in_sequence ( & mut seq )
. return_once ( move | _ , _ | Ok ( vec! [ ( m0_clone , meta ( ) ) ] ) ) ;
// Return m1, miss m2.
let m1_clone = m1 . clone ( ) ;
. expect__get_finalized_block_number ( )
. with ( eq ( $expected_new_from ) )
. return_once ( | _ | ( ) ) ;
} ;
macro_rules! expect_fetches_range {
( $expected_from :literal , $expected_to :literal , $return_messages :expr ) = > {
let messages : & [ & RawCommittedMessage ] = $return_messages ;
let messages = messages . iter ( ) . map ( | & msg | ( msg . clone ( ) , meta ( ) ) ) . collect ( ) ;
. expect__next_range ( )
. times ( 1 )
. in_sequence ( & mut seq )
. return_once ( | | Ok ( 120 ) ) ;
. return_once ( | | Box ::pin ( async { Ok ( ( $expected_from , $expected_to ) ) } ) ) ;
. expect__fetch_sorted_messages ( )
. times ( 1 )
. with ( eq ( 101 ) , eq ( 120 ) )
. with ( eq ( $expected_from ) , eq ( $expected_to ) )
. in_sequence ( & mut seq )
. return_once ( move | _ , _ | Ok ( vec! [ ( m1_clone , meta ( ) ) ] ) ) ;
. return_once ( move | _ , _ | Ok ( messages ) ) ;
} ;
expect_current_position ! ( 91 ) ;
expect_current_position ! ( 91 ) ;
// Return m0.
expect_fetches_range ! ( 91 , 110 , & [ & m0 ] ) ;
// Return m1, miss m2.
expect_current_position ! ( 111 ) ;
expect_fetches_range ! ( 101 , 120 , & [ & m1 ] ) ;
// Miss m3.
. expect__get_finalized_block_number ( )
. times ( 1 )
. in_sequence ( & mut seq )
. return_once ( | | Ok ( 130 ) ) ;
. expect__fetch_sorted_messages ( )
. times ( 1 )
. with ( eq ( 111 ) , eq ( 130 ) )
. in_sequence ( & mut seq )
. return_once ( move | _ , _ | Ok ( vec! [ ] ) ) ;
expect_current_position ! ( 121 ) ;
expect_fetches_range ! ( 111 , 130 , & [ ] ) ;
// Empty range.
. expect__get_finalized_block_number ( )
. times ( 1 )
. in_sequence ( & mut seq )
. return_once ( | | Ok ( 140 ) ) ;
. expect__fetch_sorted_messages ( )
. times ( 1 )
. with ( eq ( 121 ) , eq ( 140 ) )
. in_sequence ( & mut seq )
. return_once ( move | _ , _ | Ok ( vec! [ ] ) ) ;
. expect__get_finalized_block_number ( )
. times ( 1 )
. in_sequence ( & mut seq )
. return_once ( | | Ok ( 140 ) ) ;
expect_current_position ! ( 131 ) ;
expect_fetches_range ! ( 121 , 140 , & [ ] ) ;
// m1 --> m5 seen as an invalid continuation
let m5_clone = m5 . clone ( ) ;
. expect__get_finalized_block_number ( )
. times ( 1 )
. in_sequence ( & mut seq )
. return_once ( | | Ok ( 150 ) ) ;
. expect__fetch_sorted_messages ( )
. times ( 1 )
. with ( eq ( 131 ) , eq ( 150 ) )
. in_sequence ( & mut seq )
. return_once ( move | _ , _ | Ok ( vec! [ ( m5_clone , meta ( ) ) ] ) ) ;
expect_current_position ! ( 141 ) ;
expect_fetches_range ! ( 131 , 150 , & [ & m5 ] ) ;
expect_backtrack ! ( 101 ) ;
// Indexer goes back to the last valid message range start block
// and indexes the range based off the chunk size of 19.
// and indexes the range
// This time it gets m1 and m2 (which was previously skipped)
let m1_clone = m1 . clone ( ) ;
let m2_clone = m2 . clone ( ) ;
. expect__get_finalized_block_number ( )
. times ( 1 )
. in_sequence ( & mut seq )
. return_once ( | | Ok ( 160 ) ) ;
. expect__fetch_sorted_messages ( )
. times ( 1 )
. with ( eq ( 101 ) , eq ( 120 ) )
. in_sequence ( & mut seq )
. return_once ( move | _ , _ | Ok ( vec! [ ( m1_clone , meta ( ) ) , ( m2_clone , meta ( ) ) ] ) ) ;
expect_current_position ! ( 101 ) ;
expect_fetches_range ! ( 101 , 120 , & [ & m1 , & m2 ] ) ;
// Indexer continues, this time getting m3 and m5 message, but skipping m4,
// which means this range contains gaps
let m3_clone = m3 . clone ( ) ;
let m5_clone = m5 . clone ( ) ;
. expect__get_finalized_block_number ( )
. times ( 1 )
. in_sequence ( & mut seq )
. return_once ( | | Ok ( 170 ) ) ;
. expect__fetch_sorted_messages ( )
. times ( 1 )
. with ( eq ( 121 ) , eq ( 140 ) )
. in_sequence ( & mut seq )
. return_once ( move | _ , _ | Ok ( vec! [ ( m3_clone , meta ( ) ) , ( m5_clone , meta ( ) ) ] ) ) ;
expect_current_position ! ( 121 ) ;
expect_fetches_range ! ( 118 , 140 , & [ & m3 , & m5 ] ) ;
expect_backtrack ! ( 121 ) ;
// Indexer retries, the same range in hope of filling the gap,
// which it now does successfully
. expect__get_finalized_block_number ( )
. times ( 1 )
. in_sequence ( & mut seq )
. return_once ( | | Ok ( 170 ) ) ;
. expect__fetch_sorted_messages ( )
. times ( 1 )
. with ( eq ( 121 ) , eq ( 140 ) )
. in_sequence ( & mut seq )
. return_once ( move | _ , _ | Ok ( vec! [ ( m3 , meta ( ) ) , ( m4 , meta ( ) ) , ( m5 , meta ( ) ) ] ) ) ;
expect_current_position ! ( 121 ) ;
expect_fetches_range ! ( 121 , 140 , & [ & m3 , & m4 , & m5 ] ) ;
// Indexer continues with the next block range, which happens to be empty
. expect__get_finalized_block_number ( )
. times ( 1 )
. in_sequence ( & mut seq )
. return_once ( | | Ok ( 180 ) ) ;
. expect__fetch_sorted_messages ( )
. times ( 1 )
. with ( eq ( 141 ) , eq ( 160 ) )
. in_sequence ( & mut seq )
. return_once ( move | _ , _ | Ok ( vec! [ ] ) ) ;
// Indexer catches up with the tip
. expect__get_finalized_block_number ( )
. times ( 1 )
. in_sequence ( & mut seq )
. return_once ( | | Ok ( 180 ) ) ;
. expect__fetch_sorted_messages ( )
. times ( 1 )
. with ( eq ( 161 ) , eq ( 180 ) )
. in_sequence ( & mut seq )
. return_once ( move | _ , _ | Ok ( vec! [ ] ) ) ;
expect_current_position ! ( 141 ) ;
expect_fetches_range ! ( 141 , 160 , & [ ] ) ;
// Stay at the same tip, so no other fetch_sorted_messages calls are made
. expect__get_finalized_block_number ( )
. returning ( | | Ok ( 180 ) ) ;
mock_cursor . expect__current_position ( ) . returning ( | | 161 ) ;
mock_cursor . expect__next_range ( ) . returning ( | | {
Box ::pin ( async move {
// this sleep should be longer than the test timeout since we don't actually
// want to yield any more values at this point.
sleep ( Duration ::from_secs ( 100 ) ) . await ;
Ok ( ( 161 , 161 ) )
} )
} ) ;
let abacus_db = AbacusDB ::new ( "outbox_1" , db ) ;
@ -449,13 +425,14 @@ mod test {
CoreMetrics ::new ( "contract_sync_test" , None , prometheus ::Registry ::new ( ) )
. expect ( "could not make metrics" ) ,
) ;
unsafe { MOCK_CURSOR = Some ( mock_cursor ) } ;
let sync_metrics = ContractSyncMetrics ::new ( metrics ) ;
let contract_sync = ContractSync ::new (
"outbox_1" . into ( ) ,
abacus_db . clone ( ) ,
indexer . clone ( ) ,
indexer ,
IndexSettings {
from : Some ( "0" . to_string ( ) ) ,
chunk : Some ( "19" . to_string ( ) ) ,
@ -464,7 +441,7 @@ mod test {
) ;
let sync_task = contract_sync . sync_outbox_messages ( ) ;
let test_pass_fut = timeout ( Duration ::from_secs ( 90 ) , async move {
let test_pass_fut = timeout ( Duration ::from_secs ( 5 ) , async move {
let mut interval = interval ( Duration ::from_millis ( 20 ) ) ;
loop {
if abacus_db . message_by_leaf_index ( 0 ) . expect ( "!db" ) . is_some ( )
@ -485,7 +462,9 @@ mod test {
tests_result = test_pass_fut = >
if tests_result . is_ok ( ) { Ok ( ( ) ) } else { Err ( eyre ! ( "timed out" ) ) }
} ;
assert! ( test_result . is_ok ( ) ) ;
if let Err ( err ) = test_result {
panic! ( "Test failed: {err}" )
} )
. await