The core protocol of WoopChain
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Package crypto implements the collective signing (CoSi) algorithm as presented in
the paper "Keeping Authorities 'Honest or Bust' with Decentralized Witness
Cosigning" by Ewa Syta et al. See This
package only provides the functionality for the cryptographic operations of
CoSi. All network-related operations have to be handled elsewhere. Below we
describe a high-level overview of the CoSi protocol (using a star communication
topology). We refer to the research paper for further details on communication
over trees, exception mechanisms and signature verification policies.
The CoSi protocol has four phases executed between a list of participants P
having a protocol leader (index i = 0) and a list of other nodes (index i > 0).
The secret key of node i is denoted by a_i and the public key by A_i = [a_i]G
(where G is the base point of the underlying group and [...] denotes scalar
multiplication). The aggregate public key is given as A = \sum{i P}(A_i).
1. Announcement: The leader broadcasts an announcement to the other nodes
optionally including the message M to be signed. Upon receiving an announcement
message, a node starts its commitment phase.
2. Commitment: Each node i (including the leader) picks a random scalar v_i,
computes its commitment V_i = [v_i]G and sends V_i back to the leader. The
leader waits until it has received enough commitments (according to some
policy) from the other nodes or a timer has run out. Let P' be the nodes that
have sent their commitments. The leader computes an aggregate commitment V from
all commitments he has received, i.e., V = \sum{j P'}(V_j) and creates a
participation bitmask Z. The leader then broadcasts V and Z to the other
participations together with the message M if it was not sent in phase 1. Upon
receiving a commitment message, a node starts the challenge phase.
3. Challenge: Each node i computes the collective challenge c = H(V || A || M)
using a cryptographic hash function H (here: SHA512), computes its
response r_i = v_i + c*a_i and sends it back to the leader.
4. Response: The leader waits until he has received replies from all nodes in
P' or a timer has run out. If he has not enough replies he aborts. Finally,
the leader computes the aggregate response r = \sum{j P'}(r_j) and publishes
(V,r,Z) as the signature for the message M.
package crypto
import (
// Commit returns a random scalar v, generated from the given suite,
// and a corresponding commitment V = [v]G. If the given cipher stream is nil,
// a random stream is used.
func Commit(suite Suite) (v kyber.Scalar, V kyber.Point) {
random := suite.Scalar().Pick(suite.RandomStream())
commitment := suite.Point().Mul(random, nil)
return random, commitment
// AggregateCommitments returns the sum of the given commitments and the
// bitwise OR of the corresponding masks.
func AggregateCommitments(suite Suite, commitments []kyber.Point, masks [][]byte) (sum kyber.Point, commits []byte, err error) {
if len(commitments) != len(masks) {
return nil, nil, errors.New("mismatching lengths of commitment and mask slices")
aggCom := suite.Point().Null()
aggMask := make([]byte, len(masks[0]))
for i := range commitments {
aggCom = suite.Point().Add(aggCom, commitments[i])
aggMask, err = AggregateMasks(aggMask, masks[i])
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return aggCom, aggMask, nil
// AggregateCommitmentsOnly returns the sum of the given commitments.
func AggregateCommitmentsOnly(suite Suite, commitments []kyber.Point) kyber.Point {
aggCom := suite.Point().Null()
for i := range commitments {
aggCom = suite.Point().Add(aggCom, commitments[i])
return aggCom
// Challenge creates the collective challenge from the given aggregate
// commitment V, aggregate public key A, and message M, i.e., it returns
// c = H(V || A || M).
func Challenge(suite Suite, commitment, public kyber.Point, message []byte) (kyber.Scalar, error) {
if commitment == nil {
return nil, errors.New("no commitment provided")
if message == nil {
return nil, errors.New("no message provided")
hash := suite.Hash()
if _, err := commitment.MarshalTo(hash); err != nil {
return nil, err
if _, err := public.MarshalTo(hash); err != nil {
return nil, err
return suite.Scalar().SetBytes(hash.Sum(nil)), nil
// Response creates the response from the given random scalar v, (collective)
// challenge c, and private key a, i.e., it returns r = v + c*a.
func Response(suite Suite, private, random, challenge kyber.Scalar) (kyber.Scalar, error) {
if private == nil {
return nil, errors.New("no private key provided")
if random == nil {
return nil, errors.New("no random scalar provided")
if challenge == nil {
return nil, errors.New("no challenge provided")
// TODO: figure out why in the paper it says r = v - cx
ca := suite.Scalar().Mul(private, challenge)
return ca.Add(random, ca), nil
// AggregateResponses returns the sum of given responses.
func AggregateResponses(suite Suite, responses []kyber.Scalar) (kyber.Scalar, error) {
if responses == nil {
return nil, errors.New("no responses provided")
r := suite.Scalar().Zero()
for i := range responses {
r = r.Add(r, responses[i])
return r, nil
// Sign returns the collective signature from the given (aggregate) commitment
// V, (aggregate) response r, and participation bitmask Z using the EdDSA
// format, i.e., the signature is V || r || Z.
func Sign(suite Suite, commitment kyber.Point, response kyber.Scalar, mask *Mask) ([]byte, error) {
if commitment == nil {
return nil, errors.New("no commitment provided")
if response == nil {
return nil, errors.New("no response provided")
if mask == nil {
return nil, errors.New("no mask provided")
lenV := suite.PointLen()
lenSig := lenV + suite.ScalarLen()
VB, err := commitment.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("marshalling of commitment failed")
RB, err := response.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("marshalling of signature failed")
sig := make([]byte, lenSig+mask.Len())
copy(sig[:], VB)
copy(sig[lenV:lenSig], RB)
copy(sig[lenSig:], mask.mask)
return sig, nil
// Verify checks the given cosignature on the provided message using the list
// of public keys and cosigning policy.
func Verify(suite Suite, publics []kyber.Point, message, sig []byte, policy Policy) error {
if publics == nil {
return errors.New("no public keys provided")
if message == nil {
return errors.New("no message provided")
if sig == nil {
return errors.New("no signature provided")
if policy == nil {
policy = CompletePolicy{}
lenCom := suite.PointLen()
VBuff := sig[:lenCom]
V := suite.Point()
if err := V.UnmarshalBinary(VBuff); err != nil {
return errors.New("unmarshalling of commitment failed")
// Unpack the aggregate response
lenRes := lenCom + suite.ScalarLen()
rBuff := sig[lenCom:lenRes]
r := suite.Scalar().SetBytes(rBuff)
// Unpack the participation mask and get the aggregate public key
mask, err := NewMask(suite, publics, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
A := mask.AggregatePublic
ABuff, err := A.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return errors.New("marshalling of aggregate public key failed")
// Recompute the challenge
hash := suite.Hash()
buff := hash.Sum(nil)
k := suite.Scalar().SetBytes(buff)
// k * -aggPublic + s * B = k*-A + s*B
// from s = k * a + r => s * B = k * a * B + r * B <=> s*B = k*A + r*B
// <=> s*B + k*-A = r*B
minusPublic := suite.Point().Neg(A)
kA := suite.Point().Mul(k, minusPublic)
sB := suite.Point().Mul(r, nil)
left := suite.Point().Add(kA, sB)
if !left.Equal(V) {
return errors.New("recreated response is different from signature")
if !policy.Check(mask) {
return errors.New("the policy is not fulfilled")
return nil
// Mask represents a cosigning participation bitmask.
type Mask struct {
mask []byte
publics []kyber.Point
AggregatePublic kyber.Point
// NewMask returns a new participation bitmask for cosigning where all
// cosigners are disabled by default. If a public key is given it verifies that
// it is present in the list of keys and sets the corresponding index in the
// bitmask to 1 (enabled).
func NewMask(suite Suite, publics []kyber.Point, myKey kyber.Point) (*Mask, error) {
m := &Mask{
publics: publics,
m.mask = make([]byte, m.Len())
m.AggregatePublic = suite.Point().Null()
if myKey != nil {
found := false
for i, key := range publics {
if key.Equal(myKey) {
m.SetBit(i, true)
found = true
if !found {
return nil, errors.New("key not found")
return m, nil
// Mask returns a copy of the participation bitmask.
func (m *Mask) Mask() []byte {
clone := make([]byte, len(m.mask))
copy(clone[:], m.mask)
return clone
// Len returns the mask length in bytes.
func (m *Mask) Len() int {
return (len(m.publics) + 7) >> 3
// SetMask sets the participation bitmask according to the given byte slice
// interpreted in little-endian order, i.e., bits 0-7 of byte 0 correspond to
// cosigners 0-7, bits 0-7 of byte 1 correspond to cosigners 8-15, etc.
func (m *Mask) SetMask(mask []byte) error {
if m.Len() != len(mask) {
return fmt.Errorf("mismatching mask lengths")
for i := range m.publics {
byt := i >> 3
msk := byte(1) << uint(i&7)
if ((m.mask[byt] & msk) == 0) && ((mask[byt] & msk) != 0) {
m.mask[byt] ^= msk // flip bit in mask from 0 to 1
m.AggregatePublic.Add(m.AggregatePublic, m.publics[i])
if ((m.mask[byt] & msk) != 0) && ((mask[byt] & msk) == 0) {
m.mask[byt] ^= msk // flip bit in mask from 1 to 0
m.AggregatePublic.Sub(m.AggregatePublic, m.publics[i])
return nil
// SetBit enables (enable: true) or disables (enable: false) the bit
// in the participation mask of the given cosigner.
func (m *Mask) SetBit(i int, enable bool) error {
if i >= len(m.publics) {
return errors.New("index out of range")
byt := i >> 3
msk := byte(1) << uint(i&7)
if ((m.mask[byt] & msk) == 0) && enable {
m.mask[byt] ^= msk // flip bit in mask from 0 to 1
m.AggregatePublic.Add(m.AggregatePublic, m.publics[i])
if ((m.mask[byt] & msk) != 0) && !enable {
m.mask[byt] ^= msk // flip bit in mask from 1 to 0
m.AggregatePublic.Sub(m.AggregatePublic, m.publics[i])
return nil
// GetPubKeyFromMask will return pubkeys which masked either zero or one depending on the flag
// it is used to show which signers are signed or not in the cosign message
func (m *Mask) GetPubKeyFromMask(flag bool) []kyber.Point {
pubKeys := []kyber.Point{}
for i := range m.publics {
byt := i >> 3
msk := byte(1) << uint(i&7)
if flag == true {
if (m.mask[byt] & msk) != 0 {
pubKeys = append(pubKeys, m.publics[i])
} else {
if (m.mask[byt] & msk) == 0 {
pubKeys = append(pubKeys, m.publics[i])
return pubKeys
// IndexEnabled checks whether the given index is enabled in the mask or not.
func (m *Mask) IndexEnabled(i int) (bool, error) {
if i >= len(m.publics) {
return false, errors.New("index out of range")
byt := i >> 3
msk := byte(1) << uint(i&7)
return ((m.mask[byt] & msk) != 0), nil
// KeyEnabled checks whether the index, corresponding to the given key, is
// enabled in the mask or not.
func (m *Mask) KeyEnabled(public kyber.Point) (bool, error) {
for i, key := range m.publics {
if key.Equal(public) {
return m.IndexEnabled(i)
return false, errors.New("key not found")
// SetKey set the bit in the mask for the given cosigner
func (m *Mask) SetKey(public kyber.Point, enable bool) error {
for i, key := range m.publics {
if key.Equal(public) {
return m.SetBit(i, enable)
return errors.New("key not found")
// CountEnabled returns the number of enabled nodes in the CoSi participation
// mask.
func (m *Mask) CountEnabled() int {
// hw is hamming weight
hw := 0
for i := range m.publics {
byt := i >> 3
msk := byte(1) << uint(i&7)
if (m.mask[byt] & msk) != 0 {
return hw
// CountTotal returns the total number of nodes this CoSi instance knows.
func (m *Mask) CountTotal() int {
return len(m.publics)
// AggregateMasks computes the bitwise OR of the two given participation masks.
func AggregateMasks(a, b []byte) ([]byte, error) {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return nil, errors.New("mismatching mask lengths")
m := make([]byte, len(a))
for i := range m {
m[i] = a[i] | b[i]
return m, nil
// Policy represents a fully customizable cosigning policy deciding what
// cosigner sets are and aren't sufficient for a collective signature to be
// considered acceptable to a verifier. The Check method may inspect the set of
// participants that cosigned by invoking cosi.Mask and/or cosi.MaskBit, and may
// use any other relevant contextual information (e.g., how security-critical
// the operation relying on the collective signature is) in determining whether
// the collective signature was produced by an acceptable set of cosigners.
type Policy interface {
Check(m *Mask) bool
// CompletePolicy is the default policy requiring that all participants have
// cosigned to make a collective signature valid.
type CompletePolicy struct {
// Check verifies that all participants have contributed to a collective
// signature.
func (p CompletePolicy) Check(m *Mask) bool {
return m.CountEnabled() == m.CountTotal()
// ThresholdPolicy allows to specify a simple t-of-n policy requring that at
// least the given threshold number of participants t have cosigned to make a
// collective signature valid.
type ThresholdPolicy struct {
thold int
// NewThresholdPolicy returns a new ThresholdPolicy with the given threshold.
func NewThresholdPolicy(thold int) *ThresholdPolicy {
return &ThresholdPolicy{thold: thold}
// Check verifies that at least a threshold number of participants have
// contributed to a collective signature.
func (p ThresholdPolicy) Check(m *Mask) bool {
return m.CountEnabled() >= p.thold