@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ |
package common |
import ( |
"errors" |
) |
// TODO: Fix the comments below.
/* |
Node will process the content of the p2p message |
---- content start ----- |
1 byte - message category |
0x01: NODE... |
1 byte - message type |
- for COMMITTEE category |
0x00: consensus |
0x01: sharding ... |
- for NODE category |
0x00: transaction ... |
n - 2 bytes - actual message payload |
---- content end ----- |
*/ |
// NODE_TYPE_BYTES is # of bytes message category
const NODE_TYPE_BYTES = 1 |
// ACTION_TYPE_BYTES is # of bytes for message type which can be
// - for COMMITTEE category
// 0x00: consensus
// 0x01: sharding ...
// - for NODE category
// 0x00: transaction ...
// The CATEGORY of messages
type MessageCategory byte |
const ( |
COMMITTEE MessageCategory = iota |
// TODO: add more types
) |
// Get the message category from the p2p message content
func GetMessageCategory(message []byte) (MessageCategory, error) { |
if len(message) < NODE_TYPE_BYTES { |
return 0, errors.New("Failed to get node type: no data available.") |
} |
return MessageCategory(message[NODE_TYPE_BYTES-1]), nil |
} |
// Get the message type from the p2p message content
func GetMessageType(message []byte) (byte, error) { |
return 0, errors.New("Failed to get action type: no data available.") |
} |
return byte(message[NODE_TYPE_BYTES+ACTION_TYPE_BYTES-1]), nil |
} |
// Get the node message payload from the p2p message content
func GetMessagePayload(message []byte) ([]byte, error) { |
return []byte{}, errors.New("Failed to get message payload: no data available.") |
} |
return message[NODE_TYPE_BYTES+ACTION_TYPE_BYTES:], nil |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,419 @@ |
/* |
Package cosi implements the collective signing (CoSi) algorithm as presented in |
the paper "Keeping Authorities 'Honest or Bust' with Decentralized Witness |
Cosigning" by Ewa Syta et al. See This
package only provides the functionality for the cryptographic operations of |
CoSi. All network-related operations have to be handled elsewhere. Below we |
describe a high-level overview of the CoSi protocol (using a star communication |
topology). We refer to the research paper for further details on communication |
over trees, exception mechanisms and signature verification policies. |
The CoSi protocol has four phases executed between a list of participants P |
having a protocol leader (index i = 0) and a list of other nodes (index i > 0). |
The secret key of node i is denoted by a_i and the public key by A_i = [a_i]G |
(where G is the base point of the underlying group and [...] denotes scalar |
multiplication). The aggregate public key is given as A = \sum{i ∈ P}(A_i). |
1. Announcement: The leader broadcasts an announcement to the other nodes |
optionally including the message M to be signed. Upon receiving an announcement |
message, a node starts its commitment phase. |
2. Commitment: Each node i (including the leader) picks a random scalar v_i, |
computes its commitment V_i = [v_i]G and sends V_i back to the leader. The |
leader waits until it has received enough commitments (according to some |
policy) from the other nodes or a timer has run out. Let P' be the nodes that |
have sent their commitments. The leader computes an aggregate commitment V from |
all commitments he has received, i.e., V = \sum{j ∈ P'}(V_j) and creates a |
participation bitmask Z. The leader then broadcasts V and Z to the other |
participations together with the message M if it was not sent in phase 1. Upon |
receiving a commitment message, a node starts the challenge phase. |
3. Challenge: Each node i computes the collective challenge c = H(V || A || M) |
using a cryptographic hash function H (here: SHA512), computes its |
response r_i = v_i + c*a_i and sends it back to the leader. |
4. Response: The leader waits until he has received replies from all nodes in |
P' or a timer has run out. If he has not enough replies he aborts. Finally, |
the leader computes the aggregate response r = \sum{j ∈ P'}(r_j) and publishes |
(V,r,Z) as the signature for the message M. |
*/ |
package crypto |
import ( |
"errors" |
"fmt" |
"" |
) |
// Commit returns a random scalar v, generated from the given suite,
// and a corresponding commitment V = [v]G. If the given cipher stream is nil,
// a random stream is used.
func Commit(suite Suite) (v kyber.Scalar, V kyber.Point) { |
random := suite.Scalar().Pick(suite.RandomStream()) |
commitment := suite.Point().Mul(random, nil) |
return random, commitment |
} |
// AggregateCommitments returns the sum of the given commitments and the
// bitwise OR of the corresponding masks.
func AggregateCommitments(suite Suite, commitments []kyber.Point, masks [][]byte) (sum kyber.Point, commits []byte, err error) { |
if len(commitments) != len(masks) { |
return nil, nil, errors.New("mismatching lengths of commitment and mask slices") |
} |
aggCom := suite.Point().Null() |
aggMask := make([]byte, len(masks[0])) |
for i := range commitments { |
aggCom = suite.Point().Add(aggCom, commitments[i]) |
aggMask, err = AggregateMasks(aggMask, masks[i]) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, nil, err |
} |
} |
return aggCom, aggMask, nil |
} |
// AggregateCommitmentsOnly returns the sum of the given commitments.
func AggregateCommitmentsOnly(suite Suite, commitments []kyber.Point) kyber.Point { |
aggCom := suite.Point().Null() |
for i := range commitments { |
aggCom = suite.Point().Add(aggCom, commitments[i]) |
} |
return aggCom |
} |
// Challenge creates the collective challenge from the given aggregate
// commitment V, aggregate public key A, and message M, i.e., it returns
// c = H(V || A || M).
func Challenge(suite Suite, commitment, public kyber.Point, message []byte) (kyber.Scalar, error) { |
if commitment == nil { |
return nil, errors.New("no commitment provided") |
} |
if message == nil { |
return nil, errors.New("no message provided") |
} |
hash := suite.Hash() |
if _, err := commitment.MarshalTo(hash); err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
if _, err := public.MarshalTo(hash); err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
hash.Write(message) |
return suite.Scalar().SetBytes(hash.Sum(nil)), nil |
} |
// Response creates the response from the given random scalar v, (collective)
// challenge c, and private key a, i.e., it returns r = v + c*a.
func Response(suite Suite, private, random, challenge kyber.Scalar) (kyber.Scalar, error) { |
if private == nil { |
return nil, errors.New("no private key provided") |
} |
if random == nil { |
return nil, errors.New("no random scalar provided") |
} |
if challenge == nil { |
return nil, errors.New("no challenge provided") |
} |
ca := suite.Scalar().Mul(private, challenge) |
return ca.Add(random, ca), nil |
} |
// AggregateResponses returns the sum of given responses.
func AggregateResponses(suite Suite, responses []kyber.Scalar) (kyber.Scalar, error) { |
if responses == nil { |
return nil, errors.New("no responses provided") |
} |
r := suite.Scalar().Zero() |
for i := range responses { |
r = r.Add(r, responses[i]) |
} |
return r, nil |
} |
// Sign returns the collective signature from the given (aggregate) commitment
// V, (aggregate) response r, and participation bitmask Z using the EdDSA
// format, i.e., the signature is V || r || Z.
func Sign(suite Suite, commitment kyber.Point, response kyber.Scalar, mask *Mask) ([]byte, error) { |
if commitment == nil { |
return nil, errors.New("no commitment provided") |
} |
if response == nil { |
return nil, errors.New("no response provided") |
} |
if mask == nil { |
return nil, errors.New("no mask provided") |
} |
lenV := suite.PointLen() |
lenSig := lenV + suite.ScalarLen() |
VB, err := commitment.MarshalBinary() |
if err != nil { |
return nil, errors.New("marshalling of commitment failed") |
} |
RB, err := response.MarshalBinary() |
if err != nil { |
return nil, errors.New("marshalling of signature failed") |
} |
sig := make([]byte, lenSig+mask.Len()) |
copy(sig[:], VB) |
copy(sig[lenV:lenSig], RB) |
copy(sig[lenSig:], mask.mask) |
return sig, nil |
} |
// Verify checks the given cosignature on the provided message using the list
// of public keys and cosigning policy.
func Verify(suite Suite, publics []kyber.Point, message, sig []byte, policy Policy) error { |
if publics == nil { |
return errors.New("no public keys provided") |
} |
if message == nil { |
return errors.New("no message provided") |
} |
if sig == nil { |
return errors.New("no signature provided") |
} |
if policy == nil { |
policy = CompletePolicy{} |
} |
lenCom := suite.PointLen() |
VBuff := sig[:lenCom] |
V := suite.Point() |
if err := V.UnmarshalBinary(VBuff); err != nil { |
return errors.New("unmarshalling of commitment failed") |
} |
// Unpack the aggregate response
lenRes := lenCom + suite.ScalarLen() |
rBuff := sig[lenCom:lenRes] |
r := suite.Scalar().SetBytes(rBuff) |
// Unpack the participation mask and get the aggregate public key
mask, err := NewMask(suite, publics, nil) |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
mask.SetMask(sig[lenRes:]) |
A := mask.AggregatePublic |
ABuff, err := A.MarshalBinary() |
if err != nil { |
return errors.New("marshalling of aggregate public key failed") |
} |
// Recompute the challenge
hash := suite.Hash() |
hash.Write(VBuff) |
hash.Write(ABuff) |
hash.Write(message) |
buff := hash.Sum(nil) |
k := suite.Scalar().SetBytes(buff) |
// k * -aggPublic + s * B = k*-A + s*B
// from s = k * a + r => s * B = k * a * B + r * B <=> s*B = k*A + r*B
// <=> s*B + k*-A = r*B
minusPublic := suite.Point().Neg(A) |
kA := suite.Point().Mul(k, minusPublic) |
sB := suite.Point().Mul(r, nil) |
left := suite.Point().Add(kA, sB) |
if !left.Equal(V) { |
return errors.New("recreated response is different from signature") |
} |
if !policy.Check(mask) { |
return errors.New("the policy is not fulfilled") |
} |
return nil |
} |
// Mask represents a cosigning participation bitmask.
type Mask struct { |
mask []byte |
publics []kyber.Point |
AggregatePublic kyber.Point |
} |
// NewMask returns a new participation bitmask for cosigning where all
// cosigners are disabled by default. If a public key is given it verifies that
// it is present in the list of keys and sets the corresponding index in the
// bitmask to 1 (enabled).
func NewMask(suite Suite, publics []kyber.Point, myKey kyber.Point) (*Mask, error) { |
m := &Mask{ |
publics: publics, |
} |
m.mask = make([]byte, m.Len()) |
m.AggregatePublic = suite.Point().Null() |
if myKey != nil { |
found := false |
for i, key := range publics { |
if key.Equal(myKey) { |
m.SetBit(i, true) |
found = true |
break |
} |
} |
if !found { |
return nil, errors.New("key not found") |
} |
} |
return m, nil |
} |
// Mask returns a copy of the participation bitmask.
func (m *Mask) Mask() []byte { |
clone := make([]byte, len(m.mask)) |
copy(clone[:], m.mask) |
return clone |
} |
// Len returns the mask length in bytes.
func (m *Mask) Len() int { |
return (len(m.publics) + 7) >> 3 |
} |
// SetMask sets the participation bitmask according to the given byte slice
// interpreted in little-endian order, i.e., bits 0-7 of byte 0 correspond to
// cosigners 0-7, bits 0-7 of byte 1 correspond to cosigners 8-15, etc.
func (m *Mask) SetMask(mask []byte) error { |
if m.Len() != len(mask) { |
return fmt.Errorf("mismatching mask lengths") |
} |
for i := range m.publics { |
byt := i >> 3 |
msk := byte(1) << uint(i&7) |
if ((m.mask[byt] & msk) == 0) && ((mask[byt] & msk) != 0) { |
m.mask[byt] ^= msk // flip bit in mask from 0 to 1
m.AggregatePublic.Add(m.AggregatePublic, m.publics[i]) |
} |
if ((m.mask[byt] & msk) != 0) && ((mask[byt] & msk) == 0) { |
m.mask[byt] ^= msk // flip bit in mask from 1 to 0
m.AggregatePublic.Sub(m.AggregatePublic, m.publics[i]) |
} |
} |
return nil |
} |
// SetBit enables (enable: true) or disables (enable: false) the bit
// in the participation mask of the given cosigner.
func (m *Mask) SetBit(i int, enable bool) error { |
if i >= len(m.publics) { |
return errors.New("index out of range") |
} |
byt := i >> 3 |
msk := byte(1) << uint(i&7) |
if ((m.mask[byt] & msk) == 0) && enable { |
m.mask[byt] ^= msk // flip bit in mask from 0 to 1
m.AggregatePublic.Add(m.AggregatePublic, m.publics[i]) |
} |
if ((m.mask[byt] & msk) != 0) && !enable { |
m.mask[byt] ^= msk // flip bit in mask from 1 to 0
m.AggregatePublic.Sub(m.AggregatePublic, m.publics[i]) |
} |
return nil |
} |
// IndexEnabled checks whether the given index is enabled in the mask or not.
func (m *Mask) IndexEnabled(i int) (bool, error) { |
if i >= len(m.publics) { |
return false, errors.New("index out of range") |
} |
byt := i >> 3 |
msk := byte(1) << uint(i&7) |
return ((m.mask[byt] & msk) != 0), nil |
} |
// KeyEnabled checks whether the index, corresponding to the given key, is
// enabled in the mask or not.
func (m *Mask) KeyEnabled(public kyber.Point) (bool, error) { |
for i, key := range m.publics { |
if key.Equal(public) { |
return m.IndexEnabled(i) |
} |
} |
return false, errors.New("key not found") |
} |
// SetKey set the bit in the mask for the given cosigner
func (m *Mask) SetKey(public kyber.Point, enable bool) error { |
for i, key := range m.publics { |
if key.Equal(public) { |
return m.SetBit(i, enable) |
} |
} |
return errors.New("key not found") |
} |
// CountEnabled returns the number of enabled nodes in the CoSi participation
// mask.
func (m *Mask) CountEnabled() int { |
// hw is hamming weight
hw := 0 |
for i := range m.publics { |
byt := i >> 3 |
msk := byte(1) << uint(i&7) |
if (m.mask[byt] & msk) != 0 { |
hw++ |
} |
} |
return hw |
} |
// CountTotal returns the total number of nodes this CoSi instance knows.
func (m *Mask) CountTotal() int { |
return len(m.publics) |
} |
// AggregateMasks computes the bitwise OR of the two given participation masks.
func AggregateMasks(a, b []byte) ([]byte, error) { |
if len(a) != len(b) { |
return nil, errors.New("mismatching mask lengths") |
} |
m := make([]byte, len(a)) |
for i := range m { |
m[i] = a[i] | b[i] |
} |
return m, nil |
} |
// Policy represents a fully customizable cosigning policy deciding what
// cosigner sets are and aren't sufficient for a collective signature to be
// considered acceptable to a verifier. The Check method may inspect the set of
// participants that cosigned by invoking cosi.Mask and/or cosi.MaskBit, and may
// use any other relevant contextual information (e.g., how security-critical
// the operation relying on the collective signature is) in determining whether
// the collective signature was produced by an acceptable set of cosigners.
type Policy interface { |
Check(m *Mask) bool |
} |
// CompletePolicy is the default policy requiring that all participants have
// cosigned to make a collective signature valid.
type CompletePolicy struct { |
} |
// Check verifies that all participants have contributed to a collective
// signature.
func (p CompletePolicy) Check(m *Mask) bool { |
return m.CountEnabled() == m.CountTotal() |
} |
// ThresholdPolicy allows to specify a simple t-of-n policy requring that at
// least the given threshold number of participants t have cosigned to make a
// collective signature valid.
type ThresholdPolicy struct { |
thold int |
} |
// NewThresholdPolicy returns a new ThresholdPolicy with the given threshold.
func NewThresholdPolicy(thold int) *ThresholdPolicy { |
return &ThresholdPolicy{thold: thold} |
} |
// Check verifies that at least a threshold number of participants have
// contributed to a collective signature.
func (p ThresholdPolicy) Check(m *Mask) bool { |
return m.CountEnabled() >= p.thold |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
package crypto |
import "" |
var Curve = edwards25519.NewBlakeSHA256Ed25519() |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
package crypto |
import "" |
// Suite specifies the cryptographic building blocks required for the cosi package.
type Suite interface { |
kyber.Group |
kyber.HashFactory |
kyber.Random |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ |
package crypto |
import ( |
"crypto/sha256" |
"" |
) |
func Hash(message string) [32]byte { |
return sha256.Sum256([]byte(message)) |
} |
func GetPublicKeyFromPrivateKey(suite Suite, priKey [32]byte) kyber.Point { |
scalar := suite.Scalar() |
scalar.UnmarshalBinary(priKey[:]) |
return suite.Point().Mul(scalar, nil) |
} |
// Same as GetPublicKeyFromPrivateKey, but it directly works on kyber.Scalar object.
func GetPublicKeyFromScalar(suite Suite, priKey kyber.Scalar) kyber.Point { |
return suite.Point().Mul(priKey, nil) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ |
package proto |
import ( |
"errors" |
) |
/* |
The message structure of any message in Harmony network |
---- content start ----- |
1 byte - message category |
0x01: NODE... |
1 byte - message type |
- for CONSENSUS category |
0x00: consensus |
0x01: sharding ... |
- for NODE category |
0x00: transaction ... |
n - 2 bytes - actual message payload |
---- content end ----- |
*/ |
// The message category enum
type MessageCategory byte |
const ( |
CONSENSUS MessageCategory = iota |
// TODO: add more types
) |
// MESSAGE_CATEGORY_BYTES is the number of bytes message category takes
// MESSAGE_TYPE_BYTES is the number of bytes message type takes
// Get the message category from the p2p message content
func GetMessageCategory(message []byte) (MessageCategory, error) { |
if len(message) < MESSAGE_CATEGORY_BYTES { |
return 0, errors.New("Failed to get message category: no data available.") |
} |
return MessageCategory(message[MESSAGE_CATEGORY_BYTES-1]), nil |
} |
// Get the message type from the p2p message content
func GetMessageType(message []byte) (byte, error) { |
return 0, errors.New("Failed to get message type: no data available.") |
} |
return byte(message[MESSAGE_CATEGORY_BYTES+MESSAGE_TYPE_BYTES-1]), nil |
} |
// Get the node message payload from the p2p message content
func GetMessagePayload(message []byte) ([]byte, error) { |
return []byte{}, errors.New("Failed to get message payload: no data available.") |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue