@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ To learn how to contribute to the MetaMask project itself, visit our [Internal D
- Install dependencies: `yarn setup` (not the usual install command)
- Copy the `.metamaskrc.dist` file to `.metamaskrc`
- Replace the `INFURA_PROJECT_ID` value with your own personal [Infura Project ID](https://infura.io/docs).
- If debugging MetaMetrics, you'll need to add a value for `SEGMENT_WRITE_KEY` [Segment write key](https://segment.com/docs/connections/find-writekey/).
- If debugging MetaMetrics, you'll need to add a value for `SEGMENT_WRITE_KEY` [Segment write key](https://segment.com/docs/connections/find-writekey/), see [Developing on MetaMask](./development/README.md).
- Build the project to the `./dist/` folder with `yarn dist`.
Uncompressed builds can be found in `/dist`, compressed builds can be found in `/builds` once they're built.
@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ Whenever you change dependencies (adding, removing, or updating, either in `pack
- [How to add a new translation to MetaMask](./docs/translating-guide.md)
- [Publishing Guide](./docs/publishing.md)
- [How to use the TREZOR emulator](./docs/trezor-emulator.md)
- [Developing on MetaMask](./development/README.md)
- [How to generate a visualization of this repository's development](./development/gource-viz.sh)