@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ |
const ObservableStore = require('obs-store') |
const extend = require('xtend') |
class AddressBookController { |
// Controller in charge of managing the address book functionality from the
// recipients field on the send screen. Manages a history of all saved
// addresses and all currently owned addresses.
constructor (opts = {}, keyringController) { |
const initState = extend({ |
addressBook: [], |
}, opts.initState) |
| = new ObservableStore(initState) |
this.keyringController = keyringController |
} |
// Sets a new address book in store by accepting a new address and nickname.
setAddressBook (address, name) { |
return this._addToAddressBook(address, name) |
.then((addressBook) => { |
|{ |
addressBook, |
}) |
return Promise.resolve() |
}) |
} |
// Performs the logic to add the address and name into the address book. The
// pushed object is an object of two fields. Current behavior does not set an
// upper limit to the number of addresses.
_addToAddressBook (address, name) { |
let addressBook = this._getAddressBook() |
let identities = this._getIdentities() |
let addressBookIndex = addressBook.findIndex((element) => { return element.address.toLowerCase() === address.toLowerCase() || === name }) |
let identitiesIndex = Object.keys(identities).findIndex((element) => { return element.toLowerCase() === address.toLowerCase() }) |
// trigger this condition if we own this address--no need to overwrite.
if (identitiesIndex !== -1) { |
return Promise.resolve(addressBook) |
// trigger this condition if we've seen this address before--may need to update nickname.
} else if (addressBookIndex !== -1) { |
addressBook.splice(addressBookIndex, 1) |
} else if (addressBook.length > 15) { |
addressBook.shift() |
} |
addressBook.push({ |
address: address, |
name, |
}) |
return Promise.resolve(addressBook) |
} |
// Internal method to get the address book. Current persistence behavior
// should not require that this method be called from the UI directly.
_getAddressBook () { |
return |
} |
// Retrieves identities from the keyring controller in order to avoid
// duplication
_getIdentities () { |
return this.keyringController.memStore.getState().identities |
} |
} |
module.exports = AddressBookController |
@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ |
/* ID Management |
* |
* This module exists to hold the decrypted credentials for the current session. |
* It therefore exposes sign methods, because it is able to perform these |
* with noa dditional authentication, because its very instantiation |
* means the vault is unlocked. |
*/ |
const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util') |
const Transaction = require('ethereumjs-tx') |
module.exports = IdManagement |
function IdManagement (opts) { |
if (!opts) opts = {} |
this.keyStore = opts.keyStore |
this.derivedKey = opts.derivedKey |
this.configManager = opts.configManager |
this.hdPathString = "m/44'/60'/0'/0" |
this.getAddresses = function () { |
return this.keyStore.getAddresses(this.hdPathString).map(function (address) { return '0x' + address }) |
} |
this.signTx = function (txParams) { |
// normalize values
txParams.gasPrice = ethUtil.intToHex(txParams.gasPrice) |
|||||| = ethUtil.addHexPrefix( |
txParams.from = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.from.toLowerCase()) |
txParams.value = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.value) |
|||||| = ethUtil.addHexPrefix( |
txParams.gasLimit = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.gasLimit || txParams.gas) |
txParams.nonce = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.nonce) |
var tx = new Transaction(txParams) |
// sign tx
var privKeyHex = this.exportPrivateKey(txParams.from) |
var privKey = ethUtil.toBuffer(privKeyHex) |
tx.sign(privKey) |
// Add the tx hash to the persisted meta-tx object
var txHash = ethUtil.bufferToHex(tx.hash()) |
var metaTx = this.configManager.getTx(txParams.metamaskId) |
metaTx.hash = txHash |
this.configManager.updateTx(metaTx) |
// return raw serialized tx
var rawTx = ethUtil.bufferToHex(tx.serialize()) |
return rawTx |
} |
this.signMsg = function (address, message) { |
// sign message
var privKeyHex = this.exportPrivateKey(address.toLowerCase()) |
var privKey = ethUtil.toBuffer(privKeyHex) |
var msgSig = ethUtil.ecsign(new Buffer(message.replace('0x', ''), 'hex'), privKey) |
var rawMsgSig = ethUtil.bufferToHex(concatSig(msgSig.v, msgSig.r, msgSig.s)) |
return rawMsgSig |
} |
this.getSeed = function () { |
return this.keyStore.getSeed(this.derivedKey) |
} |
this.exportPrivateKey = function (address) { |
var privKeyHex = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(this.keyStore.exportPrivateKey(address, this.derivedKey, this.hdPathString)) |
return privKeyHex |
} |
} |
function padWithZeroes (number, length) { |
var myString = '' + number |
while (myString.length < length) { |
myString = '0' + myString |
} |
return myString |
} |
function concatSig (v, r, s) { |
const rSig = ethUtil.fromSigned(r) |
const sSig = ethUtil.fromSigned(s) |
const vSig = ethUtil.bufferToInt(v) |
const rStr = padWithZeroes(ethUtil.toUnsigned(rSig).toString('hex'), 64) |
const sStr = padWithZeroes(ethUtil.toUnsigned(sSig).toString('hex'), 64) |
const vStr = ethUtil.stripHexPrefix(ethUtil.intToHex(vSig)) |
return ethUtil.addHexPrefix(rStr.concat(sStr, vStr)).toString('hex') |
} |
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@ |
const IdentityStore = require('./idStore') |
const HdKeyring = require('eth-hd-keyring') |
const sigUtil = require('eth-sig-util') |
const normalize = sigUtil.normalize |
const denodeify = require('denodeify') |
module.exports = class IdentityStoreMigrator { |
constructor ({ configManager }) { |
this.configManager = configManager |
const hasOldVault = this.hasOldVault() |
if (!hasOldVault) { |
this.idStore = new IdentityStore({ configManager }) |
} |
} |
migratedVaultForPassword (password) { |
const hasOldVault = this.hasOldVault() |
const configManager = this.configManager |
if (!this.idStore) { |
this.idStore = new IdentityStore({ configManager }) |
} |
if (!hasOldVault) { |
return Promise.resolve(null) |
} |
const idStore = this.idStore |
const submitPassword = denodeify(idStore.submitPassword.bind(idStore)) |
return submitPassword(password) |
.then(() => { |
const serialized = this.serializeVault() |
return this.checkForLostAccounts(serialized) |
}) |
} |
serializeVault () { |
const mnemonic = this.idStore._idmgmt.getSeed() |
const numberOfAccounts = this.idStore._getAddresses().length |
return { |
type: 'HD Key Tree', |
data: { mnemonic, numberOfAccounts }, |
} |
} |
checkForLostAccounts (serialized) { |
const hd = new HdKeyring() |
return hd.deserialize( |
.then((hexAccounts) => { |
const newAccounts = |
const oldAccounts = this.idStore._getAddresses().map(normalize) |
const lostAccounts = oldAccounts.reduce((result, account) => { |
if (newAccounts.includes(account)) { |
return result |
} else { |
result.push(account) |
return result |
} |
}, []) |
return { |
serialized, |
lostAccounts: => { |
return { |
address, |
privateKey: this.idStore.exportAccount(address), |
} |
}), |
} |
}) |
} |
hasOldVault () { |
const wallet = this.configManager.getWallet() |
return wallet |
} |
} |
@ -1,343 +0,0 @@ |
const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter |
const inherits = require('util').inherits |
const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util') |
const KeyStore = require('eth-lightwallet').keystore |
const clone = require('clone') |
const extend = require('xtend') |
const autoFaucet = require('./auto-faucet') |
const DEFAULT_RPC = '' |
const IdManagement = require('./id-management') |
module.exports = IdentityStore |
inherits(IdentityStore, EventEmitter) |
function IdentityStore (opts = {}) { |
|||||| |
// we just use the ethStore to auto-add accounts
this._ethStore = opts.ethStore |
this.configManager = opts.configManager |
// lightwallet key store
this._keyStore = null |
// lightwallet wrapper
this._idmgmt = null |
this.hdPathString = "m/44'/60'/0'/0" |
this._currentState = { |
selectedAddress: null, |
identities: {}, |
} |
// not part of serilized metamask state - only kept in memory
} |
// public
IdentityStore.prototype.createNewVault = function (password, cb) { |
delete this._keyStore |
var serializedKeystore = this.configManager.getWallet() |
if (serializedKeystore) { |
this.configManager.setData({}) |
} |
this.purgeCache() |
this._createVault(password, null, (err) => { |
if (err) return cb(err) |
this._autoFaucet() |
this.configManager.setShowSeedWords(true) |
var seedWords = this._idmgmt.getSeed() |
this._loadIdentities() |
cb(null, seedWords) |
}) |
} |
IdentityStore.prototype.recoverSeed = function (cb) { |
this.configManager.setShowSeedWords(true) |
if (!this._idmgmt) return cb(new Error('Unauthenticated. Please sign in.')) |
var seedWords = this._idmgmt.getSeed() |
cb(null, seedWords) |
} |
IdentityStore.prototype.recoverFromSeed = function (password, seed, cb) { |
this.purgeCache() |
this._createVault(password, seed, (err) => { |
if (err) return cb(err) |
this._loadIdentities() |
cb(null, this.getState()) |
}) |
} |
IdentityStore.prototype.setStore = function (store) { |
this._ethStore = store |
} |
IdentityStore.prototype.clearSeedWordCache = function (cb) { |
const configManager = this.configManager |
configManager.setShowSeedWords(false) |
cb(null, configManager.getSelectedAccount()) |
} |
IdentityStore.prototype.getState = function () { |
const configManager = this.configManager |
var seedWords = this.getSeedIfUnlocked() |
return clone(extend(this._currentState, { |
isInitialized: !!configManager.getWallet() && !seedWords, |
isUnlocked: this._isUnlocked(), |
seedWords: seedWords, |
selectedAddress: configManager.getSelectedAccount(), |
})) |
} |
IdentityStore.prototype.getSeedIfUnlocked = function () { |
const configManager = this.configManager |
var showSeed = configManager.getShouldShowSeedWords() |
var idmgmt = this._idmgmt |
var shouldShow = showSeed && !!idmgmt |
var seedWords = shouldShow ? idmgmt.getSeed() : null |
return seedWords |
} |
IdentityStore.prototype.getSelectedAddress = function () { |
const configManager = this.configManager |
return configManager.getSelectedAccount() |
} |
IdentityStore.prototype.setSelectedAddressSync = function (address) { |
const configManager = this.configManager |
if (!address) { |
var addresses = this._getAddresses() |
address = addresses[0] |
} |
configManager.setSelectedAccount(address) |
return address |
} |
IdentityStore.prototype.setSelectedAddress = function (address, cb) { |
const resultAddress = this.setSelectedAddressSync(address) |
if (cb) return cb(null, resultAddress) |
} |
IdentityStore.prototype.revealAccount = function (cb) { |
const derivedKey = this._idmgmt.derivedKey |
const keyStore = this._keyStore |
const configManager = this.configManager |
keyStore.setDefaultHdDerivationPath(this.hdPathString) |
keyStore.generateNewAddress(derivedKey, 1) |
const addresses = keyStore.getAddresses() |
const address = addresses[ addresses.length - 1 ] |
this._ethStore.addAccount(ethUtil.addHexPrefix(address)) |
configManager.setWallet(keyStore.serialize()) |
this._loadIdentities() |
this._didUpdate() |
cb(null) |
} |
IdentityStore.prototype.getNetwork = function (err) { |
if (err) { |
|||||| = 'loading' |
this._didUpdate() |
} |
this.web3.version.getNetwork((err, network) => { |
if (err) { |
|||||| = 'loading' |
return this._didUpdate() |
} |
if (global.METAMASK_DEBUG) { |
console.log('web3.getNetwork returned ' + network) |
} |
|||||| = network |
this._didUpdate() |
}) |
} |
IdentityStore.prototype.setLocked = function (cb) { |
delete this._keyStore |
delete this._idmgmt |
cb() |
} |
IdentityStore.prototype.submitPassword = function (password, cb) { |
const configManager = this.configManager |
this.tryPassword(password, (err) => { |
if (err) return cb(err) |
// load identities before returning...
this._loadIdentities() |
cb(null, configManager.getSelectedAccount()) |
}) |
} |
IdentityStore.prototype.exportAccount = function (address, cb) { |
var privateKey = this._idmgmt.exportPrivateKey(address) |
if (cb) cb(null, privateKey) |
return privateKey |
} |
// private
IdentityStore.prototype._didUpdate = function () { |
this.emit('update', this.getState()) |
} |
IdentityStore.prototype._isUnlocked = function () { |
var result = Boolean(this._keyStore) && Boolean(this._idmgmt) |
return result |
} |
// load identities from keyStoreet
IdentityStore.prototype._loadIdentities = function () { |
const configManager = this.configManager |
if (!this._isUnlocked()) throw new Error('not unlocked') |
var addresses = this._getAddresses() |
addresses.forEach((address, i) => { |
// // add to ethStore
if (this._ethStore) { |
this._ethStore.addAccount(ethUtil.addHexPrefix(address)) |
} |
// add to identities
const defaultLabel = 'Account ' + (i + 1) |
const nickname = configManager.nicknameForWallet(address) |
var identity = { |
name: nickname || defaultLabel, |
address: address, |
mayBeFauceting: this._mayBeFauceting(i), |
} |
this._currentState.identities[address] = identity |
}) |
this._didUpdate() |
} |
IdentityStore.prototype.saveAccountLabel = function (account, label, cb) { |
const configManager = this.configManager |
configManager.setNicknameForWallet(account, label) |
this._loadIdentities() |
cb(null, label) |
} |
// mayBeFauceting
// If on testnet, index 0 may be fauceting.
// The UI will have to check the balance to know.
// If there is no balance and it mayBeFauceting,
// then it is in fact fauceting.
IdentityStore.prototype._mayBeFauceting = function (i) { |
const configManager = this.configManager |
var config = configManager.getProvider() |
if (i === 0 && |
config.type === 'rpc' && |
config.rpcTarget === DEFAULT_RPC) { |
return true |
} |
return false |
} |
// keyStore managment - unlocking + deserialization
IdentityStore.prototype.tryPassword = function (password, cb) { |
var serializedKeystore = this.configManager.getWallet() |
var keyStore = KeyStore.deserialize(serializedKeystore) |
keyStore.keyFromPassword(password, (err, pwDerivedKey) => { |
if (err) return cb(err) |
const isCorrect = keyStore.isDerivedKeyCorrect(pwDerivedKey) |
if (!isCorrect) return cb(new Error('Lightwallet - password incorrect')) |
this._keyStore = keyStore |
this._createIdMgmt(pwDerivedKey) |
cb() |
}) |
} |
IdentityStore.prototype._createVault = function (password, seedPhrase, cb) { |
const opts = { |
password, |
hdPathString: this.hdPathString, |
} |
if (seedPhrase) { |
opts.seedPhrase = seedPhrase |
} |
KeyStore.createVault(opts, (err, keyStore) => { |
if (err) return cb(err) |
this._keyStore = keyStore |
keyStore.keyFromPassword(password, (err, derivedKey) => { |
if (err) return cb(err) |
this.purgeCache() |
keyStore.addHdDerivationPath(this.hdPathString, derivedKey, {curve: 'secp256k1', purpose: 'sign'}) |
this._createFirstWallet(derivedKey) |
this._createIdMgmt(derivedKey) |
this.setSelectedAddressSync() |
cb() |
}) |
}) |
} |
IdentityStore.prototype._createIdMgmt = function (derivedKey) { |
this._idmgmt = new IdManagement({ |
keyStore: this._keyStore, |
derivedKey: derivedKey, |
configManager: this.configManager, |
}) |
} |
IdentityStore.prototype.purgeCache = function () { |
this._currentState.identities = {} |
let accounts |
try { |
accounts = Object.keys(this._ethStore._currentState.accounts) |
} catch (e) { |
accounts = [] |
} |
accounts.forEach((address) => { |
this._ethStore.removeAccount(address) |
}) |
} |
IdentityStore.prototype._createFirstWallet = function (derivedKey) { |
const keyStore = this._keyStore |
keyStore.setDefaultHdDerivationPath(this.hdPathString) |
keyStore.generateNewAddress(derivedKey, 1) |
this.configManager.setWallet(keyStore.serialize()) |
var addresses = keyStore.getAddresses() |
this._ethStore.addAccount(ethUtil.addHexPrefix(addresses[0])) |
} |
// get addresses and normalize address hexString
IdentityStore.prototype._getAddresses = function () { |
return this._keyStore.getAddresses(this.hdPathString).map((address) => { |
return ethUtil.addHexPrefix(address) |
}) |
} |
IdentityStore.prototype._autoFaucet = function () { |
var addresses = this._getAddresses() |
autoFaucet(addresses[0]) |
} |
// util
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ |
{ |
"metamask": { |
"isInitialized": true, |
"isUnlocked": true, |
"rpcTarget": "", |
"identities": { |
"0x07284e146926a4facd0ea60598dc4f001ad620f1": { |
"address": "0x07284e146926a4facd0ea60598dc4f001ad620f1", |
"name": "Account 1" |
} |
}, |
"unapprovedTxs": {}, |
"noActiveNotices": true, |
"frequentRpcList": [], |
"addressBook": [], |
"network": "3", |
"accounts": { |
"0x07284e146926a4facd0ea60598dc4f001ad620f1": { |
"code": "0x", |
"nonce": "0x0", |
"balance": "0x0", |
"address": "0x07284e146926a4facd0ea60598dc4f001ad620f1" |
} |
}, |
"transactions": {}, |
"selectedAddressTxList": [], |
"unapprovedMsgs": {}, |
"unapprovedMsgCount": 0, |
"unapprovedPersonalMsgs": {}, |
"unapprovedPersonalMsgCount": 0, |
"keyringTypes": [ |
"Simple Key Pair", |
"HD Key Tree" |
], |
"keyrings": [ |
{ |
"type": "HD Key Tree", |
"accounts": [ |
"07284e146926a4facd0ea60598dc4f001ad620f1" |
] |
} |
], |
"selectedAddress": "0x07284e146926a4facd0ea60598dc4f001ad620f1", |
"currentCurrency": "USD", |
"conversionRate": 43.35903476, |
"conversionDate": 1490105102, |
"provider": { |
"type": "testnet" |
}, |
"shapeShiftTxList": [], |
"lostAccounts": [], |
"seedWords": null |
}, |
"appState": { |
"menuOpen": false, |
"currentView": { |
"name": "accountDetail", |
"context": "0x07284e146926a4facd0ea60598dc4f001ad620f1" |
}, |
"accountDetail": { |
"subview": "export", |
"accountExport": "completed", |
"privateKey": "549c9638ad06432568969accacad4a02f8548cc358085938071745138ec134b7" |
}, |
"transForward": true, |
"isLoading": false, |
"warning": null |
}, |
"identities": {} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ |
{ |
"metamask": { |
"isInitialized": true, |
"isUnlocked": true, |
"rpcTarget": "", |
"identities": { |
"0x07284e146926a4facd0ea60598dc4f001ad620f1": { |
"address": "0x07284e146926a4facd0ea60598dc4f001ad620f1", |
"name": "Account 1" |
} |
}, |
"unapprovedTxs": {}, |
"noActiveNotices": true, |
"frequentRpcList": [], |
"addressBook": [], |
"network": "3", |
"accounts": { |
"0x07284e146926a4facd0ea60598dc4f001ad620f1": { |
"code": "0x", |
"nonce": "0x0", |
"balance": "0x0", |
"address": "0x07284e146926a4facd0ea60598dc4f001ad620f1" |
} |
}, |
"transactions": {}, |
"selectedAddressTxList": [], |
"unapprovedMsgs": {}, |
"unapprovedMsgCount": 0, |
"unapprovedPersonalMsgs": {}, |
"unapprovedPersonalMsgCount": 0, |
"keyringTypes": [ |
"Simple Key Pair", |
"HD Key Tree" |
], |
"keyrings": [ |
{ |
"type": "HD Key Tree", |
"accounts": [ |
"07284e146926a4facd0ea60598dc4f001ad620f1" |
] |
} |
], |
"selectedAddress": "0x07284e146926a4facd0ea60598dc4f001ad620f1", |
"currentCurrency": "USD", |
"conversionRate": 43.35903476, |
"conversionDate": 1490105102, |
"provider": { |
"type": "testnet" |
}, |
"shapeShiftTxList": [], |
"lostAccounts": [], |
"seedWords": null |
}, |
"appState": { |
"menuOpen": false, |
"currentView": { |
"name": "accountDetail", |
"context": "0x07284e146926a4facd0ea60598dc4f001ad620f1" |
}, |
"accountDetail": { |
"subview": "export", |
"accountExport": "requested" |
}, |
"transForward": true, |
"isLoading": false, |
"warning": null |
}, |
"identities": {} |
} |
@ -1,92 +0,0 @@ |
const ObservableStore = require('obs-store') |
const ConfigManager = require('../../../app/scripts/lib/config-manager') |
const IdStoreMigrator = require('../../../app/scripts/lib/idStore-migrator') |
const SimpleKeyring = require('eth-simple-keyring') |
const normalize = require('eth-sig-util').normalize |
const oldStyleVault = require('../mocks/oldVault.json').data |
const badStyleVault = require('../mocks/badVault.json').data |
const PASSWORD = '12345678' |
const FIRST_ADDRESS = '0x4dd5d356c5A016A220bCD69e82e5AF680a430d00'.toLowerCase() |
const BAD_STYLE_FIRST_ADDRESS = '0xac39b311dceb2a4b2f5d8461c1cdaf756f4f7ae9' |
const SEED = 'fringe damage bounce extend tunnel afraid alert sound all soldier all dinner' |
QUnit.module('Old Style Vaults', { |
beforeEach: function () { |
let managers = managersFromInitState(oldStyleVault) |
this.configManager = managers.configManager |
this.migrator = managers.migrator |
} |
}) |
QUnit.test('migrator:isInitialized', function (assert) { |
assert.ok(this.migrator) |
}) |
QUnit.test('migrator:migratedVaultForPassword', function (assert) { |
var done = assert.async() |
this.migrator.migratedVaultForPassword(PASSWORD) |
.then((result) => { |
assert.ok(result, 'migratedVaultForPassword returned result') |
const { serialized, lostAccounts } = result |
assert.equal(, SEED, 'seed phrase recovered') |
assert.equal(lostAccounts.length, 0, 'no lost accounts') |
done() |
}) |
}) |
QUnit.module('Old Style Vaults with bad HD seed', { |
beforeEach: function () { |
let managers = managersFromInitState(badStyleVault) |
this.configManager = managers.configManager |
this.migrator = managers.migrator |
} |
}) |
QUnit.test('migrator:migratedVaultForPassword', function (assert) { |
var done = assert.async() |
this.migrator.migratedVaultForPassword(PASSWORD) |
.then((result) => { |
assert.ok(result, 'migratedVaultForPassword returned result') |
const { serialized, lostAccounts } = result |
assert.equal(lostAccounts.length, 1, 'one lost account') |
assert.equal(lostAccounts[0].address, '0xe15D894BeCB0354c501AE69429B05143679F39e0'.toLowerCase()) |
assert.ok(lostAccounts[0].privateKey, 'private key exported') |
var lostAccount = lostAccounts[0] |
var privateKey = lostAccount.privateKey |
var simple = new SimpleKeyring() |
simple.deserialize([privateKey]) |
.then(() => { |
return simple.getAccounts() |
}) |
.then((accounts) => { |
assert.equal(normalize(accounts[0]), lostAccount.address, 'recovered address.') |
done() |
}) |
.catch((reason) => { |
assert.ifError(reason) |
done(reason) |
}) |
}) |
}) |
function managersFromInitState(initState){ |
let configManager = new ConfigManager({ |
store: new ObservableStore(initState), |
}) |
let migrator = new IdStoreMigrator({ |
configManager: configManager, |
}) |
return { configManager, migrator } |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ |
const assert = require('assert') |
const extend = require('xtend') |
const AddressBookController = require('../../app/scripts/controllers/address-book') |
const mockKeyringController = { |
memStore: { |
getState: function () { |
return { |
identities: { |
'0x0aaa' : { |
address: '0x0aaa', |
name: 'owned', |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
describe('address-book-controller', function() { |
var addressBookController |
beforeEach(function() { |
addressBookController = new AddressBookController({}, mockKeyringController) |
}) |
describe('addres book management', function () { |
describe('#_getAddressBook', function () { |
it('should be empty by default.', function () { |
assert.equal(addressBookController._getAddressBook().length, 0) |
}) |
}) |
describe('#setAddressBook', function () { |
it('should properly set a new address.', function () { |
addressBookController.setAddressBook('0x01234', 'test') |
var addressBook = addressBookController._getAddressBook() |
assert.equal(addressBook.length, 1, 'incorrect address book length.') |
assert.equal(addressBook[0].address, '0x01234', 'incorrect addresss') |
assert.equal(addressBook[0].name, 'test', 'incorrect nickname') |
}) |
it('should reject duplicates.', function () { |
addressBookController.setAddressBook('0x01234', 'test') |
addressBookController.setAddressBook('0x01234', 'test') |
var addressBook = addressBookController._getAddressBook() |
assert.equal(addressBook.length, 1, 'incorrect address book length.') |
}) |
it('should not add any identities that are under user control', function () { |
addressBookController.setAddressBook('0x0aaa', ' ') |
var addressBook = addressBookController._getAddressBook() |
assert.equal(addressBook.length, 0, 'incorrect address book length.') |
}) |
}) |
}) |
}) |
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ |
var assert = require('assert') |
var IdManagement = require('../../app/scripts/lib/id-management') |
var sinon = require('sinon') |
describe('IdManagement', function() { |
beforeEach(function() { |
// sinon allows stubbing methods that are easily verified
this.sinon = sinon.sandbox.create() |
window.localStorage = {} // Hacking localStorage support into JSDom
}) |
afterEach(function() { |
// sinon requires cleanup otherwise it will overwrite context
this.sinon.restore() |
}) |
describe('#signMsg', function () { |
it('passes the dennis test', function() { |
const address = '0x9858e7d8b79fc3e6d989636721584498926da38a' |
const message = '0x879a053d4800c6354e76c7985a865d2922c82fb5b3f4577b2fe08b998954f2e0' |
const privateKey = '0x7dd98753d7b4394095de7d176c58128e2ed6ee600abe97c9f6d9fd65015d9b18' |
const expectedResult = '0x28fcb6768e5110144a55b2e6ce9d1ea5a58103033632d272d2b5cf506906f7941a00b539383fd872109633d8c71c404e13dba87bc84166ee31b0e36061a69e161c' |
const idManagement = new IdManagement() |
const exportKeyStub = sinon.stub(idManagement, 'exportPrivateKey', (addr) => { |
assert.equal(addr, address) |
return privateKey |
}) |
const result = idManagement.signMsg(address, message) |
assert.equal(result, expectedResult) |
}) |
}) |
}) |
@ -1,83 +0,0 @@ |
const async = require('async') |
const assert = require('assert') |
const ObservableStore = require('obs-store') |
const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util') |
const BN = ethUtil.BN |
const ConfigManager = require('../../app/scripts/lib/config-manager') |
const firstTimeState = require('../../app/scripts/first-time-state') |
const delegateCallCode = require('../lib/example-code.json').delegateCallCode |
const clone = require('clone') |
// The old way:
const IdentityStore = require('../../app/scripts/lib/idStore') |
const STORAGE_KEY = 'metamask-config' |
// The new ways:
var KeyringController = require('../../app/scripts/keyring-controller') |
const mockEncryptor = require('../lib/mock-encryptor') |
const MockSimpleKeychain = require('../lib/mock-simple-keychain') |
const sinon = require('sinon') |
const mockVault = { |
seed: 'picnic injury awful upper eagle junk alert toss flower renew silly vague', |
account: '0x5d8de92c205279c10e5669f797b853ccef4f739a', |
} |
const badVault = { |
seed: 'radar blur cabbage chef fix engine embark joy scheme fiction master release', |
} |
describe('IdentityStore to KeyringController migration', function() { |
// The stars of the show:
let idStore, keyringController, seedWords, configManager |
let password = 'password123' |
let entropy = 'entripppppyy duuude' |
let accounts = [] |
let newAccounts = [] |
let originalKeystore |
// This is a lot of setup, I know!
// We have to create an old style vault, populate it,
// and THEN create a new one, before we can run tests on it.
beforeEach(function(done) { |
this.sinon = sinon.sandbox.create() |
let store = new ObservableStore(clone(firstTimeState)) |
configManager = new ConfigManager({ store }) |
idStore = new IdentityStore({ |
configManager: configManager, |
ethStore: { |
addAccount(acct) { accounts.push(ethUtil.addHexPrefix(acct)) }, |
del(acct) { delete accounts[acct] }, |
}, |
}) |
idStore._createVault(password, mockVault.seed, (err) => { |
assert.ifError(err, 'createNewVault threw error') |
originalKeystore = idStore._idmgmt.keyStore |
idStore.setLocked((err) => { |
assert.ifError(err, 'createNewVault threw error') |
keyringController = new KeyringController({ |
configManager, |
ethStore: { |
addAccount(acct) { newAccounts.push(ethUtil.addHexPrefix(acct)) }, |
del(acct) { delete newAccounts[acct] }, |
}, |
txManager: { |
getTxList: () => [], |
getUnapprovedTxList: () => [] |
}, |
}) |
// Stub out the browser crypto for a mock encryptor.
// Browser crypto is tested in the integration test suite.
keyringController.encryptor = mockEncryptor |
done() |
}) |
}) |
}) |
}) |
@ -1,142 +0,0 @@ |
const async = require('async') |
const assert = require('assert') |
const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util') |
const BN = ethUtil.BN |
const configManagerGen = require('../lib/mock-config-manager') |
const delegateCallCode = require('../lib/example-code.json').delegateCallCode |
const IdentityStore = require('../../app/scripts/lib/idStore') |
describe('IdentityStore', function() { |
describe('#createNewVault', function () { |
let idStore |
let password = 'password123' |
let seedWords |
let accounts = [] |
let originalKeystore |
before(function(done) { |
window.localStorage = {} // Hacking localStorage support into JSDom
idStore = new IdentityStore({ |
configManager: configManagerGen(), |
ethStore: { |
addAccount(acct) { accounts.push(ethUtil.addHexPrefix(acct)) }, |
}, |
}) |
idStore.createNewVault(password, (err, seeds) => { |
assert.ifError(err, 'createNewVault threw error') |
seedWords = seeds |
originalKeystore = idStore._idmgmt.keyStore |
done() |
}) |
}) |
describe('#recoverFromSeed', function() { |
let newAccounts = [] |
before(function() { |
window.localStorage = {} // Hacking localStorage support into JSDom
idStore = new IdentityStore({ |
configManager: configManagerGen(), |
ethStore: { |
addAccount(acct) { newAccounts.push(ethUtil.addHexPrefix(acct)) }, |
}, |
}) |
}) |
it('should return the expected keystore', function (done) { |
idStore.recoverFromSeed(password, seedWords, (err) => { |
assert.ifError(err) |
let newKeystore = idStore._idmgmt.keyStore |
assert.equal(newAccounts[0], accounts[0]) |
done() |
}) |
}) |
}) |
}) |
describe('#recoverFromSeed BIP44 compliance', function() { |
const salt = 'lightwalletSalt' |
let password = 'secret!' |
let accounts = {} |
let idStore |
var assertions = [ |
{ |
seed: 'picnic injury awful upper eagle junk alert toss flower renew silly vague', |
account: '0x5d8de92c205279c10e5669f797b853ccef4f739a', |
}, |
{ |
seed: 'radar blur cabbage chef fix engine embark joy scheme fiction master release', |
account: '0xe15d894becb0354c501ae69429b05143679f39e0', |
}, |
{ |
seed: 'phone coyote caught pattern found table wedding list tumble broccoli chief swing', |
account: '0xb0e868f24bc7fec2bce2efc2b1c344d7569cd9d2', |
}, |
{ |
seed: 'recycle tag bird palace blue village anxiety census cook soldier example music', |
account: '0xab34a45920afe4af212b96ec51232aaa6a33f663', |
}, |
{ |
seed: 'half glimpse tape cute harvest sweet bike voyage actual floor poet lazy', |
account: '0x28e9044597b625ac4beda7250011670223de43b2', |
}, |
{ |
seed: 'flavor tiger carpet motor angry hungry document inquiry large critic usage liar', |
account: '0xb571be96558940c4e9292e1999461aa7499fb6cd', |
}, |
] |
before(function() { |
window.localStorage = {} // Hacking localStorage support into JSDom
idStore = new IdentityStore({ |
configManager: configManagerGen(), |
ethStore: { |
addAccount(acct) { accounts[acct] = acct}, |
del(acct) { delete accounts[acct] }, |
}, |
}) |
}) |
it('should enforce seed compliance with TestRPC', function (done) { |
this.timeout(10000) |
const tests = => { |
return function (cb) { |
idStore.recoverFromSeed(password, assertion.seed, (err) => { |
assert.ifError(err) |
var expected = assertion.account.toLowerCase() |
var received = accounts[expected].toLowerCase() |
assert.equal(received, expected) |
idStore.tryPassword(password, function (err) { |
assert.ok(idStore._isUnlocked(), 'should unlock the id store') |
idStore.submitPassword(password, function(err, account) { |
assert.ifError(err) |
assert.equal(account, expected) |
assert.equal(Object.keys(idStore._getAddresses()).length, 1, 'only one account on restore') |
cb() |
}) |
}) |
}) |
} |
}) |
async.series(tests, function(err, results) { |
assert.ifError(err) |
done() |
}) |
}) |
}) |
}) |
Reference in new issue