Merge branch 'master' into i18n-translator-redux

Dan 7 years ago
commit be845fd190
  1. 2
  2. 2
  3. 10
  4. 2
  5. 873
  6. 648
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@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
"space-in-parens": [1, "never"],
"space-infix-ops": 2,
"space-unary-ops": [2, { "words": true, "nonwords": false }],
"spaced-comment": [2, "always", { "markers": ["global", "globals", "eslint", "eslint-disable", "*package", "!", ","] }],
"spaced-comment": [2, "always", { "markers": ["global", "globals", "eslint", "eslint-disable", "*package", "!", ","], "exceptions": ["=", "-"] } ],
"strict": 0,
"template-curly-spacing": [2, "never"],
"use-isnan": 2,

.gitignore vendored

@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ app/bower_components
# IDEs

@ -2,11 +2,15 @@
## Current Master
- MetaMask will no longer allow nonces to be specified by the dapp
- Add ability for internationalization.
## 4.3.0 Wed Mar 21 2018
- (beta) Add internationalization support! Includes translations for 13 (!!) new languages: French, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Hindi, Tagalog, and Russian! Select "Try Beta" in the menu to take them for a spin. Read more about the community effort [here](
- No longer uses nonces specified by the dapp
- Will now throw an error if the `to` field in txParams is not valid.
- Will strip null values from the `to` field.
- Fix flashing to Log in screen after logging in or restoring from seed phrase.
- (beta) No longer shows token confirmation screen when performing a non-send
- (beta) Fixes bug where tx data was nullified when repricing a tx
- Fix flashing Login screen after logging in or restoring from seed phrase.
- Increase tap areas for menu buttons on mobile
- Change all fonts in new-ui onboarding to Roboto, size 400
- Add a welcome screen to new-ui onboarding flow

@ -76,5 +76,3 @@ To write tests that will be run in the browser using QUnit, add your test files
- [How to generate a visualization of this repository's development](./docs/

@ -0,0 +1,873 @@
"accept": {
"message": "Annehmen"
"account": {
"message": "Account"
"accountDetails": {
"message": "Accountdetails"
"accountName": {
"message": "Accountname"
"address": {
"message": "Adresse"
"addToken": {
"message": "Token hinzufügen"
"amount": {
"message": "Betrag"
"amountPlusGas": {
"message": "Betrag + Gas"
"appDescription": {
"message": "Ethereum Browsererweiterung",
"description": "Die Beschreibung der Erweiterung"
"appName": {
"message": "MetaMask",
"description": "Der Name der Erweiterung"
"attemptingConnect": {
"message": "Versuch mit der Blockchain zu verbinden."
"available": {
"message": "Verfügbar"
"back": {
"message": "Zurück"
"balance": {
"message": "Guthaben:"
"balanceIsInsufficientGas": {
"message": "Guthaben unzureichend für den aktuellen gesamten Gasbetrag"
"beta": {
"message": "BETA"
"betweenMinAndMax": {
"message": "Muss größer oder gleich $1 und kleiner oder gleich $2 sein.",
"description": "Helfer für die Eingabe von hex als dezimal"
"blockiesIdenticon": {
"message": "Blockies Identicon verwenden"
"borrowDharma": {
"message": "Mit Dharma ausleihen (Beta)"
"builtInCalifornia": {
"message": "MetaMask wurde in Kalifornien entwickelt und gebaut."
"buy": {
"message": "Kaufen"
"buyCoinbase": {
"message": "Auf Coinbase kaufen"
"buyCoinbaseExplainer": {
"message": "Coinbase ist die weltweit bekannteste Möglichkeit bitcoin, ethereum und litecoin zu kaufen und verkaufen."
"ok": {
"message": "Ok"
"cancel": {
"message": "Abbrechen"
"classicInterface": {
"message": "Klassische Oberfläche verwenden"
"clickCopy": {
"message": "Klicken um zu kopieren"
"confirm": {
"message": "Bestätigen"
"confirmed": {
"message": "Bestätigt"
"confirmContract": {
"message": "Smart Contract bestätigen"
"confirmPassword": {
"message": "Passwort bestätigen"
"confirmTransaction": {
"message": "Transaktion bestätigen"
"continue": {
"message": "Weiter"
"continueToCoinbase": {
"message": "Zu Coinbase fortfahren"
"contractDeployment": {
"message": "Smart Contract ausführen"
"conversionProgress": {
"message": "Umtausch in Arbeit"
"copiedButton": {
"message": "Kopiert"
"copiedClipboard": {
"message": "In die Zwischenablage kopiert"
"copiedExclamation": {
"message": "Kopiert!"
"copiedSafe": {
"message": "Ich habe es an einen sicheren Ort kopiert"
"copy": {
"message": "Kopieren"
"copyToClipboard": {
"message": "In die Zwischenablage kopieren"
"copyButton": {
"message": " Kopieren "
"copyPrivateKey": {
"message": "Das ist Ihr Private Key (klicken um zu kopieren)"
"create": {
"message": "Erstellen"
"createAccount": {
"message": "Account erstellen"
"createDen": {
"message": "Erstellen"
"crypto": {
"message": "Krypto",
"description": "Börsentyp (Kryptowährungen)"
"currentConversion": {
"message": "Aktueller Umtausch"
"currentNetwork": {
"message": "Aktuelles Netzwerk"
"customGas": {
"message": "Gas anpassen"
"customize": {
"message": "Anpassen"
"customRPC": {
"message": "Spezieller RPC"
"decimalsMustZerotoTen": {
"message": "Die Dezimalangabe muss mindestens 0 und nicht höher als 36 sein."
"decimal": {
"message": "Dezimalangabe der Präzision"
"defaultNetwork": {
"message": "Das Standardnetzwerk für Ether Transaktionen ist das Main Net."
"denExplainer": {
"message": "Dein DEN ist dein passwortverschlüsselter Speicher innerhalb von MetaMask."
"deposit": {
"message": "Einzahlen"
"depositBTC": {
"message": "Zahle dein BTC in die unten stehende Adresse ein:"
"depositCoin": {
"message": "Zahle deine $1 in die unten stehende Adresse ein",
"description": "Teilt dem Benutzer mit welchen Token er beim Einzahlen mit Shapeshift ausgewählt hat"
"depositEth": {
"message": "Eth einzahlen"
"depositEther": {
"message": "Ether einzahlen"
"depositFiat": {
"message": "Fiat einzahlen"
"depositFromAccount": {
"message": "Von einem anderen Account einzahlen"
"depositShapeShift": {
"message": "Mit ShapeShift einzahlen"
"depositShapeShiftExplainer": {
"message": "Wenn du andere Kryptowährungen besitzt, kannst du diese direkt mit Hilfe deiner MetaMask Wallet handeln und einzahlen. Du benötigst keinen Account."
"details": {
"message": "Details"
"directDeposit": {
"message": "Sofortige Einzahlung"
"directDepositEther": {
"message": "Sofort Ether einzahlen"
"directDepositEtherExplainer": {
"message": "Wenn du bereits Ether besitzt, ist die sofortige Einzahlung die schnellste Methode Ether in deine neue Wallet zu bekommen."
"done": {
"message": "Fertig"
"downloadStatelogs": {
"message": "Statelogs herunterladen"
"dropped": {
"message": "Abgewählt"
"edit": {
"message": "Editieren"
"editAccountName": {
"message": "Namen des Accounts editieren"
"emailUs": {
"message": "Schreib uns eine Mail!"
"encryptNewDen": {
"message": "Verschlüssele deine neue DEN"
"enterPassword": {
"message": "Passwort eingeben"
"enterPasswordConfirm": {
"message": "Gib dein neues Passwort zur Bestätigung ein"
"passwordNotLongEnough": {
"message": "Passwort ist nicht lang genug"
"passwordsDontMatch": {
"message": "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein"
"etherscanView": {
"message": "Account auf Etherscan anschauen"
"exchangeRate": {
"message": "Wechselrate"
"exportPrivateKey": {
"message": "Private Key exportieren"
"exportPrivateKeyWarning": {
"message": "Der Export von Private Keys verläuft auf eigene Verantwortung."
"failed": {
"message": "Fehlgeschlagen"
"fiat": {
"message": "FIAT",
"description": "Börsentyp"
"fileImportFail": {
"message": "Dateiimport fehlgeschlagen? Bitte hier klicken!",
"description": "Hilft dem Benutzer sein Benutzerkonto durch eine JSON Datei zu importieren"
"followTwitter": {
"message": "Folge uns auf Twitter"
"from": {
"message": "von"
"fromToSame": {
"message": "Ziel- und Ursprungsadresse dürfen nicht identisch sein"
"fromShapeShift": {
"message": "Von ShapeShift"
"gas": {
"message": "Gas",
"description": "Kleiner Hinweis bzgl. der Gaskosten"
"gasFee": {
"message": "Gasgebühren"
"gasLimit": {
"message": "Gaslimit"
"gasLimitCalculation": {
"message": "Wir berechnen das empfohlene Gaslimit basierend auf der Erfolgsrate des Netzwerks."
"gasLimitRequired": {
"message": "Gaslimit benötigt"
"gasLimitTooLow": {
"message": "Gaslimit muss mindestens 21000 betragen"
"generatingSeed": {
"message": "Seed generieren..."
"gasPrice": {
"message": "Gaspreis (GWEI)"
"gasPriceCalculation": {
"message": "Wir berechnen den empfohlenen Gaspreis basierend auf der Erfolgsrate des Netzwerks."
"gasPriceRequired": {
"message": "Gaspreis benötigt"
"getEther": {
"message": "Ether holen"
"getEtherFromFaucet": {
"message": "Ether für $1 vom Faucet holen",
"description": "Zeigt den Netzwerknamen für den Ether Faucet an"
"greaterThanMin": {
"message": "Muss größer oder gleich $1 sein.",
"description": "Helfer für die Eingabe von hex als dezimal"
"here": {
"message": "hier",
"description": "z.B. für klick hier für mehr Informationen (in Zusammenhang mit troubleTokenBalances)"
"hereList": {
"message": "Hier ist eine Liste!!!!"
"hide": {
"message": "Ausblenden"
"hideToken": {
"message": "Token ausblenden"
"hideTokenPrompt": {
"message": "Token ausblenden?"
"howToDeposit": {
"message": "Wie möchtest du Ether einzahlen?"
"holdEther": {
"message": "Es erlaubt dir ether & Token zu halten und dient dir als Verbindung zu dezentralisierten Applikationen."
"import": {
"message": "Import",
"description": "Button um den Account aus einer ausgewählten Datei zu importieren"
"importAccount": {
"message": "Account importieren"
"importAccountMsg": {
"message":" Importierte Accounts werden nicht mit der Seed Wörterfolge deines ursprünglichen MetaMask Accounts verknüpft. Erfahre mehr über importierte Accounts."
"importAnAccount": {
"message": "Einen Account importieren"
"importDen": {
"message": "Vorhandenes DEN importieren"
"imported": {
"message": "Importiert",
"description": "Status der angezeigt wird wenn ein Benutzerkonto vollständig in das Schlüsselbund geladen wurde."
"infoHelp": {
"message": "Info & Hilfe"
"insufficientFunds": {
"message": "Nicht genügend Guthaben."
"insufficientTokens": {
"message": "Nicht genügend Token."
"invalidAddress": {
"message": "Ungültige Adresse"
"invalidAddressRecipient": {
"message": "Empfängeradresse ist unzulässig"
"invalidGasParams": {
"message": "Ungültige Gasparameter"
"invalidInput": {
"message": "Ungültige Eingabe."
"invalidRequest": {
"message": "Ungültige Abfrage"
"invalidRPC": {
"message": "Ungültige RPC URI"
"jsonFail": {
"message": "Irgendetwas ist schief gelaufen. Bitte überprüfe ob deine JSON Datei korrekt formatiert ist."
"jsonFile": {
"message": "JSON Datei",
"description": "Dateiformat für das Importieren eines Accounts"
"kovan": {
"message": "Kovan Testnetzwerk"
"knowledgeDataBase": {
"message": "Schau in unsere Wissensdatenbank"
"max": {
"message": "Max"
"lessThanMax": {
"message": "Muss kleiner oder gleich $1 sein.",
"description": "Helfer für die Eingabe von hex als dezimal"
"likeToAddTokens": {
"message": "Möchtest du diese Token hinzufügen?"
"links": {
"message": "Links"
"limit": {
"message": "Limit"
"loading": {
"message": "Laden..."
"loadingTokens": {
"message": "Token laden..."
"localhost": {
"message": "Localhost 8545"
"login": {
"message": "Login"
"logout": {
"message": "Ausloggen"
"loose": {
"message": "Frei"
"loweCaseWords": {
"message": "Die Wörter der Seed Wörterfolgen sind alle kleingeschrieben"
"mainnet": {
"message": "Ethereum Hauptnetzwerk (Main Net)"
"message": {
"message": "Nachricht"
"metamaskDescription": {
"message": "MetaMask ist ein sicherer Identitätssafe für Ethereum."
"min": {
"message": "Minimum"
"myAccounts": {
"message": "Meine Accounts"
"mustSelectOne": {
"message": "Du musst mindestens 1 Token auswählen."
"needEtherInWallet": {
"message": "Um dezentralisierte Applikationen mit MetaMask verwenden zu können, benötigst du Ether in deiner Wallet."
"needImportFile": {
"message": "Für den Import musst du eine Datei auswählen.",
"description": "Benutzer importiert ein Benutzerkonto und muss eine Datei hinzufügen um fortzufahren"
"needImportPassword": {
"message": "Für die ausgewählte Datei muss ein Passwort eingegeben werden.",
"description": "Passwort und Datei sind notwendig um einen Account zu importieren"
"negativeETH": {
"message": "Negative ETH Beträge können nicht versendet werden."
"networks": {
"message": "Netzwerke"
"newAccount": {
"message": "Neuer Account"
"newAccountNumberName": {
"message": "Account $1",
"description": "Standardname für einen weiteren Account der angelegt wird, wenn create account screen geklickt wird"
"newContract": {
"message": "Neuer Smart Contract"
"newPassword": {
"message": "Neues Passwort (min. 8 Zeichen)"
"newRecipient": {
"message": "Neuer Empfänger"
"newRPC": {
"message": "Neue RPC URL"
"next": {
"message": "Weiter"
"noAddressForName": {
"message": "Für den angegebene Namen wurde keine Adresse eingegeben."
"noDeposits": {
"message": "Keine Einzahlung erhalten"
"noTransactionHistory": {
"message": "Keine Transaktionshistorie."
"noTransactions": {
"message": "Keine Transaktionen"
"notStarted": {
"message": "Nicht gestartet"
"oldUI": {
"message": "Alte Oberfläche"
"oldUIMessage": {
"message": "Du bist zur alten Oberfläche zurückgewechselt. Du kannst mit Hilfe der Option im oberen rechten Dropdown Menü zur neuen Oberfläche zurückwechseln."
"or": {
"message": "oder",
"description": "Wahl zwischen erstellen oder importieren eines Accounts."
"passwordCorrect": {
"message": "Bitte überzeuge dich davon, dass dein Passwort korrekt ist."
"passwordMismatch": {
"message": "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein",
"description": "Im Passwort erstellen Prozess stimmen beide Passwörter nicht miteinander überein"
"passwordShort": {
"message": "Passwort ist nicht lang genug",
"description": "Im Passwort erstellen Prozess ist das eingegebene Passwort nicht lang genug um sicher zu sein"
"pastePrivateKey": {
"message": "Füge deine Private Key Zeichenfolge hier ein:",
"description": "Für den Import eine Accounts mit Hilfe eines Private Keys"
"pasteSeed": {
"message": "Füge deine Seed Wörterfolge hier ein!"
"personalAddressDetected": {
"message": "Personalisierte Adresse identifiziert. Bitte füge die Token Contract Adresse ein."
"pleaseReviewTransaction": {
"message": "Bitte überprüfe deine Transaktion."
"privacyMsg": {
"message": "Datenschutzrichtlinie"
"privateKey": {
"message": "Private Key",
"description": "Wähle diesen Dateityp um damit einen Account zu importieren"
"privateKeyWarning": {
"message": "Warnung: Niemals jemanden deinen Private Key mitteilen. Jeder der im Besitz deines Private Keys ist, kann jegliches Guthaben deines Accounts stehlen."
"privateNetwork": {
"message": "Privates Netzwerk"
"qrCode": {
"message": "QR Code anzeigen"
"readdToken": {
"message": "Du kannst diesen Token zukünftig wieder hinzufügen indem du in den Menüpunkt \"Token hinzufügen\" in den Einstellungen deines Accounts gehst."
"readMore": {
"message": "Hier mehr erfahren."
"readMore2": {
"message": "Mehr erfahren."
"receive": {
"message": "Erhalten"
"recipientAddress": {
"message": "Empfängeradresse"
"refundAddress": {
"message": "Rückerstattungsadresse"
"rejected": {
"message": "Abgelehnt"
"resetAccount": {
"message": "Account zurücksetzten"
"restoreFromSeed": {
"message": "Mit Hilfe der Seed Wörterfolge wiederherstellen."
"restoreVault": {
"message": "Vault wiederherstellen"
"required": {
"message": "Benötigt"
"retryWithMoreGas": {
"message": "Versuche es hier mit einem höheren Gaspreis noch einmal"
"walletSeed": {
"message": "Wallet Seed"
"revealSeedWords": {
"message": "Seed Wörterfolge anzeigen"
"revealSeedWordsWarning": {
"message": "Bitte niemals deine Seed Wörterfolge an einem öffentlichen Ort kenntlich machen. Mit diesen Wörtern können alle deine Accounts gestohlen werden."
"revert": {
"message": "Zurück gehen"
"rinkeby": {
"message": "Rinkeby Testnetzwerk"
"ropsten": {
"message": "Ropsten Testnetzwerk"
"currentRpc": {
"message": "Aktueller RPC"
"connectingToMainnet": {
"message": "Verbinde zum Ethereum Hauptnetzwerk (Main Net)"
"connectingToRopsten": {
"message": " Verbinde zum Ropsten Testnetzwerk"
"connectingToKovan": {
"message": " Verbinde zum Kovan Testnetzwerk"
"connectingToRinkeby": {
"message": " Verbinde zum Rinkeby Testnetzwerk"
"connectingToUnknown": {
"message": "Verbinde zu einem unbekanntem Netzwerk"
"sampleAccountName": {
"message": "Z.B. mein neuer Account",
"description": "Dem Benutzer helfen das Konzept des Hinzufügens eines menschlich lesbaren Namen für den Account hinzuzufügen"
"save": {
"message": "Speichern"
"saveAsFile": {
"message": "Als Datei speichern",
"description": "Prozess des Exportieren eines Accounts"
"saveSeedAsFile": {
"message": "Seed Wörterfolge als Datei speichern"
"search": {
"message": "Suche"
"secretPhrase": {
"message": "Gib die 12 Wörter deiner geheimem Wörterfolge ein um deinen Vault wiederherzustellen."
"newPassword8Chars": {
"message": "Neues Passwort (min. 8 Zeichen)"
"seedPhraseReq": {
"message": "Seed Wörterfolgen bestehen aus 12 Wörtern"
"select": {
"message": "Auswählen"
"selectCurrency": {
"message": "Währung auswählen"
"selectService": {
"message": "Service auswählen"
"selectType": {
"message": "Typ auswählen"
"send": {
"message": "Senden"
"sendETH": {
"message": "ETH senden"
"sendTokens": {
"message": "Token senden"
"onlySendToEtherAddress": {
"message": "ETH nur zu einer Ethereum Adresse senden."
"sendTokensAnywhere": {
"message": "Token zu einer beliebigen Person mit einem Ethereumaccount senden"
"settings": {
"message": "Einstellungen"
"info": {
"message": "Info"
"shapeshiftBuy": {
"message": "Mit Shapeshift kaufen"
"showPrivateKeys": {
"message": "Private Keys anzeigen"
"showQRCode": {
"message": "QR Code anzeigen"
"sign": {
"message": "Unterschreiben"
"signed": {
"message": "Unterschrieben"
"signMessage": {
"message": "Nachricht unterschreiben"
"signNotice": {
"message": "Das Unterschreiben dieser Nachricht kann gefährliche Nebeneffekte haben. Bitte nur Nachrichten von Webseiten unterschreiben denen du deinen vollständigen Account anvertrauen würdest. Diese gefährliche Variante wird in zukünftigen Versionen entfernt werden."
"sigRequest": {
"message": "Unterschriftsanfrage"
"sigRequested": {
"message": "Unterschrift angefragt"
"spaceBetween": {
"message": "Es darf nur ein Leerzeichen zwischen den Wörtern sein"
"status": {
"message": "Status"
"stateLogs": {
"message": "Statelogs"
"stateLogsDescription": {
"message": "Statelogs zeigen die Public Adresse und die gesendeten Transaktionen deines Accounts."
"stateLogError": {
"message": "Fehler beim Abfragen der Statelogs."
"submit": {
"message": "Einreichen"
"submitted": {
"message": "Eingereicht"
"supportCenter": {
"message": "Gehe zu unserem Support Center"
"symbolBetweenZeroTen": {
"message": "Das Symbol muss zwischen 0 und 10 Zeichen haben."
"takesTooLong": {
"message": "Dauert es zu lang?"
"terms": {
"message": "Nutzungsbedingungen"
"testFaucet": {
"message": "Testfaucet"
"to": {
"message": "An:"
"toETHviaShapeShift": {
"message": "$1 an ETH via ShapeShift",
"description": "Das System wird den Einzahlungstyp im Beginn der Nachricht eintragen"
"tokenAddress": {
"message": "Tokenadresse"
"tokenAlreadyAdded": {
"message": "Der Token wurde bereits hinzugefügt."
"tokenBalance": {
"message": "Dein Tokenguthaben beträgt:"
"tokenSelection": {
"message": "Suche nach Token oder wähle aus einer Liste der beliebtesten Token aus."
"tokenSymbol": {
"message": "Tokensymbol"
"tokenWarning1": {
"message": "Behalte die Token die du mit deinem MetaMask Account gekauft hast im Auge. Wenn du Token mit einem anderen Account gekauft hast, werden diese hier nicht angezeigt."
"total": {
"message": "Gesamt"
"transactions": {
"message": "Transaktionen"
"transactionMemo": {
"message": "Transaktionsmemo (optional)"
"transactionNumber": {
"message": "Transaktionsnummer"
"transfers": {
"message": "Transfers"
"troubleTokenBalances": {
"message": "Wir haben Schwierigkeiten dein Tokenguthaben zu laden. Du kannst es hier anzeigen lassen",
"description": "Gefolgt von einem Link (hier) um die Tokenguthaben anzuzeigen"
"twelveWords": {
"message": "Diese 12 Wörter stellen die einzige Möglichkeit dar deinen MetaMask Account wiederherzustellen. Speichere sie daher an einem sicheren und geheimen Ort."
"typePassword": {
"message": "Passwort eingeben"
"uiWelcome": {
"message": "Willkommen zur neuen Oberfläche (Beta)"
"uiWelcomeMessage": {
"message": "Du verwendest nun die neue Metamask Oberfläche. Schau dich um, teste die neuen Features wie z.B. das Senden von Token und lass es uns wissen falls du irgendwelche Probleme hast."
"unapproved": {
"message": "Nicht genehmigt"
"unavailable": {
"message": "Nicht verfügbar"
"unknown": {
"message": "Unbekannt"
"unknownNetwork": {
"message": "Unbekanntes privates Netzwerk"
"uriErrorMsg": {
"message": "URIs benötigen die korrekten HTTP/HTTPS Präfixe."
"unknownNetworkId": {
"message": "Unbekannte Netzwerk ID"
"usaOnly": {
"message": "Nur USA ",
"description": "Diese Börse ist nur für Einwohner der USA verfügbar"
"usedByClients": {
"message": "Verwendet von einer Reihe verschiedenen Kunden"
"useOldUI": {
"message": "Alte Oberfläche verwenden"
"validFileImport": {
"message": "Du musst eine gültige Datei für den Import auswählen."
"vaultCreated": {
"message": "Vault erstellt"
"viewAccount": {
"message": " Account einsehen"
"visitWebSite": {
"message": "Gehe zu unsere Webseite"
"warning": {
"message": "Warnung"
"welcomeBeta": {
"message": "Willkommen zu MetaMask Beta"
"whatsThis": {
"message": "Was ist das?"
"yourSigRequested": {
"message": "Deine Unterschrift wird angefordert"
"youSign": {
"message": "Du unterschreibst"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
"appName": {
"message": "MetaMask",
"description": "The name of the application"
"appDescription": {
"message": "Administración de identidad en Ethereum",
"description": "The description of the application"

@ -0,0 +1,819 @@
"accept": {
"message": "सर कर"
"account": {
"message": "ख"
"accountDetails": {
"message": "खिवरण"
"accountName": {
"message": "खम"
"address": {
"message": "ख पत"
"addCustomToken": {
"message": "कसटम टकन ज"
"addToken": {
"message": "टकन ज"
"addTokens": {
"message": "टकन"
"amount": {
"message": "रि"
"amountPlusGas": {
"message": "रि + गस"
"appDescription": {
"message": "एथरम बउजर एकसटशन",
"description": "आवदन किवरण"
"appName": {
"message": "मक/MetaMask",
"description": "एपिशन कम"
"attemptingConnect": {
"message": "बकचन स कनट करनरयस करन।सबर कर।"
"attributions": {
"message": "एटिशन"
"available": {
"message": "एटिशन उपलबध ह"
"back": {
"message": "वपस"
"balance": {
"message": "उपलबध बस।"
"balances": {
"message": "पक उपलबध बस"
"balanceIsInsufficientGas": {
"message": "वरतमन गस कल किए अपरत शष"
"beta": {
"message": "BETA/ब"
"betweenMinAndMax": {
"message": "$1 क बरबर ययद, $2 क बरबर य कम हिए।",
"description": "हस इनपट किए दशमलव इनपट कप म सहयक"
"blockiesIdenticon": {
"message": "बज पहचन क उपयग कर"
"borrowDharma": {
"message": "धर (ब) स / कथ उधर ल"
"builtInCalifornia": {
"message": "मक किििइन और बन गय।"
"buy": {
"message": "खर"
"buyCoinbase": {
"message": "कनबस पर खर"
"buyCoinbaseExplainer": {
"message": "बिटकइन, एथरम और लइटकइन खरदन और बचनिए दि सबसकपिय तर Coinbase ह।"
"cancel": {
"message": "रदद कर"
"classicInterface": {
"message": "किक इटरफस क उपयग क"
"clickCopy": {
"message": "क करनिए किक कर"
"confirm": {
"message": "पि कर"
"confirmContract": {
"message": "अनध कि कर"
"confirmPassword": {
"message": "पसवरड कि कर"
"confirmTransaction": {
"message": "लनदन कि कर"
"continue": {
"message": "ज रख"
"continueToCoinbase": {
"message": "कनबस कजन रख"
"contractDeployment": {
"message": "अनध परििजन व त"
"conversionProgress": {
"message": "रतरण परगति।"
"copiedButton": {
"message": "कि गय"
"copiedClipboard": {
"message": "किपबड पर कि गय"
"copiedExclamation": {
"message": "क कर दि गय!"
"copiedSafe": {
"message": "म इस कहरकित क कर दि"
"copy": {
"message": "क / परतििि कर"
"copyToClipboard": {
"message": "किपबड पर क कर"
"copyButton": {
"message": " क / परतििि कर [बततन] "
"copyPrivateKey": {
"message": "यह आपकि (क करनिए किक कर)।"
"create": {
"message": "बन"
"createAccount": {
"message": "ख बन"
"createDen": {
"message": "डन बन"
"crypto": {
"message": "कि",
"description": "एकसचज टइप (किचरस)"
"currentConversion": {
"message": "वरतमन रतरण"
"currentNetwork": {
"message": "वरतमन नटवरक"
"customGas": {
"message": "अनित करस"
"customize": {
"message": "अनित कर"
"customRPC": {
"message": "कसटम RPC"
"decimalsMustZerotoTen": {
"message": "दशमलव कम स कम 0 हिए, और 36 स अधिक नहिए।"
"decimal": {
"message": "दशमलव परिधत"
"defaultNetwork": {
"message": "ईथर लनदन किए डिट नटवरक मय नट ह।"
"denExplainer": {
"message": "आपकन मक कतर आपकसवरड-एनिड सज ह।"
"deposit": {
"message": "जम"
"depositBTC": {
"message": "निए गए पत पर अपन जम कर:"
"depositCoin": {
"message": "निए गए पत पर अपन $1 जम कर",
"description": "उपयगकर बति उनिथ जम करनिए किस सि चयन कि"
"depositEth": {
"message": "Eth जमआरथ"
"depositEther": {
"message": "जम - Ether"
"depositFiat": {
"message": "फिएट कथ जम"
"depositFromAccount": {
"message": "दसर जम कर"
"depositShapeShift": {
"message": "शपशिप कथ जम कर"
"depositShapeShiftExplainer": {
"message": "यदि आप अनय किटरज रखत, त आप सक वट म ईथर कर और जम कर सकत। कई ख आवशयक नह।"
"details": {
"message": "सश विवरण"
"directDeposit": {
"message": "परतयकष जम"
"directDepositEther": {
"message": "स ईथर जम कर"
"directDepositEtherExplainer": {
"message": "यदि आपकस पहलछ ईथर ह, त जम अपन नए बटए म ईथर पत करन तर।"
"done": {
"message": "सपनन"
"downloadStatelogs": {
"message": "रय लग डउनलड कर"
"edit": {
"message": "सित कर"
"editAccountName": {
"message": "खम सित कर"
"emailUs": {
"message": "हम ईमल कर!"
"encryptNewDen": {
"message": "अपन नयन एनिट कर"
"enterPassword": {
"message": "पसवरड दरज कर"
"enterPasswordConfirm": {
"message": "पि करनिए अपनसवरड दरज कर"
"etherscanView": {
"message": "ईथरसन पर ख"
"exchangeRate": {
"message": "वििमय दर"
"exportPrivateKey": {
"message": "निित कर"
"exportPrivateKeyWarning": {
"message": "अपनिम पर निित कर।"
"failed": {
"message": "विफल"
"fiat": {
"message": "FIAT एकसचज टइप",
"description": "एकसचज FIAT टइप"
"fileImportFail": {
"message": "फइल आयत कम नह कर रह? यहिक कर!",
"description": "यजर क अपन.एस..एन फइल स आयत करन मदद करत"
"followTwitter": {
"message": "हमिटर पर अनसरण कर"
"from": {
"message": "क तरफ स - सश"
"fromToSame": {
"message": "स और पत करनिए समन नह सकत"
"fromShapeShift": {
"message": "सशशशफट क"
"gas": {
"message": "गस कगत",
"description": "गस कगत कित सत"
"gasFee": {
"message": "गस शक"
"gasLimit": {
"message": "गस स"
"gasLimitCalculation": {
"message": "हम नटवरक क सफलत दर क आधर पर सई गई गस स गणन करत।"
"gasLimitRequired": {
"message": "गस स आवशयक"
"gasLimitTooLow": {
"message": "२१००० - गस क कम स कम 21000 हिए"
"generatingSeed": {
"message": "सजन बज उतपनन ... उतपनन ...उतपनन..."
"gasPrice": {
"message": "गस मय (जडबईआई),(GWEI)"
"gasPriceCalculation": {
"message": "हम नटवरक क सफलत दर क आधर पर सए गए गस कमत गणन करत।"
"gasPriceRequired": {
"message": "गस कमत आवशयक ह"
"getEther": {
"message": "ईथर पत कर"
"getEtherFromFaucet": {
"message": "$1 किए एक नल स ईथर पत कर",
"description": "ईथर नल किए नटवरक नम परदरित करत"
"greaterThanMin": {
"message": "$1 क बरबर य बरबर हिए।",
"description": "हस इनपट किए दशमलव इनपट कप म सहयक"
"here": {
"message": "यह",
"description": "अधिक जनकिए यहिक कर- (परथ जकनबस) (troubleTokenBalances)"
"hereList": {
"message": "यह एक स !!!!"
"hide": {
"message": "छ"
"hideToken": {
"message": "टकन छि"
"hideTokenPrompt": {
"message": "टकन छिn?"
"howToDeposit": {
"message": "आप ईथर जम करन?"
"holdEther": {
"message": "यह आपक आकश और टकन रखन अनमति, और वित अनरयिए आपकल कप मय करत।"
"import": {
"message": "आयत",
"description": "एक चयनित फइल स एक ख आयत करनिए बटन "
"importAccount": {
"message": "ख आयत"
"importAccountMsg": {
"message": "आयत किए गए ख आपकल रप स बनए गए मक अकट सडफज सबदध नह। आयत किए गए ख और ज"
"importAnAccount": {
"message": "ख आयत कर"
"importDen": {
"message": "मन आयत कर - DEN"
"imported": {
"message": "आयित",
"description": "यह सििििई ख तरह सिग मड ह"
"infoHelp": {
"message": "जनक और सहयत"
"insufficientFunds": {
"message": "अपरत धन"
"insufficientTokens": {
"message": "अपरत टकन।"
"invalidAddress": {
"message": "अमय पत"
"invalidAddressRecipient": {
"message": "पतकर पत अमय ह"
"invalidGasParams": {
"message": "अमय गस पटर"
"invalidInput": {
"message": "अमय इनपट।"
"invalidRequest": {
"message": "अमय अनध"
"invalidRPC": {
"message": "अमय RPC क URI"
"jsonFail": {
"message": "कछ गलत ह गय। कपयिित करि आपक JSON फइल ठक सट क गई ह।"
"jsonFile": {
"message": "JSON फइल",
"description": "एक ख आयत करनिए पप"
"kovan": {
"message": "कन टट नटवरक"
"knowledgeDataBase": {
"message": "हमज बस पर ज"
"lessThanMax": {
"message": "$1 स कम य बरबर हिए।",
"description": "हस इनपट किए दशमलव इनपट कप म सहयक"
"likeToAddTokens": {
"message": "क आप इन टकनहत?"
"limit": {
"message": "स"
"loading": {
"message": "लड ह रह ....."
"loadingTokens": {
"message": "टकन लड ह रह ....."
"localhost": {
"message": "सयहट 8545"
"login": {
"message": "लग इन कर"
"logout": {
"message": "लग आउट कर"
"loose": {
"message": "ढ"
"loweCaseWords": {
"message": "बज शबद मवल लअरकस वरण ह"
"mainnet": {
"message": "मय ईथरम नटवरक"
"message": {
"message": "सश"
"metamaskDescription": {
"message": "मक एथरमम किए एक सरकित पहचन वट ह।"
"min": {
"message": "ननतम"
"myAccounts": {
"message": "म"
"mustSelectOne": {
"message": "कम स कम 1 टकन क चयन करन आवशयक ह।"
"needEtherInWallet": {
"message": "मक क उपयग करनित अनरयथ बतचत करनिए, आपक अपनट म ईथर क आवशयकत।"
"needImportFile": {
"message": "आयत करनिए आपक एक फइल क चयन करन।",
"description": "परय महतवपण ख और उस रखनिए एक फइल ज आवशयकत"
"needImportPassword": {
"message": "चयनित फइल किए आपक एक पसवरड दरज करन।",
"description": "पसवरड और फइल क एक ख आयत करनिए आवशयक ह"
"negativeETH": {
"message": "ईटएच क नकमक म नहज सकत।."
"networks": {
"message": "नटवरक"
"newAccount": {
"message": "नय"
"newAccountNumberName": {
"message": "नय $1",
"description": "ख बन पर अगलिट नम"
"newContract": {
"message": "नय अनध"
"newPassword": {
"message": "नयसवरड (ननतम 8 वरण)"
"newRecipient": {
"message": "नयतकर"
"newRPC": {
"message": "नय RPC URL"
"next": {
"message": "अगल"
"noAddressForName": {
"message": "इस नम किए कई पतट नहि गय।"
"noDeposits": {
"message": "कई जमत नहई"
"noTransactionHistory": {
"message": "कई लनदन इतिस नह ..."
"noTransactions": {
"message": "कई लन-दन नह"
"notStarted": {
"message": "पभ नहि गय"
"oldUI": {
"message": "प UI"
"oldUIMessage": {
"message": "आप प UI पर वपस आ गए ह। आप ऊपर द ओर डपडउन मिकलप कयम स नए UI पर वपस सिच कर सकत।"
"or": {
"message": "य",
"description": "एक नय बन आयत करनच क पसद"
"passwordCorrect": {
"message": "कपयिित करि आपकसवरड सह।"
"passwordMismatch": {
"message": "पसवरड मल नह",
"description": "पसवरड निण परकि, द नए पसवरड फड मल नह"
"passwordShort": {
"message": "पसवरड परत ल नह",
"description": "पसवरड बनरकि, पसवरड सरकित हिए परत नह"
"pastePrivateKey": {
"message": "यह अपनििग चिपक:",
"description": "कििि आयत करनिए"
"pasteSeed": {
"message": "यह अपनज वश पट कर!"
"personalAddressDetected": {
"message": "वयकिगत पति। टकन अनध क पत इनपट।"
"pleaseReviewTransaction": {
"message": "कपय अपननदन क सम कर।"
"privacyMsg": {
"message": "गपनयति"
"privateKey": {
"message": "नि",
"description": "ख आयत करनिए उपयग करनिए इस परकर कइल क चयन कर"
"privateKeyWarning": {
"message": "चवन: कभ इस क न कर। आपकिई भ आपक रखिपति सकत।"
"privateNetwork": {
"message": "निटवरक"
"qrCode": {
"message": "QR कड दि"
"readdToken": {
"message": "आप अपनिकलप म .टकन ज. पर जकर भविय म इस टकन कपस ज सकत।"
"readMore": {
"message": "यह और पढ।"
"readMore2": {
"message": "ह - और पढ।"
"receive": {
"message": "पत कर"
"recipientAddress": {
"message": "पतकर पत"
"refundAddress": {
"message": "आपकिड पत"
"rejected": {
"message": "असत"
"resetAccount": {
"message": "खट कर"
"restoreFromSeed": {
"message": "बज वश सनरित कर"
"required": {
"message": "आवशयक"
"retryWithMoreGas": {
"message": "यह एक उचच गस कमत कथ पन: परयस कर"
"revealSeedWords": {
"message": "बज शबद परकट कर"
"revealSeedWordsWarning": {
"message": "किवजनिक सन पर अपनज क शबद ठक नह कर! य शबद आपक सभ करनिए उपयग किए ज सकत।"
"revert": {
"message": "वपस"
"rinkeby": {
"message": "रिव टट नटवरक"
"ropsten": {
"message": "रन टट नटवरक"
"sampleAccountName": {
"message": "उदहरण किए म नय",
"description": "उपयगकर अपननव-पठनय नम ज अवधरण समझ."
"save": {
"message": "सह"
"saveAsFile": {
"message": "फइल कप म सह",
"description": "खित परकि"
"saveSeedAsFile": {
"message": "सड वरस - फईलस सव कर"
"search": {
"message": "खज कर"
"secretPhrase": {
"message": "अपनत बरह शबद वश यह अपनिनरित करनिए दरज कर।"
"seedPhraseReq": {
"message": "बज वश 12 शबद ल"
"select": {
"message": "च"
"selectCurrency": {
"message": "म"
"selectService": {
"message": "स"
"selectType": {
"message": "परकर च"
"send": {
"message": "भ"
"sendETH": {
"message": "भ ETH"
"sendTokens": {
"message": "भकन"
"sendTokensAnywhere": {
"message": "इटरम खिकन भ"
"settings": {
"message": "सिस"
"shapeshiftBuy": {
"message": "शिट कथ खर"
"showPrivateKeys": {
"message": "निि"
"showQRCode": {
"message": "QR कड दि"
"sign": {
"message": "हसषर"
"signMessage": {
"message": "हसषर सश"
"signNotice": {
"message": "इस सश पर हसषर करन \n सइड इफट ह सकत। \n कवल अपनथ प तरह स भरद \n सइटश पर हसषर कर। \n यह खतरनक विि भविय ककरण मिल दएग।"
"sigRequest": {
"message": "हसषर अनध"
"sigRequested": {
"message": "हसषर अनित"
"spaceBetween": {
"message": "कवल शबच एक सन ह सकत"
"status": {
"message": "सिि"
"stateLogs": {
"message": "सििश"
"stateLogsDescription": {
"message": "सििश म आपकवजनिक ख, पत और भ गए लनदन, ह।"
"submit": {
"message": "सबमिट कर"
"supportCenter": {
"message": "हम सहयतर पर ज"
"symbolBetweenZeroTen": {
"message": "परतक 0 और 10 अकषरच हिए"
"takesTooLong": {
"message": "बहत समय ल रह?"
"terms": {
"message": "उपयग क शर"
"testFaucet": {
"message": "टट नलि"
"to": {
"message": "किए"
"toETHviaShapeShift": {
"message": "शपशट द $1 स ETH म जम",
"description": "सश कआत म जमरकर भर जएग"
"tokenAddress": {
"message": "टकन पत"
"tokenAlreadyAdded": {
"message": "टकन पहल।"
"tokenBalance": {
"message": "आपककन बस ह:"
"tokenSelection": {
"message": "टकन किए ख हमकपिय टस क।"
"tokenSymbol": {
"message": "टकन परतक"
"tokenWarning1": {
"message": "अपनक अकट स खर गए टकन नजर रख। अगर आप कि अलग ख उपयग कर टकन खर, तकन यहिई नह।"
"total": {
"message": "कल"
"transactions": {
"message": "लनदन"
"transactionMemo": {
"message": "लनदन म (वकलिक)"
"transactionNumber": {
"message": "लनदन स"
"transfers": {
"message": "सतरण"
"troubleTokenBalances": {
"message": "मबत... आपककन शष रिड करन हम परई थ। आप उनख सकत",
"description": "टकन शष दखनिए एक लिक ... (यह)"
"twelveWords": {
"message": "य 12 शबद आपकक खनरित करन एकमर तर। \n उन कहरकित और गत रप स सह।"
"typePassword": {
"message": "अपनसवरड टइप कर"
"uiWelcome": {
"message": "नयआई (ब) म आपकगत ह"
"uiWelcomeMessage": {
"message": "आप अब नए मक UI क उपयग कर रह। च ओर एक नजर ड, टकन भजन तरह नई सि, और हम बति आपकस कई समस।"
"unavailable": {
"message": "अनपलबध"
"unknown": {
"message": "अजत नटवरक"
"unknownNetwork": {
"message": "अजत निटवरक"
"unknownNetworkId": {
"message": "अजत नटवरक आईड.य़"
"uriErrorMsg": {
"message": "URI-यआरआई क उपयत HTTP / HTTPS उपसरग क आवशयकत।"
"usaOnly": {
"message": "कवल यएसए - USA",
"description": "इस एकसचज क उपयग करनत रय अमिदर हित ह"
"usedByClients": {
"message": "वििन कस द उपयग कि"
"useOldUI": {
"message": "प UI क उपयग कर"
"validFileImport": {
"message": "आयत करनिए आपक एक वध फइल चनन।"
"vaultCreated": {
"message": "वट बन गय"
"viewAccount": {
"message": "ख"
"visitWebSite": {
"message": "हमब सइट पर ज"
"warning": {
"message": "चवन"
"welcomeBeta": {
"message": "मक ब आपकगत ह"
"whatsThis": {
"message": "यह क?"
"yourSigRequested": {
"message": "आपक हसषर अनध कि रह"
"youSign": {
"message": "आप हसषर कर रह"

@ -0,0 +1,819 @@
"accept": {
"message": "Aanvaarden"
"account": {
"message": "Account"
"accountDetails": {
"message": "Accountgegevens"
"accountName": {
"message": "Accountnaam"
"address": {
"message": "Adres"
"addCustomToken": {
"message": "Aangepaste token toevoegen"
"addToken": {
"message": "Voeg token toe"
"addTokens": {
"message": "Tokens toevoegen"
"amount": {
"message": "Bedrag"
"amountPlusGas": {
"message": "Bedrag + gas"
"appDescription": {
"message": "Ethereum Browser-extensie",
"description": "De beschrijving van de applicatie"
"appName": {
"message": "MetaMask",
"description": "De naam van de applicatie"
"attemptingConnect": {
"message": "Poging om verbinding te maken met blockchain."
"attributions": {
"message": "Bevoegdheden"
"available": {
"message": "Beschikbaar"
"back": {
"message": "Terug"
"balance": {
"message": "Balans:"
"balances": {
"message": "Je saldo"
"balanceIsInsufficientGas": {
"message": "Onvoldoende saldo voor huidig gastotaal"
"beta": {
"message": "BETA"
"betweenMinAndMax": {
"message": "moet groter zijn dan of gelijk zijn aan $1 en kleiner dan of gelijk aan $2.",
"description": "helper voor het invoeren van hex als decimale invoer"
"blockiesIdenticon": {
"message": "Gebruik Blockies Identicon"
"borrowDharma": {
"message": "Lenen met Dharma (Beta)"
"builtInCalifornia": {
"message": "MetaMask is ontworpen en gebouwd in Californië."
"buy": {
"message": "Kopen"
"buyCoinbase": {
"message": "Koop op Coinbase"
"buyCoinbaseExplainer": {
"message": "Coinbase is 's werelds populairste manier om bitcoin, ethereum en litecoin te kopen en verkopen."
"cancel": {
"message": "Annuleer"
"classicInterface": {
"message": "Gebruik de klassieke interface"
"clickCopy": {
"message": "Klik om te kopiëren"
"confirm": {
"message": "Bevestigen"
"confirmContract": {
"message": "Contract bevestigen"
"confirmPassword": {
"message": "bevestig wachtwoord"
"confirmTransaction": {
"message": "Bevestig transactie"
"continue": {
"message": "Doorgaan met"
"continueToCoinbase": {
"message": "Ga verder naar Coinbase"
"contractDeployment": {
"message": "Contractimplementatie"
"conversionProgress": {
"message": "Bezig met conversie"
"copiedButton": {
"message": "gekopieerde"
"copiedClipboard": {
"message": "Gekopieerd naar het klembord"
"copiedExclamation": {
"message": "Gekopieerde!"
"copiedSafe": {
"message": "Ik heb het ergens veilig gekopieerd"
"copy": {
"message": "Kopiëren"
"copyToClipboard": {
"message": "Kopieer naar klembord"
"copyButton": {
"message": " Kopiëren "
"copyPrivateKey": {
"message": "Dit is uw privésleutel (klik om te kopiëren)"
"create": {
"message": "creëren"
"createAccount": {
"message": "Account aanmaken"
"createDen": {
"message": "creëren"
"crypto": {
"message": "crypto",
"description": "Ruiltype (cryptocurrencies)"
"currentConversion": {
"message": "Huidige conversie"
"currentNetwork": {
"message": "Huidig netwerk"
"customGas": {
"message": "Pas Gas aan"
"customize": {
"message": "Aanpassen"
"customRPC": {
"message": "Aangepaste RPC"
"decimalsMustZerotoTen": {
"message": "Decimalen moeten minimaal 0 en niet meer dan 36 zijn."
"decimal": {
"message": "Decimalen van precisie"
"defaultNetwork": {
"message": "Het standaardnetwerk voor Ether-transacties is Main Net."
"denExplainer": {
"message": "Uw DEN is uw wachtwoord-gecodeerde opslag binnen MetaMask."
"deposit": {
"message": "Storting"
"depositBTC": {
"message": "Stort uw BTC op het onderstaande adres:"
"depositCoin": {
"message": "Stort uw $1 op het onderstaande adres",
"description": "Laat de gebruiker weten welk muntje ze hebben geselecteerd om te deponeren met shapeshift"
"depositEth": {
"message": "Aanbetaling Eth"
"depositEther": {
"message": "Stort Ether"
"depositFiat": {
"message": "Stort met Fiat"
"depositFromAccount": {
"message": "Storten van een ander account"
"depositShapeShift": {
"message": "Stort met ShapeShift"
"depositShapeShiftExplainer": {
"message": "Als u andere cryptocurrencies bezit, kunt u Ether direct in uw MetaMask-portemonnee ruilen en storten. Geen account nodig."
"details": {
"message": "Details"
"directDeposit": {
"message": "Directe storting"
"directDepositEther": {
"message": "Directe Ether storten"
"directDepositEtherExplainer": {
"message": "Als je al wat Ether hebt, de snelste manier om Ether in je nieuwe portemonnee te krijgen door een directe storting."
"done": {
"message": "Gedaan"
"downloadStatelogs": {
"message": "Staatslogboeken downloaden"
"edit": {
"message": "Bewerk"
"editAccountName": {
"message": "Bewerk accountnaam"
"emailUs": {
"message": "Email ons!"
"encryptNewDen": {
"message": "Versleutel je nieuwe DEN"
"enterPassword": {
"message": "Voer wachtwoord in"
"enterPasswordConfirm": {
"message": "Voer uw wachtwoord in om te bevestigen"
"etherscanView": {
"message": "Bekijk account op Etherscan"
"exchangeRate": {
"message": "Wisselkoers"
"exportPrivateKey": {
"message": "Exporteer privésleutel"
"exportPrivateKeyWarning": {
"message": "Exporteer privésleutels op eigen risico."
"failed": {
"message": "mislukt"
"fiat": {
"message": "FIAT",
"description": "Ruiltype"
"fileImportFail": {
"message": "Bestandsimport werkt niet? Klik hier!",
"description": "Helpt de gebruiker om zijn account vanuit een JSON-bestand te importeren"
"followTwitter": {
"message": "Volg ons op Twitter"
"from": {
"message": "Van"
"fromToSame": {
"message": "Van en naar adres kan niet hetzelfde zijn"
"fromShapeShift": {
"message": "Van ShapeShift"
"gas": {
"message": "Gas",
"description": "Korte indicatie van gaskosten"
"gasFee": {
"message": "Gas vergoeding"
"gasLimit": {
"message": "Gaslimiet"
"gasLimitCalculation": {
"message": "We berekenen de voorgestelde gaslimiet op basis van succespercentages van het netwerk."
"gasLimitRequired": {
"message": "Gaslimiet vereist"
"gasLimitTooLow": {
"message": "De gaslimiet moet minstens 21000 zijn"
"generatingSeed": {
"message": "Zaad produceren ..."
"gasPrice": {
"message": "Gasprijs (GWEI)"
"gasPriceCalculation": {
"message": "We berekenen de voorgestelde gasprijzen op basis van succespercentages van het netwerk."
"gasPriceRequired": {
"message": "Gasprijs vereist"
"getEther": {
"message": "Krijg Ether"
"getEtherFromFaucet": {
"message": "Haal Ether uit een kraan voor de $1",
"description": "Geeft de netwerknaam voor Ether-kraan weer"
"greaterThanMin": {
"message": "moet groter zijn dan of gelijk zijn aan $1.",
"description": "helper voor het invoeren van hex als decimale invoer"
"here": {
"message": "hier",
"description": "zoals in -klik hier- voor meer informatie (gaat met troubleTokenBalances)"
"hereList": {
"message": "Hier is een lijst !!!!"
"hide": {
"message": "Verbergen"
"hideToken": {
"message": "Token verbergen"
"hideTokenPrompt": {
"message": "Token verbergen?"
"howToDeposit": {
"message": "Hoe zou je Ether willen deponeren?"
"holdEther": {
"message": "Hiermee kunt u ether & tokens bewaren en dient u als brug naar gedecentraliseerde applicaties."
"import": {
"message": "Importeren",
"description": "Knop om een account uit een geselecteerd bestand te importeren"
"importAccount": {
"message": "Account importeren"
"importAccountMsg": {
"message":" Geïmporteerde accounts worden niet gekoppeld aan de seedphrase van uw oorspronkelijk gemaakte MetaMask-account. Meer informatie over geïmporteerde accounts"
"importAnAccount": {
"message": "Importeer een account"
"importDen": {
"message": "Bestaande DEN importeren"
"imported": {
"message": "geïmporteerde",
"description": "status die aantoont dat een account volledig in de sleutelring is geladen"
"infoHelp": {
"message": "Info en hulp"
"insufficientFunds": {
"message": "Onvoldoende fondsen."
"insufficientTokens": {
"message": "Onvoldoende tokens."
"invalidAddress": {
"message": "Ongeldig adres"
"invalidAddressRecipient": {
"message": "Het adres van de ontvanger is ongeldig"
"invalidGasParams": {
"message": "Ongeldige gasparameters"
"invalidInput": {
"message": "Ongeldige invoer."
"invalidRequest": {
"message": "ongeldig verzoek"
"invalidRPC": {
"message": "Ongeldige RPC-URI"
"jsonFail": {
"message": "Er is iets fout gegaan. Zorg ervoor dat uw JSON-bestand correct is opgemaakt."
"jsonFile": {
"message": "JSON-bestand",
"description": "formaat voor het importeren van een account"
"kovan": {
"message": "Kovan-testnetwerk"
"knowledgeDataBase": {
"message": "Bezoek onze Knowledge Base"
"lessThanMax": {
"message": "moet kleiner zijn dan of gelijk zijn aan $1.",
"description": "helper voor het invoeren van hex als decimale invoer"
"likeToAddTokens": {
"message": "Wil je deze tokens toevoegen?"
"limit": {
"message": "Begrenzing"
"loading": {
"message": "Bezig met laden..."
"loadingTokens": {
"message": "Tokens laden ..."
"localhost": {
"message": "Localhost 8545"
"login": {
"message": "Log in"
"logout": {
"message": "Uitloggen"
"loose": {
"message": "Los"
"loweCaseWords": {
"message": "zaadwoorden hebben alleen kleine letters"
"mainnet": {
"message": "belangrijkste ethereum-netwerk"
"message": {
"message": "Bericht"
"metamaskDescription": {
"message": "MetaMask is een veilige identiteitskluis voor Ethereum."
"min": {
"message": "Minimum"
"myAccounts": {
"message": "Mijn accounts"
"mustSelectOne": {
"message": "Moet ten minste één token selecteren."
"needEtherInWallet": {
"message": "Om te communiceren met gedecentraliseerde applicaties met MetaMask, heb je Ether nodig in je portemonnee."
"needImportFile": {
"message": "U moet een bestand selecteren om te importeren.",
"description": "Gebruiker is belangrijk een account en moet een bestand toevoegen om door te gaan"
"needImportPassword": {
"message": "U moet een wachtwoord invoeren voor het geselecteerde bestand.",
"description": "Wachtwoord en bestand nodig om een account te importeren"
"negativeETH": {
"message": "Kan geen negatieve hoeveelheden ETH verzenden."
"networks": {
"message": "netwerken"
"newAccount": {
"message": "Nieuw account"
"newAccountNumberName": {
"message": "Account $1",
"description": "Standaardnaam van de volgende account die moet worden aangemaakt op het scherm voor het maken van een account"
"newContract": {
"message": "Nieuw contract"
"newPassword": {
"message": "Nieuw wachtwoord (min 8 tekens)"
"newRecipient": {
"message": "Nieuwe ontvanger"
"newRPC": {
"message": "Nieuwe RPC-URL"
"next": {
"message": "volgende"
"noAddressForName": {
"message": "Er is geen adres ingesteld voor deze naam."
"noDeposits": {
"message": "Geen aanbetalingen ontvangen"
"noTransactionHistory": {
"message": "Geen transactiegeschiedenis."
"noTransactions": {
"message": "Geen transacties"
"notStarted": {
"message": "Niet begonnen"
"oldUI": {
"message": "Oude gebruikersinterface"
"oldUIMessage": {
"message": "U bent teruggekeerd naar de oude gebruikersinterface. U kunt terugschakelen naar de nieuwe gebruikersinterface via de optie in het vervolgkeuzemenu in de rechterbovenhoek."
"or": {
"message": "of",
"description": "keuze tussen het maken of importeren van een nieuw account"
"passwordCorrect": {
"message": "Zorg ervoor dat uw wachtwoord correct is."
"passwordMismatch": {
"message": "wachtwoorden komen niet overeen",
"description": "bij het maken van het wachtwoord kwamen de twee nieuwe wachtwoordvelden niet overeen"
"passwordShort": {
"message": "wachtwoord niet lang genoeg",
"description": "bij het maken van het wachtwoord is het wachtwoord niet lang genoeg om veilig te zijn"
"pastePrivateKey": {
"message": "Plak hier uw privésleutelstring:",
"description": "Voor het importeren van een account vanaf een privésleutel"
"pasteSeed": {
"message": "Plak je zaadzin hier!"
"personalAddressDetected": {
"message": "Persoonlijk adres gedetecteerd. Voer het tokencontractadres in."
"pleaseReviewTransaction": {
"message": "Controleer uw transactie."
"privacyMsg": {
"message": "Privacybeleid"
"privateKey": {
"message": "Prive sleutel",
"description": "selecteer dit type bestand om te gebruiken om een account te importeren"
"privateKeyWarning": {
"message": "Waarschuwing: open deze sleutel nooit. Iedereen met uw privésleutels kan stelen van alle items in uw account."
"privateNetwork": {
"message": "Prive netwerk"
"qrCode": {
"message": "QR-code weergeven"
"readdToken": {
"message": "U kunt dit token in de toekomst weer toevoegen door naar \"Token toevoegen\" te gaan in het menu met accountopties."
"readMore": {
"message": "Lees hier meer."
"readMore2": {
"message": "Lees verder."
"receive": {
"message": "Te ontvangen"
"recipientAddress": {
"message": "Geadresseerde adres"
"refundAddress": {
"message": "Uw teruggave adres"
"rejected": {
"message": "Verworpen"
"resetAccount": {
"message": "Account opnieuw instellen"
"restoreFromSeed": {
"message": "Herstel van zaaduitdrukking"
"required": {
"message": "Verplicht"
"retryWithMoreGas": {
"message": "Probeer hier opnieuw met een hogere gasprijs"
"revealSeedWords": {
"message": "Onthul zaadwoorden"
"revealSeedWordsWarning": {
"message": "Herstel je zaadwoorden niet op een openbare plaats! Deze woorden kunnen worden gebruikt om al uw accounts te stelen."
"revert": {
"message": "terugkeren"
"rinkeby": {
"message": "Rinkeby testnetwerk"
"ropsten": {
"message": "Ropsten testnetwerk"
"sampleAccountName": {
"message": "Bijv. Mijn nieuwe account",
"description": "Help de gebruiker begrip te ontwikkelen van het toevoegen van een door mensen leesbare naam aan zijn of haar account"
"save": {
"message": "Opslaan"
"saveAsFile": {
"message": "Sla op als bestand",
"description": "Account export proces"
"saveSeedAsFile": {
"message": "Bewaar zaadwoorden als bestand"
"search": {
"message": "Zoeken"
"secretPhrase": {
"message": "Voer hier je geheime twaalfwoordfrase in om je kluis te herstellen."
"seedPhraseReq": {
"message": "zaadzinnen zijn 12 woorden lang"
"select": {
"message": "kiezen"
"selectCurrency": {
"message": "selecteer valuta"
"selectService": {
"message": "Selecteer Service"
"selectType": {
"message": "Selecteer type"
"send": {
"message": "Sturen"
"sendETH": {
"message": "Verzend ETH"
"sendTokens": {
"message": "Stuur tokens"
"sendTokensAnywhere": {
"message": "Stuur tokens naar iedereen met een Ethereum-account"
"settings": {
"message": "instellingen"
"shapeshiftBuy": {
"message": "Koop met Shapeshift"
"showPrivateKeys": {
"message": "Privésleutels weergeven"
"showQRCode": {
"message": "QR-code weergeven"
"sign": {
"message": "Teken"
"signMessage": {
"message": "Teken bericht"
"signNotice": {
"message": "Het ondertekenen van dit bericht kan hebben \ngevaarlijke bijwerkingen. Meld alleen berichten van \nsites die u volledig vertrouwt met uw volledige account.\n Deze gevaarlijke methode wordt in een toekomstige versie verwijderd."
"sigRequest": {
"message": "Ondertekeningsverzoek"
"sigRequested": {
"message": "Handtekening aangevraagd"
"spaceBetween": {
"message": "er kan alleen een spatie tussen woorden zijn"
"status": {
"message": "staat"
"stateLogs": {
"message": "Staatslogboeken"
"stateLogsDescription": {
"message": "Staatslogboeken bevatten uw openbare accountadressen en verzonden transacties."
"submit": {
"message": "voorleggen"
"supportCenter": {
"message": "Bezoek ons ondersteuningscentrum"
"symbolBetweenZeroTen": {
"message": "Het symbool moet tussen 0 en 10 tekens lang zijn."
"takesTooLong": {
"message": "Duurt te lang?"
"terms": {
"message": "Gebruiksvoorwaarden"
"testFaucet": {
"message": "Test de kraan"
"to": {
"message": "Naar"
"toETHviaShapeShift": {
"message": "$1 tot ETH via ShapeShift",
"description": "systeem zal het aanbetalingstype invullen bij het begin van het bericht"
"tokenAddress": {
"message": "Token-adres"
"tokenAlreadyAdded": {
"message": "Token is al toegevoegd."
"tokenBalance": {
"message": "Uw tokensaldo is:"
"tokenSelection": {
"message": "Zoek naar tokens of selecteer uit onze lijst met populaire tokens."
"tokenSymbol": {
"message": "Token Symbol"
"tokenWarning1": {
"message": "Houd de tokens bij die je hebt gekocht met je MetaMask-account. Als je tokens met een ander account hebt gekocht, worden die tokens hier niet weergegeven."
"total": {
"message": "Totaal"
"transactions": {
"message": "transacties"
"transactionMemo": {
"message": "Transactiememo (optioneel)"
"transactionNumber": {
"message": "Transactie nummer"
"transfers": {
"message": "transfers"
"troubleTokenBalances": {
"message": "We hadden problemen bij het laden van uw tokenbalansen. Je kunt ze bekijken",
"description": "Gevolgd door een link (hier) om tegensaldi te bekijken"
"twelveWords": {
"message": "Deze 12 woorden zijn de enige manier om uw MetaMask-accounts te herstellen.\nBewaar ze ergens veilig en geheim."
"typePassword": {
"message": "Typ uw wachtwoord"
"uiWelcome": {
"message": "Welkom bij de nieuwe gebruikersinterface (bèta)"
"uiWelcomeMessage": {
"message": "U gebruikt nu de nieuwe gebruikersinterface van Metamask. Kijk rond, probeer nieuwe functies uit zoals het verzenden van tokens en laat ons weten of u problemen ondervindt."
"unavailable": {
"message": "Niet beschikbaar"
"unknown": {
"message": "Onbekend"
"unknownNetwork": {
"message": "Onbekend privénetwerk"
"unknownNetworkId": {
"message": "Onbekende netwerk-ID"
"uriErrorMsg": {
"message": "Voor URI's is het juiste HTTP / HTTPS-voorvoegsel vereist."
"usaOnly": {
"message": "Alleen in de VS.",
"description": "Het gebruik van deze uitwisseling is beperkt tot mensen in de VS."
"usedByClients": {
"message": "Gebruikt door verschillende klanten"
"useOldUI": {
"message": "Gebruik de oude gebruikersinterface"
"validFileImport": {
"message": "U moet een geldig bestand selecteren om te importeren."
"vaultCreated": {
"message": "Vault gemaakt"
"viewAccount": {
"message": "Bekijk account"
"visitWebSite": {
"message": "Bezoek onze website"
"warning": {
"message": "Waarschuwing"
"welcomeBeta": {
"message": "Welkom bij MetaMask Beta"
"whatsThis": {
"message": "Wat is dit?"
"yourSigRequested": {
"message": "Uw handtekening wordt aangevraagd"
"youSign": {
"message": "U ondertekent"

@ -0,0 +1,819 @@
"accept": {
"message": "Принять"
"account": {
"message": "Аккаунт"
"accountDetails": {
"message": "Детали Аккаунта"
"accountName": {
"message": "Имя Пользователя"
"address": {
"message": "Адрес"
"addCustomToken": {
"message": "Добавить пользовательский токен"
"addToken": {
"message": "Добавить токен"
"addTokens": {
"message": "Добавить Токены"
"amount": {
"message": "Количество"
"amountPlusGas": {
"message": "Количество + газ"
"appDescription": {
"message": "Расширение браузера для Ethereum",
"description": "The description of the application"
"appName": {
"message": "MetaMask",
"description": "The name of the application"
"attemptingConnect": {
"message": "Попытка подключиться к блокчейн сети."
"attributions": {
"message": "Опознания"
"available": {
"message": "Доступный"
"back": {
"message": "Назад"
"balance": {
"message": "Баланс:"
"balances": {
"message": "Ваши балансы"
"balanceIsInsufficientGas": {
"message": "Недостаточный баланс для текущего объема газа"
"beta": {
"message": "БЕТА"
"betweenMinAndMax": {
"message": "должно быть больше или равно $1 и меньше или равно $2.",
"description": "helper for inputting hex as decimal input"
"blockiesIdenticon": {
"message": "Использовать Blockies Identicon"
"borrowDharma": {
"message": "Заимствовать с Dharma (бета)"
"builtInCalifornia": {
"message": "MetaMask спроектирован и построен в Калифорнии."
"buy": {
"message": "Купить"
"buyCoinbase": {
"message": "Купить на Coinbase"
"buyCoinbaseExplainer": {
"message": "Coinbase - самый популярный в мире способ купить и продать биткойн, ethereum и litecoin."
"cancel": {
"message": "Отмена"
"classicInterface": {
"message": "Использовать классический интерфейс"
"clickCopy": {
"message": "Нажмите, чтобы скопировать"
"confirm": {
"message": "Подтвердить"
"confirmContract": {
"message": "Подтвердить Контракт"
"confirmPassword": {
"message": "Подтвердите Пароль"
"confirmTransaction": {
"message": "Подтвердить Транзакцию"
"continue": {
"message": "Продолжить"
"continueToCoinbase": {
"message": "Продолжить в Coinbase"
"contractDeployment": {
"message": "Развертывание контракта"
"conversionProgress": {
"message": "Выполняется конверсия"
"copiedButton": {
"message": "Скопировано"
"copiedClipboard": {
"message": "Скопировано в буфер обмена"
"copiedExclamation": {
"message": "Скопировано!"
"copiedSafe": {
"message": "Я скопировал его где-то в безопасности"
"copy": {
"message": "Скопировать"
"copyToClipboard": {
"message": "Скопировать в буфер обмена"
"copyButton": {
"message": " Скопировать "
"copyPrivateKey": {
"message": "Это ваш личный ключ (нажмите, чтобы скопировать)"
"create": {
"message": "Создать"
"createAccount": {
"message": "Регистрация"
"createDen": {
"message": "Создать"
"crypto": {
"message": "Крипто",
"description": "Exchange type (cryptocurrencies)"
"currentConversion": {
"message": "Текущая конверсия"
"currentNetwork": {
"message": "Текущая сеть"
"customGas": {
"message": "Настроить Газ"
"customize": {
"message": "Настроить"
"customRPC": {
"message": "Пользовательский RPC"
"decimalsMustZerotoTen": {
"message": "Десятичные числа должны быть не менее 0, и не более 36."
"decimal": {
"message": "Десятичные значения точности"
"defaultNetwork": {
"message": "Сеть по умолчанию для транзакций Ether - это Main Net."
"denExplainer": {
"message": "Ваш DEN - это ваше зашифрованное паролем хранилище в MetaMask."
"deposit": {
"message": "Депозит"
"depositBTC": {
"message": "Депозит BTC по адресу:"
"depositCoin": {
"message": "Депозит $1 по указанному ниже адресу",
"description": "Tells the user what coin they have selected to deposit with shapeshift"
"depositEth": {
"message": "Депозит Eth"
"depositEther": {
"message": "Депозит Эфир"
"depositFiat": {
"message": "Депозит с деньгами"
"depositFromAccount": {
"message": "Депозит с другого счета"
"depositShapeShift": {
"message": "Депозит с ShapeShift"
"depositShapeShiftExplainer": {
"message": "Если у вас есть другие крипторесурсы, вы можете торговать и вносить Эфир непосредственно в кошелек MetaMask. Нет необходимости в аккаунте."
"details": {
"message": "Детали"
"directDeposit": {
"message": "Прямой Депозит"
"directDepositEther": {
"message": "Прямой Депозит Эфира"
"directDepositEtherExplainer": {
"message": "Если у вас уже есть Эфир, самый быстрый способ получить Эфир в вашем новом кошельке это прямым депозитом."
"done": {
"message": "Готово"
"downloadStatelogs": {
"message": "Загрузить логи статус"
"edit": {
"message": "Редактировать"
"editAccountName": {
"message": "Изменить Имя Аккаунта"
"emailUs": {
"message": "Свяжитесь с нами по электронной почте!"
"encryptNewDen": {
"message": "Шифруйте новый DEN"
"enterPassword": {
"message": "Введите пароль"
"enterPasswordConfirm": {
"message": "Введите свой пароль для подтверждения"
"etherscanView": {
"message": "Просмотреть аккаунт на Etherscan"
"exchangeRate": {
"message": "Обменный Курс"
"exportPrivateKey": {
"message": "Экспорт закрытого ключа"
"exportPrivateKeyWarning": {
"message": "Экспорт секретных ключей на свой страх и риск."
"failed": {
"message": "Не смогли"
"fiat": {
"message": "Бумажные деньги",
"description": "Exchange type"
"fileImportFail": {
"message": "Ошибка импорта файлов? Кликните сюда!",
"description": "Helps user import their account from a JSON file"
"followTwitter": {
"message": "Следуйте за нами на Twitter"
"from": {
"message": "Из"
"fromToSame": {
"message": "От и до адреса не могут быть одинаковым"
"fromShapeShift": {
"message": "Из ShapeShift"
"gas": {
"message": "Газ",
"description": "Short indication of gas cost"
"gasFee": {
"message": "Плата за Газ"
"gasLimit": {
"message": "Газовый Предел"
"gasLimitCalculation": {
"message": "Мы рассчитываем предполагаемый предел газа на основе коэффициентов успешности сети."
"gasLimitRequired": {
"message": "Требуется ограничение на Газ"
"gasLimitTooLow": {
"message": "Предел газа должен быть не менее 21000"
"generatingSeed": {
"message": "Создание Семян ..."
"gasPrice": {
"message": "Цена на Газ (GWEI)"
"gasPriceCalculation": {
"message": "Мы вычисляем предлагаемые цены на газ на основе коэффициентов успеха сети."
"gasPriceRequired": {
"message": "Требуется цена на Газ"
"getEther": {
"message": "Получить Эфир"
"getEtherFromFaucet": {
"message": "Получите Эфир из крана $1",
"description": "Displays network name for Ether faucet"
"greaterThanMin": {
"message": "должно быть больше или равно $1.",
"description": "helper for inputting hex as decimal input"
"here": {
"message": "здесь",
"description": "as in -click here- for more information (goes with troubleTokenBalances)"
"hereList": {
"message": "Вот список !!!!"
"hide": {
"message": "Спрятать"
"hideToken": {
"message": "Скрыть токен"
"hideTokenPrompt": {
"message": "Скрыть токен?"
"howToDeposit": {
"message": "Как бы вы хотели поместить Эфир?"
"holdEther": {
"message": "Это позволяет вам использовать эфир и токены и служит мостом для децентрализованных приложений."
"import": {
"message": "Импортировать",
"description": "Button to import an account from a selected file"
"importAccount": {
"message": "Импорт Аккаунта"
"importAccountMsg": {
"message": " Импортированные аккаунты не будут связаны с вашей первоначально созданным аккаунтом MetaMask. Подробнее о импортированных аккаунтах "
"importAnAccount": {
"message": "Импортировать аккаунт"
"importDen": {
"message": "Импорт существующих DEN"
"imported": {
"message": "Импортирован",
"description": "status showing that an account has been fully loaded into the keyring"
"infoHelp": {
"message": "Информация и Помощь"
"insufficientFunds": {
"message": "Недостаточно средств."
"insufficientTokens": {
"message": "Недостаточно токенов."
"invalidAddress": {
"message": "Недействительный адрес"
"invalidAddressRecipient": {
"message": "Недопустимый адрес получателя."
"invalidGasParams": {
"message": "Недопустимые параметры Газа"
"invalidInput": {
"message": "Неправильный ввод."
"invalidRequest": {
"message": "Неверный Запрос"
"invalidRPC": {
"message": "Недопустимый URI RPC"
"jsonFail": {
"message": "Что-то пошло не так. Убедитесь, что ваш файл JSON правильно отформатирован."
"jsonFile": {
"message": "Файл JSON",
"description": "format for importing an account"
"kovan": {
"message": "Kovan тестовая сеть"
"knowledgeDataBase": {
"message": "Посетите нашу базу знаний"
"lessThanMax": {
"message": "должно быть меньше или равно $1.",
"description": "helper for inputting hex as decimal input"
"likeToAddTokens": {
"message": "Вы хотите добавить эти токены?"
"limit": {
"message": "Предел"
"loading": {
"message": "Загрузка..."
"loadingTokens": {
"message": "Загрузка токенов ..."
"localhost": {
"message": "Локальный адрес 8545"
"login": {
"message": "Авторизоваться"
"logout": {
"message": "Выйти"
"loose": {
"message": "Рыхлый"
"loweCaseWords": {
"message": "семенные слова имеют только символы нижнего регистра"
"mainnet": {
"message": "Основная сеть Ethereum"
"message": {
"message": "Сообщение"
"metamaskDescription": {
"message": "MetaMask - это безопасное хранилище для Ethereum."
"min": {
"message": "Минимум"
"myAccounts": {
"message": "Мои Аккаунты"
"mustSelectOne": {
"message": "Необходимо выбрать не менее 1 токена."
"needEtherInWallet": {
"message": "Чтобы взаимодействовать с децентрализованными приложениями с помощью MetaMask, вам понадобится Эфир в вашем кошельке."
"needImportFile": {
"message": "Вы должны выбрать файл для импорта.",
"description": "User is important an account and needs to add a file to continue"
"needImportPassword": {
"message": "Вы должны ввести пароль для выбранного файла.",
"description": "Password and file needed to import an account"
"negativeETH": {
"message": "Невозможно отправить отрицательные количества ETH."
"networks": {
"message": "Сети"
"newAccount": {
"message": "Новый Аккаунт"
"newAccountNumberName": {
"message": "Аккаунт $1",
"description": "Default name of next account to be created on create account screen"
"newContract": {
"message": "Новый Контракт"
"newPassword": {
"message": "Новый пароль (мин. 8 символов)"
"newRecipient": {
"message": "Новый Получатель"
"newRPC": {
"message": "Новый URL-адрес RPC"
"next": {
"message": "Далее"
"noAddressForName": {
"message": "Для этого имени не задан адрес."
"noDeposits": {
"message": "Не было получено никаких депозитов"
"noTransactionHistory": {
"message": "Нет истории транзакций."
"noTransactions": {
"message": "Нет Транзакций"
"notStarted": {
"message": "Не Начался"
"oldUI": {
"message": "Старый Интерфейс"
"oldUIMessage": {
"message": "Вы вернулись к старому интерфейсу. Вы можете вернуться к новому с помощью опции в раскрывающемся меню в правом верхнем углу."
"or": {
"message": "или",
"description": "choice between creating or importing a new account"
"passwordCorrect": {
"message": "Убедитесь, что ваш пароль правильный."
"passwordMismatch": {
"message": "пароли не совпадают",
"description": "in password creation process, the two new password fields did not match"
"passwordShort": {
"message": "пароль недостаточно длинный",
"description": "in password creation process, the password is not long enough to be secure"
"pastePrivateKey": {
"message": "Вставьте свою личную строку:",
"description": "For importing an account from a private key"
"pasteSeed": {
"message": "Вставьте здесь свою семенную фразу!"
"personalAddressDetected": {
"message": "Персональный адрес обнаружен. Введите адрес контракта токена."
"pleaseReviewTransaction": {
"message": "Проверьте транзакцию."
"privacyMsg": {
"message": "Политика Конфиденциальности"
"privateKey": {
"message": "Закрытый ключ",
"description": "select this type of file to use to import an account"
"privateKeyWarning": {
"message": "Предупреждение: никогда не раскрывайте этот ключ. Любой, у кого есть ваши личные ключи, может украсть любые активы, хранящиеся в вашем аккаунте."
"privateNetwork": {
"message": "Частная сеть"
"qrCode": {
"message": "Показать QR-код"
"readdToken": {
"message": "Вы можете добавить этот токен в будущем, перейдя в “Добавить токен” в меню параметров вашего аккаунта."
"readMore": {
"message": "Подробнее читайте здесь."
"readMore2": {
"message": "Прочитайте больше."
"receive": {
"message": "Получить"
"recipientAddress": {
"message": "Адрес Получателя"
"refundAddress": {
"message": "Ваш Адрес Возврата"
"rejected": {
"message": "Отклонено"
"resetAccount": {
"message": "Сбросить аккаунт"
"restoreFromSeed": {
"message": "Восстановить от семенной фразы"
"required": {
"message": "Необходимо"
"retryWithMoreGas": {
"message": "Повторите попытку с более высокой ценой на газ здесь"
"revealSeedWords": {
"message": "Раскрыть семенные слова"
"revealSeedWordsWarning": {
"message": "Не восстанавливайте семенные слова в общественном месте! Эти слова могут использоваться для кражи всех ваших аккаунтах."
"revert": {
"message": "Откат"
"rinkeby": {
"message": "Rinkeby тестовая сеть"
"ropsten": {
"message": "Ropsten тестовая сеть"
"sampleAccountName": {
"message": "Например, Мой новый аккаунт",
"description": "Help user understand concept of adding a human-readable name to their account"
"save": {
"message": "Сохранить"
"saveAsFile": {
"message": "Сохранить как Файл",
"description": "Account export process"
"saveSeedAsFile": {
"message": "Сохранить Семенные Слова Как Файл"
"search": {
"message": "Поиск"
"secretPhrase": {
"message": "Введите свою секретную двенадцатисловную фразу здесь, чтобы восстановить хранилище."
"seedPhraseReq": {
"message": "семенные фразы длиной 12 слов"
"select": {
"message": "Выбрать"
"selectCurrency": {
"message": "Выберите Валюту"
"selectService": {
"message": "Выберите Сервис"
"selectType": {
"message": "Выберите Тип"
"send": {
"message": "Послать"
"sendETH": {
"message": "Отправить ETH"
"sendTokens": {
"message": "Отправить Токены"
"sendTokensAnywhere": {
"message": "Отправить Токены кому-либо с аккаунтом Ethereum"
"settings": {
"message": "Настройки"
"shapeshiftBuy": {
"message": "Купить с помощью Shapeshift"
"showPrivateKeys": {
"message": "Показать приватные ключи"
"showQRCode": {
"message": "Показать QR-код"
"sign": {
"message": "Знак"
"signMessage": {
"message": "Нодписать сообщение"
"signNotice": {
"message": "Подписание этого сообщения может иметь \nопасные побочные эффекты. Только подписывайте сообщения \nс сайтов, которым вы полностью доверяете своим аккаунтом. Этот опасный метод будет удален в будущей версии."
"sigRequest": {
"message": "Запрос на подпись"
"sigRequested": {
"message": "Подпись Запрошена"
"spaceBetween": {
"message": "между словами может быть только пробел"
"status": {
"message": "Статус"
"stateLogs": {
"message": "Логи Статуса"
"stateLogsDescription": {
"message": "Логи статуса содержат ваши общедоступные адреса и отправленные транзакции."
"submit": {
"message": "Отправить"
"supportCenter": {
"message": "Посетите наш Центр поддержки"
"symbolBetweenZeroTen": {
"message": "Символ должен быть от 0 до 10 символов."
"takesTooLong": {
"message": "Занимает слишком долго?"
"terms": {
"message": "Условия Эксплуатации"
"testFaucet": {
"message": "Тестовый Кран"
"to": {
"message": "К"
"toETHviaShapeShift": {
"message": "$1 в ETH через ShapeShift",
"description": "system will fill in deposit type in start of message"
"tokenAddress": {
"message": "Адрес Токена"
"tokenAlreadyAdded": {
"message": "Токен уже добавлен."
"tokenBalance": {
"message": "Баланс Вашых Tокенов:"
"tokenSelection": {
"message": "Поиск токенов или выбор из нашего списка популярных токенов."
"tokenSymbol": {
"message": "Символ Токена"
"tokenWarning1": {
"message": "Следите за токенами, которые вы купили с помощью аккаунта MetaMask. Если вы купили токены, используя другой аккаунт, эти токены здесь не появятся."
"total": {
"message": "Всего"
"transactions": {
"message": "транзакции"
"transactionMemo": {
"message": "Транзакционная записка (необязательно)"
"transactionNumber": {
"message": "Номер Транзакции"
"transfers": {
"message": "Переводы"
"troubleTokenBalances": {
"message": "У нас были проблемы с загрузкой ваших токенов. Вы можете просмотреть их ",
"description": "Followed by a link (here) to view token balances"
"twelveWords": {
"message": "Эти 12 слов - единственный способ восстановить ваши учетные записи MetaMask.\nСохраните их где-нибудь в безопасности и в тайне."
"typePassword": {
"message": "Введите Пароль"
"uiWelcome": {
"message": "Добро пожаловать в новый интерфейс (бета-версия)"
"uiWelcomeMessage": {
"message": "Теперь вы используете новый интерфейс Metamask. Осмотритесь, попробуйте новые функции, такие как отправку токенов, и сообщите нам, есть ли у вас какие-либо проблемы."
"unavailable": {
"message": "Недоступен"
"unknown": {
"message": "Неизвестный"
"unknownNetwork": {
"message": "Неизвестная частная сеть"
"unknownNetworkId": {
"message": "Неизвестный идентификатор сети"
"uriErrorMsg": {
"message": "Для URI требуется соответствующий префикс HTTP / HTTPS."
"usaOnly": {
"message": "Только США",
"description": "Using this exchange is limited to people inside the USA"
"usedByClients": {
"message": "Используется различными клиентами"
"useOldUI": {
"message": "Использовать старый интерфейс"
"validFileImport": {
"message": "Вы должны выбрать действительный файл для импорта."
"vaultCreated": {
"message": "Создано хранилище"
"viewAccount": {
"message": "Посмотреть аккаунт"
"visitWebSite": {
"message": "Посетите наш сайт"
"warning": {
"message": "Предупреждение"
"welcomeBeta": {
"message": "Добро пожаловать в MetaMask Beta"
"whatsThis": {
"message": "Что это?"
"yourSigRequested": {
"message": "Ваша подпись запрашивается"
"youSign": {
"message": "Вы подписываете"

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"name": "__MSG_appName__",
"short_name": "__MSG_appName__",
"version": "4.2.0",
"version": "4.3.0",
"manifest_version": 2,
"author": "",
"description": "__MSG_appDescription__",

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# Main MetaMask Code
This folder contains the core-code.
Currently, it is organized mostly based on file category, like:
controllers, migrations, lib
## Ongoing Task
Refactor code-structure, thus the subsystems are reflected on the filesystem.
### Examples

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ const isIE = !!document.documentMode
const isEdge = !isIE && !!window.StyleMedia
let popupIsOpen = false
let notificationIsOpen = false
let openMetamaskTabsIDs = {}
// state persistence
@ -165,6 +166,11 @@ function setupController (initState) {
if ( === 'notification') {
endOfStream(portStream, () => {
notificationIsOpen = false
} else {
// communication with page
const originDomain = urlUtil.parse(remotePort.sender.url).hostname
@ -207,7 +213,8 @@ function setupController (initState) {
function triggerUi () {
extension.tabs.query({ active: true }, (tabs) => {
const currentlyActiveMetamaskTab = tabs.find(tab => openMetamaskTabsIDs[])
if (!popupIsOpen && !currentlyActiveMetamaskTab) notificationManager.showPopup()
if (!popupIsOpen && !currentlyActiveMetamaskTab && !notificationIsOpen) notificationManager.showPopup()
notificationIsOpen = true

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# Controllers
Different controllers (in the sense of *VC *View-Controller).

@ -13,11 +13,12 @@ class NotificationManager {
this._getPopup((err, popup) => {
if (err) throw err
// Bring focus to chrome popup
if (popup) {
// bring focus to existing popup
// bring focus to existing chrome popup, { focused: true })
} else {
// create new popup
// create new notification popup{
url: 'notification.html',
type: 'popup',
@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ class NotificationManager {
closePopup () {
// closes notification popup
this._getPopup((err, popup) => {
if (err) throw err
if (!popup) return
@ -60,9 +62,8 @@ class NotificationManager {
_getPopupIn (windows) {
return windows ? windows.find((win) => {
return (win && win.type === 'popup' &&
win.height === height &&
win.width === width)
// Returns notification popup
return (win && win.type === 'popup')
}) : null

@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
* @file The central metamask controller. Aggregates other controllers and exports an api.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2018 MetaMask
* @license MIT
const EventEmitter = require('events')
const extend = require('xtend')
const pump = require('pump')
@ -41,7 +47,11 @@ const seedPhraseVerifier = require('./lib/seed-phrase-verifier')
module.exports = class MetamaskController extends EventEmitter {
constructor (opts) {
* @constructor
* @param {Object} opts
constructor (opts) {
this.defaultMaxListeners = 20
@ -223,10 +233,9 @@ module.exports = class MetamaskController extends EventEmitter {
// Constructor helpers
* Constructor helper: initialize a provider.
initializeProvider () {
const providerOpts = {
static: {
@ -257,6 +266,9 @@ module.exports = class MetamaskController extends EventEmitter {
return providerProxy
* Constructor helper: initialize a public config store.
initPublicConfigStore () {
// get init state
const publicConfigStore = new ObservableStore()
@ -278,10 +290,15 @@ module.exports = class MetamaskController extends EventEmitter {
return publicConfigStore
// State Management
* The metamask-state of the various controllers, made available to the UI
* @returns {Object} status
getState () {
const wallet = this.configManager.getWallet()
const vault =
@ -316,10 +333,11 @@ module.exports = class MetamaskController extends EventEmitter {
// Remote Features
* Returns an api-object which is consumed by the UI
* @returns {Object}
getApi () {
const keyringController = this.keyringController
const preferencesController = this.preferencesController
@ -401,127 +419,24 @@ module.exports = class MetamaskController extends EventEmitter {
setupUntrustedCommunication (connectionStream, originDomain) {
// Check if new connection is blacklisted
if (this.blacklistController.checkForPhishing(originDomain)) {
log.debug('MetaMask - sending phishing warning for', originDomain)
this.sendPhishingWarning(connectionStream, originDomain)
// setup multiplexing
const mux = setupMultiplex(connectionStream)
// connect features
this.setupProviderConnection(mux.createStream('provider'), originDomain)
setupTrustedCommunication (connectionStream, originDomain) {
// setup multiplexing
const mux = setupMultiplex(connectionStream)
// connect features
this.setupProviderConnection(mux.createStream('provider'), originDomain)
sendPhishingWarning (connectionStream, hostname) {
const mux = setupMultiplex(connectionStream)
const phishingStream = mux.createStream('phishing')
phishingStream.write({ hostname })
setupControllerConnection (outStream) {
const api = this.getApi()
const dnode = Dnode(api)
(err) => {
if (err) log.error(err)
dnode.on('remote', (remote) => {
// push updates to popup
const sendUpdate = remote.sendUpdate.bind(remote)
this.on('update', sendUpdate)
setupProviderConnection (outStream, origin) {
// setup json rpc engine stack
const engine = new RpcEngine()
// create filter polyfill middleware
const filterMiddleware = createFilterMiddleware({
provider: this.provider,
blockTracker: this.provider._blockTracker,
engine.push(createOriginMiddleware({ origin }))
engine.push(createLoggerMiddleware({ origin }))
engine.push(createProviderMiddleware({ provider: this.provider }))
// setup connection
const providerStream = createEngineStream({ engine })
(err) => {
// cleanup filter polyfill middleware
if (err) log.error(err)
setupPublicConfig (outStream) {
(err) => {
if (err) log.error(err)
privateSendUpdate () {
this.emit('update', this.getState())
getGasPrice () {
const { recentBlocksController } = this
const { recentBlocks } =
// Return 1 gwei if no blocks have been observed:
if (recentBlocks.length === 0) {
return '0x' + GWEI_BN.toString(16)
const lowestPrices = => {
if (!block.gasPrices || block.gasPrices.length < 1) {
return GWEI_BN
return block.gasPrices
.map(hexPrefix => hexPrefix.substr(2))
.map(hex => new BN(hex, 16))
.sort((a, b) => {
return ? 1 : -1
.map(number => number.div(GWEI_BN).toNumber())
const percentileNum = percentile(50, lowestPrices)
const percentileNumBn = new BN(percentileNum)
return '0x' + percentileNumBn.mul(GWEI_BN).toString(16)
// Vault Management
* Creates a new Vault(?) and create a new keychain(?)
* A vault is ...
* A keychain is ...
* @param {} password
* @returns {} vault
async createNewVaultAndKeychain (password) {
const release = await this.createVaultMutex.acquire()
let vault
@ -545,6 +460,11 @@ module.exports = class MetamaskController extends EventEmitter {
return vault
* Create a new Vault and restore an existent keychain
* @param {} password
* @param {} seed
async createNewVaultAndRestore (password, seed) {
const release = await this.createVaultMutex.acquire()
try {
@ -558,16 +478,28 @@ module.exports = class MetamaskController extends EventEmitter {
* Retrieves the first Identiy from the passed Vault and selects the related address
* An Identity is ...
* @param {} vault
selectFirstIdentity (vault) {
const { identities } = vault
const address = Object.keys(identities)[0]
// ?
// Opinionated Keyring Management
* Adds a new account to ...
* @returns {} keyState
async addNewAccount () {
const primaryKeyring = this.keyringController.getKeyringsByType('HD Key Tree')[0]
if (!primaryKeyring) {
@ -589,10 +521,12 @@ module.exports = class MetamaskController extends EventEmitter {
return keyState
// Adds the current vault's seed words to the UI's state tree.
// Used when creating a first vault, to allow confirmation.
// Also used when revealing the seed words in the confirmation view.
* Adds the current vault's seed words to the UI's state tree.
* Used when creating a first vault, to allow confirmation.
* Also used when revealing the seed words in the confirmation view.
placeSeedWords (cb) {
@ -605,10 +539,13 @@ module.exports = class MetamaskController extends EventEmitter {
// Verifies the current vault's seed words if they can restore the
// accounts belonging to the current vault.
// Called when the first account is created and on unlocking the vault.
* Verifies the validity of the current vault's seed phrase.
* Validity: seed phrase restores the accounts belonging to the current vault.
* Called when the first account is created and on unlocking the vault.
async verifySeedPhrase () {
const primaryKeyring = this.keyringController.getKeyringsByType('HD Key Tree')[0]
@ -633,22 +570,33 @@ module.exports = class MetamaskController extends EventEmitter {
// ClearSeedWordCache
// Removes the primary account's seed words from the UI's state tree,
// ensuring they are only ever available in the background process.
* Remove the primary account seed phrase from the UI's state tree.
* The seed phrase remains available in the background process.
clearSeedWordCache (cb) {
cb(null, this.preferencesController.getSelectedAddress())
* ?
resetAccount (cb) {
const selectedAddress = this.preferencesController.getSelectedAddress()
cb(null, selectedAddress)
* Imports an account ... ?
* @param {} strategy
* @param {} args
* @param {} cb
importAccountWithStrategy (strategy, args, cb) {
accountImporter.importAccount(strategy, args)
.then((privateKey) => {
@ -660,11 +608,150 @@ module.exports = class MetamaskController extends EventEmitter {
.catch((reason) => { cb(reason) })
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Identity Management (sign)
// Identity Management
* @param {} msgParams
* @param {} cb
signMessage (msgParams, cb) {'MetaMaskController - signMessage')
const msgId = msgParams.metamaskId
// sets the status op the message to 'approved'
// and removes the metamaskId for signing
return this.messageManager.approveMessage(msgParams)
.then((cleanMsgParams) => {
// signs the message
return this.keyringController.signMessage(cleanMsgParams)
.then((rawSig) => {
// tells the listener that the message has been signed
// and can be returned to the dapp
this.messageManager.setMsgStatusSigned(msgId, rawSig)
return this.getState()
// Prefixed Style Message Signing Methods:
* @param {} msgParams
* @param {} cb
approvePersonalMessage (msgParams, cb) {
const msgId = this.personalMessageManager.addUnapprovedMessage(msgParams)
this.personalMessageManager.once(`${msgId}:finished`, (data) => {
switch (data.status) {
case 'signed':
return cb(null, data.rawSig)
case 'rejected':
return cb(new Error('MetaMask Message Signature: User denied transaction signature.'))
return cb(new Error(`MetaMask Message Signature: Unknown problem: ${JSON.stringify(msgParams)}`))
* @param {} msgParams
signPersonalMessage (msgParams) {'MetaMaskController - signPersonalMessage')
const msgId = msgParams.metamaskId
// sets the status op the message to 'approved'
// and removes the metamaskId for signing
return this.personalMessageManager.approveMessage(msgParams)
.then((cleanMsgParams) => {
// signs the message
return this.keyringController.signPersonalMessage(cleanMsgParams)
.then((rawSig) => {
// tells the listener that the message has been signed
// and can be returned to the dapp
this.personalMessageManager.setMsgStatusSigned(msgId, rawSig)
return this.getState()
* @param {} msgParams
signTypedMessage (msgParams) {'MetaMaskController - signTypedMessage')
const msgId = msgParams.metamaskId
// sets the status op the message to 'approved'
// and removes the metamaskId for signing
return this.typedMessageManager.approveMessage(msgParams)
.then((cleanMsgParams) => {
// signs the message
return this.keyringController.signTypedMessage(cleanMsgParams)
.then((rawSig) => {
// tells the listener that the message has been signed
// and can be returned to the dapp
this.typedMessageManager.setMsgStatusSigned(msgId, rawSig)
return this.getState()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Account Restauration
* ?
* @param {} migratorOutput
restoreOldVaultAccounts (migratorOutput) {
const { serialized } = migratorOutput
return this.keyringController.restoreKeyring(serialized)
.then(() => migratorOutput)
* ?
* @param {} migratorOutput
restoreOldLostAccounts (migratorOutput) {
const { lostAccounts } = migratorOutput
if (lostAccounts) {
this.configManager.setLostAccounts( => acct.address))
return this.importLostAccounts(migratorOutput)
return Promise.resolve(migratorOutput)
* Import (lost) Accounts
* @param {Object} {lostAccounts} @Array accounts <{ address, privateKey }>
* Uses the array's private keys to create a new Simple Key Pair keychain
* and add it to the keyring controller.
importLostAccounts ({ lostAccounts }) {
const privKeys = => acct.privateKey)
return this.keyringController.restoreKeyring({
type: 'Simple Key Pair',
data: privKeys,
async retryTransaction (txId, cb) {
await this.txController.retryTransaction(txId)
@ -731,25 +818,6 @@ module.exports = class MetamaskController extends EventEmitter {
signMessage (msgParams, cb) {'MetaMaskController - signMessage')
const msgId = msgParams.metamaskId
// sets the status op the message to 'approved'
// and removes the metamaskId for signing
return this.messageManager.approveMessage(msgParams)
.then((cleanMsgParams) => {
// signs the message
return this.keyringController.signMessage(cleanMsgParams)
.then((rawSig) => {
// tells the listener that the message has been signed
// and can be returned to the dapp
this.messageManager.setMsgStatusSigned(msgId, rawSig)
return this.getState()
cancelMessage (msgId, cb) {
const messageManager = this.messageManager
@ -758,59 +826,6 @@ module.exports = class MetamaskController extends EventEmitter {
// Prefixed Style Message Signing Methods:
approvePersonalMessage (msgParams, cb) {
const msgId = this.personalMessageManager.addUnapprovedMessage(msgParams)
this.personalMessageManager.once(`${msgId}:finished`, (data) => {
switch (data.status) {
case 'signed':
return cb(null, data.rawSig)
case 'rejected':
return cb(new Error('MetaMask Message Signature: User denied transaction signature.'))
return cb(new Error(`MetaMask Message Signature: Unknown problem: ${JSON.stringify(msgParams)}`))
signPersonalMessage (msgParams) {'MetaMaskController - signPersonalMessage')
const msgId = msgParams.metamaskId
// sets the status op the message to 'approved'
// and removes the metamaskId for signing
return this.personalMessageManager.approveMessage(msgParams)
.then((cleanMsgParams) => {
// signs the message
return this.keyringController.signPersonalMessage(cleanMsgParams)
.then((rawSig) => {
// tells the listener that the message has been signed
// and can be returned to the dapp
this.personalMessageManager.setMsgStatusSigned(msgId, rawSig)
return this.getState()
signTypedMessage (msgParams) {'MetaMaskController - signTypedMessage')
const msgId = msgParams.metamaskId
// sets the status op the message to 'approved'
// and removes the metamaskId for signing
return this.typedMessageManager.approveMessage(msgParams)
.then((cleanMsgParams) => {
// signs the message
return this.keyringController.signTypedMessage(cleanMsgParams)
.then((rawSig) => {
// tells the listener that the message has been signed
// and can be returned to the dapp
this.typedMessageManager.setMsgStatusSigned(msgId, rawSig)
return this.getState()
cancelPersonalMessage (msgId, cb) {
const messageManager = this.personalMessageManager
@ -845,36 +860,130 @@ module.exports = class MetamaskController extends EventEmitter {
restoreOldVaultAccounts (migratorOutput) {
const { serialized } = migratorOutput
return this.keyringController.restoreKeyring(serialized)
.then(() => migratorOutput)
restoreOldLostAccounts (migratorOutput) {
const { lostAccounts } = migratorOutput
if (lostAccounts) {
this.configManager.setLostAccounts( => acct.address))
return this.importLostAccounts(migratorOutput)
setupUntrustedCommunication (connectionStream, originDomain) {
// Check if new connection is blacklisted
if (this.blacklistController.checkForPhishing(originDomain)) {
log.debug('MetaMask - sending phishing warning for', originDomain)
this.sendPhishingWarning(connectionStream, originDomain)
return Promise.resolve(migratorOutput)
// setup multiplexing
const mux = setupMultiplex(connectionStream)
// connect features
this.setupProviderConnection(mux.createStream('provider'), originDomain)
// @Object with key lostAccounts: @Array accounts <{ address, privateKey }>
// Uses the array's private keys to create a new Simple Key Pair keychain
// and add it to the keyring controller.
importLostAccounts ({ lostAccounts }) {
const privKeys = => acct.privateKey)
return this.keyringController.restoreKeyring({
type: 'Simple Key Pair',
data: privKeys,
setupTrustedCommunication (connectionStream, originDomain) {
// setup multiplexing
const mux = setupMultiplex(connectionStream)
// connect features
this.setupProviderConnection(mux.createStream('provider'), originDomain)
sendPhishingWarning (connectionStream, hostname) {
const mux = setupMultiplex(connectionStream)
const phishingStream = mux.createStream('phishing')
phishingStream.write({ hostname })
setupControllerConnection (outStream) {
const api = this.getApi()
const dnode = Dnode(api)
(err) => {
if (err) log.error(err)
dnode.on('remote', (remote) => {
// push updates to popup
const sendUpdate = remote.sendUpdate.bind(remote)
this.on('update', sendUpdate)
// config
setupProviderConnection (outStream, origin) {
// setup json rpc engine stack
const engine = new RpcEngine()
// create filter polyfill middleware
const filterMiddleware = createFilterMiddleware({
provider: this.provider,
blockTracker: this.provider._blockTracker,
engine.push(createOriginMiddleware({ origin }))
engine.push(createLoggerMiddleware({ origin }))
engine.push(createProviderMiddleware({ provider: this.provider }))
// setup connection
const providerStream = createEngineStream({ engine })
(err) => {
// cleanup filter polyfill middleware
if (err) log.error(err)
setupPublicConfig (outStream) {
(err) => {
if (err) log.error(err)
privateSendUpdate () {
this.emit('update', this.getState())
getGasPrice () {
const { recentBlocksController } = this
const { recentBlocks } =
// Return 1 gwei if no blocks have been observed:
if (recentBlocks.length === 0) {
return '0x' + GWEI_BN.toString(16)
const lowestPrices = => {
if (!block.gasPrices || block.gasPrices.length < 1) {
return GWEI_BN
return block.gasPrices
.map(hexPrefix => hexPrefix.substr(2))
.map(hex => new BN(hex, 16))
.sort((a, b) => {
return ? 1 : -1
.map(number => number.div(GWEI_BN).toNumber())
const percentileNum = percentile(50, lowestPrices)
const percentileNumBn = new BN(percentileNum)
return '0x' + percentileNumBn.mul(GWEI_BN).toString(16)
// Log blocks

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Migrations
Data (user data, config files etc.) is migrated from one version to another.
Migrations are called by {} from {} during {}.

@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ async function start() {
function closePopupIfOpen (windowType) {
if (windowType !== 'notification') {
// should close only chrome popup

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Development
Several files which are needed for developing on(!) MetaMask.
Usually each files contains information about its scope / usage.

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Documentation
- [How to add custom build to Chrome](./
- [How to add custom build to Firefox](./
- [How to develop a live-reloading UI](./
- [Publishing Guide](./
- [How to develop an in-browser mocked UI](./
- [How to live reload on local dependency changes](./
- [How to add new networks to the Provider Menu](./
- [How to manage notices that appear when the app starts up](./
- [How to port MetaMask to a new platform](./
- [How to generate a visualization of this repository's development](./

@ -408,11 +408,7 @@ function bundleTask(opts) {
.pipe(gulpif(debug, sourcemaps.init({ loadMaps: true })))
// Minification
.pipe(gulpif(opts.isBuild, uglify({
mangle: { reserved: [ 'MetamaskInpageProvider' ] },
// Transpile to ES5
.pipe(gulpif(opts.isBuild, babel({
presets: ['env']
mangle: { reserved: [ 'MetamaskInpageProvider' ] },
// writes .map file
.pipe(gulpif(debug, sourcemaps.write('./')))

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Notices
Those notices are of legal nature. They are displayed to the users of MetaMask.
Any changes or additions must be reviewed by the product management.

@ -10,10 +10,9 @@
"mock": "beefy development/mock-dev.js:bundle.js --live --open --index=./development/index.html --cwd ./",
"watch": "mocha watch --recursive \"test/unit/**/*.js\"",
"mascara": "gulp build && cross-env METAMASK_DEBUG=true node ./mascara/example/server",
"dist": "npm run dist:clear && npm install && gulp dist && npm run test:es5",
"dist": "npm run dist:clear && npm install && gulp dist",
"dist:clear": "rm -rf node_modules/eth-contract-metadata && rm -rf node_modules/eth-phishing-detect",
"test": "npm run lint && npm run test:coverage && npm run test:integration",
"test:es5": "es-check es5 ./dist/**/*.js",
"test:unit": "cross-env METAMASK_ENV=test mocha --exit --require babel-core/register --require test/helper.js --recursive \"test/unit/**/*.js\"",
"test:single": "cross-env METAMASK_ENV=test mocha --require test/helper.js",
"test:integration": "npm run test:integration:build && npm run test:flat && npm run test:mascara",
@ -201,7 +200,6 @@
"envify": "^4.0.0",
"enzyme": "^3.3.0",
"enzyme-adapter-react-15": "^1.0.5",
"es-check": "^2.0.2",
"eslint-plugin-chai": "0.0.1",
"eslint-plugin-mocha": "^4.9.0",
"eslint-plugin-react": "^7.4.0",

@ -127,11 +127,12 @@ async function runSendFlowTest(assert, done) {
selectState.val('send edit')
await timeout(10000)
const confirmFromName = (await queryAsync($, '.confirm-screen-account-name')).first()
const confirmFromName = (await queryAsync($, '.sender-to-recipient__sender-name')).first()
assert.equal(confirmFromName[0].textContent, 'Send Account 2', 'confirm screen should show correct from name')
const confirmToName = (await queryAsync($, '.confirm-screen-account-name')).last()
const confirmToName = (await queryAsync($, '.sender-to-recipient__recipient-name')).last()
assert.equal(confirmToName[0].textContent, 'Send Account 3', 'confirm screen should show correct to name')
const confirmScreenRows = await queryAsync($, '.confirm-screen-rows')
@ -140,7 +141,7 @@ async function runSendFlowTest(assert, done) {
const confirmScreenTotal = confirmScreenRows.find('.confirm-screen-row-info')[2]
assert.equal(confirmScreenTotal.textContent, '2405.36 USD', 'confirm screen should show correct total')
const confirmScreenBackButton = await queryAsync($, '.confirm-screen-back-button')
const confirmScreenBackButton = await queryAsync($, '.page-container__back-button')
const sendFromFieldItemInEdit = await queryAsync($, '.account-list-item')

@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ CurrencyInput.prototype.render = function () {
} = this.props
const { emptyState, focused } = this.state
@ -99,6 +100,7 @@ CurrencyInput.prototype.render = function () {
const valueToRender = this.getValueToRender()
return h('input', {
value: emptyState ? '' : valueToRender,
placeholder: focused ? '' : placeholder,
size: valueToRender.length * inputSizeMultiplier,

@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ InputNumber.prototype.render = function () {
className: 'customize-gas-input',
type: 'number',
onInputChange: newValue => {

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
const { Component } = require('react')
const h = require('react-hyperscript')
const PropTypes = require('prop-types')
const { connect } = require('react-redux')
const NetworkDropdownIcon = require('./dropdowns/components/network-dropdown-icon')
const t = require('../../i18n')
const networkToColorHash = {
1: '#038789',
3: '#e91550',
42: '#690496',
4: '#ebb33f',
class NetworkDisplay extends Component {
renderNetworkIcon () {
const { network } = this.props
const networkColor = networkToColorHash[network]
return networkColor
? h(NetworkDropdownIcon, { backgroundColor: networkColor })
: h('i.fa.fa-question-circle.fa-med', {
style: {
margin: '0 4px',
color: 'rgb(125, 128, 130)',
render () {
const { provider: { type } } = this.props
return h('.network-display__container', [
h('.network-name', t(type)),
NetworkDisplay.propTypes = {
network: PropTypes.string,
provider: PropTypes.object,
const mapStateToProps = ({ metamask: { network, provider } }) => {
return {
module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps)(NetworkDisplay)

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
const { Component } = require('react')
const connect = require('../../metamask-connect')
const { connect } = require('react-redux')
const h = require('react-hyperscript')
const PropTypes = require('prop-types')
const actions = require('../../actions')
@ -8,7 +8,9 @@ const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util')
const BN = ethUtil.BN
const hexToBn = require('../../../../app/scripts/lib/hex-to-bn')
const { conversionUtil } = require('../../conversion-util')
const t = require('../../../i18n')
const SenderToRecipient = require('../sender-to-recipient')
const NetworkDisplay = require('../network-display')
const { MIN_GAS_PRICE_HEX } = require('../send/send-constants')
@ -243,9 +245,12 @@ class ConfirmDeployContract extends Component {
return (
h('.page-container', [
h('.page-container__header', [
h('.page-container__back-button', {
onClick: () => backToAccountDetail(selectedAddress),
}, this.props.t('back')),
h('.page-container__header-row', [
h('', {
onClick: () => backToAccountDetail(selectedAddress),
}, this.props.t('back')),
window.METAMASK_UI_TYPE === 'notification' && h(NetworkDisplay),
h('.page-container__title', this.props.t('confirmContract')),
h('.page-container__subtitle', this.props.t('pleaseReviewTransaction')),
@ -320,7 +325,6 @@ ConfirmDeployContract.propTypes = {
conversionRate: PropTypes.number,
currentCurrency: PropTypes.string,
selectedAddress: PropTypes.string,
localeMessages: PropTypes.object,
const mapStateToProps = state => {
@ -343,7 +347,7 @@ const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
return {
backToAccountDetail: address => dispatch(actions.backToAccountDetail(address)),
cancelTransaction: ({ id }) => dispatch(actions.cancelTx({ id })),
displayWarning: warning => actions.displayWarning(this.props.t(warning)),
displayWarning: warning => actions.displayWarning(t(warning)),

@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
const Component = require('react').Component
const connect = require('../../metamask-connect')
const { connect } = require('react-redux')
const h = require('react-hyperscript')
const inherits = require('util').inherits
const actions = require('../../actions')
const clone = require('clone')
const Identicon = require('../identicon')
const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util')
const BN = ethUtil.BN
const hexToBn = require('../../../../app/scripts/lib/hex-to-bn')
@ -14,6 +13,9 @@ const {
} = require('../../conversion-util')
const GasFeeDisplay = require('../send/gas-fee-display-v2')
const t = require('../../../i18n')
const SenderToRecipient = require('../sender-to-recipient')
const NetworkDisplay = require('../network-display')
const { MIN_GAS_PRICE_HEX } = require('../send/send-constants')
@ -256,196 +258,181 @@ ConfirmSendEther.prototype.render = function () {
this.inputs = []
return (
h('div.confirm-screen-container.confirm-send-ether', [
// Main Send token Card
h('', [
h('', [
!txMeta.lastGasPrice && h('button.confirm-screen-back-button', {
// Main Send token Card
h('.page-container', [
h('.page-container__header', [
h('.page-container__header-row', [
h('', {
onClick: () => editTransaction(txMeta),
style: {
visibility: !txMeta.lastGasPrice ? 'initial' : 'hidden',
}, 'Edit'),
h('', title),
h('', subtitle),
window.METAMASK_UI_TYPE === 'notification' && h(NetworkDisplay),
h('.page-container__title', title),
h('.page-container__subtitle', subtitle),
h('.page-container__content', [
h(SenderToRecipient, {
senderName: fromName,
senderAddress: fromAddress,
recipientName: toName,
// h('h3.flex-center.confirm-screen-sending-to-message', {
// style: {
// textAlign: 'center',
// fontSize: '16px',
// },
// }, [
// `You're sending to Recipient ...${toAddress.slice(toAddress.length - 4)}`,
// ]),
h('h3.flex-center.confirm-screen-send-amount', [`${amountInFIAT}`]),
h('h3.flex-center.confirm-screen-send-amount-currency', [ currentCurrency.toUpperCase() ]),
h('div.flex-center.confirm-memo-wrapper', [
h('h3.confirm-screen-send-memo', [ memo ? `"${memo}"` : '' ]),
h('.page-container__content', [
h('div.flex-row.flex-center.confirm-screen-identicons', [
h('div.confirm-screen-account-wrapper', [
address: fromAddress,
diameter: 60,
h('span.confirm-screen-account-name', fromName),
// h('span.confirm-screen-account-number', fromAddress.slice(fromAddress.length - 4)),
h('div.confirm-screen-account-wrapper', [
diameter: 60,
h('span.confirm-screen-account-name', toName),
// h('span.confirm-screen-account-number', toAddress.slice(toAddress.length - 4)),
// h('h3.flex-center.confirm-screen-sending-to-message', {
// style: {
// textAlign: 'center',
// fontSize: '16px',
// },
// }, [
// `You're sending to Recipient ...${toAddress.slice(toAddress.length - 4)}`,
// ]),
h('h3.flex-center.confirm-screen-send-amount', [`${amountInFIAT}`]),
h('h3.flex-center.confirm-screen-send-amount-currency', [ currentCurrency.toUpperCase() ]),
h('div.flex-center.confirm-memo-wrapper', [
h('h3.confirm-screen-send-memo', [ memo ? `"${memo}"` : '' ]),
h('div.confirm-screen-rows', [
h('section.flex-row.flex-center.confirm-screen-row', [
h('span.confirm-screen-label.confirm-screen-section-column', [ this.props.t('from') ]),
h('div.confirm-screen-section-column', [
h('div.confirm-screen-row-info', fromName),
h('div.confirm-screen-row-detail', `...${fromAddress.slice(fromAddress.length - 4)}`),
h('div.confirm-screen-rows', [
h('section.flex-row.flex-center.confirm-screen-row', [
h('span.confirm-screen-label.confirm-screen-section-column', [ this.props.t('from') ]),
h('div.confirm-screen-section-column', [
h('div.confirm-screen-row-info', fromName),
h('div.confirm-screen-row-detail', `...${fromAddress.slice(fromAddress.length - 4)}`),
h('section.flex-row.flex-center.confirm-screen-row', [
h('span.confirm-screen-label.confirm-screen-section-column', [ this.props.t('to') ]),
h('div.confirm-screen-section-column', [
h('div.confirm-screen-row-info', toName),
h('div.confirm-screen-row-detail', `...${toAddress.slice(toAddress.length - 4)}`),
h('section.flex-row.flex-center.confirm-screen-row', [
h('span.confirm-screen-label.confirm-screen-section-column', [ this.props.t('to') ]),
h('div.confirm-screen-section-column', [
h('div.confirm-screen-row-info', toName),
h('div.confirm-screen-row-detail', `...${toAddress.slice(toAddress.length - 4)}`),
h('section.flex-row.flex-center.confirm-screen-row', [
h('span.confirm-screen-label.confirm-screen-section-column', [ this.props.t('gasFee') ]),
h('div.confirm-screen-section-column', [
h(GasFeeDisplay, {
gasTotal: gasTotal || gasFeeInHex,
onClick: () => showCustomizeGasModal(txMeta, sendGasLimit, sendGasPrice, gasTotal),
h('section.flex-row.flex-center.confirm-screen-row', [
h('span.confirm-screen-label.confirm-screen-section-column', [ this.props.t('gasFee') ]),
h('div.confirm-screen-section-column', [
h(GasFeeDisplay, {
gasTotal: gasTotal || gasFeeInHex,
onClick: () => showCustomizeGasModal(txMeta, sendGasLimit, sendGasPrice, gasTotal),
h('section.flex-row.flex-center.confirm-screen-row.confirm-screen-total-box ', [
h('div.confirm-screen-section-column', [
h('span.confirm-screen-label', [ this.props.t('total') + ' ' ]),
h('div.confirm-screen-total-box__subtitle', [ this.props.t('amountPlusGas') ]),
h('section.flex-row.flex-center.confirm-screen-row.confirm-screen-total-box ', [
h('div.confirm-screen-section-column', [
h('span.confirm-screen-label', [ this.props.t('total') + ' ' ]),
h('div.confirm-screen-total-box__subtitle', [ this.props.t('amountPlusGas') ]),
h('div.confirm-screen-section-column', [
h('div.confirm-screen-row-info', `${totalInFIAT} ${currentCurrency.toUpperCase()}`),
h('div.confirm-screen-row-detail', `${totalInETH} ETH`),
h('div.confirm-screen-section-column', [
h('div.confirm-screen-row-info', `${totalInFIAT} ${currentCurrency.toUpperCase()}`),
h('div.confirm-screen-row-detail', `${totalInETH} ETH`),
// These are latest errors handling from master
// Leaving as comments as reference when we start implementing error handling
// h('style', `
// .conf-buttons button {
// margin-left: 10px;
// text-transform: uppercase;
// }
// `),
// txMeta.simulationFails ?
// h('.error', {
// style: {
// marginLeft: 50,
// fontSize: '0.9em',
// },
// }, 'Transaction Error. Exception thrown in contract code.')
// : null,
// !isValidAddress ?
// h('.error', {
// style: {
// marginLeft: 50,
// fontSize: '0.9em',
// },
// }, 'Recipient address is invalid. Sending this transaction will result in a loss of ETH.')
// : null,
// insufficientBalance ?
// h('span.error', {
// style: {
// marginLeft: 50,
// fontSize: '0.9em',
// },
// }, 'Insufficient balance for transaction')
// : null,
// // send + cancel
// h('.flex-row.flex-space-around.conf-buttons', {
// style: {
// display: 'flex',
// justifyContent: 'flex-end',
// margin: '14px 25px',
// },
// }, [
// h('button', {
// onClick: (event) => {
// this.resetGasFields()
// event.preventDefault()
// },
// }, 'Reset'),
// // Accept Button or Buy Button
// insufficientBalance ? h('button.btn-green', { onClick: props.buyEth }, 'Buy Ether') :
// h('input.confirm.btn-green', {
// type: 'submit',
// value: 'SUBMIT',
// style: { marginLeft: '10px' },
// disabled: buyDisabled,
// }),
// h('button.cancel.btn-red', {
// onClick: props.cancelTransaction,
// }, 'Reject'),
// ]),
// showRejectAll ? h('.flex-row.flex-space-around.conf-buttons', {
// style: {
// display: 'flex',
// justifyContent: 'flex-end',
// margin: '14px 25px',
// },
// }, [
// h('button.cancel.btn-red', {
// onClick: props.cancelAllTransactions,
// }, 'Reject All'),
// ]) : null,
// ]),
// ])
// )
// }
h('form#pending-tx-form', {
onSubmit: this.onSubmit,
}, [
h('.page-container__footer', [
// Cancel Button
h('', {
onClick: (event) => {
this.cancel(event, txMeta)
}, this.props.t('cancel')),
// Accept Button
h('', [this.props.t('confirm')]),
// These are latest errors handling from master
// Leaving as comments as reference when we start implementing error handling
// h('style', `
// .conf-buttons button {
// margin-left: 10px;
// text-transform: uppercase;
// }
// `),
// txMeta.simulationFails ?
// h('.error', {
// style: {
// marginLeft: 50,
// fontSize: '0.9em',
// },
// }, 'Transaction Error. Exception thrown in contract code.')
// : null,
// !isValidAddress ?
// h('.error', {
// style: {
// marginLeft: 50,
// fontSize: '0.9em',
// },
// }, 'Recipient address is invalid. Sending this transaction will result in a loss of ETH.')
// : null,
// insufficientBalance ?
// h('span.error', {
// style: {
// marginLeft: 50,
// fontSize: '0.9em',
// },
// }, 'Insufficient balance for transaction')
// : null,
// // send + cancel
// h('.flex-row.flex-space-around.conf-buttons', {
// style: {
// display: 'flex',
// justifyContent: 'flex-end',
// margin: '14px 25px',
// },
// }, [
// h('button', {
// onClick: (event) => {
// this.resetGasFields()
// event.preventDefault()
// },
// }, 'Reset'),
// // Accept Button or Buy Button
// insufficientBalance ? h('button.btn-green', { onClick: props.buyEth }, 'Buy Ether') :
// h('input.confirm.btn-green', {
// type: 'submit',
// value: 'SUBMIT',
// style: { marginLeft: '10px' },
// disabled: buyDisabled,
// }),
// h('button.cancel.btn-red', {
// onClick: props.cancelTransaction,
// }, 'Reject'),
// ]),
// showRejectAll ? h('.flex-row.flex-space-around.conf-buttons', {
// style: {
// display: 'flex',
// justifyContent: 'flex-end',
// margin: '14px 25px',
// },
// }, [
// h('button.cancel.btn-red', {
// onClick: props.cancelAllTransactions,
// }, 'Reject All'),
// ]) : null,
// ]),
// ])
// )
// }
h('form#pending-tx-form', {
onSubmit: this.onSubmit,
}, [
h('.page-container__footer', [
// Cancel Button
h('', {
onClick: (event) => {
this.cancel(event, txMeta)
}, this.props.t('cancel')),
// Accept Button
h('', [this.props.t('confirm')]),

@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ function mapDispatchToProps (dispatch, ownProps) {
amount: tokenAmountInHex,
errors: { to: null, amount: null },
editingTransactionId: id,
token: ownProps.token,

@ -64,13 +64,20 @@ PendingTx.prototype.componentWillMount = async function () {
try {
// inspect tx data for supported special confirmation screens
let isTokenTransaction = false
if ( {
const tokenData = abiDecoder.decodeMethod(
const { name: tokenMethodName } = tokenData || {}
isTokenTransaction = (tokenMethodName === 'transfer')
if (isTokenTransaction) {
const token = util.getContractAtAddress(
const results = await Promise.all([
const [ symbol, decimals ] = results
if (symbol[0] && decimals[0]) {
@ -83,11 +90,14 @@ PendingTx.prototype.componentWillMount = async function () {
} else {
transactionType: TX_TYPES.SEND_ETHER,
transactionType: TX_TYPES.SEND_TOKEN,
tokenSymbol: null,
tokenDecimals: null,
isFetching: false,
} catch (e) {
} else {
transactionType: TX_TYPES.SEND_ETHER,
isFetching: false,

@ -5,6 +5,28 @@ const PropTypes = require('prop-types')
const Identicon = require('./identicon')
class SenderToRecipient extends Component {
renderRecipientIcon () {
const { recipientAddress } = this.props
return (
? h(Identicon, { address: recipientAddress, diameter: 20 })
: h('i.fa.fa-file-text-o')
renderRecipient () {
const { recipientName } = this.props
return (
h('.sender-to-recipient__recipient', [
recipientName || this.props.t('newContract')
render () {
const { senderName, senderAddress } = this.props
@ -28,10 +50,7 @@ class SenderToRecipient extends Component {
h('.sender-to-recipient__recipient', [
h('.sender-to-recipient__name.sender-to-recipient__recipient-name', this.props.t('newContract')),
@ -41,6 +60,8 @@ SenderToRecipient.propTypes = {
senderName: PropTypes.string,
senderAddress: PropTypes.string,
localeMessages: PropTypes.object,
recipientName: PropTypes.string,
recipientAddress: PropTypes.string,
module.exports = {

@ -159,3 +159,15 @@
.network-caret {
margin: 0 8px 2px;
.network-display {
&__container {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: flex-start;
@media screen and (min-width: 576px) {
display: none;

@ -526,14 +526,10 @@
&__form {
padding: 13px 0;
width: 100%;
overflow-y: auto;
padding: 10px 0 25px;
@media screen and (max-width: $break-small) {
padding: 13px 0;
margin: 0;
overflow-y: auto;
flex: 1 1 auto;

@ -106,6 +106,12 @@ input.large-input {
&__header-row {
padding-bottom: 10px;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
&__footer {
display: flex;
flex-flow: row;
@ -138,7 +144,6 @@ input.large-input {
color: #2f9ae0;
font-size: 1rem;
cursor: pointer;
padding-bottom: 10px;
font-weight: 400;

@ -56,8 +56,9 @@ function getSelectedToken (state) {
const tokens = state.metamask.tokens || []
const selectedTokenAddress = state.metamask.selectedTokenAddress
const selectedToken = tokens.filter(({ address }) => address === selectedTokenAddress)[0]
const sendToken = state.metamask.send.token
return selectedToken || null
return selectedToken || sendToken || null
function getSelectedTokenExchangeRate (state) {

@ -479,18 +479,19 @@ SendTransactionScreen.prototype.renderMemoRow = function () {
SendTransactionScreen.prototype.renderForm = function () {
return h('div.send-v2__form', {}, [
return h('.page-container__content', {}, [
h('.send-v2__form', [
// this.renderMemoRow(),
// this.renderMemoRow(),
