@ -1,91 +0,0 @@ |
const Component = require('react').Component |
const h = require('react-hyperscript') |
const inherits = require('util').inherits |
const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util') |
const EthBalance = require('../components/eth-balance') |
const CopyButton = require('../components/copyButton') |
const Identicon = require('../components/identicon') |
module.exports = AccountListItem |
inherits(AccountListItem, Component) |
function AccountListItem () { |
|||||| |
} |
AccountListItem.prototype.render = function () { |
const { identity, selectedAddress, accounts, onShowDetail, |
conversionRate, currentCurrency } = this.props |
const checksumAddress = identity && identity.address && ethUtil.toChecksumAddress(identity.address) |
const isSelected = selectedAddress === identity.address |
const account = accounts[identity.address] |
const selectedClass = isSelected ? '.selected' : '' |
return ( |
h(`.accounts-list-option.flex-row.flex-space-between.pointer.hover-white${selectedClass}`, { |
key: `account-panel-${identity.address}`, |
onClick: (event) => onShowDetail(identity.address, event), |
}, [ |
h('', [ |
this.pendingOrNot(), |
this.indicateIfLoose(), |
h(Identicon, { |
address: identity.address, |
imageify: true, |
}), |
]), |
// account address, balance
h('', { |
style: { |
width: '200px', |
}, |
}, [ |
h('span',, |
h('span.font-small', { |
style: { |
overflow: 'hidden', |
textOverflow: 'ellipsis', |
}, |
}, checksumAddress), |
h(EthBalance, { |
value: account && account.balance, |
currentCurrency, |
conversionRate, |
style: { |
lineHeight: '7px', |
marginTop: '10px', |
}, |
}), |
]), |
// copy button
h('.identity-copy.flex-column', { |
style: { |
margin: '0 20px', |
}, |
}, [ |
h(CopyButton, { |
value: checksumAddress, |
}), |
]), |
]) |
) |
} |
AccountListItem.prototype.indicateIfLoose = function () { |
try { // Sometimes keyrings aren't loaded yet:
const type = this.props.keyring.type |
const isLoose = type !== 'HD Key Tree' |
return isLoose ? h('.keyring-label', 'LOOSE') : null |
} catch (e) { return } |
} |
AccountListItem.prototype.pendingOrNot = function () { |
const pending = this.props.pending |
if (pending.length === 0) return null |
return h('.pending-dot', pending.length) |
} |
@ -1,163 +0,0 @@ |
const inherits = require('util').inherits |
const Component = require('react').Component |
const h = require('react-hyperscript') |
const connect = require('react-redux').connect |
const actions = require('../actions') |
const valuesFor = require('../util').valuesFor |
const findDOMNode = require('react-dom').findDOMNode |
const AccountListItem = require('./account-list-item') |
module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps)(AccountsScreen) |
function mapStateToProps (state) { |
const pendingTxs = valuesFor(state.metamask.unapprovedTxs) |
.filter(txMeta => txMeta.metamaskNetworkId === |
const pendingMsgs = valuesFor(state.metamask.unapprovedMsgs) |
const pending = pendingTxs.concat(pendingMsgs) |
return { |
accounts: state.metamask.accounts, |
identities: state.metamask.identities, |
unapprovedTxs: state.metamask.unapprovedTxs, |
selectedAddress: state.metamask.selectedAddress, |
scrollToBottom: state.appState.scrollToBottom, |
pending, |
keyrings: state.metamask.keyrings, |
conversionRate: state.metamask.conversionRate, |
currentCurrency: state.metamask.currentCurrency, |
} |
} |
inherits(AccountsScreen, Component) |
function AccountsScreen () { |
|||||| |
} |
AccountsScreen.prototype.render = function () { |
const props = this.props |
const { keyrings, conversionRate, currentCurrency } = props |
const identityList = valuesFor(props.identities) |
const unapprovedTxList = valuesFor(props.unapprovedTxs) |
return ( |
h('.accounts-section.flex-grow', [ |
// subtitle and nav
h('.section-title.flex-center', [ |
h('i.fa.fa-arrow-left.fa-lg.cursor-pointer', { |
onClick: this.goHome.bind(this), |
}), |
h('', 'Select Account'), |
]), |
h('hr.horizontal-line'), |
// identity selection
h('section.identity-section', { |
style: { |
overflowY: 'auto', |
overflowX: 'hidden', |
}, |
}, |
[ |
|||||| => { |
const pending = this.props.pending.filter((txOrMsg) => { |
if ('txParams' in txOrMsg) { |
return txOrMsg.txParams.from === identity.address |
} else if ('msgParams' in txOrMsg) { |
return txOrMsg.msgParams.from === identity.address |
} else { |
return false |
} |
}) |
const simpleAddress = identity.address.substring(2).toLowerCase() |
const keyring = keyrings.find((kr) => { |
return kr.accounts.includes(simpleAddress) || |
kr.accounts.includes(identity.address) |
}) |
return h(AccountListItem, { |
key: `acct-panel-${identity.address}`, |
identity, |
selectedAddress: this.props.selectedAddress, |
conversionRate, |
currentCurrency, |
accounts: this.props.accounts, |
onShowDetail: this.onShowDetail.bind(this), |
pending, |
keyring, |
}) |
}), |
h('hr.horizontal-line'), |
h('div.footer.hover-white.pointer', { |
key: 'reveal-account-bar', |
onClick: () => { |
this.addNewAccount() |
}, |
style: { |
display: 'flex', |
height: '40px', |
padding: '10px', |
justifyContent: 'center', |
alignItems: 'center', |
}, |
}, [ |
h('i.fa.fa-plus.fa-lg', {key: ''}), |
]), |
h('hr.horizontal-line'), |
]), |
unapprovedTxList.length ? ( |
h('.unconftx-link.flex-row.flex-center', { |
onClick: this.navigateToConfTx.bind(this), |
}, [ |
h('span', 'Unconfirmed Txs'), |
h('i.fa.fa-arrow-right.fa-lg'), |
]) |
) : ( |
null |
), |
]) |
) |
} |
// If a new account was revealed, scroll to the bottom
AccountsScreen.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function () { |
const scrollToBottom = this.props.scrollToBottom |
if (scrollToBottom) { |
var container = findDOMNode(this) |
var scrollable = container.querySelector('.identity-section') |
scrollable.scrollTop = scrollable.scrollHeight |
} |
} |
AccountsScreen.prototype.navigateToConfTx = function () { |
event.stopPropagation() |
this.props.dispatch(actions.showConfTxPage()) |
} |
AccountsScreen.prototype.onShowDetail = function (address, event) { |
event.stopPropagation() |
this.props.dispatch(actions.showAccountDetail(address)) |
} |
AccountsScreen.prototype.addNewAccount = function () { |
this.props.dispatch(actions.addNewAccount(0)) |
} |
/* An optional view proposed in this design: |
AccountsScreen.prototype.addNewAccount = function () { |
this.props.dispatch(actions.navigateToNewAccountScreen()) |
} |
*/ |
AccountsScreen.prototype.goHome = function () { |
this.props.dispatch(actions.goHome()) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ |
const Component = require('react').Component |
const PropTypes = require('react').PropTypes |
const h = require('react-hyperscript') |
const actions = require('../actions') |
const genAccountLink = require('../../lib/account-link.js') |
const connect = require('react-redux').connect |
const Dropdown = require('./dropdown').Dropdown |
const DropdownMenuItem = require('./dropdown').DropdownMenuItem |
const Identicon = require('./identicon') |
const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util') |
const copyToClipboard = require('copy-to-clipboard') |
class AccountDropdowns extends Component { |
constructor (props) { |
super(props) |
this.state = { |
overflowMenuActive: false, |
switchingMenuActive: false, |
} |
} |
getAccounts () { |
const { identities, selected } = this.props |
return Object.keys(identities).map((key) => { |
const identity = identities[key] |
const isSelected = identity.address === selected |
return h( |
DropdownMenuItem, |
{ |
closeMenu: () => {}, |
onClick: () => { |
this.props.actions.showAccountDetail(identity.address) |
}, |
}, |
[ |
h( |
Identicon, |
{ |
address: identity.address, |
diameter: 16, |
}, |
), |
h('span', { style: { marginLeft: '10px' } }, || ''), |
h('span', { style: { marginLeft: '10px' } }, isSelected ? h('.check', '✓') : null), |
] |
) |
}) |
} |
render () { |
const { style, actions } = this.props |
const { switchingMenuActive, overflowMenuActive } = this.state |
return h( |
'span', |
{ |
style: style, |
}, |
[ |
h( |
'i.fa.fa-angle-down', |
{ |
style: {}, |
onClick: (event) => { |
event.stopPropagation() |
this.setState({ |
switchingMenuActive: !switchingMenuActive, |
overflowMenuActive: false, |
}) |
}, |
}, |
[ |
h( |
Dropdown, |
{ |
style: { |
marginLeft: '-140px', |
minWidth: '180px', |
}, |
isOpen: switchingMenuActive, |
onClickOutside: () => { this.setState({ switchingMenuActive: false}) }, |
}, |
[ |
h( |
DropdownMenuItem, |
{ |
closeMenu: () => {}, |
onClick: () => actions.showConfigPage(), |
}, |
'Account Settings', |
), |
h( |
DropdownMenuItem, |
{ |
closeMenu: () => {}, |
onClick: () => { |
const { selected, network } = this.props |
const url = genAccountLink(selected, network) |
global.platform.openWindow({ url }) |
}, |
}, |
'View account on Etherscan', |
), |
h( |
DropdownMenuItem, |
{ |
closeMenu: () => {}, |
onClick: () => { |
const { selected } = this.props |
const checkSumAddress = selected && ethUtil.toChecksumAddress(selected) |
copyToClipboard(checkSumAddress) |
}, |
}, |
'Copy Address to clipboard', |
), |
h( |
DropdownMenuItem, |
{ |
closeMenu: () => {}, |
onClick: () => { |
actions.requestAccountExport() |
}, |
}, |
'Export Private Key', |
), |
] |
), |
], |
), |
h( |
'i.fa.fa-ellipsis-h', |
{ |
style: { 'marginLeft': '10px'}, |
onClick: (event) => { |
event.stopPropagation() |
this.setState({ |
overflowMenuActive: !overflowMenuActive, |
switchingMenuActive: false, |
}) |
}, |
}, |
[ |
h( |
Dropdown, |
{ |
style: { |
marginLeft: '-155px', |
minWidth: '180px', |
}, |
isOpen: overflowMenuActive, |
onClickOutside: () => { this.setState({ overflowMenuActive: false}) }, |
}, |
[ |
...this.getAccounts(), |
h( |
DropdownMenuItem, |
{ |
closeMenu: () => {}, |
onClick: () => actions.addNewAccount(), |
}, |
[ |
h( |
Identicon, |
{ |
diameter: 16, |
}, |
), |
h('span', { style: { marginLeft: '10px' } }, 'Create Account'), |
], |
), |
h( |
DropdownMenuItem, |
{ |
closeMenu: () => {}, |
onClick: () => actions.showImportPage(), |
}, |
[ |
h( |
Identicon, |
{ |
diameter: 16, |
}, |
), |
h('span', { style: { marginLeft: '10px' } }, 'Import Account'), |
] |
), |
] |
), |
] |
), |
] |
) |
} |
} |
AccountDropdowns.propTypes = { |
identities: PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.object), |
selected: PropTypes.string, |
} |
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, ownProps) => { |
return { |
actions: { |
showConfigPage: () => dispatch(actions.showConfigPage()), |
requestAccountExport: () => dispatch(actions.requestExportAccount()), |
showAccountDetail: (address) => dispatch(actions.showAccountDetail(address)), |
addNewAccount: () => dispatch(actions.addNewAccount()), |
showImportPage: () => dispatch(actions.showImportPage()), |
}, |
} |
} |
module.exports = { |
AccountDropdowns: connect(null, mapDispatchToProps)(AccountDropdowns), |
} |
Reference in new issue