Refactor BalanceComponent to jsx (#6048)
@ -1,138 +0,0 @@ |
const Component = require('react').Component |
const h = require('react-hyperscript') |
const PropTypes = require('prop-types') |
const inherits = require('util').inherits |
const exportAsFile = require('../util').exportAsFile |
const copyToClipboard = require('copy-to-clipboard') |
const actions = require('../actions') |
const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util') |
const connect = require('react-redux').connect |
ExportAccountView.contextTypes = { |
t: PropTypes.func, |
} |
module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps)(ExportAccountView) |
inherits(ExportAccountView, Component) |
function ExportAccountView () { |
|||||| |
} |
function mapStateToProps (state) { |
return { |
warning: state.appState.warning, |
} |
} |
ExportAccountView.prototype.render = function () { |
const state = this.props |
const accountDetail = state.accountDetail |
const nickname = state.identities[state.address].name |
if (!accountDetail) return h('div') |
const accountExport = accountDetail.accountExport |
const notExporting = accountExport === 'none' |
const exportRequested = accountExport === 'requested' |
const accountExported = accountExport === 'completed' |
if (notExporting) return h('div') |
if (exportRequested) { |
const warning = this.context.t('exportPrivateKeyWarning') |
return ( |
h('div', { |
style: { |
display: 'inline-block', |
textAlign: 'center', |
}, |
}, |
[ |
h('div', { |
key: 'exporting', |
style: { |
margin: '0 20px', |
}, |
}, [ |
h('p.error', warning), |
h('input#exportAccount.sizing-input', { |
type: 'password', |
placeholder: this.context.t('confirmPassword').toLowerCase(), |
onKeyPress: this.onExportKeyPress.bind(this), |
style: { |
position: 'relative', |
top: '1.5px', |
marginBottom: '7px', |
}, |
}), |
]), |
h('div', { |
key: 'buttons', |
style: { |
margin: '0 20px', |
}, |
}, |
[ |
h('button', { |
onClick: () => this.onExportKeyPress({ key: 'Enter', preventDefault: () => {} }), |
style: { |
marginRight: '10px', |
}, |
}, this.context.t('submit')), |
h('button', { |
onClick: () => this.props.dispatch(actions.backToAccountDetail(this.props.address)), |
}, this.context.t('cancel')), |
]), |
(this.props.warning) && ( |
h('span.error', { |
style: { |
margin: '20px', |
}, |
}, this.props.warning.split('-')) |
), |
]) |
) |
} |
if (accountExported) { |
const plainKey = ethUtil.stripHexPrefix(accountDetail.privateKey) |
return h('div.privateKey', { |
style: { |
margin: '0 20px', |
}, |
}, [ |
h('label', this.context.t('copyPrivateKey') + ':'), |
h('p.error.cursor-pointer', { |
style: { |
textOverflow: 'ellipsis', |
overflow: 'hidden', |
webkitUserSelect: 'text', |
maxWidth: '275px', |
}, |
onClick: function (event) { |
copyToClipboard(ethUtil.stripHexPrefix(accountDetail.privateKey)) |
}, |
}, plainKey), |
h('button', { |
onClick: () => this.props.dispatch(actions.backToAccountDetail(this.props.address)), |
}, this.context.t('done')), |
h('button', { |
style: { |
marginLeft: '10px', |
}, |
onClick: () => exportAsFile(`MetaMask ${nickname} Private Key`, plainKey), |
}, this.context.t('saveAsFile')), |
]) |
} |
} |
ExportAccountView.prototype.onExportKeyPress = function (event) { |
if (event.key !== 'Enter') return |
event.preventDefault() |
const input = document.getElementById('exportAccount').value |
this.props.dispatch(actions.exportAccount(input, this.props.address)) |
} |
@ -1,111 +0,0 @@ |
const Component = require('react').Component |
const connect = require('react-redux').connect |
const h = require('react-hyperscript') |
const inherits = require('util').inherits |
import TokenBalance from './token-balance' |
import Identicon from './identicon' |
import UserPreferencedCurrencyDisplay from './user-preferenced-currency-display' |
import { PRIMARY, SECONDARY } from '../constants/common' |
const { getNativeCurrency, getAssetImages, conversionRateSelector, getCurrentCurrency, getMetaMaskAccounts } = require('../selectors') |
const { formatBalance } = require('../util') |
module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps)(BalanceComponent) |
function mapStateToProps (state) { |
const accounts = getMetaMaskAccounts(state) |
const network = |
const selectedAddress = state.metamask.selectedAddress || Object.keys(accounts)[0] |
const account = accounts[selectedAddress] |
return { |
account, |
network, |
nativeCurrency: getNativeCurrency(state), |
conversionRate: conversionRateSelector(state), |
currentCurrency: getCurrentCurrency(state), |
assetImages: getAssetImages(state), |
} |
} |
inherits(BalanceComponent, Component) |
function BalanceComponent () { |
|||||| |
} |
BalanceComponent.prototype.render = function () { |
const props = this.props |
const { token, network, assetImages } = props |
const address = token && token.address |
const image = assetImages && address ? assetImages[token.address] : undefined |
return h('div.balance-container', {}, [ |
// TODO: balance icon needs to be passed in
// h('img.balance-icon', {
// src: '../images/eth_logo.svg',
// style: {},
// }),
h(Identicon, { |
diameter: 50, |
address, |
network, |
image, |
}), |
token ? this.renderTokenBalance() : this.renderBalance(), |
]) |
} |
BalanceComponent.prototype.renderTokenBalance = function () { |
const { token } = this.props |
return h('div.flex-column.balance-display', [ |
h('div.token-amount', [ h(TokenBalance, { token }) ]), |
]) |
} |
BalanceComponent.prototype.renderBalance = function () { |
const props = this.props |
const { account, nativeCurrency } = props |
const balanceValue = account && account.balance |
const needsParse = 'needsParse' in props ? props.needsParse : true |
const formattedBalance = balanceValue ? formatBalance(balanceValue, 6, needsParse, nativeCurrency) : '...' |
const showFiat = 'showFiat' in props ? props.showFiat : true |
if (formattedBalance === 'None' || formattedBalance === '...') { |
return h('div.flex-column.balance-display', {}, [ |
h('div.token-amount', { |
style: {}, |
}, formattedBalance), |
]) |
} |
return h('div.flex-column.balance-display', {}, [ |
h(UserPreferencedCurrencyDisplay, { |
className: 'token-amount', |
value: balanceValue, |
type: PRIMARY, |
ethNumberOfDecimals: 4, |
}), |
showFiat && h(UserPreferencedCurrencyDisplay, { |
value: balanceValue, |
type: SECONDARY, |
ethNumberOfDecimals: 4, |
}), |
]) |
} |
BalanceComponent.prototype.getFiatDisplayNumber = function (formattedBalance, conversionRate) { |
if (formattedBalance === 'None') return formattedBalance |
if (conversionRate === 0) return 'N/A' |
const splitBalance = formattedBalance.split(' ') |
const convertedNumber = (Number(splitBalance[0]) * conversionRate) |
const wholePart = Math.floor(convertedNumber) |
const decimalPart = convertedNumber - wholePart |
return wholePart + Number(decimalPart.toPrecision(2)) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ |
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react' |
import PropTypes from 'prop-types' |
import TokenBalance from '../token-balance' |
import Identicon from '../identicon' |
import UserPreferencedCurrencyDisplay from '../user-preferenced-currency-display' |
import { PRIMARY, SECONDARY } from '../../constants/common' |
import { formatBalance } from '../../util' |
export default class Balance extends PureComponent { |
static propTypes = { |
account: PropTypes.object, |
assetImages: PropTypes.object, |
nativeCurrency: PropTypes.string, |
needsParse: PropTypes.bool, |
network: PropTypes.string, |
showFiat: PropTypes.bool, |
token: PropTypes.object, |
} |
static defaultProps = { |
needsParse: true, |
showFiat: true, |
} |
renderBalance () { |
const { account, nativeCurrency, needsParse, showFiat } = this.props |
const balanceValue = account && account.balance |
const formattedBalance = balanceValue |
? formatBalance(balanceValue, 6, needsParse, nativeCurrency) |
: '...' |
if (formattedBalance === 'None' || formattedBalance === '...') { |
return ( |
<div className="flex-column balance-display"> |
<div className="token-amount"> |
{ formattedBalance } |
</div> |
</div> |
) |
} |
return ( |
<div className="flex-column balance-display"> |
<UserPreferencedCurrencyDisplay |
className="token-amount" |
value={balanceValue} |
type={PRIMARY} |
ethNumberOfDecimals={4} |
/> |
{ |
showFiat && ( |
<UserPreferencedCurrencyDisplay |
value={balanceValue} |
type={SECONDARY} |
ethNumberOfDecimals={4} |
/> |
) |
} |
</div> |
) |
} |
renderTokenBalance () { |
const { token } = this.props |
return ( |
<div className="flex-column balance-display"> |
<div className="token-amount"> |
<TokenBalance token={token} /> |
</div> |
</div> |
) |
} |
render () { |
const { token, network, assetImages } = this.props |
const address = token && token.address |
const image = assetImages && address ? assetImages[token.address] : undefined |
return ( |
<div className="balance-container"> |
<Identicon |
diameter={50} |
address={address} |
network={network} |
image={image} |
/> |
{ token ? this.renderTokenBalance() : this.renderBalance() } |
</div> |
) |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ |
import { connect } from 'react-redux' |
import Balance from './balance.component' |
import { |
getNativeCurrency, |
getAssetImages, |
conversionRateSelector, |
getCurrentCurrency, |
getMetaMaskAccounts, |
} from '../../selectors' |
const mapStateToProps = state => { |
const accounts = getMetaMaskAccounts(state) |
const network = |
const selectedAddress = state.metamask.selectedAddress || Object.keys(accounts)[0] |
const account = accounts[selectedAddress] |
return { |
account, |
network, |
nativeCurrency: getNativeCurrency(state), |
conversionRate: conversionRateSelector(state), |
currentCurrency: getCurrentCurrency(state), |
assetImages: getAssetImages(state), |
} |
} |
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Balance) |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
export { default } from './balance.container' |
Reference in new issue