from setuptools import setup , find_packages
long_description = '''
== == == =
Mythril is a reverse engineering and bug hunting framework for the
Ethereum blockchain .
Installation and setup
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Install from Pypi :
. . code : : bash
$ pip install mythril
Or , clone the GitHub repo to install the newest master branch :
. . code : : bash
$ git clone https : / / github . com / b - mueller / mythril /
$ cd mythril
$ python setup . py install
You also need a
` go - ethereum < https : / / github . com / ethereum / go - ethereum > ` __ node that is
synced with the network ( note that Mythril uses non - standard RPC APIs
only supported by go - ethereum , so other clients likely won ' t work).
Start the node as follows :
. . code : : bash
$ geth - - rpc - - rpcapi eth , admin , debug - - syncmode fast
Database initialization
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Mythril builds its own contract database to enable fast search
operations . Unfortunately , this process is slow . You don ' t need to sync
the whole blockchain right away though : If you abort the syncing process
with ` ` ctrl + c ` ` , it will be auto - resumed the next time you run the
` ` - - init - db ` ` command .
. . code : : bash
$ myth - - init - db
Starting synchronization from latest block : 4323706
Processing block 4323000 , 3 individual contracts in database
( . . . )
Note that syncing doesn ' t take quite as long as it first seems, because
the blocks get smaller towards the beginning of the chain .
The default behavior is to only sync contracts with a non - zero balance .
You can disable this behavior with the ` ` - - sync - all ` ` flag , but be aware
that this will result in a huge ( as in : dozens of GB ) database .
Command line usage
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Mythril command line tool ( aptly named ` ` myth ` ` ) allows you to
conveniently access some of Mythril ' s functionality.
Searching the database
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The search feature allows you to find contract instances that contain
specific function calls and opcode sequences . It supports simple boolean
expressions , such as :
. . code : : bash
$ myth - - search " func#changeMultisig(address)# "
$ myth - - search " code#PUSH1 0x50,POP# "
$ myth - - search " func#changeMultisig(address)# and code#PUSH1 0x50# "
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Use the ` ` - d ` ` flag to disassemble code . The disassembler accepts a
bytecode string or a contract address as its input .
. . code : : bash
$ myth - d - c " $ ./myth -d -c " 5060 "
0 PUSH1 0x60
Specifying an address via ` ` - a ADDRESS ` ` will download the contract code
from your node . Mythril will try to resolve function names using the
signatures in ` ` database / signature . json ` ` :
. . code : : bash
$ myth - d - a " 0x2a0c0dbecc7e4d658f48e01e3fa353f44050c208 "
0 PUSH1 0x60
2 PUSH1 0x40
( . . . )
1135 - FUNCTION safeAdd ( uint256 , uint256 ) -
Adding the ` ` - g FILENAME ` ` option will output a call graph :
. . code : : bash
$ myth - d - a " 0xFa52274DD61E1643d2205169732f29114BC240b3 " - g . / graph . svg
. . figure : : https : / / raw . githubusercontent . com / b - mueller / mythril / master / static / callgraph . png
: alt : Call graph
Note that currently , Mythril only processes ` ` JUMP ` ` and ` ` JUMPI ` `
instructions with immediately preceding ` ` PUSH ` ` , but doesn ' t understand
dynamic jumps and function calls .
Tracing Code
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You can run a code trace in the PyEthereum virtual machine . Optionally ,
input data can be passed via the ` ` - - data ` ` flag .
. . code : : bash
$ myth - t - a " 0x3665f2bf19ee5e207645f3e635bf0f4961d661c0 "
vm storage = { ' storage ' : { } , ' nonce ' : ' 0 ' , ' balance ' : ' 0 ' , ' code ' : ' 0x ' } gas = b ' 21000 ' stack = [ ] address = b ' 6e \xf2 \xbf \x19 \xee ^ vE \xf3 \xe6 5 \xbf \x0f Ia \xd6 a \xc0 ' depth = 0 steps = 0 inst = 96 pushvalue = 96 pc = b ' 0 ' op = PUSH1
vm op = PUSH1 gas = b ' 20997 ' stack = [ b ' 96 ' ] depth = 0 steps = 1 inst = 96 pushvalue = 64 pc = b ' 2 '
vm op = MSTORE gas = b ' 20994 ' stack = [ b ' 96 ' , b ' 64 ' ] depth = 0 steps = 2 inst = 82 pc = b ' 4 '
Finding cross - references
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
It is often useful to find other contracts referenced by a particular
contract . Let ' s assume you want to search for contracts that fulfill
conditions similar to the ` Parity Multisig Wallet
Bug < http : / / hackingdistributed . com / 2017 / 07 / 22 / deep - dive - parity - bug / > ` __ .
First , you want to find a list of contracts that use the
` ` DELEGATECALL ` ` opcode :
. . code : : bash
$ myth - - search " code#DELEGATECALL# "
Matched contract with code hash 07459966443977122e639 cbf7804c446
Address : 0x76799f77587738bfeef09452df215b63d2cfb08a , balance : 1000000000000000
Address : 0x3582d2a3b67d63ed10f1ecaef0dca71b9283b543 , balance : 92000000000000000000
Address : 0x4b9bc00c35f7cee95c65c3c9836040c37dec9772 , balance : 89000000000000000000
Address : 0x156d5687a201affb3f1e632dcfb9fde4b0128211 , balance : 29500000000000000000
( . . . )
Note that " code hash " in the above output refers to the contract ' s index
in the database . The following lines ( " Address: ... " ) list instances of
same contract deployed on the blockchain .
You can then use the ` ` - - xrefs ` ` flag to find the addresses of
referenced contracts :
. . code : : bash
$ myth - - xrefs 07459966443977122e639 cbf7804c446
5 b9e8728e316bbeb692d22daaab74f6cbf2c4691
The command - line search is useful for identifying contracts with
interesting opcode patterns . You can either use this information as a
starting point for manual analysis , or build more complex static and
dynamic analysis using Mythril and
` PyEthereum < https : / / github . com / ethereum / pyethereum > ` __ modules .
Custom scripts
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Add examples for static / dynamic analysis
- API documentation
- - - - - -
The RPC database sync solution is not very efficient . I explored some
other options , including :
- Using PyEthereum : I encountered issues syncing PyEthereum with
Homestead . Also , PyEthApp only supports Python 2.7 , which causes
issues with other important packages .
- Accessing the Go - Ethereum LevelDB : This would be a great option .
However , PyEthereum database code seems unable to deal with
Go - Ethereum ' s LevelDB. It would take quite a bit of effort to figure
this out .
- IPC might allow for faster sync then RPC - haven ' t tried it yet.
I ' m writing this in my spare time, so contributors would be highly
welcome !
- - - - - -
JSON RPC library is adapted from
` ethjsonrpc < https : / / github . com / ConsenSys / ethjsonrpc > ` __ ( it doesn ' t
seem to be maintained anymore , and I needed to make some changes to it ) .
Act responsibly !
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The purpose of project is to aid discovery of vulnerable smart contracts
on the Ethereum mainnet and support research for novel security flaws .
If you do find an exploitable issue or vulnerable contract instances ,
please ` do the right
thing < https : / / en . wikipedia . org / wiki / Responsible_disclosure > ` __ . Also ,
note that vulnerability branding ( " etherbleed " , " chainshock " , . . . ) is
highly discouraged as it will annoy the author and others in the
security community .
setup (
name = ' mythril ' ,
version = ' 0.5.6 ' ,
description = ' A reversing and bug hunting framework for the Ethereum blockchain ' ,
long_description = long_description ,
url = ' ' ,
author = ' Bernhard Mueller ' ,
author_email = ' ' ,
license = ' MIT ' ,
classifiers = [
' Development Status :: 3 - Alpha ' ,
' Intended Audience :: Science/Research ' ,
' Topic :: Software Development :: Disassemblers ' ,
' License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License ' ,
' Programming Language :: Python :: 2 ' ,
' Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7 ' ,
' Programming Language :: Python :: 3 ' ,
' Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3 ' ,
' Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4 ' ,
' Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5 ' ,
] ,
keywords = ' hacking disassembler security ethereum ' ,
packages = find_packages ( exclude = [ ' contrib ' , ' docs ' , ' tests ' ] ) ,
install_requires = [
' ethereum>=2.0.4 ' ,
' web3 ' ,
' ZODB>=5.3.0 ' ,
' z3-solver>=4.5 ' ,
' laser-ethereum>=0.1.6 '
] ,
python_requires = ' >=3.5 ' ,
extras_require = {
} ,
include_package_data = True ,
scripts = [ ' myth ' ]