CODE: LevelDB support

Submission #252303 by N1k1tung to the challenge
Dr. Sergey Pogodin 7 years ago
parent fb708b5b0f
commit 4f234e7ef3
  1. 17
  2. 13
  3. 0
  4. 181
  5. 23
  6. 130
  7. 5

@ -233,6 +233,23 @@ $ wget
When you analyze Solidity code, new function signatures are added to the database automatically.
### Use LevelDB directly
If you want to directly use the LevelDB database of your local geth instance you can do so by specifying it's path with *--leveldb* option:
$ myth --leveldb ./geth/chaindata -s "code#PUSH#"
$ myth --leveldb ./geth/chaindata -a 0xA692B965434F804BF7C39217E881F2c229befc2e --storage 0,10
Default geth data directories are:
* Mac: `~/Library/Ethereum`
* Linux: `~/.ethereum`
* Windows: `%APPDATA%\Ethereum`
The chaindata LevelDB is located at `<datadir>/geth/chaindata`
## Credit
- JSON RPC library is adapted from [ethjsonrpc]( (it doesn't seem to be maintained anymore, and I needed to make some changes to it).


@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ from mythril.analysis.symbolic import SymExecWrapper
from mythril.analysis.callgraph import generate_graph
from import fire_lasers
from import Report
from mythril.leveldb.client import EthLevelDB
def searchCallback(code_hash, code, addresses, balances):
@ -83,6 +84,7 @@ options.add_argument('--solc-args', help='Extra arguments for solc')
options.add_argument('--phrack', action='store_true', help='Phrack-style call graph')
options.add_argument('--enable-physics', action='store_true', help='enable graph physics simulation')
options.add_argument('-v', type=int, help='log level (0-2)', metavar='LOG_LEVEL')
options.add_argument('--leveldb', help='enable direct leveldb access operations', metavar='LEVELDB_PATH')
rpc = parser.add_argument_group('RPC options')
rpc.add_argument('-i', action='store_true', help='Preset: Infura Node service (Mainnet)')
@ -179,9 +181,15 @@ else:
except KeyError:
solc_binary = 'solc'
# Open LevelDB if specified
if args.leveldb:
ethDB = EthLevelDB(args.leveldb)
eth = ethDB
# Establish RPC/IPC connection if necessary
if args.address or args.init_db:
if (args.address or args.init_db) and not args.leveldb:
if args.i:
eth = EthJsonRpc('', 443, True)
@ -232,7 +240,10 @@ if or args.init_db:
contract_storage = get_persistent_storage(mythril_dir)
if not args.leveldb:, searchCallback)
else:, searchCallback)
except SyntaxError:
exitWithError(args.outform, "Syntax error in search expression.")
elif args.init_db:

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
import plyvel
import binascii
import rlp
import hashlib
from ethereum import utils
from ethereum.block import BlockHeader, Block
from mythril.leveldb.state import State, Account
from mythril.leveldb.eth_db import ETH_DB
from mythril.ether.ethcontract import ETHContract, InstanceList
# Per
# prefixes and suffixes for keys in geth
headerPrefix = b'h' # headerPrefix + num (uint64 big endian) + hash -> header
bodyPrefix = b'b' # bodyPrefix + num (uint64 big endian) + hash -> block body
numSuffix = b'n' # headerPrefix + num (uint64 big endian) + numSuffix -> hash
blockHashPrefix = b'H' # blockHashPrefix + hash -> num (uint64 big endian)
# known geth keys
headHeaderKey = b'LastHeader' # head (latest) header hash
def _formatBlockNumber(number):
formats block number to uint64 big endian
return utils.zpad(utils.int_to_big_endian(number), 8)
def _encode_hex(v):
encodes hash as hex
return '0x' + utils.encode_hex(v)
class EthLevelDB(object):
Go-Ethereum LevelDB client class
def __init__(self, path):
self.path = path
self.db = ETH_DB(path)
self.headBlockHeader = None
self.headState = None
self.all_contracts = None
self.active_contracts = None
self.instance_lists = None
def get_all_contracts(self):
get all contracts
if not self.all_contracts:
self.all_contracts = []
self.active_contracts = []
self.instance_lists = []
state = self._get_head_state()
accounts = state.get_all_accounts()
for a in accounts:
if a.code is not None:
code = _encode_hex(a.code)
md5 = hashlib.md5()
contract_hash = md5.digest()
contract = ETHContract(code, name=contract_hash.hex())
if a.balance != 0:
md5 = InstanceList()
md5.add(_encode_hex(a.address), a.balance)
return self.all_contracts
def get_active_contracts(self):
get all contracts with non-zero balance
if not self.active_contracts:
self.get_all_contracts() # optimized
return self.active_contracts
def search(self, expression, callback_func):
searches through non-zero balance contracts
contracts = self.get_active_contracts()
for i in range(0, len(contracts)):
if contracts[i].matches_expression(expression):
m = self.instance_lists[i]
callback_func(contracts[i].name, contracts[i], m.addresses, m.balances)
def eth_getBlockHeaderByNumber(self, number):
gets block header by block number
hash = self._get_block_hash(number)
blockNumber = _formatBlockNumber(number)
return self._get_block_header(hash, blockNumber)
def eth_getBlockByNumber(self, number):
gets block body by block number
blockHash = self._get_block_hash(number)
blockNumber = _formatBlockNumber(number)
bodyKey = bodyPrefix + blockNumber + blockHash
blockData = self.db.get(bodyKey)
body = rlp.decode(blockData, sedes=Block)
return body
def eth_getCode(self, address):
gets account code
account = self._get_account(address)
return _encode_hex(account.code)
def eth_getBalance(self, address):
gets account balance
account = self._get_account(address)
return account.balance
def eth_getStorageAt(self, address, position):
gets account storage data at position
account = self._get_account(address)
return _encode_hex(utils.zpad(utils.encode_int(account.get_storage_data(position)), 32))
def _get_head_state(self):
gets head state
if not self.headState:
root = self._get_head_block().state_root
self.headState = State(self.db, root)
return self.headState
def _get_account(self, address):
gets account by address
state = self._get_head_state()
accountAddress = binascii.a2b_hex(utils.remove_0x_head(address))
return state.get_and_cache_account(accountAddress)
def _get_block_hash(self, number):
gets block hash by block number
num = _formatBlockNumber(number)
hashKey = headerPrefix + num + numSuffix
return self.db.get(hashKey)
def _get_head_block(self):
gets head block header
if not self.headBlockHeader:
hash = self.db.get(headHeaderKey)
num = self._get_block_number(hash)
self.headBlockHeader = self._get_block_header(hash, num)
return self.headBlockHeader
def _get_block_number(self, hash):
gets block number by hash
numberKey = blockHashPrefix + hash
return self.db.get(numberKey)
def _get_block_header(self, hash, num):
get block header by block header hash & number
headerKey = headerPrefix + num + hash
blockHeaderData = self.db.get(headerKey)
header = rlp.decode(blockHeaderData, sedes=BlockHeader)
return header

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
import plyvel
from ethereum.db import BaseDB
from ethereum import utils
class ETH_DB(BaseDB):
adopts pythereum BaseDB using plyvel
def __init__(self, path):
self.db = plyvel.DB(path)
def get(self, key):
gets value for key
return self.db.get(key)
def put(self, key, value):
puts value for key
self.db.put(key, value)

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
import rlp
import binascii
from ethereum.utils import normalize_address, hash32, trie_root, \
big_endian_int, address, int256, encode_hex, encode_int, \
big_endian_to_int, int_to_addr, zpad, parse_as_bin, parse_as_int, \
decode_hex, sha3, is_string, is_numeric
from rlp.sedes import big_endian_int, Binary, binary, CountableList
from ethereum import utils
from ethereum import trie
from ethereum.trie import Trie
from ethereum.securetrie import SecureTrie
BLANK_HASH = utils.sha3(b'')
BLANK_ROOT = utils.sha3rlp(b'')
"txindex": 0,
"gas_used": 0,
"gas_limit": 3141592,
"block_number": 0,
"block_coinbase": '\x00' * 20,
"block_difficulty": 1,
"timestamp": 0,
"logs": [],
"receipts": [],
"bloom": 0,
"suicides": [],
"recent_uncles": {},
"prev_headers": [],
"refunds": 0,
class Account(rlp.Serializable):
adjusted account from ethereum.state
fields = [
('nonce', big_endian_int),
('balance', big_endian_int),
('storage', trie_root),
('code_hash', hash32)
def __init__(self, nonce, balance, storage, code_hash, db, address):
self.db = db
self.address = address
super(Account, self).__init__(nonce, balance, storage, code_hash)
self.storage_cache = {}
self.storage_trie = SecureTrie(Trie(self.db))
self.storage_trie.root_hash =
self.touched = False
self.existent_at_start = True
self._mutable = True
self.deleted = False
def code(self):
code rlp data
return self.db.get(self.code_hash)
def get_storage_data(self, key):
get storage data
if key not in self.storage_cache:
v = self.storage_trie.get(utils.encode_int32(key))
self.storage_cache[key] = utils.big_endian_to_int(
rlp.decode(v) if v else b'')
return self.storage_cache[key]
def blank_account(cls, db, address, initial_nonce=0):
creates a blank account
db.put(BLANK_HASH, b'')
o = cls(initial_nonce, 0, trie.BLANK_ROOT, BLANK_HASH, db, address)
o.existent_at_start = False
return o
def is_blank(self):
checks if is a blank account
return self.nonce == 0 and self.balance == 0 and self.code_hash == BLANK_HASH
class State():
adjusted state from ethereum.state
def __init__(self, db, root):
self.db = db
self.trie = Trie(self.db, root)
self.secureTrie = SecureTrie(self.trie)
self.journal = []
self.cache = {}
def get_and_cache_account(self, address):
gets and caches an account for an addres, creates blank if not found
if address in self.cache:
return self.cache[address]
rlpdata = self.secureTrie.get(address)
if rlpdata == trie.BLANK_NODE and len(address) == 32: # support for hashed addresses
rlpdata = self.trie.get(address)
if rlpdata != trie.BLANK_NODE:
o = rlp.decode(rlpdata, Account, db=self.db, address=address)
o = Account.blank_account(
self.db, address, 0)
self.cache[address] = o
o._mutable = True
o._cached_rlp = None
return o
def get_all_accounts(self):
iterates through trie to get all items
accounts = []
for addressHash, rlpdata in self.secureTrie.trie.to_dict().items():
if rlpdata != trie.BLANK_NODE:
accounts.append(rlp.decode(rlpdata, Account, db=self.db, address=addressHash))
return accounts

@ -290,10 +290,11 @@ setup(
