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Analysis Results
Ether send
- Type: Warning
- Contract: Crowdfunding
- Function name: withdrawfunds()
- PC address: 816
In the function 'withdrawfunds()' a non-zero amount of Ether is sent to msg.sender. Call value is balance_at_1461501637330902918203684832716283019655932542975 & address.
There is a check on storage index 7. This storage slot can be written to by calling the function 'crowdfunding()'.
In ether_send.sol:
Use of tx.origin
- Type: Warning
- Contract: Origin
- Function name: transferOwnership(address)
- PC address: 317
Function transferOwnership(address) retrieves the transaction origin (tx.origin) using the ORIGIN opcode. Use tx.sender instead. See also: https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/develop/security-considerations.html#tx-origin
In origin.sol:
CALL with gas to dynamic address
- Type: Warning
- Contract: Reentrancy
- Function name: withdraw(uint256)
- PC address: 552
The function withdraw(uint256) contains a function call to the address of the transaction sender. The available gas is forwarded to the called contract. Make sure that the logic of the calling contract is not adversely affected if the called contract misbehaves (e.g. reentrancy).
In reentrancy.sol:
Unchecked CALL return value
- Type: Informational
- Contract: Reentrancy
- Function name: withdraw(uint256)
- PC address: 552
The function withdraw(uint256) contains a call to msg.sender. The return value of this call is not checked. Note that the function will continue to execute with a return value of '0' if the called contract throws.
In reentrancy.sol:
Integer Underflow
- Type: Warning
- Contract: Under
- Function name: sendeth(address,uint256)
- PC address: 649
A possible integer underflow exists in the function sendeth(address,uint256). The SUB instruction at address 649 may result in a value < 0.
In underflow.sol:
balances[msg.sender] -= _value
Integer Underflow
- Type: Warning
- Contract: Under
- Function name: sendeth(address,uint256)
- PC address: 567
A possible integer underflow exists in the function sendeth(address,uint256). The SUB instruction at address 567 may result in a value < 0.
In underflow.sol:
balances[msg.sender] - _value
Weak random
- Type: Warning
- Contract: WeakRandom
- Function name: _function_0xe9874106
- PC address: 1285
In the function '_function_0xe9874106' the following predictable state variables are used to determine Ether recipient:
- block.coinbase
In weak_random.sol: