@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ db.insert(document, function (err, newDoc) { // Callback is optional
### Finding documents
You can use `find` to look for multiple documents matching you query, or `findOne` to look for one specific document. For now, you can only select documents based on field equality, but I'm planning to add Mongo's <ahref="http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/operator/query-comparison/"target="_blank">$in, $lt, $gt, $lte and $gte comparison operators</a>.
You can use `find` to look for multiple documents matching you query, or `findOne` to look for one specific document. For now, you can only select documents based on field equality or use comparison operators (`$lt`, `$lte`, `$gt`, `$gte`). You can also use logical operators `$or` and `$and`. See below for the syntax.
// Let's say our datastore contains the following collection