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#English strings go here
label_unnamed_board: 'Neimenovani odbor'
label_unnamed_list: 'Neimenovani seznam'
label_board_type: 'Vrsta table'
teaser_text: 'Izbolšaj svoje agilne metode projektnega vodenja s temi fleksibilnimi pogledi. Ustvariš lahko kolikor tabel želiš za pregled nad vsem kar želiš.'
upgrade_to_ee_text: 'Tabele so funkcija za podjetja. Nadgradite na plačljivi načrt.'
upgrade: 'Nadgradi zdaj'
personal_demo: 'Dobi osebno poskusno verzijo'
delete: 'Izbriši seznam'
is_locked: 'Verzija je zaklenjena. Ne morate dodati izdelkov tej verziji'
is_closed: 'Verzija je zaprta. Ne morate dodati izdelkov tej verziji'
close_version: 'Zapri verzijo'
open_version: 'Odpri verzijo'
lock_version: 'Zakleni verzijo'
unlock_version: 'Odkleni verzijo'
edit_version: 'Uredi verzijo'
show_version: 'Pokaži verzijo'
locked: 'Zaklenjen'
closed: 'Zaprto'
new_board: 'Nova tabla'
add_list: 'Add list to board'
add_card: 'Dodaj kartico'
error_attribute_not_writable: "Delovnega paketa ni mogoče premakniti, %{attribute} ni zapisljiv."
error_loading_the_list: "Napaka pri nalaganju seznama: %{error_message}"
error_permission_missing: "Ni dovoljenja za izdelavo javnih poizvedb"
error_cannot_move_into_self: "You can not move a work package into its own column."
click_to_remove_list: "Kliknite za izbris seznama"
text: 'Vrsta table'
free: 'basic'
select_board_type: 'Please choose the type of board you need.'
free_text: >
Start from scratch with a blank board. Manually add cards and columns to this board.
action: 'Tabela opravil'
action_by_attribute: 'Tabela opravil (%{attribute})'
action_text: >
A board with filtered lists on %{attribute} attribute. Moving work packages to other lists will update their attribute.
action_text_subprojects: >
Board with automated columns for subprojects. Dragging work packages to other lists updates the (sub-)project accordingly.
action_text_subtasks: >
Board with automated columns for sub-elements. Dragging work packages to other lists updates the parent accordingly.
action_text_status: >
Basic kanban style board with columns for status such as To Do, In Progress, Done.
action_text_assignee: >
Board with automated columns based on assigned users. Ideal for dispatching work packages.
action_text_version: >
Board with automated columns based on the version attribute. Ideal for planning product development.
assignee: Pooblaščenec
status: Stanje
version: različica
subproject: subproject
subtasks: parent-child
assignee: Prenosnik
status: Stanje
version: Različica
subproject: Podprojekt
subtasks: Parent-Child
basic: Basic
select_attribute: "Atributi opravil"
assignee: Select user to add as a new assignee list
status: Select status to add as a new list
version: Select version to add as a new list
subproject: Select subproject to add as a new list
subtasks: Select work package to add as a new list
status: |
Trenutno ni na voljo nobenega statusa <br>
Ali jih ni, ali pa so vsi že dodani na desko.
assignee: There isn't any member matched with your filter value. <br>
no_member: This project currently does not have any members that can be added. <br>
add_members: <a href="%{link}">V ta projekt dodajte novega člana </a>, da znova izberete uporabnike.
title: 'Konfigurirajte to tabelo'
card_mode: "Prikaži kot kartice"
table_mode: "Prikaži kot tabele"