Testing that velocity is correctly updated when a new story is added or an existing one is updated

Gregor Schmidt 14 years ago
parent 83e79a37e4
commit 13107db281
  1. 10
  2. 1
  3. 5

@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ Feature: Edit story on backlogs view
| 3 | Story 3 | Product Backlog |
| 4 | Story 4 | Product Backlog |
And the project has the following stories in the following sprints:
| position | subject | sprint |
| 5 | Story A | Sprint 001 |
| 6 | Story B | Sprint 001 |
| position | subject | sprint | story_points |
| 5 | Story A | Sprint 001 | 10 |
| 6 | Story B | Sprint 001 | 20 |
And I am logged in as "mathias"
@ -60,9 +60,11 @@ Feature: Edit story on backlogs view
And I follow "New Story" within the "Sprint 001" menu
And I close the "Sprint 001" menu
And I fill in "The Wizard of Oz" for "subject"
And I fill in "3" for "story_points"
And I confirm the story form
Then the 1st story in the "Sprint 001" should be "The Wizard of Oz"
And I should see 3 stories in "Sprint 001"
And the velocity of "Sprint 001" should be "33"
Scenario: Edit story in the backlog
@ -78,6 +80,8 @@ Feature: Edit story on backlogs view
Given I am on the master backlog
When I click on the text "Story A"
And I fill in "Story A revisited" for "subject"
And I fill in "11" for "story_points"
And I confirm the story form
Then the 1st story in the "Sprint 001" should be "Story A revisited"
And I should see 2 stories in "Sprint 001"
And the velocity of "Sprint 001" should be "31"

@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ Given /^the [pP]roject(?: "([^\"]*)")? has the following stories in the followin
params['subject'] = story['subject']
params['prev_id'] = prev_id
params['fixed_version_id'] = Version.find_by_name(story['sprint'] || story['backlog']).id
params['story_points'] = story['story_points']
# NOTE: We're bypassing the controller here because we're just
# setting up the database for the actual tests. The actual tests,

@ -35,6 +35,11 @@ Then /^I should see (\d+) stories in (?:the )?"(.+?)"$/ do |count, backlog_name|
page.all(:css, "#backlog_#{sprint.id} .story").size.should == count.to_i
Then /^the velocity of "(.+?)" should be "(.+?)"$/ do |backlog_name, velocity|
sprint = Sprint.find_by_name(backlog_name)
page.find(:css, "#backlog_#{sprint.id} .velocity").text.should == velocity
Then /^show me the list of sprints$/ do
sprints = Sprint.find(:all, :conditions => ["project_id=?", @project.id])
