git-svn-id: 7926756e-e54e-46e6-9721-ed318f58905epull/6827/head
@ -1,178 +0,0 @@ |
# Try to find a user with the login or roletype and log in using that user |
Given /^I am(?: a)? "([^\"]*)"$/ do |login_or_role| |
User.current = User.find_by_login(login_or_role) or Role.find_by_name(login_or_role).members.first.user |
steps %Q{ |
Given I am logged in as "#{u.login}" |
} |
end |
# If the named or current user is not already a member of the project, add him with his |
# primary role |
Given /^(?:the user "([^\"]+)" is|I am)(?: a)? member of "([^\"]+)"$/ do |username, projectname| |
p = Project.find_by_name(projectname) |
user = username ? User.find_by_login(username) : User.current |
unless p.members.detect {|m| m.user == user} |
steps %Q{ |
The user #{user.login} is a "#{}" in project "#{projectname}" |
} |
end |
end |
Given /^(?:the user "([^\"]+)" is|I am)(?: a)? member of "([^\"]+)":$/ do |username, projectname, table| |
steps %Q{ |
The user #{user.login} is a "#{}" in project "#{projectname}" |
} |
user = username ? User.find_by_login(username) : User.current |
p = Project.find_by_name(projectname) |
if tables[/[hH]ourly [rR]ate/] |
hr = do |r| |
r.project = p |
r.user = user |
r.valid_from = 1.year.ago |
r.rate = tables[/[hH]ourly [rR]ate/][1].to_i |
||||||! |
end |
end |
end |
# Add a "material" cost entry (which is just our standard cost entry) or a time entry to the last issue |
Given /^(?:this issue|the issue "([^\"]+)") has (\d+) (?:([Tt]ime)|(?:(?:[Mm]aterial\s?)?[cC]ost))\s?[eE]?ntry with the following:$/ do |time, type, count| |
owner = subject ? Issue.find_by_subject(subject) : Issue.last |
klass = time ? TimeEntry : CostEntry |
count.times do |
ce = klass.spawn |
table.rows_hash.each do |key, value| |
if key =~ /[uU]ser/ |
ce.user = value =~ /me|I|myself/ ? User.current : User.find_by_login(value) |
elsif key =~ /[cC]ost\s?[tT]ype/ |
ce.cost_type = CostType.find_by_name(value) |
else |
ce.send(:"#{key}=", value) |
end |
end |
ce.project = owner.project |
||||||! |
owner.cost_entries << ce |
end |
end |
# Possibly add the current user to the project and set his hourly rate |
Given /^I am(?: a)? member of "([^\"]+)":$/ do |projectname, fields| |
steps %Q{ |
Given I am a member of "#{projectname}" |
} |
fields.rows_hash.each do |key, value| |
if key.gsub(" ", "_").underscore == "hourly_rate" |
HourlyRate.create! :rate => value, |
:user => User.find(5), |
:project => Project.first, |
:valid_from => |
end |
end |
end |
Given /^the (?:([Uu]ser)|([Pp]roject))(?: named| with(?: the)? name| called)? "([^\"]*)" has (only )?(\d+|[a-z]+) [cC]ost\s?[eE]ntr(?:y|ies)$/ do |user, project, name, do_delete_all, count| |
steps %Q{ |
Given the #{"user" if user}#{"project" if project} "#{name}" has #{"only " if do_delete_all}#{count} cost entries with the following: |
| | |
} |
end |
Given /^the (?:([Uu]ser)|([Pp]roject))(?: named| with(?: the)? name| called)? "([^\"]*)" has (only )?(\d+|[a-z]+) [cC]ost\s?[eE]ntr(?:y|ies) with the following:$/ do |user, project, name, do_delete_all, count, table| |
count = 1 if count == "one" |
count = (count || 1).to_i |
u = user ? User.find_by_login(name) : u = User.find_by_login("admin") |
p = project ? Project.find_by_name(name) : u.members.last.project |
if do_delete_all |
CostEntry.find(:all, :conditions => ["project_id = #{}"]).each do |c| |
c.destroy |
end |
end |
count.times do |
as_admin do |
CostEntry.spawn.tap do |i| |
i.project = p |
i.issue = Issue.generate_for_project!(p) |
i.user = u |
unless table.raw.first.first.blank? # if we get an empty table, ignore that |
table.rows_hash.each do |field,value| |
field = field.gsub(" ", "_").underscore.to_sym |
old_val = i.send(field) |
i.send(:"#{field}=", value) |
i.send(:"#{field}=", old_val) unless |
end |
end |
||||||! |
end |
end |
end |
Given /^the (?:project|Project)(?: named| with(?: the)? name| called)? "([^\"]*)" has (only )?(\d+|[a-z]+) [cC]ost\s?[eE]ntr(?:y|ies)$/ do |name, do_delete_all, count| |
steps %Q{ |
Given the project "#{name}" has #{"only " if do_delete_all}#{count} cost entries with the following: |
| | |
} |
end |
Given /^there (?:is|are)( only)? (\d+) [Uu]ser[s]? with:$/ do |do_delete_all, count, fields| |
rate_regex = /[dD]efault\s?[rR]ate/ |
new_table = fields.reject_key(rate_regex) |
if do_delete_all |
admin = User.find_by_login("admin") |
anonymous = AnonymousUser.first |
User.delete_all |
||||||! |
||||||! |
end |
users = create_some_objects(count, false, "User", new_table) |
users.each do |u| |
u.hashed_password = User.hash_password("admin") |
unless new_table.raw.length == fields.raw.length |
fields.rows_hash.each do |k,v| |
if k =~ rate_regex |
rate = do |r| |
r.valid_from = |
r.rate = v |
r.user = u |
end |
||||||! |
end |
end |
end |
||||||! |
end |
end |
Given /^there is a standard cost control project named "([^\"]*)"$/ do |name| |
steps %Q{ |
Given there is 1 project with the following: |
| Name | #{name} | |
And the project "#{name}" has 1 subproject |
And the role "Manager" may have the following rights: |
| View own cost entries | |
And the role "Controller" may have the following rights: |
| View own cost entries | |
And the role "Developer" may have the following rights: |
| View own cost entries | |
And the role "Reporter" may have the following rights: |
| Create issues | |
And the role "Supplier" may have the following rights: |
| View own hourly rate | |
| View own cost entries | |
And there is 1 user with: |
| Login | manager | |
And the user "manager" is a "Manager" in the project called "#{name}" |
And there is 1 user with: |
| Login | controller | |
And the user "controller" is a "Controller" in the project called "#{name}" |
And there is 1 user with: |
| Login | developer | |
And the user "developer" is a "Developer" in the project called "#{name}" |
And there is 1 user with: |
| Login | reporter | |
And the user "reporter" is a "Reporter" in the project called "#{name}" |
} |
end |
Reference in new issue