@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ |
it: |
activerecord: |
attributes: |
two_factor_authentication/device: |
identifier: 'Identificatore' |
default: 'Utilizzare come predefinito' |
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: |
phone_number: "Numero di telefono" |
errors: |
models: |
two_factor_authentication/device: |
default_already_exists: 'è già impostato per un altro dispositivo OTP.' |
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: |
attributes: |
phone_number: |
error_phone_number_format: "deve essere di formato + XX XXXXXXXXX" |
models: |
two_factor_authentication/device: "Dispositivo di 2FA" |
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: "Cellulare" |
two_factor_authentication/device/totp: "App Authenticator" |
two_factor_authentication: |
error_2fa_disabled: "Consegna di 2FA è stato disattivato." |
error_no_device: "Nessun dispositivo registrato 2FA trovato per questo utente, pur essendo necessaria per questa istanza." |
error_no_matching_strategy: "Nessuna strategia di 2FA corrispondenza disponibile per questo utente. Si prega di contattare il suo amministratore." |
error_is_enforced_not_active: 'Errore di configurazione: Two-factor authentication è stato imposto, ma nessun strategie attive esistano.' |
error_invalid_backup_code: 'Codice di backup 2FA non valido' |
channel_unavailable: "Il canale di consegna %{channel} non è disponibile." |
no_valid_phone_number: "Non esiste nessun numero di telefono valido." |
label_pwd_confirmation: "Password" |
notice_pwd_confirmation: "È necessario confermare la password al momento di effettuare modifiche a queste impostazioni." |
label_device_type: "Tipo di dispositivo" |
label_default_device: "Dispositivo di 2FA predefinito" |
label_device: "Dispositivo di 2FA" |
label_devices: "Dispositivi di 2FA" |
label_one_time_password: 'Password monouso' |
label_2fa_enabled: 'Two-factor authentication è attivo' |
label_2fa_disabled: 'Two-factor authentication non attivo' |
text_otp_delivery_message_sms: "Your %{app_title} one-time password is %{token}" |
text_otp_delivery_message_voice: "Your %{app_title} one-time password is: %{pause} %{token}. %{pause} I repeat: %{pause} %{token}" |
text_enter_2fa: 'Si prega di inserire la password monouso dal suo dispositivo.' |
text_2fa_enabled: 'All''ogni accesso, sarà richiesto di inserire un token OTP dal dispositivo di 2FA predefinito.' |
text_2fa_disabled: 'Per abilitare two-factor authentication, è possibile utilizzare il pulsante sopra per registrare un nuovo dispositivo di 2FA. Se si dispone già di un dispositivo, è necessario renderlo predefinito.' |
login: |
enter_backup_code_title: Immettere il codice di backup |
enter_backup_code_text: Inserisci un codice valido di backup dall'elenco dei codici nel caso in cui non è possibile accedere i dispositivi registrati 2FA. |
other_device: 'Usi un altro dispositivo o backup codice' |
settings: |
title: '2FA settings' |
current_configuration: 'Current configuration' |
label_active_strategies: 'Active 2FA strategies' |
label_enforced: 'Enforce 2FA' |
label_remember: 'Remember 2FA login' |
text_configuration: | |
Note: These values represent the current application-wide configuration. You cannot disable settings enforced by the configuration or change the current active strategies, since they require a server restart. |
text_configuration_guide: For more information, check the configuration guide. |
text_enforced: 'Enable this setting to force all users to register a 2FA device on their next login. Can only be disabled when not enforced by configuration.' |
text_remember: | |
Set this to greater than zero to allow users to remember their 2FA authentication for the given number of days. |
They will not be requested to re-enter it during that period. Can only be set when not enforced by configuration. |
error_invalid_settings: 'The 2FA strategies you selected are invalid' |
failed_to_save_settings: 'Failed to update 2FA settings: %{message}' |
admin: |
self_edit_path: 'Per aggiungere o modificare i propri dispositivi di 2FA, visitare il sito %{self_edit_link}' |
self_edit_link_name: 'Two-factor authentication sulla pagina del suo account' |
self_edit_forbidden: 'Tu non puoi modificare i suoi dispositivi di 2FA su questo percorso. Vai al mio Account > Two-factor authentication invece.' |
no_devices_for_user: 'Nessun dispositivo di 2FA è stato registrato per questo utente.' |
all_devices_deleted: 'Sono stati eliminati tutti i dispositivi di 2FA di questo utente' |
delete_all_are_you_sure: 'Sei sicuro di voler eliminare tutti i dispositivi di 2FA per questo utente?' |
button_delete_all_devices: 'Eliminare dispositivi registrati 2FA' |
button_register_mobile_phone_for_user: 'Registrare il telefono mobile' |
text_2fa_enabled: 'All''ogni accesso, l''utente sarà richiesto di inserire un token OTP dal suo dispositivo di 2FA predefinito.' |
text_2fa_disabled: "L'utente non imposta dispositivo 2FA attraverso i suoi 'Pagina il mio account'" |
upsale: |
title: 'Two-factor authentication is an enterprise feature' |
description: 'Strenghten your internal or external authentication mechanisms with a second factor.' |
backup_codes: |
none_found: Nessun codici di backup esistano per questo account. |
singular: Codice di backup |
plural: Codici di backup |
your_codes: per il suo %{app_name} account %{login} |
overview_description: | |
Se si riesce ad accedere ai dispositivi two factor, è possibile utilizzare un codice di backup per riottenere l'accesso al suo account. Usi il seguente pulsante per generare un nuovo set di codici di backup. |
generate: |
title: Generare codici di backup |
keep_safe_as_password: 'Importante! Trattare questi codici come password.' |
keep_safe_warning: 'O salvarli nel suo gestore di password, o stampare questa pagina e mettere in un luogo sicuro.' |
regenerate_warning: 'Attenzione: Se avete creato i codici di backup prima, essi verranno invalidati e non funzionerà più.' |
devices: |
add_new: 'Aggiungi nuovo dispositivo di 2FA' |
register: 'Registrare un Dispositivo' |
confirm_default: 'Confermare il dispositivo di cambio predefinito' |
confirm_device: 'Confermare il dispositivo' |
confirm_now: 'Non confermato, clicca qui per attivare' |
cannot_delete_default: 'Non è possibile eliminare il dispositivo predefinito' |
make_default_are_you_sure: 'Sei sicuro che si desidera rendere questo dispositivo 2FA predefinito?' |
make_default_failed: 'Impossibile aggiornare il dispositivo di 2FA predefinito.' |
deletion_are_you_sure: 'Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo dispositivo 2FA?' |
registration_complete: 'Registrazione del dispositivo 2FA completa!' |
registration_failed_token_invalid: '2FA registrazione dispositivo non riuscita, il token è valido.' |
registration_failed_update: '2FA registrazione dispositivo non riuscita, il token è valido, ma il dispositivo potrebbe non essere aggiornato.' |
confirm_send_failed: 'Conferma del dispositivo 2FA non riuscita.' |
button_complete_registration: 'Completa la registrazione 2FA' |
text_confirm_to_complete_html: "Please complete the registration of your device <strong>%{identifier}</strong> by entering a one-time password from your default device." |
text_confirm_to_change_default_html: "Si prega di confermare cambiando dispositivo predefinito a <strong>%{new_identifier}</strong> inserendo una password monouso dal dispositivo predefinito corrente." |
text_identifier: 'Puoi dare al dispositivo un identificativo personalizzato usando questo campo.' |
failed_to_delete: 'Impossibile eliminare 2FA dispositivo.' |
is_default_cannot_delete: 'Il dispositivo è contrassegnato come predefinita e non puoi essere eliminato a causa di una politica di sicurezza attiva. Segna un altro dispositivo come predefinito prima di eliminare.' |
not_existing: 'Nessun dispositivo di 2FA è stato registrato per il suo account.' |
request_2fa: Si prega di inserire il codice dal suo %{device_name} per verificare la sua identità. |
totp: |
title: 'Usa il suo autenticatore basato su app' |
provisioning_uri: 'URI di provisioning' |
secret_key: 'Secret key' |
time_based: 'Basato sul tempo' |
account: 'Nome account / emittente' |
setup: | |
Per l'impostazione di two-factor authentication con Google Authenticator, Scarica l'applicazione dall'App store di Apple o Google Play Store. Dopo aver aperto l'applicazione, è possibile acquisire il codice QR seguente per registrare il dispositivo. |
question_cannot_scan: | |
Impossibile analizzare il codice utilizzando l'applicazione? |
text_cannot_scan: | |
Se non puoi eseguire la scansione del codice, è possibile immettere la voce manualmente utilizzando i seguenti dettagli: |
description: | |
Registrare un autenticatore di applicazione per l'utilizzo con OpenProject utilizzando lo standard di autenticazione di password monouso basati sul tempo. Esempi comuni sono Google Authenticator o Authy. |
sms: |
title: 'Utilizzare il telefono cellulare' |
redacted_identifier: 'Dispositivo mobile (%{redacted_number})' |
request_2fa_identifier: '%{redacted_identifier}, abbiamo inviato un codice di autenticazione via %{delivery_channel}' |
description: | |
Registra il suo numero di cellulare per la consegna di OpenProject passwords monouso. |
sns: |
delivery_failed: 'SNS non recapitato:' |
message_bird: |
sms_delivery_failed: 'MessageBird SMS delivery failed.' |
voice_delivery_failed: 'MessageBird voice call failed.' |
restdt: |
delivery_failed_with_code: 'Token non recapitato. (Errore codice %{code})' |
strategies: |
totp: 'App Authenticator' |
sns: 'Amazon SNS' |
resdt: 'SMS Rest API' |
mobile_transmit_notification: "Un password monouso è stato inviato al suo telefono cellulare." |
label_two_factor_authentication: 'Two-factor authentication' |
forced_registration: |
required_to_add_device: 'Una politica di sicurezza attiva richiede l''abilitazione di two-factor authentication. Si prega di utilizzare il seguente modulo per registrare un dispositivo.' |
remember: |
active_session_notice: > |
Your account has an active remember cookie valid until %{expires_on}. This cookie allows you to log in without a second factor to your account until that time. |
label: 'Remember' |
clear_cookie: 'Click here to remove this cookie' |
cookie_removed: 'The remember cookie has been removed.' |
dont_ask_again: "Create cookie to remember 2FA authentication on this client for %{days} days." |
field_phone: "Telefono cellulare" |
field_otp: "Password monouso" |
notice_account_otp_invalid: "One-Time Password non valido." |
notice_account_otp_expired: "Il password monouso immesso è scaduto." |
notice_developer_strategy_otp: "La strategia dello sviluppatore ha generato la seguente password monouso: %{token} (canale: %{channel})" |
notice_account_otp_send_failed: "Il suo password monouso potrebbe non essere inviato." |
notice_account_has_no_phone: "Nessun numero di telefono cellulare è associato con il suo account." |
label_expiration_hint: "%{date} o il logout" |
label_actions: 'Azioni' |
label_confirmed: 'Confermato' |
button_continue: 'Avanti' |
button_make_default: 'Segna come predefinito' |
label_unverified_phone: "Cell phone not yet verified" |
notice_phone_number_format: "Inserisci il numero nel formato seguente: + XX XXXXXXXX." |
text_otp_not_receive: "Altri metodi di verifica" |
text_send_otp_again: "Reinvia di nuovo una password di:" |
button_resend_otp_form: "Reinvia" |
button_otp_by_voice: "Chiamata vocale" |
button_otp_by_sms: "SMS" |
label_otp_channel: "Canale di recapito" |
@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ |
ko: |
activerecord: |
attributes: |
two_factor_authentication/device: |
identifier: '식별자' |
default: '기본값으로 사용' |
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: |
phone_number: "전화번호" |
errors: |
models: |
two_factor_authentication/device: |
default_already_exists: '은(는) 이미 다른 OTP 장치에 대해 설정되었습니다.' |
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: |
attributes: |
phone_number: |
error_phone_number_format: "은(는) +XX XXXXXXXXX 형식이어야 합니다." |
models: |
two_factor_authentication/device: "2FA 장치" |
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: "휴대폰" |
two_factor_authentication/device/totp: "인증자 애플리케이션" |
two_factor_authentication: |
error_2fa_disabled: "2FA 배달이 비활성화되었습니다." |
error_no_device: "이 인스턴스에 필요하지만, 이 사용자에 대해 등록된 2FA 장치를 찾지 못했습니다." |
error_no_matching_strategy: "이 사용자에 대해 사용 가능한 일치하는 2FA 전략이 없습니다. 관리자에게 문의하세요." |
error_is_enforced_not_active: '구성 오류: 2단계 인증이 적용되었지만, 존재하는 활성 전략이 없습니다.' |
error_invalid_backup_code: '잘못된 2FA 백업 코드' |
channel_unavailable: "배달 채널 %{channel}이(가) 사용 가능하지 않습니다." |
no_valid_phone_number: "올바른 전화번호가 없습니다." |
label_pwd_confirmation: "암호" |
notice_pwd_confirmation: "이러한 설정 변경 시 암호를 확인해야 합니다." |
label_device_type: "장치 유형" |
label_default_device: "기본 2FA 장치" |
label_device: "2FA 장치" |
label_devices: "2FA 장치" |
label_one_time_password: '일회용 암호' |
label_2fa_enabled: '2단계 인증이 활성화되었습니다.' |
label_2fa_disabled: '2단계 인증이 활성화되지 않았습니다.' |
text_otp_delivery_message_sms: "Your %{app_title} one-time password is %{token}" |
text_otp_delivery_message_voice: "Your %{app_title} one-time password is: %{pause} %{token}. %{pause} I repeat: %{pause} %{token}" |
text_enter_2fa: '장치에서 일회용 암호를 입력하세요.' |
text_2fa_enabled: '로그인할 때마다 기본 2FA 장치에서 OTP 토큰을 입력하라는 메시지가 표시됩니다.' |
text_2fa_disabled: '2단계 인증을 활성화하려면 위의 버튼을 사용하여 새로운 2FA 장치를 등록하세요. 장치가 이미 있는 경우 이 장치를 기본값으로 만들어야 합니다.' |
login: |
enter_backup_code_title: 백업 코드 입력 |
enter_backup_code_text: 등록된 2FA 장치에 더 이상 액세스할 수 없는 경우 코드 목록에서 유효한 백업 코드를 입력하세요. |
other_device: '다른 장치 또는 백업 코드 사용' |
settings: |
title: '2FA settings' |
current_configuration: 'Current configuration' |
label_active_strategies: 'Active 2FA strategies' |
label_enforced: 'Enforce 2FA' |
label_remember: 'Remember 2FA login' |
text_configuration: | |
Note: These values represent the current application-wide configuration. You cannot disable settings enforced by the configuration or change the current active strategies, since they require a server restart. |
text_configuration_guide: For more information, check the configuration guide. |
text_enforced: 'Enable this setting to force all users to register a 2FA device on their next login. Can only be disabled when not enforced by configuration.' |
text_remember: | |
Set this to greater than zero to allow users to remember their 2FA authentication for the given number of days. |
They will not be requested to re-enter it during that period. Can only be set when not enforced by configuration. |
error_invalid_settings: 'The 2FA strategies you selected are invalid' |
failed_to_save_settings: 'Failed to update 2FA settings: %{message}' |
admin: |
self_edit_path: '고유한 2FA 장치를 추가하거나 수정하려면 %{self_edit_link}(으)로 이동하세요.' |
self_edit_link_name: '계정 페이지의 2단계 인증' |
self_edit_forbidden: '이 경로에서 사용자의 고유한 2FA 장치를 편집하지 못할 수 있습니다. 대신 내 계정 > 2단계 인증으로 이동하세요.' |
no_devices_for_user: '2FA 장치가 이 사용자에 대해 등록되지 않았습니다.' |
all_devices_deleted: '이 사용자의 모든 2FA 장치가 삭제되었습니다.' |
delete_all_are_you_sure: '이 사용자에 대한 모든 2FA 장치를 삭제하시겠습니까?' |
button_delete_all_devices: '등록된 2FA 장치 삭제' |
button_register_mobile_phone_for_user: '휴대폰 등록' |
text_2fa_enabled: '로그인할 때마다 기본 2FA 장치에서 OTP 토큰을 입력하라는 메시지가 이 사용자에게 표시됩니다.' |
text_2fa_disabled: "사용자가 '내 계정 페이지'에서 2FA 장치를 설정하지 않았습니다." |
upsale: |
title: 'Two-factor authentication is an enterprise feature' |
description: 'Strenghten your internal or external authentication mechanisms with a second factor.' |
backup_codes: |
none_found: 이 계정에 대한 백업 코드가 존재하지 않습니다. |
singular: 백업 코드 |
plural: 백업 코드 |
your_codes: '- %{app_name} 계정 %{login}' |
overview_description: | |
2단계 장치에 액세스할 수 없는 경우 백업 코드를 사용하여 계정에 다시 액세스할 수 있습니다. |
다음 버튼을 사용하여 새로운 백업 코드 집합을 생성하세요. |
generate: |
title: 백업 코드 생성 |
keep_safe_as_password: '중요! 이러한 코드를 암호로 처리하세요.' |
keep_safe_warning: '암호 관리자에 이를 저장하거나, 이 페이지를 인쇄하고 안전한 장소에 보관하세요.' |
regenerate_warning: '경고: 이전에 백업 코드를 만든 경우 이러한 코드는 무효화되고 더 이상 작동하지 않습니다.' |
devices: |
add_new: '새로운 2FA 장치 추가' |
register: '장치 등록' |
confirm_default: '기본 장치 변경 확인' |
confirm_device: '장치 확인' |
confirm_now: '확인되지 않음, 여기를 클릭하여 활성화' |
cannot_delete_default: '기본 장치를 삭제할 수 없음' |
make_default_are_you_sure: '이 2FA 장치를 기본 장치로 만드시겠습니까?' |
make_default_failed: '기본 2FA 장치를 업데이트하지 못했습니다.' |
deletion_are_you_sure: '이 2FA 장치를 삭제하시겠습니까?' |
registration_complete: '2FA 장치 등록 완료!' |
registration_failed_token_invalid: '2FA 장치 등록 실패, 토큰이 잘못되었습니다.' |
registration_failed_update: '2FA 장치 등록 실패, 토큰이 유효하지만 장치를 업데이트할 수 없습니다.' |
confirm_send_failed: '2FA 장치 확인에 실패했습니다.' |
button_complete_registration: '2FA 등록 완료' |
text_confirm_to_complete_html: "Please complete the registration of your device <strong>%{identifier}</strong> by entering a one-time password from your default device." |
text_confirm_to_change_default_html: "현재 기본 장치에서 일회용 암호를 입력하여 기본 장치를 <strong>%{new_identifier}</strong>(으)로 변경을 확인하세요." |
text_identifier: '이 필드를 사용하여 사용자 지정 식별자를 장치에 지정할 수 있습니다.' |
failed_to_delete: '2FA 장치를 삭제하지 못했습니다.' |
is_default_cannot_delete: '장치가 기본으로 표시되고 활성 보안 정책으로 인해 삭제할 수 없습니다. 삭제하기 전에 다른 장치를 기본으로 표시하세요.' |
not_existing: '2FA 장치가 해당 계정에 대해 등록되지 않았습니다.' |
request_2fa: '%{device_name}의 코드를 입력하여 ID를 확인하세요.' |
totp: |
title: '앱 기반 인증자 사용' |
provisioning_uri: '프로비저닝 URI' |
secret_key: 'Secret key' |
time_based: '시간 기반' |
account: '계정 이름/발급자' |
setup: | |
Google 인증자로 2단계 인증 설정을 위해, Apple App Store 또는 Google Play Store에서 애플리케이션을 다운로드하세요. |
앱을 연 후, 다음 QR 코드를 스캔하여 장치를 등록할 수 있습니다. |
question_cannot_scan: | |
애플리케이션을 사용하여 코드를 스캔할 수 없습니까? |
text_cannot_scan: | |
코드를 스캔할 수 없는 경우 다음과 같은 세부 정보를 사용하여 수동으로 항목을 입력할 수 있습니다. |
description: | |
시간 기반 일회용 암호 인증 표준을 사용하여 OpenProject와 함께 사용할 애플리케이션 인증자를 등록하세요. |
일반적인 예로 Google Authenticator 또는 Authy가 있습니다. |
sms: |
title: '휴대폰 사용' |
redacted_identifier: '모바일 장치(%{redacted_number})' |
request_2fa_identifier: '%{redacted_identifier}님, %{delivery_channel}을(를) 통해 인증 코드를 전송했습니다.' |
description: | |
OpenProject 일회용 암호 배달을 위해 휴대폰 번호를 등록하세요. |
sns: |
delivery_failed: 'SNS 배달 실패:' |
message_bird: |
sms_delivery_failed: 'MessageBird SMS delivery failed.' |
voice_delivery_failed: 'MessageBird voice call failed.' |
restdt: |
delivery_failed_with_code: '토큰 배달이 실패했습니다(오류 코드 %{code}).' |
strategies: |
totp: '인증자 애플리케이션' |
sns: 'Amazon SNS' |
resdt: 'SMS Rest API' |
mobile_transmit_notification: "일회용 암호가 휴대폰으로 전송되었습니다." |
label_two_factor_authentication: '2단계 인증' |
forced_registration: |
required_to_add_device: '활성 보안 정책에서는 2단계 인증을 사용하도록 요구합니다. 다음 양식을 사용하여 장치를 등록하세요.' |
remember: |
active_session_notice: > |
Your account has an active remember cookie valid until %{expires_on}. This cookie allows you to log in without a second factor to your account until that time. |
label: 'Remember' |
clear_cookie: 'Click here to remove this cookie' |
cookie_removed: 'The remember cookie has been removed.' |
dont_ask_again: "Create cookie to remember 2FA authentication on this client for %{days} days." |
field_phone: "휴대폰" |
field_otp: "일회용 암호" |
notice_account_otp_invalid: "일회용 암호가 잘못되었습니다 ." |
notice_account_otp_expired: "입력한 일회용 암호가 만료되었습니다." |
notice_developer_strategy_otp: "개발자 전략에서 다음 일회용 암호를 생성함: %{token}(채널: %{channel})" |
notice_account_otp_send_failed: "일회용 암호를 보낼 수 없습니다." |
notice_account_has_no_phone: "휴대폰 번호가 계정과 연결되지 않았습니다." |
label_expiration_hint: "%{date} 또는 로그아웃 시" |
label_actions: '작업' |
label_confirmed: '확인됨' |
button_continue: '계속' |
button_make_default: '기본값으로 표시' |
label_unverified_phone: "Cell phone not yet verified" |
notice_phone_number_format: "다음과 같은 형식으로 번호를 입력하세요: + XX XXXXXXXX." |
text_otp_not_receive: "기타 확인 방법" |
text_send_otp_again: "다음으로 일회용 암호 다시 보내기:" |
button_resend_otp_form: "다시 보내기" |
button_otp_by_voice: "음성 통화" |
button_otp_by_sms: "SMS" |
label_otp_channel: "배달 채널" |
@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ |
nl: |
activerecord: |
attributes: |
two_factor_authentication/device: |
identifier: 'ID' |
default: 'Gebruik als standaard' |
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: |
phone_number: "Telefoonnummer" |
errors: |
models: |
two_factor_authentication/device: |
default_already_exists: 'is al ingesteld voor een ander OTP-apparaat.' |
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: |
attributes: |
phone_number: |
error_phone_number_format: "moet de formaat + XX XXXXXXXXX zijn" |
models: |
two_factor_authentication/device: "2FA apparaat" |
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: "Mobiele telefoon" |
two_factor_authentication/device/totp: "Verificator toepassing" |
two_factor_authentication: |
error_2fa_disabled: "2FA-bezorging is uitgeschakeld." |
error_no_device: "Geen geregistreerd 2FA-apparaat gevonden voor deze gebruiker, ondanks dat dit vereist is voor dit voorbeeld." |
error_no_matching_strategy: "Er is geen overeenkomende 2FA-strategie beschikbaar voor deze gebruiker. Neem contact op met uw beheerder." |
error_is_enforced_not_active: 'Configuratiefout: tweefactorauthenticatie is afgedwongen, maar er zijn geen actieve strategieën.' |
error_invalid_backup_code: 'Ongeldige 2FA back-up code' |
channel_unavailable: "Het bezorgkanaal %{channel} is niet beschikbaar." |
no_valid_phone_number: "Er is geen geldig telefoonnummer." |
label_pwd_confirmation: "Wachtwoord" |
notice_pwd_confirmation: "U moet uw wachtwoord bevestigen bij het aanbrengen van wijzigingen in deze instellingen." |
label_device_type: "Apparaattype" |
label_default_device: "Standaard 2FA-apparaat" |
label_device: "2FA apparaat" |
label_devices: "2FA apparaten" |
label_one_time_password: 'Eenmalig wachtwoord' |
label_2fa_enabled: 'Twee-factor-authenticatie is actief' |
label_2fa_disabled: 'Twee-factor-authenticatie is niet actief' |
text_otp_delivery_message_sms: "Your %{app_title} one-time password is %{token}" |
text_otp_delivery_message_voice: "Your %{app_title} one-time password is: %{pause} %{token}. %{pause} I repeat: %{pause} %{token}" |
text_enter_2fa: 'Voer het eenmalige wachtwoord in vanaf uw apparaat.' |
text_2fa_enabled: 'Bij elke aanmelding wordt u gevraagd om een OTP-token in te voeren vanaf uw standaard 2FA-apparaat.' |
text_2fa_disabled: 'Om authenticatie met twee factoren in te schakelen, gebruikt u de knop hierboven om een nieuw 2FA-apparaat te registreren. Als u al een apparaat heeft, moet u dit als standaard instellen.' |
login: |
enter_backup_code_title: Back-up code invoeren |
enter_backup_code_text: Voer een geldige back-up code in uit uw codelijst voor het geval dat u geen toegang meer heeft tot uw geregistreerde 2FA-apparaten. |
other_device: 'Gebruik een ander 2FA-apparaat of een back-up code' |
settings: |
title: '2FA settings' |
current_configuration: 'Current configuration' |
label_active_strategies: 'Active 2FA strategies' |
label_enforced: 'Enforce 2FA' |
label_remember: 'Remember 2FA login' |
text_configuration: | |
Note: These values represent the current application-wide configuration. You cannot disable settings enforced by the configuration or change the current active strategies, since they require a server restart. |
text_configuration_guide: For more information, check the configuration guide. |
text_enforced: 'Enable this setting to force all users to register a 2FA device on their next login. Can only be disabled when not enforced by configuration.' |
text_remember: | |
Set this to greater than zero to allow users to remember their 2FA authentication for the given number of days. |
They will not be requested to re-enter it during that period. Can only be set when not enforced by configuration. |
error_invalid_settings: 'The 2FA strategies you selected are invalid' |
failed_to_save_settings: 'Failed to update 2FA settings: %{message}' |
admin: |
self_edit_path: 'Om uw eigen 2FA-apparaten toe te voegen of te wijzigen, gaat u naar %{self_edit_link}' |
self_edit_link_name: 'Twee-factor-authenticatie op uw accountpagina' |
self_edit_forbidden: 'U mag uw eigen 2FA-apparaten niet op dit pad bewerken. Ga in plaats daarvan naar Mijn account> Two-factor-authenticatie.' |
no_devices_for_user: 'Er is geen 2FA-apparaat geregistreerd voor deze gebruiker.' |
all_devices_deleted: 'Alle 2FA-apparaten van deze gebruiker zijn verwijderd' |
delete_all_are_you_sure: 'Weet u zeker dat u alle 2FA-apparaten voor deze gebruiker wilt verwijderen?' |
button_delete_all_devices: 'Geregistreerde 2FA apparaten verwijderen' |
button_register_mobile_phone_for_user: 'Mobiele telefoon registreren' |
text_2fa_enabled: 'Bij elke aanmelding wordt deze gebruiker gevraagd om een OTP-token in te voeren vanaf zijn standaard 2FA-apparaat.' |
text_2fa_disabled: "De gebruiker heeft geen 2FA-apparaat ingesteld via zijn 'Mijn accountpagina'" |
upsale: |
title: 'Two-factor authentication is an enterprise feature' |
description: 'Strenghten your internal or external authentication mechanisms with a second factor.' |
backup_codes: |
none_found: Geen 2FA back-upcodes gevonden voor dit account. |
singular: Back-up code |
plural: Back-up codes |
your_codes: voor uw %{app_name} account %{login} |
overview_description: | |
Als u geen toegang hebt tot uw geregistreerde 2FA-apparaten, krijgt u toegang tot uw account door een 2FA-back-upcode in te voeren. Gebruik de volgende knop om een nieuwe back-upcodes te genereren. |
generate: |
title: Back-up codes genereren |
keep_safe_as_password: 'Belangrijk! Behandel deze codes als wachtwoorden.' |
keep_safe_warning: 'Sla ze op in uw wachtwoordbeheerder of druk deze pagina af en bewaar hem op een veilige plaats.' |
regenerate_warning: 'Waarschuwing: als u al 2FA-back-upcodes hebt gemaakt, worden deze ongeldig en kunnen deze niet meer worden gebruikt.' |
devices: |
add_new: 'Nieuwe 2FA-apparaat toevoegen' |
register: 'Registreer apparaat' |
confirm_default: 'Bevestig het wijzigen van standaard-apparaat' |
confirm_device: 'Apparaat bevestigen' |
confirm_now: 'Niet bevestigd, klik hier om te activeren' |
cannot_delete_default: 'Kan standaardapparaat niet verwijderen' |
make_default_are_you_sure: 'Weet u zeker dat u dit 2FA-apparaat als standaard wilt instellen?' |
make_default_failed: 'Kan het standaard 2FA-apparaat niet bijwerken.' |
deletion_are_you_sure: 'Bent u zeker dat u dit 2FA-apparaat wilt verwijderen?' |
registration_complete: '2FA-apparaatregistratie voltooid!' |
registration_failed_token_invalid: '2FA-apparaatregistratie mislukt, het token was ongeldig.' |
registration_failed_update: '2FA registratie van het apparaat mislukt, het token was geldig, maar het apparaat kan niet worden bijgewerkt.' |
confirm_send_failed: 'Bevestiging van uw 2FA-apparaat is mislukt.' |
button_complete_registration: 'Voltooi 2FA-registratie' |
text_confirm_to_complete_html: "Please complete the registration of your device <strong>%{identifier}</strong> by entering a one-time password from your default device." |
text_confirm_to_change_default_html: "Bevestig uw standaardapparaat aan <strong>%{new_identifier}</strong> door een eenmalig wachtwoord in te voeren vanaf uw huidige standaardapparaat." |
text_identifier: 'U kunt het apparaat een aangepaste Id geven met behulp van dit veld.' |
failed_to_delete: 'Kan het 2FA-apparaat niet verwijderen.' |
is_default_cannot_delete: 'Het apparaat is gemarkeerd als standaard en kan niet worden verwijderd vanwege een actief beveiligingsbeleid. Markeer een ander apparaat als standaard voordat u het verwijdert.' |
not_existing: 'Er is geen 2FA-apparaat geregistreerd voor uw account.' |
request_2fa: Voer alstublieft de code van uw %{device_name} in om uw identiteit te verifiëren. |
totp: |
title: 'Gebruik uw app-gebaseerde authenticator' |
provisioning_uri: 'Voorbereiden van URI' |
secret_key: 'Secret key' |
time_based: 'Tijdgebonden' |
account: 'Accountnaam / verstrekker' |
setup: | |
Voor het instellen van twee-factorenauthenticatie met Google Authenticator, download de applicatie vanuit de Apple App Store of Google Play Store. |
Na het openen van de app, kunt u de volgende QR-code scannen om het apparaat te registreren. |
question_cannot_scan: | |
Kon de code niet worden gescand met uw applicatie? |
text_cannot_scan: | |
Als u de code niet kunt scannen, kunt u het item handmatig invoeren met behulp van de volgende details: |
description: | |
Registreer een applicatie-authenticator voor gebruik met OpenProject met behulp van de tijdgebonden eenmalige wachtwoordauthenticatie-standaard (TOTP). Veelvoorkomende voorbeelden zijn Google Authenticator of Authy. |
sms: |
title: 'Gebruik uw mobiele telefoon' |
redacted_identifier: 'Mobiel apparaat (%{redacted_number})' |
request_2fa_identifier: '%{redacted_identifier}, we hebben u een authenticatiecode gestuurd via %{delivery_channel}' |
description: | |
Registreer uw mobiele telefoonnummer voor de levering van OpenProject eenmalige wachtwoorden. |
sns: |
delivery_failed: 'SNS levering mislukt:' |
message_bird: |
sms_delivery_failed: 'MessageBird SMS delivery failed.' |
voice_delivery_failed: 'MessageBird voice call failed.' |
restdt: |
delivery_failed_with_code: 'Token levering mislukt. (Error code %{code})' |
strategies: |
totp: 'Verificator toepassing' |
sns: 'Amazon SNS' |
resdt: 'SMS Rest API' |
mobile_transmit_notification: "Een eenmalig wachtwoord is verzonden naar uw mobiele telefoon." |
label_two_factor_authentication: 'Twee-factor-authenticatie' |
forced_registration: |
required_to_add_device: 'Voor een actief beveiligingsbeleid moet u authenticatie met twee factoren inschakelen. Gebruik het volgende formulier om een apparaat te registreren.' |
remember: |
active_session_notice: > |
Your account has an active remember cookie valid until %{expires_on}. This cookie allows you to log in without a second factor to your account until that time. |
label: 'Remember' |
clear_cookie: 'Click here to remove this cookie' |
cookie_removed: 'The remember cookie has been removed.' |
dont_ask_again: "Create cookie to remember 2FA authentication on this client for %{days} days." |
field_phone: "Mobiele telefoon" |
field_otp: "Eenmalig wachtwoord" |
notice_account_otp_invalid: "Ongeldig éénmalig wachtwoord." |
notice_account_otp_expired: "Het eenmalige wachtwoord dat je hebt ingevoerd, is verlopen." |
notice_developer_strategy_otp: "Ontwikkelaarsstrategie heeft het volgende eenmalige wachtwoord gegenereerd: %{token} (kanaal: %{channel})" |
notice_account_otp_send_failed: "Uw eenmalige wachtwoord kan niet worden verzonden." |
notice_account_has_no_phone: "Er is geen mobiel nummer gekoppeld aan uw account." |
label_expiration_hint: "%{date} of bij het afmelden" |
label_actions: 'Acties' |
label_confirmed: 'Bevestigd' |
button_continue: 'Verdergaan' |
button_make_default: 'Markeren als standaard' |
label_unverified_phone: "Cell phone not yet verified" |
notice_phone_number_format: "Voer het nummer alstublieft in de volgende indeling in: + XX XXXXXXXX." |
text_otp_not_receive: "Andere verificatiemethoden" |
text_send_otp_again: "Eenmalig wachtwoord opnieuw verzenden door:" |
button_resend_otp_form: "Opnieuw verzenden" |
button_otp_by_voice: "Spraakoproep" |
button_otp_by_sms: "SMS" |
label_otp_channel: "Bezorgkanaal" |
@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ |
"no": |
activerecord: |
attributes: |
two_factor_authentication/device: |
identifier: 'Identifikator' |
default: 'Bruk som standard' |
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: |
phone_number: "Telefonnummer" |
errors: |
models: |
two_factor_authentication/device: |
default_already_exists: 'er allerede angitt for en annen OTP-enhet.' |
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: |
attributes: |
phone_number: |
error_phone_number_format: "må ha format + XX XXXXXXXXX" |
models: |
two_factor_authentication/device: "2FA-enhet" |
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: "Mobiltelefon" |
two_factor_authentication/device/totp: "Autentiseringsprogram" |
two_factor_authentication: |
error_2fa_disabled: "2FA-levering har blitt deaktivert." |
error_no_device: "Ingen registrert 2FA-enhet funnet for denne brukeren, til tross for at det kreves for denne forekomsten." |
error_no_matching_strategy: "Ingen matchende 2FA-strategi tilgjengelig for denne brukeren. Ta kontakt med administratoren din." |
error_is_enforced_not_active: 'Konfigurasjonsfeil: Tofaktorautentisering har blitt håndhevet, men ingen aktive strategier eksisterer.' |
error_invalid_backup_code: 'Ugyldig 2FA backup-kode' |
channel_unavailable: "Leveringskanalen %{channel} er utilgjengelig." |
no_valid_phone_number: "Det finnes ikke et gyldig telefonnummer." |
label_pwd_confirmation: "Passord" |
notice_pwd_confirmation: "Du må bekrefte passordet ditt når du endrer disse innstillingene." |
label_device_type: "Enhetstype" |
label_default_device: "Standard 2FA-enhet" |
label_device: "2FA-enhet" |
label_devices: "2FA-enheter" |
label_one_time_password: 'Engangspassord' |
label_2fa_enabled: 'Tofaktorautentisering er aktiv' |
label_2fa_disabled: 'Tofaktorautentisering ikke aktiv' |
text_otp_delivery_message_sms: "Your %{app_title} one-time password is %{token}" |
text_otp_delivery_message_voice: "Your %{app_title} one-time password is: %{pause} %{token}. %{pause} I repeat: %{pause} %{token}" |
text_enter_2fa: 'Vennligst skriv inn engangspassordet fra enheten.' |
text_2fa_enabled: 'Ved hvert innlogging vil du bli bedt om å legge inn et OTP-token fra standard 2FA-enheten.' |
text_2fa_disabled: 'For å aktivere tofaktorautentisering, bruk knappen ovenfor for å registrere en ny 2FA-enhet. Hvis du allerede har en enhet, må du gjøre det til en standard.' |
login: |
enter_backup_code_title: Skriv inn sikkerhetskode |
enter_backup_code_text: Vennligst skriv inn en gyldig sikkerhetskode fra koderlisten din hvis du ikke lenger kan få tilgang til de registrerte 2FA-enhetene dine. |
other_device: 'Bruk en annen enhet eller sikkerhetskode' |
settings: |
title: '2FA settings' |
current_configuration: 'Current configuration' |
label_active_strategies: 'Active 2FA strategies' |
label_enforced: 'Enforce 2FA' |
label_remember: 'Remember 2FA login' |
text_configuration: | |
Note: These values represent the current application-wide configuration. You cannot disable settings enforced by the configuration or change the current active strategies, since they require a server restart. |
text_configuration_guide: For more information, check the configuration guide. |
text_enforced: 'Enable this setting to force all users to register a 2FA device on their next login. Can only be disabled when not enforced by configuration.' |
text_remember: | |
Set this to greater than zero to allow users to remember their 2FA authentication for the given number of days. |
They will not be requested to re-enter it during that period. Can only be set when not enforced by configuration. |
error_invalid_settings: 'The 2FA strategies you selected are invalid' |
failed_to_save_settings: 'Failed to update 2FA settings: %{message}' |
admin: |
self_edit_path: 'For å legge til eller endre dine egne 2FA-enheter, vennligst gå til %{self_edit_link}' |
self_edit_link_name: 'Tofaktorautentisering på kontosiden din' |
self_edit_forbidden: 'Du kan ikke redigere dine egne 2FA-enheter på denne banen. Gå til Min konto> Tofaktorautentisering i stedet.' |
no_devices_for_user: 'Ingen 2FA-enhet er registrert for denne brukeren.' |
all_devices_deleted: 'Ingen 2FA-enhet er registrert for denne brukeren. Alle 2FA-enheter av denne brukeren er slettet' |
delete_all_are_you_sure: 'Er du sikker på at du vil slette alle 2FA-enheter for denne brukeren?' |
button_delete_all_devices: 'Slett registrerte 2FA-enheter' |
button_register_mobile_phone_for_user: 'Registrer mobiltelefon' |
text_2fa_enabled: 'Ved hver pålogging vil denne brukeren bli bedt om å legge inn et OTP-token fra sin standard 2FA-enhet.' |
text_2fa_disabled: "Brukeren har ikke satt opp en 2FA-enhet via hans «Min konto side»" |
upsale: |
title: 'Two-factor authentication is an enterprise feature' |
description: 'Strenghten your internal or external authentication mechanisms with a second factor.' |
backup_codes: |
none_found: Det finnes ingen sikkerhetskoder for denne kontoen. |
singular: Sikkerhetskopieringskode |
plural: Sikkerhetskopieringskoder |
your_codes: for din %{app_name} konto %{login} |
overview_description: | |
Hvis du ikke klarer å få tilgang til de to faktorene, kan du bruke en sikkerhetskode for å få tilgang til kontoen din. |
Bruk følgende knapp for å generere et nytt sett med sikkerhetskoder. |
generate: |
title: Generer sikkerhetskoder |
keep_safe_as_password: 'Viktig! Behandle disse kodene som passord.' |
keep_safe_warning: 'Enten lagre dem i passordbehandleren din, eller skriv ut denne siden og sett på et trygt sted.' |
regenerate_warning: 'Advarsel: Hvis du har opprettet sikkerhetskoder før, blir de ugyldig og vil ikke lenger fungere.' |
devices: |
add_new: 'Legg til ny 2FA-enhet' |
register: 'Registrer enheten' |
confirm_default: 'Bekreft å bytte standard enhet' |
confirm_device: 'Bekreft enheten' |
confirm_now: 'Ikke bekreftet, klikk her for å aktivere' |
cannot_delete_default: 'Kan ikke slette standard enhet' |
make_default_are_you_sure: 'Er du sikker på at du vil gjøre denne 2FA-enheten til standard?' |
make_default_failed: 'Kunne ikke oppdatere standard 2FA-enheten.' |
deletion_are_you_sure: 'Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne 2FA-enheten?' |
registration_complete: '2FA enhet registrering fullført!' |
registration_failed_token_invalid: '2FA-enhetsregistrering mislyktes, tokenet var ugyldig.' |
registration_failed_update: '2FA-enhetsregistrering mislyktes, symbolet var gyldig, men enheten kunne ikke oppdateres.' |
confirm_send_failed: 'Bekreftelse av 2FA-enheten din mislyktes.' |
button_complete_registration: 'Fullfør 2FA-registrering' |
text_confirm_to_complete_html: "Please complete the registration of your device <strong>%{identifier}</strong> by entering a one-time password from your default device." |
text_confirm_to_change_default_html: "Vennligst bekreft at standardinnstillingen din endres til <strong> %{new_identifier} </ strong> ved å skrive inn et engangspassord fra den gjeldende standard enheten din." |
text_identifier: 'Du kan gi enheten en egendefinert Id ved hjelp av dette feltet.' |
failed_to_delete: 'Kunne ikke slette 2FA-enheten.' |
is_default_cannot_delete: 'Enheten er merket som standard og kan ikke slettes på grunn av en aktiv sikkerhetspolicy. Merk en annen enhet som standard før du sletter.' |
not_existing: 'Ingen 2FA-enhet er registrert for kontoen din.' |
request_2fa: Vennligst skriv koden fra din %{device_name} for å bekrefte identiteten din. |
totp: |
title: 'Bruk appbasert godkjenning' |
provisioning_uri: 'Levering av URI' |
secret_key: 'Secret key' |
time_based: 'Tidsbasert' |
account: 'Kontonavn / Utsteder' |
setup: | |
For å sette opp tofaktorautentisering med Google Authenticator, last ned programmet fra Apple App Store eller Google Play Store. |
Etter at du har åpnet appen, kan du skanne følgende QR-kode for å registrere enheten. |
question_cannot_scan: | |
Kunne ikke skanne koden ved hjelp av programmet ditt? |
text_cannot_scan: | |
Hvis du ikke kan skanne koden, kan du legge inn oppføringen manuelt ved å bruke følgende detaljer: |
description: | |
Registrer en applikasjonsautentiserer for bruk med OpenProject ved hjelp av den tidsbaserte engangsautentiseringsstandarden for passord. |
Vanlige eksempler er Google Authenticator eller Authy. |
sms: |
title: 'Bruk mobiltelefonen din' |
redacted_identifier: 'Mobil enhet (%{redacted_number})' |
request_2fa_identifier: '%{redacted_identifier}, vi sendte deg en godkjenningskode via %{delivery_channel}' |
description: | |
Registrer mobilnummeret ditt for levering av OpenProject engangs passord. |
sns: |
delivery_failed: 'SNS-levering mislyktes:' |
message_bird: |
sms_delivery_failed: 'MessageBird SMS delivery failed.' |
voice_delivery_failed: 'MessageBird voice call failed.' |
restdt: |
delivery_failed_with_code: 'Token levering mislyktes. (Feil koden %{code})' |
strategies: |
totp: 'Autentiseringsprogram' |
sns: 'Amazon SNS' |
resdt: 'SMS Rest API' |
mobile_transmit_notification: "Et engangspassord er sendt til din mobiltelefon." |
label_two_factor_authentication: 'Tofaktorautentisering' |
forced_registration: |
required_to_add_device: 'En aktiv sikkerhetspolicy krever at du aktiverer tofaktorautentisering. Vennligst bruk følgende skjema for å registrere en enhet.' |
remember: |
active_session_notice: > |
Your account has an active remember cookie valid until %{expires_on}. This cookie allows you to log in without a second factor to your account until that time. |
label: 'Remember' |
clear_cookie: 'Click here to remove this cookie' |
cookie_removed: 'The remember cookie has been removed.' |
dont_ask_again: "Create cookie to remember 2FA authentication on this client for %{days} days." |
field_phone: "Mobiltelefon" |
field_otp: "Engangspassord" |
notice_account_otp_invalid: "Ugyldig engangspassord." |
notice_account_otp_expired: "Engangs-passordet du skrev inn, utløp." |
notice_developer_strategy_otp: "Utvikler strategi generert av følgende engangspassord: %{token} (kanal: %{channel})" |
notice_account_otp_send_failed: "Ditt engangspassord kunne ikke sendes." |
notice_account_has_no_phone: "Ingen mobilnummer er knyttet til kontoen din." |
label_expiration_hint: "%{date} eller på logg ut" |
label_actions: 'Handlinger' |
label_confirmed: 'Bekreftet' |
button_continue: 'Fortsette' |
button_make_default: 'Merk som standard' |
label_unverified_phone: "Cell phone not yet verified" |
notice_phone_number_format: "Vennligst skriv inn nummeret i følgende format: + XX XXXXXXXX." |
text_otp_not_receive: "Andre verifikasjonsmetoder" |
text_send_otp_again: "Send engangspassord på nytt ved å:" |
button_resend_otp_form: "Send igjen" |
button_otp_by_voice: "Taleanrop" |
button_otp_by_sms: "SMS" |
label_otp_channel: "Leveringskanal" |
@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ |
pl: |
activerecord: |
attributes: |
two_factor_authentication/device: |
identifier: 'Identyfikator' |
default: 'Użyj jako domyślnego' |
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: |
phone_number: "Numer telefonu" |
errors: |
models: |
two_factor_authentication/device: |
default_already_exists: 'jest już ustawione dla innego urządzenia OTP.' |
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: |
attributes: |
phone_number: |
error_phone_number_format: "musi posiadać format +XX XXXXXXXXX" |
models: |
two_factor_authentication/device: "Urządzenie 2FA (2 Factory Authenticator)" |
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: "Telefon komórkowy" |
two_factor_authentication/device/totp: "Aplikacja Authenticator" |
two_factor_authentication: |
error_2fa_disabled: "Doręczanie 2FA została wyłączona (zablokowana)." |
error_no_device: "Nie znaleziono zarejestrowanego urządzenia 2FA dla tego użytkownika, mimo że jest ono wymagane dla tego wystąpienia." |
error_no_matching_strategy: "Dla tego użytkownika nie jest dostępna żadna zgodna strategia 2FA. Skontaktuj się z administratorem." |
error_is_enforced_not_active: 'Błąd konfiguracji: Wymuszono uwierzytelnianie dwuskładnikowe, ale nie istnieją żadne aktywne strategie.' |
error_invalid_backup_code: 'Nieprawidłowy kod kopii zapasowej 2FA' |
channel_unavailable: "Kanał dostaw %{channel} jest niedostępny." |
no_valid_phone_number: "Brak prawidłowego numeru telefonu." |
label_pwd_confirmation: "Hasło" |
notice_pwd_confirmation: "Po wprowadzeniu zmian w tych ustawieniach musisz potwierdzić swoje hasło." |
label_device_type: "Rodzaj urządzenia" |
label_default_device: "Domyślne urządzenie 2FA" |
label_device: "Urządzenie 2FA" |
label_devices: "Urządzenie 2FA" |
label_one_time_password: 'Jednorazowe hasło' |
label_2fa_enabled: 'Uwierzytelnianie dwuskładnikowe jest aktywne' |
label_2fa_disabled: 'Uwierzytelnianie dwuskładnikowe nie jest aktywne' |
text_otp_delivery_message_sms: "Your %{app_title} one-time password is %{token}" |
text_otp_delivery_message_voice: "Your %{app_title} one-time password is: %{pause} %{token}. %{pause} I repeat: %{pause} %{token}" |
text_enter_2fa: 'Wprowadź jednorazowe hasło z urządzenia.' |
text_2fa_enabled: 'Po każdym logowaniu zostaniesz poproszony o wprowadzenie tokena OTP z domyślnego urządzenia 2FA.' |
text_2fa_disabled: 'Aby włączyć uwierzytelnianie dwuskładnikowe, użyj przycisku powyżej, aby zarejestrować nowe urządzenie 2FA. Jeśli masz już urządzenie, musisz ustawić je jako domyślne.' |
login: |
enter_backup_code_title: Wprowadź kod zapasowy |
enter_backup_code_text: Wprowadź prawidłowy kod zapasowy z listy kodów, na wypadek, gdyby nie było już dostępu do zarejestrowanych urządzeń 2FA. |
other_device: 'Użyj innego urządzenia lub kodu zapasowego' |
settings: |
title: '2FA settings' |
current_configuration: 'Current configuration' |
label_active_strategies: 'Active 2FA strategies' |
label_enforced: 'Enforce 2FA' |
label_remember: 'Remember 2FA login' |
text_configuration: | |
Note: These values represent the current application-wide configuration. You cannot disable settings enforced by the configuration or change the current active strategies, since they require a server restart. |
text_configuration_guide: For more information, check the configuration guide. |
text_enforced: 'Enable this setting to force all users to register a 2FA device on their next login. Can only be disabled when not enforced by configuration.' |
text_remember: | |
Set this to greater than zero to allow users to remember their 2FA authentication for the given number of days. |
They will not be requested to re-enter it during that period. Can only be set when not enforced by configuration. |
error_invalid_settings: 'The 2FA strategies you selected are invalid' |
failed_to_save_settings: 'Failed to update 2FA settings: %{message}' |
admin: |
self_edit_path: 'Aby dodać lub zmodyfikować własne urządzenia 2FA, przejdź do %{self_edit_link}' |
self_edit_link_name: 'Uwierzytelnianie dwuskładnikowe na stronie konta' |
self_edit_forbidden: 'Nie możesz edytować własnych urządzeń 2FA na tej ścieżce. Przejdź do Moje konto> Uwierzytelnianie dwuetapowe.' |
no_devices_for_user: 'Żadne urządzenie 2FA nie zostało zarejestrowane dla tego użytkownika.' |
all_devices_deleted: 'Wszystkie urządzenia 2FA tego użytkownika zostały usunięte' |
delete_all_are_you_sure: 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć wszystkie urządzenia 2FA dla tego użytkownika?' |
button_delete_all_devices: 'Usuń zarejestrowane urządzenia 2FA' |
button_register_mobile_phone_for_user: 'Zarejestruj telefon komórkowy' |
text_2fa_enabled: 'Po każdym logowaniu ten użytkownik zostanie poproszony o wprowadzenie tokena OTP z jego domyślnego urządzenia 2FA.' |
text_2fa_disabled: "Użytkownik nie ustawił urządzenia 2FA na swojej stronie \"Moje konto\"" |
upsale: |
title: 'Two-factor authentication is an enterprise feature' |
description: 'Strenghten your internal or external authentication mechanisms with a second factor.' |
backup_codes: |
none_found: Na tym koncie nie ma kodów zapasowych. |
singular: Kod zapasowy |
plural: Kody zapasowe |
your_codes: dla Twojego %{app_name} konta %{login} |
overview_description: | |
Jeśli nie możesz uzyskać dostępu do urządzeń z dwoma elementami, możesz użyć kodu zapasowego, aby odzyskać dostęp do swojego konta. |
Użyj następującego przycisku, aby wygenerować nowy zestaw kodów zapasowych. |
generate: |
title: Wygeneruj kody zapasowe |
keep_safe_as_password: 'Ważny! Traktuj te kody jako hasła.' |
keep_safe_warning: 'Zapisz je w menedżerze haseł lub wydrukuj tę stronę i umieść w bezpiecznym miejscu.' |
regenerate_warning: 'Ostrzeżenie: jeśli wcześniej utworzyłeś kody zapasowe, zostaną one unieważnione i przestaną działać.' |
devices: |
add_new: 'Dodaj nowe urządzenie 2FA' |
register: 'Zarejestruj urządzenie' |
confirm_default: 'Potwierdź zmianę domyślnego urządzenia' |
confirm_device: 'Potwierdź urządzenie' |
confirm_now: 'Nie potwierdzono, kliknij tutaj, aby aktywować' |
cannot_delete_default: 'Nie można usunąć domyślnego urządzenia' |
make_default_are_you_sure: 'Czy na pewno chcesz ustawić to urządzenie 2FA jako domyślne?' |
make_default_failed: 'Nie udało się zaktualizować domyślnego urządzenia 2FA.' |
deletion_are_you_sure: 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć to urządzenie 2FA?' |
registration_complete: 'Rejestracja urządzenia 2FA zakończona!' |
registration_failed_token_invalid: 'Rejestracja urządzenia 2FA nie powiodła się, token był nieprawidłowy.' |
registration_failed_update: 'Rejestracja urządzenia 2FA nie powiodła się, token był ważny, ale urządzenie nie mogło zostać zaktualizowane.' |
confirm_send_failed: 'Potwierdzenie twojego urządzenia 2FA nie powiodło się.' |
button_complete_registration: 'Ukończ rejestrację 2FA' |
text_confirm_to_complete_html: "Please complete the registration of your device <strong>%{identifier}</strong> by entering a one-time password from your default device." |
text_confirm_to_change_default_html: "Proszę potwierdzić, zmiana domyślnego urządzenia do <strong>%{new_identifier}</strong> poprzez wpisanie hasła jednorazowego z bieżącego urządzenia domyślnego." |
text_identifier: 'Możesz nadać urządzeniu niestandardowy identyfikator za pomocą tego pola.' |
failed_to_delete: 'Nie można usunąć urządzenia 2FA.' |
is_default_cannot_delete: 'Urządzenie jest oznaczone jako domyślne i nie można go usunąć z powodu aktywnej polityki bezpieczeństwa. Przed usunięciem oznacz urządzenie jako domyślne.' |
not_existing: 'Nie zarejestrowano urządzenia 2FA dla Twojego konta.' |
request_2fa: Wprowadź kod z %{device_name}, aby zweryfikować swoją tożsamość. |
totp: |
title: 'Użyj uwierzytelniacza opartego na aplikacji' |
provisioning_uri: 'Inicjowanie obsługi URI' |
secret_key: 'Secret key' |
time_based: 'Oparte na czasie' |
account: 'Nazwa rachunku / wystawcy' |
setup: | |
Aby skonfigurować uwierzytelnianie dwuskładnikowe za pomocą Google Authenticator, pobierz aplikację ze sklepu Apple App Store lub Google Play Store. |
Po otwarciu aplikacji możesz zeskanować poniższy kod QR, aby zarejestrować urządzenie. |
question_cannot_scan: | |
Nie można zeskanować kodu za pomocą aplikacji? |
text_cannot_scan: | |
Jeśli nie możesz zeskanować kodu, możesz wprowadzić wpis ręcznie, korzystając z następujących informacji: |
description: | |
Zarejestruj aplikację uwierzytelniającą do użytku z OpenProject, korzystając z opartego na czasie standardu uwierzytelniania za pomocą hasła jednorazowego. |
Typowymi przykładami są Google Authenticator lub Authy. |
sms: |
title: 'Użyj swojego telefonu komórkowego' |
redacted_identifier: 'Urządzenie mobilne (%{redacted_number})' |
request_2fa_identifier: '%{redacted_identifier}, wysłaliśmy Ci kod uwierzytelniający za pośrednictwem %{delivery_channel}' |
description: | |
Zarejestruj swój numer telefonu komórkowego w celu dostarczenia jednorazowych haseł OpenProject. |
sns: |
delivery_failed: 'Nie udało się dostarczyć SNS:' |
message_bird: |
sms_delivery_failed: 'MessageBird SMS delivery failed.' |
voice_delivery_failed: 'MessageBird voice call failed.' |
restdt: |
delivery_failed_with_code: 'Błąd dostarczania tokenu. (Kod błędu %{code})' |
strategies: |
totp: 'Aplikacja Authenticator' |
sns: 'Amazon SNS' |
resdt: 'SMS Rest API' |
mobile_transmit_notification: "Hasło jednorazowe zostało wysłane na Twój telefon komórkowy." |
label_two_factor_authentication: 'Uwierzytelnianie dwuskładnikowe' |
forced_registration: |
required_to_add_device: 'Aktywna polityka bezpieczeństwa wymaga włączenia uwierzytelniania dwuskładnikowego. Użyj poniższego formularza, aby zarejestrować urządzenie.' |
remember: |
active_session_notice: > |
Your account has an active remember cookie valid until %{expires_on}. This cookie allows you to log in without a second factor to your account until that time. |
label: 'Remember' |
clear_cookie: 'Click here to remove this cookie' |
cookie_removed: 'The remember cookie has been removed.' |
dont_ask_again: "Create cookie to remember 2FA authentication on this client for %{days} days." |
field_phone: "Komórka" |
field_otp: "Jednorazowe hasło" |
notice_account_otp_invalid: "Nieprawidłowe hasło jednorazowe." |
notice_account_otp_expired: "Wprowadzone hasło jednorazowe wygasło." |
notice_developer_strategy_otp: "Strategia programisty wygenerowała następujące jednorazowe hasło: %{token} (kanał:%{channel})" |
notice_account_otp_send_failed: "Twoje jednorazowe hasło nie mogło zostać wysłane." |
notice_account_has_no_phone: "Żaden numer telefonu komórkowego nie jest powiązany z Twoim kontem." |
label_expiration_hint: "%{date} lub wylogowania" |
label_actions: 'Działania' |
label_confirmed: 'Zatwardziały' |
button_continue: 'Dalej' |
button_make_default: 'Oznacz jako domyślny' |
label_unverified_phone: "Cell phone not yet verified" |
notice_phone_number_format: "Wprowadź numer w następującym formacie: + XX XXXXXXXX." |
text_otp_not_receive: "Inne metody weryfikacji" |
text_send_otp_again: "Ponownie wyślij hasło jednorazowe:" |
button_resend_otp_form: "Wysłać ponownie" |
button_otp_by_voice: "Rozmowa głosowa" |
button_otp_by_sms: "SMS" |
label_otp_channel: "Kanał dostawy" |
@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ |
zh-CN: |
activerecord: |
attributes: |
two_factor_authentication/device: |
identifier: '标识符' |
default: '用作默认' |
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: |
phone_number: "电话号码" |
errors: |
models: |
two_factor_authentication/device: |
default_already_exists: '已设为另一个 OTP 设备。' |
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: |
attributes: |
phone_number: |
error_phone_number_format: "格式必须为 +XX XXXXXXXXX" |
models: |
two_factor_authentication/device: "2FA 设备" |
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: "手机" |
two_factor_authentication/device/totp: "身份验证器应用程序" |
two_factor_authentication: |
error_2fa_disabled: "2FA 传送已禁用。" |
error_no_device: "尽管此实例需要,但没有为该用户找到注册的 2FA 设备。" |
error_no_matching_strategy: "没有匹配的 2FA 策略可供此用户使用。请联系您的管理员。" |
error_is_enforced_not_active: '配置错误:已强制执行双重身份验证,但不存在活动策略。' |
error_invalid_backup_code: '2FA 备份代码无效' |
channel_unavailable: "传送通道 %{channel} 不可用。" |
no_valid_phone_number: "不存在有效的电话号码。" |
label_pwd_confirmation: "密码" |
notice_pwd_confirmation: "在对这些设置进行更改时,您需要确认您的密码。" |
label_device_type: "设备类型" |
label_default_device: "默认 2FA 设备" |
label_device: "2FA 设备" |
label_devices: "2FA 设备" |
label_one_time_password: '一次性密码' |
label_2fa_enabled: '双重身份验证已激活' |
label_2fa_disabled: '双重身份验证未激活' |
text_otp_delivery_message_sms: "Your %{app_title} one-time password is %{token}" |
text_otp_delivery_message_voice: "Your %{app_title} one-time password is: %{pause} %{token}. %{pause} I repeat: %{pause} %{token}" |
text_enter_2fa: '请从您的设备输入一次性密码。' |
text_2fa_enabled: '每次登录时,系统将要求您从默认的 2FA 设备输入 OTP 令牌。' |
text_2fa_disabled: '要启用双重身份验证,请使用上面的按钮注册新的 2FA 设备。如果您已拥有设备,则需要将其设置为默认设备。' |
login: |
enter_backup_code_title: 输入备份代码 |
enter_backup_code_text: 请从您的代码列表中输入有效的备份代码,以防您无法再访问已注册的 2FA 设备。 |
other_device: '使用其他设备或备份代码' |
settings: |
title: '2FA settings' |
current_configuration: 'Current configuration' |
label_active_strategies: 'Active 2FA strategies' |
label_enforced: 'Enforce 2FA' |
label_remember: 'Remember 2FA login' |
text_configuration: | |
Note: These values represent the current application-wide configuration. You cannot disable settings enforced by the configuration or change the current active strategies, since they require a server restart. |
text_configuration_guide: For more information, check the configuration guide. |
text_enforced: 'Enable this setting to force all users to register a 2FA device on their next login. Can only be disabled when not enforced by configuration.' |
text_remember: | |
Set this to greater than zero to allow users to remember their 2FA authentication for the given number of days. |
They will not be requested to re-enter it during that period. Can only be set when not enforced by configuration. |
error_invalid_settings: 'The 2FA strategies you selected are invalid' |
failed_to_save_settings: 'Failed to update 2FA settings: %{message}' |
admin: |
self_edit_path: '要添加或修改您自己的 2FA 设备,请转到 %{self_edit_link}' |
self_edit_link_name: '您帐户页面上的双重身份验证' |
self_edit_forbidden: '您可能无法在此路径上编辑自己的 2FA 设备。请转到我的帐户 >> 双重身份验证。' |
no_devices_for_user: '没有为此用户注册过 2FA 设备。' |
all_devices_deleted: '此用户的所有 2FA 设备已被删除' |
delete_all_are_you_sure: '确实要删除此用户的所有 2FA 设备吗?' |
button_delete_all_devices: '删除已注册的 2FA 设备' |
button_register_mobile_phone_for_user: '注册手机' |
text_2fa_enabled: '每次登录时,系统将要求此用户从默认的 2FA 设备输入 OTP 令牌。' |
text_2fa_disabled: "用户未通过“我的帐户页面”设置过 2FA 设备" |
upsale: |
title: 'Two-factor authentication is an enterprise feature' |
description: 'Strenghten your internal or external authentication mechanisms with a second factor.' |
backup_codes: |
none_found: 此帐户不存在备份代码。 |
singular: 备份代码 |
plural: 备份代码 |
your_codes: 针对您的 %{app_name} 帐户 %{login} |
overview_description: | |
如果您无法访问您的双重身份验证设备,可以使用备份代码重新获得对帐户的访问权限。 |
使用以下按钮生成一组新的备份代码。 |
generate: |
title: 生成备份代码 |
keep_safe_as_password: '重要!将这些代码视为密码。' |
keep_safe_warning: '请将它们保存在您的密码管理器中,或者打印本页并置于安全的地方。' |
regenerate_warning: '警告:如果您以前创建过备份代码,它们将失效并且不再工作。' |
devices: |
add_new: '添加新的 2FA 设备' |
register: '注册设备' |
confirm_default: '确认更改默认设备' |
confirm_device: '确认设备' |
confirm_now: '未确认,请单击此处激活' |
cannot_delete_default: '无法删除默认设备' |
make_default_are_you_sure: '确实要将此 2FA 设备设置为您的默认设备吗?' |
make_default_failed: '更新默认 2FA 设备失败。' |
deletion_are_you_sure: '确实要删除此 2FA 设备吗?' |
registration_complete: '2FA 设备注册完成!' |
registration_failed_token_invalid: '2FA 设备注册失败,令牌无效。' |
registration_failed_update: '2FA 设备注册失败,令牌有效,但设备无法更新。' |
confirm_send_failed: '确认您的 2FA 设备失败。' |
button_complete_registration: '完成 2FA 注册' |
text_confirm_to_complete_html: "Please complete the registration of your device <strong>%{identifier}</strong> by entering a one-time password from your default device." |
text_confirm_to_change_default_html: "请从您的当前默认设备输入一次性密码,确认将您的默认设备更改为 <strong>%{new_identifier}</strong>。" |
text_identifier: '您可以使用此字段为设备提供自定义标识符。' |
failed_to_delete: '删除 2FA 设备失败。' |
is_default_cannot_delete: '该设备被标记为默认设备,并且由于活动安全策略而无法删除。在删除之前,请将另一个设备标记为默认设备。' |
not_existing: '没有为您的帐户注册过 2FA 设备。' |
request_2fa: 请从您的 %{device_name} 输入代码以验证您的身份。 |
totp: |
title: '使用您的基于应用程序的身份验证器' |
provisioning_uri: '配置 URI' |
secret_key: 'Secret key' |
time_based: '基于时间' |
account: '帐户名/颁发者' |
setup: | |
要使用 Google Authenticator 设置双重身份验证,请从 Apple App Store 或 Google Play 商店下载应用程序。 |
打开应用程序后,您可以扫描下面的二维码来注册设备。 |
question_cannot_scan: | |
无法使用您的应用程序扫描二维码? |
text_cannot_scan: | |
如果您无法扫描二维码,可以使用下列详细信息手动输入条目: |
description: | |
使用基于时间的一次性密码身份验证标准来注册要与 OpenProject 搭配使用的应用程序身份验证器。 |
常见的示例包括 Google Authenticator 或 Authy。 |
sms: |
title: '使用您的手机' |
redacted_identifier: '移动设备 (%{redacted_number})' |
request_2fa_identifier: '%{redacted_identifier},我们通过 %{delivery_channel} 向您发送了一个身份验证代码' |
description: | |
注册您的手机号码,以便传送 OpenProject 一次性密码。 |
sns: |
delivery_failed: 'SNS 传送失败:' |
message_bird: |
sms_delivery_failed: 'MessageBird SMS delivery failed.' |
voice_delivery_failed: 'MessageBird voice call failed.' |
restdt: |
delivery_failed_with_code: '令牌传送失败。(错误代码 %{code})' |
strategies: |
totp: '身份验证器应用程序' |
sns: 'Amazon SNS' |
resdt: 'SMS Rest API' |
mobile_transmit_notification: "一个一次性密码已发送到您的手机。" |
label_two_factor_authentication: '双重身份验证' |
forced_registration: |
required_to_add_device: '活动安全策略要求您启用双重身份验证。请使用以下表单注册设备。' |
remember: |
active_session_notice: > |
Your account has an active remember cookie valid until %{expires_on}. This cookie allows you to log in without a second factor to your account until that time. |
label: 'Remember' |
clear_cookie: 'Click here to remove this cookie' |
cookie_removed: 'The remember cookie has been removed.' |
dont_ask_again: "Create cookie to remember 2FA authentication on this client for %{days} days." |
field_phone: "手机" |
field_otp: "一次性密码" |
notice_account_otp_invalid: "一次性密码无效。" |
notice_account_otp_expired: "您输入的一次性密码已过期。" |
notice_developer_strategy_otp: "开发人员策略生成了以下一次性密码:%{token}(通道:%{channel})" |
notice_account_otp_send_failed: "无法发送您的一次性密码。" |
notice_account_has_no_phone: "您的帐户没有关联任何手机号码。" |
label_expiration_hint: "%{date} 或注销时" |
label_actions: '操作' |
label_confirmed: '已确认' |
button_continue: '继续' |
button_make_default: '标记为默认' |
label_unverified_phone: "Cell phone not yet verified" |
notice_phone_number_format: "请按以下格式输入号码:+XX XXXXXXXX。" |
text_otp_not_receive: "其他验证方法" |
text_send_otp_again: "通过下列方式重新发送一次性密码:" |
button_resend_otp_form: "重新发送" |
button_otp_by_voice: "语音通话" |
button_otp_by_sms: "短信" |
label_otp_channel: "传送通道" |
Reference in new issue