@ -31,90 +31,28 @@ Feature: Timeline View Tests |
I want edit planning elements via a modal window |
I want edit planning elements via a modal window |
Background: |
Background: |
Given there is 1 user with: |
Given there is 1 user with: |
| login | manager | |
| login | manager | |
And there is a role "manager" |
And there is a role "manager" |
And the role "manager" may have the following rights: |
And the role "manager" may have the following rights: |
| view_timelines | |
| view_timelines | |
| edit_timelines | |
| edit_timelines | |
| view_work_packages | |
| view_work_packages | |
And there is a project named "ecookbook" |
And I am working in project "ecookbook" |
And there is a project named "ecookbook" |
And there is a timeline "Testline" for project "ecookbook" |
And I am working in project "ecookbook" |
And the project uses the following modules: |
| timelines | |
And there is a timeline "Testline" for project "ecookbook" |
And the user "manager" is a "manager" |
And there are the following work packages: |
And the project uses the following modules: |
| Start date | Due date | description | responsible | Subject | |
| timelines | |
| 2012-01-01 | 2012-01-31 | #2 http://google.de | manager | January | |
| 2012-02-01 | 2012-02-24 | Avocado Rincon | manager | February | |
And the user "manager" is a "manager" |
And I am already logged in as "manager" |
And there are the following work packages: |
| Start date | Due date | description | responsible | Subject | |
| 2012-01-01 | 2012-01-31 | #2 http://google.de | manager | January | |
| 2012-02-01 | 2012-02-24 | Avocado Rincon | manager | February | |
And I am already logged in as "manager" |
@javascript |
@javascript |
Scenario: planning element click should show modal window |
Scenario: planning element click should show modal window |
When I go to the page of the timeline "Testline" of the project called "ecookbook" |
When I go to the page of the timeline "Testline" of the project called "ecookbook" |
And I wait for timeline to load table |
And I click on the Planning Element with name "January" |
Then I should see a modal window |
And I should see "#1: January" in the modal |
And I should see "http://google.de" in the modal |
And I should see "01/01/2012" in the modal |
And I should see "01/31/2012" in the modal |
And I should see "New timeline report" |
And I should be on the page of the timeline "Testline" of the project called "ecookbook" |
When I ctrl-click on "#2" in the modal |
Then I should see "February" in the new window |
Then I should see "Avocado Rincon" in the new window |
@javascript |
Scenario: closing the modal window with changes should display a warning message |
When the role "manager" may have the following rights: |
| view_timelines | |
| edit_timelines | |
| view_work_packages | |
| edit_work_packages | |
And I go to the page of the timeline "Testline" of the project called "ecookbook" |
And I wait for timeline to load table |
And I click on the Planning Element with name "January" |
And I click on the first anchor matching "Update" in the modal |
And I fill in "work_package_journal_notes" with "A new comment" in the modal |
And I click on the div "ui-dialog-closer" |
And I confirm the JS confirm dialog |
Then I should not see a modal window |
# Hack to ensure that this scenario does not interfere with the next one. As |
# closing the modal will trigger the timeline to be reloaded we have to |
# ensure, that this request is finished before starting the next scenario. |
# Otherwise the data required to successfully finish the request (esp. the |
# project) might already be removed for the next senario. |
Given I wait for the AJAX requests to finish |
@javascript |
Scenario: closing the modal window after adding a related work package should not display a warning message |
When the role "manager" may have the following rights: |
| view_timelines | |
| edit_timelines | |
| view_work_packages | |
| edit_work_packages | |
| manage_work_package_relations | |
And I go to the page of the timeline "Testline" of the project called "ecookbook" |
And I wait for timeline to load table |
And I wait for timeline to load table |
And I click on the Planning Element with name "January" |
And I click on the Planning Element with name "January" |
And I click on "Add related work package" in the modal |
Then I should see "January" in the new window |
And I fill in "relation_to_id" with "3" in the modal |
And I press "Add" in the modal |
And I wait for the AJAX requests to finish |
And I click on the div "ui-dialog-closer" |
Then I should not see a modal window |
# Hack to ensure that this scenario does not interfere with the next one. As |
# closing the modal will trigger the timeline to be reloaded we have to |
# ensure, that this request is finished before starting the next scenario. |
# Otherwise the data required to successfully finish the request (esp. the |
# project) might already be removed for the next senario. |
Given I wait for the AJAX requests to finish |