git-svn-id: 7926756e-e54e-46e6-9721-ed318f58905epull/6827/head
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ |
Given /^there is a standard permission test project named "([^\"]*)"$/ do |name| |
steps %Q{ |
Given there is 1 project with the following: |
| Name | #{name} | |
And the project "#{name}" has 1 issue with: |
| subject | #{name}issue | |
And there is a role "Testuser" |
And the role "Testuser" may have the following rights: |
| view_own_hourly_rate | |
| view_hourly_rates | |
| view_cost_rates | |
| view_own_time_entries | |
| view_own_cost_entries | |
| view_cost_entries | |
| view_time_entries | |
And there is 1 User with: |
| Login | testuser | |
| Firstname | Test | |
| Lastname | User | |
| default rate | 0.01 | |
And the user "testuser" is a "Testuser" in the project "#{name}" |
And there is 1 User with: |
| Login | otheruser | |
| Firstname | Other | |
| Lastname | User | |
| default rate | 0.05 | |
And the user "otheruser" is a "Testuser" in the project "#{name}" |
And there is 1 cost type with the following: |
| name | one | |
| cost rate | 1.00 | |
And there is 1 cost type with the following: |
| name | ten | |
| cost rate | 10.00 | |
And the issue "#{name}issue" has 1 time entry with the following: |
| hours | 1 | |
| user | testuser | |
And the issue "#{name}issue" has 1 time entry with the following: |
| hours | 2 | |
| user | otheruser | |
And the issue "#{name}issue" has 1 cost entry with the following: |
| units | 1 | |
| user | testuser | |
| cost type | one | |
And the issue "#{name}issue" has 1 cost entry with the following: |
| units | 1 | |
| user | otheruser | |
| cost type | ten | |
} |
end |
Reference in new issue