@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ |
sv: |
activerecord: |
attributes: |
two_factor_authentication/device: |
identifier: 'Identifierare' |
default: 'Use as default' |
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: |
phone_number: "Phone number" |
errors: |
models: |
two_factor_authentication/device: |
default_already_exists: 'is already set for another OTP device.' |
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: |
attributes: |
phone_number: |
error_phone_number_format: "must be of format +XX XXXXXXXXX" |
models: |
two_factor_authentication/device: "2FA device" |
two_factor_authentication/device/sms: "Mobile phone" |
two_factor_authentication/device/totp: "Authenticator application" |
two_factor_authentication: |
error_2fa_disabled: "2FA delivery has been disabled." |
error_no_device: "No registered 2FA device found for this user, despite being required for this instance." |
error_no_matching_strategy: "No matching 2FA strategy available for this user. Please contact your administratior." |
error_is_enforced_not_active: 'Configuration error: Two-factor authentication has been enforced, but no active strategies exist.' |
error_invalid_backup_code: 'Invalid 2FA backup code' |
channel_unavailable: "The delivery channel %{channel} is unavailable." |
no_valid_phone_number: "No valid phone number exists." |
label_pwd_confirmation: "Lösenord" |
notice_pwd_confirmation: "You need to confirm your password upon making changes to these settings." |
label_device_type: "Device type" |
label_default_device: "Default 2FA device" |
label_device: "2FA device" |
label_devices: "2FA devices" |
label_one_time_password: 'One-time password' |
label_2fa_enabled: 'Two-factor authentication is active' |
label_2fa_disabled: 'Two-factor authentication not active' |
text_otp_delivery_message_sms: "Your %{app_title} one-time password is %{token}" |
text_otp_delivery_message_voice: "Your %{app_title} one-time password is: %{pause} %{token}. %{pause} I repeat: %{pause} %{token}" |
text_enter_2fa: 'Please enter the one-time password from your device.' |
text_2fa_enabled: 'Upon every login, you will be requested to enter a OTP token from your default 2FA device.' |
text_2fa_disabled: 'To enable two-factor authentication, use the button above to register a new 2FA device. If you already have a device, you need to make it a default.' |
login: |
enter_backup_code_title: Enter backup code |
enter_backup_code_text: Please enter a valid backup code from your list of codes in case you can no longer access your registered 2FA devices. |
other_device: 'Use another device or backup code' |
settings: |
title: '2FA settings' |
current_configuration: 'Current configuration' |
label_active_strategies: 'Active 2FA strategies' |
label_enforced: 'Enforce 2FA' |
label_remember: 'Remember 2FA login' |
text_configuration: | |
Note: These values represent the current application-wide configuration. You cannot disable settings enforced by the configuration or change the current active strategies, since they require a server restart. |
text_configuration_guide: For more information, check the configuration guide. |
text_enforced: 'Enable this setting to force all users to register a 2FA device on their next login. Can only be disabled when not enforced by configuration.' |
text_remember: | |
Set this to greater than zero to allow users to remember their 2FA authentication for the given number of days. |
They will not be requested to re-enter it during that period. Can only be set when not enforced by configuration. |
error_invalid_settings: 'The 2FA strategies you selected are invalid' |
failed_to_save_settings: 'Failed to update 2FA settings: %{message}' |
admin: |
self_edit_path: 'To add or modify your own 2FA devices, please go to %{self_edit_link}' |
self_edit_link_name: 'Two-factor authentication on your account page' |
self_edit_forbidden: 'You may not edit your own 2FA devices on this path. Go to My Account > Two factor authentication instead.' |
no_devices_for_user: 'No 2FA device has been registered for this user.' |
all_devices_deleted: 'All 2FA devices of this user have been deleted' |
delete_all_are_you_sure: 'Are you sure you want to delete all 2FA devices for this user?' |
button_delete_all_devices: 'Delete registered 2FA devices' |
button_register_mobile_phone_for_user: 'Register mobile phone' |
text_2fa_enabled: 'Upon every login, this user will be requested to enter a OTP token from his default 2FA device.' |
text_2fa_disabled: "The user did not set up a 2FA device through his 'My account page'" |
upsale: |
title: 'Two-factor authentication is an enterprise feature' |
description: 'Strenghten your internal or external authentication mechanisms with a second factor.' |
backup_codes: |
none_found: No backup codes exist for this account. |
singular: Backup code |
plural: Backup codes |
your_codes: for your %{app_name} account %{login} |
overview_description: | |
If you are unable to access your two factor devices, you can use a backup code to regain access to your account. |
Use the following button to generate a new set of backup codes. |
generate: |
title: Generate backup codes |
keep_safe_as_password: 'Important! Treat these codes as passwords.' |
keep_safe_warning: 'Either save them in your password manager, or print this page and put in a safe place.' |
regenerate_warning: 'Warning: If you have created backup codes before, they will be invalidated and will no longer work.' |
devices: |
add_new: 'Add new 2FA device' |
register: 'Register device' |
confirm_default: 'Confirm changing default device' |
confirm_device: 'Confirm device' |
confirm_now: 'Not confirmed, click here to activate' |
cannot_delete_default: 'Cannot delete default device' |
make_default_are_you_sure: 'Are you sure you want to make this 2FA device your default?' |
make_default_failed: 'Failed to update the default 2FA device.' |
deletion_are_you_sure: 'Are you sure you want to delete this 2FA device?' |
registration_complete: '2FA device registration complete!' |
registration_failed_token_invalid: '2FA device registration failed, the token was invalid.' |
registration_failed_update: '2FA device registration failed, the token was valid but the device could not be updated.' |
confirm_send_failed: 'Confirmation of your 2FA device failed.' |
button_complete_registration: 'Complete 2FA registration' |
text_confirm_to_complete_html: "Please complete the registration of your device <strong>%{identifier}</strong> by entering a one-time password from your default device." |
text_confirm_to_change_default_html: "Please confirm changing your default device to <strong>%{new_identifier}</strong> by entering a one-time password from your current default device." |
text_identifier: 'You can give the device a custom identifier using this field.' |
failed_to_delete: 'Failed to delete 2FA device.' |
is_default_cannot_delete: 'The device is marked as default and cannot be deleted due to an active security policy. Mark another device as default before deleting.' |
not_existing: 'No 2FA device has been registered for your account.' |
request_2fa: Please enter the code from your %{device_name} to verify your identity. |
totp: |
title: 'Use your app-based authenticator' |
provisioning_uri: 'Provisioning URI' |
secret_key: 'Secret key' |
time_based: 'Time based' |
account: 'Account name / Issuer' |
setup: | |
For setting up two-factor authentication with Google Authenticator, download the application from the Apple App store or Google Play Store. |
After opening the app, you can scan the following QR code to register the device. |
question_cannot_scan: | |
Unable to scan the code using your application? |
text_cannot_scan: | |
If you can't scan the code, you can enter the entry manually using the following details: |
description: | |
Register an application authenticator for use with OpenProject using the time-based one-time password authentication standard. |
Common examples are Google Authenticator or Authy. |
sms: |
title: 'Use your mobile phone' |
redacted_identifier: 'Mobile device (%{redacted_number})' |
request_2fa_identifier: '%{redacted_identifier}, we sent you an authentication code via %{delivery_channel}' |
description: | |
Register your mobile phone number for delivery of OpenProject one-time passwords. |
sns: |
delivery_failed: 'SNS delivery failed:' |
message_bird: |
sms_delivery_failed: 'MessageBird SMS delivery failed.' |
voice_delivery_failed: 'MessageBird voice call failed.' |
restdt: |
delivery_failed_with_code: 'Token delivery failed. (Error code %{code})' |
strategies: |
totp: 'Authenticator application' |
sns: 'Amazon SNS' |
resdt: 'SMS Rest API' |
mobile_transmit_notification: "A one-time password has been sent to your cell phone." |
label_two_factor_authentication: 'Two-factor authentication' |
forced_registration: |
required_to_add_device: 'An active security policy requires you to enable two-factor authentication. Please use the following form to register a device.' |
remember: |
active_session_notice: > |
Your account has an active remember cookie valid until %{expires_on}. This cookie allows you to log in without a second factor to your account until that time. |
label: 'Remember' |
clear_cookie: 'Click here to remove this cookie' |
cookie_removed: 'The remember cookie has been removed.' |
dont_ask_again: "Create cookie to remember 2FA authentication on this client for %{days} days." |
field_phone: "Cell phone" |
field_otp: "One-time password" |
notice_account_otp_invalid: "Invalid one-time password." |
notice_account_otp_expired: "The one-time password you entered expired." |
notice_developer_strategy_otp: "Developer strategy generated the following one-time password: %{token} (Channel: %{channel})" |
notice_account_otp_send_failed: "Your one-time password could not be sent." |
notice_account_has_no_phone: "No cell phone number is associated with your account." |
label_expiration_hint: "%{date} or on logout" |
label_actions: 'Actions' |
label_confirmed: 'Bekräftad' |
button_continue: 'Fortsätt' |
button_make_default: 'Mark as default' |
label_unverified_phone: "Cell phone not yet verified" |
notice_phone_number_format: "Please enter the number in the following format: +XX XXXXXXXX." |
text_otp_not_receive: "Other verification methods" |
text_send_otp_again: "Resend one-time password by:" |
button_resend_otp_form: "Resend" |
button_otp_by_voice: "Voice call" |
button_otp_by_sms: "SMS" |
label_otp_channel: "Delivery channel" |
Reference in new issue