@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ |
Feature: Edit issue via modal box |
Background: |
Given there is 1 project with: |
| name | ecookbook | |
And I am working in project "ecookbook" |
And the project uses the following modules: |
| backlogs | |
And there is a role "scrum master" |
And the role "scrum master" may have the following rights: |
| view_master_backlog | |
| view_taskboards | |
| update_sprints | |
| update_stories | |
| create_impediments | |
| update_impediments | |
| update_tasks | |
| view_wiki_pages | |
| edit_wiki_pages | |
| view_issues | |
| edit_issues | |
| manage_subtasks | |
And the backlogs module is initialized |
And the following trackers are configured to track stories: |
| Story | |
And the tracker "Task" is configured to track tasks |
And the project uses the following trackers: |
| Story | |
| Epic | |
| Task | |
| Bug | |
And the tracker "Task" has the default workflow for the role "scrum master" |
And there is 1 user with: |
| login | markus | |
| firstname | Markus | |
| Lastname | Master | |
And the user "markus" is a "scrum master" |
And the project has the following sprints: |
| name | start_date | effective_date | |
| Sprint 001 | 2010-01-01 | 2010-01-31 | |
And the project has the following stories in the following sprints: |
| subject | sprint | |
| Story A | Sprint 001 | |
And I am already logged in as "markus" |
@javascript |
Scenario: Edit issue via modal box |
When I go to the master backlog |
And I follow "1" |
And I follow "Update" within ".contextual" |
And fill in "Story A changed" for "issue_subject" |
And I follow "Save" |
Then I should see "Subject changed from Story A to Story A changed" within ".modal" |
When I go to the master backlog |
Then I should see "Story A changed" |
Reference in new issue