Releases 2.4.6

Martin Czuchra 12 years ago
commit e539cfe2a3
  1. 2
  2. 26
  3. 94
  4. 2
  5. 13
  6. 88

@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ module ReportingHelper
case key.to_sym
when :activity_id then mapped value, Enumeration, "<i>#{l(:caption_material_costs)}</i>"
when :project_id then link_to_project Project.find(value.to_i)
when :user_id, :assigned_to_id, :author_id then link_to_user User.find(value.to_i)
when :user_id, :assigned_to_id, :author_id then link_to_user(User.find_by_id(value.to_i) || DeletedUser.first)
when :tyear, :units then value.to_s
when :tweek then "#{l(:label_week)} ##{value}"
when :tmonth then month_name(value.to_i)

@ -3,5 +3,31 @@ require 'report'
class CostQuery < Report
def_delegators :result, :real_costs
User.before_destroy do |user|
CostQuery.delete_all ['user_id = ? AND is_public = ?',, false]
CostQuery.update_all ['user_id = ?',], ['user_id = ?',]
max_query_id = 0
while((current_queries = CostQuery.all(:limit => 1000,
:conditions => ["id > ?", max_query_id],
:order => "id ASC")).size > 0) do
current_queries.each do |query|
serialized = query.serialized
serialized[:filters] = serialized[:filters].map do |name, options|
options[:values].delete( if ["UserId", "AuthorId", "AssignedToId"].include?(name)
options[:values].nil? || options[:values].size > 0 ?
[name, options] :
CostQuery.update_all ["serialized = ?", YAML::dump(serialized)], ["id = ?",]
max_query_id =

@ -1,31 +1,35 @@
Feature: Filter
#TODO: Fix test - for more information see #32085 on myproject
#Scenario: When using jump-to-project comming from the overall cost report to a projects report sets the project filter to that project
#Given there is a standard cost control project named "First Project"
#And I am already logged in as "controller"
#And I am on the overall Cost Reports page
#And I jump to project "First Project"
#Then "First Project" should be selected for "project_id_arg_1_val"
Scenario: When using jump-to-project comming from the overall cost report to a projects report sets the project filter to that project
Given the desired behaviour is described in #32085 on myproject
Given there is a standard cost control project named "First Project"
And I am already logged in as "controller"
And I am on the overall Cost Reports page
And I jump to project "First Project"
Then "First Project" should be selected for "project_id_arg_1_val"
Scenario: When using jump-to-project comming from a projects cost report to the overall cost report page unsets the project filter
Given the desired behaviour is described in #32085 on myproject
Given there is a standard cost control project named "First Project"
And I am already logged in as "controller"
And I am on the Cost Reports page for the project called "First Project"
And I follow "Cost Reports"
Then "" should be selected for "project_id_arg_1_val"
And I follow "Modules" within "#top-menu-items"
And I follow "Cost Reports" within "#top-menu-items"
Then I should see "New Cost Report" within "h2"
And I should be on the overall Cost Reports page
And "" should be selected for "project_id_arg_1_val"
#TODO: Fix test - for more information see #32085 on myproject
#Scenario: When using jump-to-project comming from a projects cost report to another projects report sets the project filter to the second project
#Given there is a standard cost control project named "First Project"
#And there is a standard cost control project named "Second Project"
#And I am already logged in as "controller"
#And I am on the Cost Reports page for the project called "First Project"
#And I jump to project "Second Project"
#Then "Second Project" should be selected for "project_id_arg_1_val"
Scenario: When using jump-to-project comming from a projects cost report to another projects report sets the project filter to the second project
Given the desired behaviour is described in #32085 on myproject
Given there is a standard cost control project named "First Project"
And there is a standard cost control project named "Second Project"
And I am already logged in as "controller"
And I am on the Cost Reports page for the project called "First Project"
And I jump to project "Second Project"
Then "Second Project" should be selected for "project_id_arg_1_val"
Scenario: We got some awesome default settings
@ -57,31 +61,31 @@ Feature: Filter
And the user with the login "developer" should be selected for "user_id_arg_1_val"
And "!" should be selected for "operators[user_id]"
#TODO: Fix test - for more information see #32085 on myproject
#Scenario: A click on clear enables the option in the Add-Filter-Selectbox
#Given there is a standard cost control project named "First Project"
#And I am already logged in as "controller"
#And I am on the Cost Reports page for the project called "First Project"
#And I wait for Ajax
#Then "user_id" should not be selectable from "add_filter_select"
#And filter "user_id" should be visible
#When I click on "Clear"
#And I wait for Ajax
#Then "user_id" should be selectable from "add_filter_select"
Scenario: A click on clear enables the option in the Add-Filter-Selectbox
Given the desired behaviour is described in #32085 on myproject
Given there is a standard cost control project named "First Project"
And I am already logged in as "controller"
And I am on the Cost Reports page for the project called "First Project"
And I wait for Ajax
Then "user_id" should not be selectable from "add_filter_select"
And filter "user_id" should be visible
When I click on "Clear"
And I wait for Ajax
Then "user_id" should be selectable from "add_filter_select"
#TODO: Fix test - for more information see #32085 on myproject
#Scenario: Setting a Filter disables the option in the Add-Filter-Selectbox
#Given there is a standard cost control project named "First Project"
#And I am already logged in as "controller"
#And I am on the Cost Reports page for the project called "First Project"
#And I wait for Ajax
#And I click on "Clear"
#Then "user_id" should be selectable from "add_filter_select"
#And I set the filter "user_id" to the user with the login "developer" with the operator "!"
#And I wait for Ajax
#Then "user_id" should not be selectable from "add_filter_select"
#When I send the query
#Then "user_id" should not be selectable from "add_filter_select"
Scenario: Setting a Filter disables the option in the Add-Filter-Selectbox
Given the desired behaviour is described in #32085 on myproject
Given there is a standard cost control project named "First Project"
And I am already logged in as "controller"
And I am on the Cost Reports page for the project called "First Project"
And I wait for Ajax
And I click on "Clear"
Then "user_id" should be selectable from "add_filter_select"
And I set the filter "user_id" to the user with the login "developer" with the operator "!"
And I wait for Ajax
Then "user_id" should not be selectable from "add_filter_select"
When I send the query
Then "user_id" should not be selectable from "add_filter_select"

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Redmine::Plugin.register :redmine_reporting do
author 'Konstantin Haase, Philipp Tessenow @ finnlabs'
author_url ''
description 'The reporting plugin provides extended reporting functionality for Redmine including Cost Reports.'
version '2.4.5'
version '2.4.6'
requires_redmine :version_or_higher => '0.9'
requires_redmine_plugin :redmine_costs, :version_or_higher => '0.3'

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Factory.define(:cost_query) do |cq|
cq.association :user, :factory => :user
cq.association :project, :factory => :project
cq.sequence(:name) { |n| "Cost Query #{n}" }
Factory.define(:private_cost_query, :parent => :cost_query) do |cq|
cq.is_public false
Factory.define(:public_cost_query, :parent => :cost_query) do |cq|
cq.is_public true

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper'
describe User, "#destroy" do
let(:substitute_user) { DeletedUser.first }
let(:private_query) { Factory.create(:private_cost_query) }
let(:public_query) { Factory.create(:public_cost_query) }
let(:user) { Factory.create(:user) }
let(:user2) { Factory.create(:user) }
describe "WHEN the user has saved private cost queries" do
before do
it { CostQuery.find_by_id( == nil }
describe "WHEN the user has saved public cost queries" do
before do
it { CostQuery.find_by_id( == public_query }
it { public_query.reload.user_id.should == }
shared_examples_for "public query" do
let(:filter_symbol) { filter.to_s.demodulize.underscore.to_sym }
describe "WHEN the filter has the deleted user as it's value" do
before do
public_query.filter(filter_symbol, :values => [], :operator => "=")!
it { CostQuery.find_by_id({ |f| f.is_a?(filter) }.should be_false }
describe "WHEN the filter has another user as it's value" do
before do
public_query.filter(filter_symbol, :values => [], :operator => "=")!
it { CostQuery.find_by_id({ |f| f.is_a?(filter) }.should be_true }
it { CostQuery.find_by_id({ |f| f.is_a?(filter) }.values.should == [] }
describe "WHEN the filter has the deleted user and another user as it's value" do
before do
public_query.filter(filter_symbol, :values => [,], :operator => "=")!
it { CostQuery.find_by_id({ |f| f.is_a?(filter) }.should be_true }
it { CostQuery.find_by_id({ |f| f.is_a?(filter) }.values.should == [] }
describe "WHEN someone has saved a public cost query
WHEN the query has a user_id filter" do
let(:filter) { CostQuery::Filter::UserId }
it_should_behave_like "public query"
describe "WHEN someone has saved a public cost query
WHEN the query has a author_id filter" do
let(:filter) { CostQuery::Filter::AuthorId }
it_should_behave_like "public query"
describe "WHEN someone has saved a public cost query
WHEN the query has a assigned_to_id filter" do
let(:filter) { CostQuery::Filter::AssignedToId }
it_should_behave_like "public query"