@ -25,6 +25,15 @@ Feature: Global Create Project |
And I go to the overall projects page |
And I go to the overall projects page |
Then I should see "New project" |
Then I should see "New project" |
Scenario: Create Project not displayed to user without global role |
Given there is 1 User with: |
| Login | bob | |
| Firstname | Bob | |
| Lastname | Bobbit | |
When I am already logged in as "bob" |
And I go to the overall projects page |
Then I should not see "New project" |
Scenario: Create Project displayed to user |
Scenario: Create Project displayed to user |
Given there is a global role "Global" |
Given there is a global role "Global" |
And the global role "Global" may have the following rights: |
And the global role "Global" may have the following rights: |