| sources | `--sources myFolder` or `--sources myFile.sol` | Path to *single* folder or file to target for coverage. Path is relative to Hardhat's `paths.sources` (usually `contracts/`) |
| solcoverjs | `--solcoverjs ./../.solcover.js` | Relative path from working directory to config. Useful for monorepo packages that share settings. (Path must be "./" prefixed) |
| matrix | `--matrix` | Generate a JSON object that maps which mocha tests hit which lines of code. (Useful as an input for some fuzzing, mutation testing and fault-localization algorithms.) [More...][39]|
| skipFiles | *Array* | `[]` | Array of contracts or folders (with paths expressed relative to the `contracts` directory) that should be skipped when doing instrumentation.(ex: `[ "Routers", "Networks/Polygon.sol"]`) :warning: **RUN THE HARDHAT CLEAN COMMAND AFTER UPDATING THIS** |
| modifierWhitelist | *String[]* | `[]` | List of modifier names (ex: `onlyOwner`) to exclude from branch measurement. (Useful for modifiers which prepare something instead of acting as a gate.)) |
| mocha | *Object* | `{ }` | [Mocha options][3] to merge into existing mocha config. `grep` and `invert` are useful for skipping certain tests under coverage using tags in the test descriptions. [More...][24]|
| onServerReady[<sup>*</sup>][14] | *Function* | | Hook run *after* server is launched, *before* the tests execute. Useful if you need to use the Oraclize bridge or have setup scripts which rely on the server's availability. [More...][23] |
| onPreCompile[<sup>*</sup>][14] | *Function* | | Hook run *after* instrumentation is performed, *before* the compiler is run. Can be used with the other hooks to be able to generate coverage reports on non-standard / customized directory structures, as well as contracts with absolute import paths. [More...][23] |
| onCompileComplete[<sup>*</sup>][14] | *Function* | | Hook run *after* compilation completes, *before* tests are run. Useful if you have secondary compilation steps or need to modify built artifacts. [More...][23]|
| onIstanbulComplete[<sup>*</sup>][14] | *Function* | | Hook run *after* the Istanbul reports are generated, *before* the coverage task completes. Useful if you need to clean resources up. [More...][23]|
| configureYulOptimizer | *Boolean* | false | **(Deprecated since 0.8.7)** Setting to `true` should resolve "stack too deep" compiler errors in large projects using ABIEncoderV2 |
| solcOptimizerDetails | *Object* | `undefined` |**(Deprecated since 0.8.7))** Must be used in combination with `configureYulOptimizer`. Allows you to configure solc's [optimizer details][1001]. Useful if the default remedy for stack-too-deep errors doesn't work in your case (See [FAQ: Running out of stack][1002] ). |
You can help fund solidity-coverage development through [DRIPS][1008]. It's a public goods protocol which helps distribute money to packages in your dependency tree. (It's great, check it out.)