| file | `--file="test/registry/*.js"` | (Truffle) Filename or glob describing a subset of JS tests to run. (Globs must be enclosed by quotes.)|
| testfiles | `--testfiles test/file.js` | (Buidler) JS test file(s) to run.|
| file | `--file="test/registry/*.js"` | (Truffle) Filename or glob describing a subset of tests to run. (Globs must be enclosed by quotes.)|
| testfiles | `--testfiles="test/registry/*.ts"` | (Buidler) Test file(s) to run. (Globs must be enclosed by quotes.)|
| solcoverjs | `--solcoverjs ./../.solcover.js` | Relative path from working directory to config. Useful for monorepo packages that share settings. (Path must be "./" prefixed) |
| network | `--network development` | Use network settings defined in the Truffle or Buidler config |
| temp[<sup>*</sup>][14] | `--temp build` | :warning: **Caution** :warning: Path to a *disposable* folder to store compilation artifacts in. Useful when your test setup scripts include hard-coded paths to a build directory. [More...][14] |