| norpc | *Boolean* | false | Prevent solidity-coverage from launching its own testrpc. Useful if you are managing a complex test suite with a [shell script](https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/zeppelin-solidity/blob/ed872ca0a11c4926f8bb91dd103bea1378a3384c/scripts/coverage.sh) |
| testCommand | *String* | `truffle test` | Run an arbitrary test command. ex: `mocha --timeout 5000`. NB: Also set the `port` option to whatever your tests require (probably 8545). |
| testrpcOptions | *String* | `--port 8555` | options to append to a command line invocation of testrpc. NB: Using this overwrites the defaults so always specify a port in this string *and* in the `port` option |
| copyNodeModules | *Boolean* | false | Copies `node_modules` into the coverage environment. May significantly increase the time for coverage to complete if enabled. Useful if your contracts import solidity files from an npm installed package. |
| copyNodeModules | *Boolean* | false | Copies `node_modules` into the coverage environment. May significantly increase the time for coverage to complete if enabled. Useful if your contracts import solidity files from an npm installed package. |
| skipFiles | *Array* | `['Migrations.sol']` | Array of contracts (with paths expressed relative to the `contracts` directory) that should be skipped when doing instrumentation. `Migrations.sol` is skipped by default, and does not need to be added to this configuration option if it is used. |
| dir | *String* | `.` | Solidity-coverage copies all the assets in your root directory (except `node_modules`) to a special folder where it instruments the contracts and executes the tests. `dir` allows you to define a relative path from the root directory to those assets. Useful if your contracts & tests are within their own folder as part of a larger project.|
@ -90,13 +90,15 @@ Solutions to common issues people run into using this tool:
+ [Running out of gas](https://github.com/sc-forks/solidity-coverage/blob/master/docs/faq.md#running-out-of-gas)
+ [Running out of memory (locally and in CI)](https://github.com/sc-forks/solidity-coverage/blob/master/docs/faq.md#running-out-of-memory-locally-and-in-ci)
+ [Running out of time (in mocha)](https://github.com/sc-forks/solidity-coverage/blob/master/docs/faq.md#running-out-of-time-in-mocha)
+ [Running on windows](https://github.com/sc-forks/solidity-coverage/blob/master/docs/faq.md#running-on-windows)
+ [Running testrpc-sc on its own](https://github.com/sc-forks/solidity-coverage/blob/master/docs/faq.md#running-testrpc-sc-on-its-own)
+ [Integrating into CI](https://github.com/sc-forks/solidity-coverage/blob/master/docs/faq.md#continuous-integration-installing-metacoin-on-travisci-with-coveralls)
+ [Why are asserts and requires highlighted as branch points?](https://github.com/sc-forks/solidity-coverage/blob/master/docs/faq.md#why-has-my-branch-coverage-decreased-why-is-assert-being-shown-as-a-branch-point)
+ [Why are `send` and `transfer` throwing in my tests?](https://github.com/sc-forks/solidity-coverage/blob/master/docs/faq.md#why-are-send-and-transfer-throwing)
+ [Running testrpc-sc on its own](https://github.com/sc-forks/solidity-coverage/blob/master/docs/faq.md#running-testrpc-sc-on-its-own)
- npm run coverage && cat coverage/lcov.info | coveralls
**NB:** It's probably best practice to run coverage in CI as an `after_script` or in a [parallel build](https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/zeppelin-solidity/blob/master/.travis.yml) rather than assume its equivalence to `truffle test`. Solidity-coverage's `testrpc` uses gasLimits far above the current blocklimit and rewrites your contracts in ways that might affect their behavior. It's also less robust than Truffle and may fail more frequently.
**NB:** It's probably best practice to run coverage in CI as an `after_script` or in a [parallel build](https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/zeppelin-solidity/blob/master/.travis.yml) rather than assume its equivalence to `truffle test`. Solidity-coverage's `testrpc` uses gasLimits far above the current blocklimit and rewrites your contracts in ways that might affect their behavior. It's also less robust than Truffle and may fail more frequently.
**Step 4: Toggle the project on at Travis and Coveralls and push.**
**Step 4: Toggle the project on at Travis and Coveralls and push.**
[It should look like this](https://coveralls.io/github/sc-forks/metacoin)
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ the extra events. If this is the case, then the coverage may be incomplete. To a
(See [issue #59](https://github.com/sc-forks/solidity-coverage/issues/59)).
(See [issue #59](https://github.com/sc-forks/solidity-coverage/issues/59)).
If your target contains dozens of contracts, you may run up against node's 1.7MB memory cap during the
contract compilation step. This can be addressed by setting the `testCommand` option in `.solcover.js` as
contract compilation step. This can be addressed by setting the `testCommand` option in `.solcover.js` as
testCommand: 'node --max-old-space-size=4096 ../node_modules/.bin/truffle test --network coverage'
Note the path: it reaches outside a temporarily generated `coverageEnv` folder to access a locally
installed version of truffle in your root directory's `node_modules`.
Large projects may also hit their CI container memcap running coverage after unit tests. This can be
addressed on TravisCI by adding `sudo: required` to the `travis.yml`, which raises the container's
addressed on TravisCI by adding `sudo: required` to the `travis.yml`, which raises the container's
limit to 7.5MB (ProTip courtesy of [@federicobond](https://github.com/federicobond).
### Running out of time (in mocha)
Truffle sets a default mocha timeout of 5 minutes. Because tests run slower under coverage, it's possible to hit this limit with a test that iterates hundreds of times before producing a result. Timeouts can be disabled by configuring the mocha option in `truffle.js` as below: (ProTip courtesy of [@cag](https://github.com/cag))
Truffle sets a default mocha timeout of 5 minutes. Because tests run slower under coverage, it's possible to hit this limit with a test that iterates hundreds of times before producing a result. Timeouts can be disabled by configuring the mocha option in `truffle.js` as below: (ProTip courtesy of [@cag](https://github.com/cag))
module.exports = {
networks: {
development: {
host: "localhost",
port: 8545,
network_id: "*"
network_id: "*"
@ -125,17 +125,17 @@ One way around this is to instantiate the HDWallet conditionally in `truffle.js`
var HDWalletProvider = require('truffle-hdwallet-provider');
var mnemonic = 'bark moss walnuts earth flames felt grateful dead sophia loren';
var mnemonic = 'bark moss walnuts earth flames felt grateful dead sophia loren';
if (!process.env.SOLIDITY_COVERAGE){
provider = new HDWalletProvider(mnemonic, 'https://ropsten.infura.io/')
module.exports = {
ropsten: {
provider: provider,
network_id: 3
network_id: 3
coverage: {
host: "localhost",
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ And set up an npm script to run the coverage tool like this:
if (!x) throw;
rather than
rather than
@ -173,13 +173,21 @@ If an `assert` or `require` is marked with an `I` in the coverage report, then d
### Why are send and transfer throwing?
If you include contracts that have fallback function in the list of files to instrument and attempt to `send` or `transfer` to them,
the methods will throw because the instrumentation consumes more gas than these methods allow. See the `skipFiles` option in the
the methods will throw because the instrumentation consumes more gas than these methods allow. See the `skipFiles` option in the
README to exclude these files and [issue 118](https://github.com/sc-forks/solidity-coverage/issues/118) for a more detailed discussion of
this problem.
### Running on windows
Since `v0.2.6` it's possible to produce a report on Windows (thanks to [@phiferd](https://github.com/phiferd),
who also maintains their own fork windows-compatible fork of solidity-coverage with other useful improvements). However,
problems remain with the tool's internal launch of `testrpc-sc` so you should create a `.solcover.js` config
file in your root directory and set the `norpc` option to `true`. Then follow the directions below for
launching `testrpc-sc` on its own from the command line before running `solidity-coverage` itself.
### Running testrpc-sc on its own
Sometimes its useful to launch `testrpc-sc` separately at the command line or with a script, after
Sometimes its useful to launch `testrpc-sc` separately at the command line or with a script, after
setting the `norpc` config option in `.solcover.js` to true: