attachments_disabled:Attachments may not be included since they exceed the maximum overall size allowed. You can change this via the configuration (requires a server restart).
You can trigger a backup here. The process can take some time depending on the amount of data (especially attachments) you have. You will receive an email once it's ready.
A new backup will override any previous one. Only a limited number of backups per day can be requested.
high_security_text:"Single sign on (SAML, OpenID Connect, CAS), two-factor authentication and automatic sync of LDAP groups."
installation:"Installation support"
installation_text:"Experienced software engineers guide you through the complete installation and setup process in your own infrastructure."
premium_features:"Premium features"
premium_features_text:"Agile boards, custom theme and logo, graphs, intelligent workflows with custom actions, full text search for work package attachments and multi-select custom fields."
professional_support:"Suport professional"
professional_support_text:"Get reliable, high-touch support from senior support engineers with expert knowledge about running OpenProject in business-critical environments."
button_start_trial:"Start free trial"
button_book_now:"Book now"
We deliver the confidence of a tested and supported enterprise-class project management software - with Open Source and an open mind.
link_quote:"Get a quote"
The OpenProject Enterprise Edition builds on top of the Community Edition. It includes premium features and professional support mainly aimed at organizations with more than 10 users that manage business critical projects with OpenProject.
you_contribute:"Developers need to pay their bills, too. With the Enterprise Edition, you substantially contribute to this Open Source community effort."
current_date:'Data actual'
internal:"S'ha produït un error intern."
cannot_save_changes_with_message:"No s'han pogut guardar els seus canvis per causa del següent error: %{error}"
query_saving:"No s'ha pogut desar la vista."
embedded_table_loading:"La vista incrustada no s'ha pogut carregar: %{message}"
enumeration_activities:"Activitats (seguidor de temps)"
enumeration_doc_categories:"Categories de documents"
enumeration_work_package_priorities:"Prioritats dels paquets de treball"
text_open_filter:"Obrir aquest filtre amb les tecles 'ALT' i cursors."
text_close_filter:"Per seleccionar una entrada tregui el focus prement per exemple entrar. Per deixar sense filtrar seleccioneu la primera entrada (buida)."
two_values:"%{from} - %{to} en el seu temps local."
only_start:"Des de %{from} en el seu temps local."
only_end:"Fins %{to} en el seu temps local."
one:"Primer criteri d'ordenació"
two:"Segon criteri d'ordenació"
three:"Tercer criteri d'ordenació"
upsale_for_more:"Per a filtres més avançats, revisi a"
upsale_link:'Edició Enterprise.'
update_conflict_refresh:"Cliqui aquí per refrescar la font i actualitzar a la última versió."
edit_prohibited:"L'edició de %{attribute} està bloquejada per a aquest paquet de treball. Ja sigui perquè aquest atribut es deriva d'alguna relació (per exemple, els fills) o perquè no és configurable."
date:"%{attribute} no és una data vàlida - s'espera en format AAAA-MM-DD."
general:"S'ha produït un error."
text_new_features:"Llegeixi sobre les noves característiques i actualitzacions del producte. "
learn_about:"Aprengui més sobre les noves característiques"
The release contains various new features and improvements:<br> <ul class="%{list_styling_class}"> <li>With the new <b>in-app notifications</b> you receive all important updates directly in the application and don't get a flood of emails anymore.</li> <li>The new <b>notification center</b> shows all the changes, including intuitive filter options, e.g. by reason for notification or projects. It even allows editing directly in a split view.</li> <li>Improved <b>notification settings</b> allow to fine-tune for which actions and in which projects you want to receive a notification.</li> <li><b>Email reminders</b> can be configured to receive important updates via a daily email summary.</li> <li>The work package auto-completer for relations now also shows additional information (project name, status, ...) to easily identify the respective work package.</li> </ul>
The release contains various new features and improvements:<br> <ul class="%{list_styling_class}"> <li>Notification center: Reduce the number of mails you receive. Instead find and act upon all relevant notifications in one central place.</li> <li>All uploaded IFC files can now also be downloaded.</li> <li>The uploading and processing of IFC got faster and received better error messages.</li> <li>The <a href="">OpenProject Revit Add-in</a> received many bug fixes.</li> </ul>
help_menu:'The Help (?) menu provides <b>additional help resources</b>. Here you can find a user guide and helpful how-to videos and more. <br> Enjoy your work with OpenProject!'
members:'Invite new <b>members</b> to join your project.'
project_selection:'Please click on one of the demo projects that we have prepared. Demo data is currently only available in English. <br> The general <b>demo project</b> suits best for classical project management, while the <b>Scrum project</b> is better for agile project management.'
quick_add_button:'Click on the plus (+) icon in the header navigation to <b>create a new project</b> or to <b>invite coworkers</b>.'
sidebar_arrow:"Use the return arrow in the top left corner to return to the project’s <b>main menu</b>."
welcome:'Realitzi un tour de tres minuts per aprendre els <b> aspectes més importants</b>. <br>Recomanem completar les passes fins el final. Podrà recomençar el tour en qualsevol moment.'
sprints:"On the right you have the product backlog and the bug backlog, on the left you have the respective sprints. Here you can create <b>epics, user stories, and bugs</b>, prioritize via drag & drop and add them to a sprint."
task_board_arrow:'To see your <b>task board</b>, open the sprint drop-down...'
task_board_select:'...and select the <b>task board</b> entry.'
task_board:"The task board visualizes the <b>progress for this sprint</b>. Click on the plus (+) icon next to a user story to add new tasks or impediments. <br> The status can be updated by drag and drop."
overview:'Select <b>boards</b> to shift the view and manage your project using the agile boards view.'
lists:'Here you can create multiple lists (columns) within your board. This feature allows you to create a <b>Kanban board</b>, for example.'
add:'Click on the plus (+) icon to <b>create a new card</b> or <b>add an existing card</b> to the list on the board.'
drag:'Drag and drop your cards within a given list to reorder them, or to move them to another list. <br> You can click the info (i) icon in the upper right-hand corner or double-click a card to open its details.'
toggler:"Now let's have a look at the <b>work package</b> section, which gives you a more detailed view of your work."
list:'This <b>work</b> package overview provides a list of all the work in your project, such as tasks, milestones, phases, and more. <br> Work packages can be created and edited directly from this view. To access the details of a particular work package, simply double-click its row.'
full_view:'The <b>work package details</b> view provides all the relevant information pertaining to a given work package, such as its description, status, priority, activities, dependencies, and comments.'
back_button:'Use the return arrow in the top left corner to exit and return to the work package list.'
create_button:'The <b>+ Create</b> button will add a new work package to your project.'
timeline_button:'You can activate the <b>Gantt chart</b> view to create a timeline for your project.'
timeline:'Here you can <b>edit your project plan</b>, create new work packages, such as tasks, milestones, phases, and more, as well as <b>add dependencies</b>. All team members can see and update the latest plan at any time.'
field_description:'Necessita introduir la contrasenya del seu compte per a confirmar aquest canvi.'
title:'Confirmi la seva contrasenya per continuar'
no_other_page:"Es troba en el l'únic full."
next:"Avançar a la pàgina següent"
previous:"Tornar a la pàgina anterior"
subject:'Introdueixi el títol aquí'
selection:'Si us plau, selecciona'
relation_description:'Cliqui per afegir una descripció per aquesta relació'
Si us plau, seleccioni un projecte on crear el paquet de treball per a veure tots els atributs. Només pot seleccionar projectes que tinguin activat el tipus anterior.
context:'Context de projecte'
work_package_belongs_to:'Aquest paquet de treball pertany al projecte %{projectname}.'
click_to_switch_context:'Obrir aquest paquet de treball d''aquell projecte.'
confirm_template_load:'Switching the template will reload the page and you will lose all input to this form. Continue?'
title:'Email alerts for other items (that are not work packages)'
Notifications today are limited to work packages. You can choose to continue receiving email alerts for these events until they are included in notifications:
news_added:'Notícies afegides'
news_commented:'Comment on a news item'
document_added:'Documents added'
forum_messages:'New forum messages'
wiki_page_added:'S''ha afegit la pàgina wiki'
wiki_page_updated:'S''ha actualitzat la pàgina wiki'
error_duplicate_group_name:"El nom %{group} ja està en ús. Els noms de Grup han de ser únics."
error_no_table_configured:"Si us plau, configuri una taula per a %{group}."
reset_title:"Reiniciar la configuració del formulari"
Compte:Esta segur que vol reiniciar la configuració del formulari? Això retornarà als atributs als grups per defecte i des-habilitarà TOTS els camps personalitzats.
upgrade_to_ee_text:"Ostres! Si necessita aquesta característica es un súper pro! L'importaria donar suport als desenvolupadors d'OpenSource convertint-se en un client de la versió Enterprise?"
more_information:"More information"
nevermind:"No importa"
form_configuration:"Configuració del formulari"
work_package:'Paquet de treball'
work_package_required:'Requereix seleccionar un paquet de treball primer.'
field_value_enter_prompt:"Introduïu un valor per a '%{field}'"
manual:'Manual scheduling'
automatic:'Automatic scheduling'
sorted_asc:'Ordre ascendent aplicat,'
sorted_dsc:'Ordre descendent aplicat,'
sorted_no:'Sense ordre aplicat,'
sorting_disabled:'ordenació des-habilitada'
activate_asc:'activeu per aplicar endreçament ascendent '
activate_dsc:'activeu per aplicar endreçament descendent'
activate_no:'activeu per desactivar l''endreçament'
text_work_packages_destroy_confirmation:"¿Està segur que desitja eliminar el(s) paquet(s) de treball seleccionat(s)?"
text_query_destroy_confirmation:"Esteu segur que voleu suprimir la consulta seleccionada?"
text_attachment_destroy_confirmation:"Esteu segur que voleu suprimir el fitxer adjunt?"
gantt_chart:'Gantt chart'
title:'Configuració d''etiquetes'
bar:'Etiquetes de barres'
farRight:'Extrem dret'
showNone:'-- Sense etiqueta --'
Seleccioni els atributs que vol que es mostrin en les posicions corresponents del diagrama de Gantt en tot moment. Tingui en compte que, al mantenir el ratolí sobre un element, se mostraran les etiquetes de data, en lloc d'aquests atributs.
button_activate:'Mostra gràfica de Gantt'
button_deactivate:'Amaga gràfica de Gantt'
change:"Canvi en la planificació"
due_date:"Finish date"
error:"S'ha produït un error."
not_implemented:"La línea de temps no es pot renderitzar perquè utilitza una característica encara no implementada."
report_comparison:"La línia de temps no pot renderitzar les comparacions configurades. Consulteu la secció adequada a la configuració, reiniciar-la podria resoldre aquest problema."
report_epicfail:"No es pot carregar la línia de temps degut a un error inesperat."
report_timeout:"No s'ha pogut carregar la línia de temps en una quantitat raonable de temps."
outline:"Restablir el marc"
aggregation:"Mostrar només agregacions"
level1:"Ampliar el nivell 1"
level2:"Ampliar el nivell 2"
level3:"Ampliar el nivell 3"
level4:"Ampliar el nivell 4"
level5:"Ampliar el nivell 5"
all:"Mostrar tots"
project_status:"Estat del projecte"
really_close_dialog:"Realment voleu tancar el diàleg i perdre les dades introduïdes?"
start_date:"Data d'inici"
tooManyProjects:"Més de %{count} projectes. Si us plau, utilitzeu un filtre millor!"
notification:'Faci clic en qualsevol paquet de treball destacat per a crear la relació. Cliqui Esc per a cancel·lar.'
auto:"Auto zoom"
slider:"Control de zoom"
Seleccioni el l¡nivell inicial de zoom que s'ha de mostrar quan l'autozoom no estigui disponible.
zooms:"Nivell de zoom"
outlines:"Nivell de jerarquia"
ee_only:'Característica només disponible a la versió Enterprise'
limited_results:Only %{count} work packages can be shown in manual sorting mode. Please reduce the results by filtering, or switch to automatic sorting.
group_by_disabled_by_hierarchy:"Group by is disabled due to the hierarchy mode being active."
hierarchy_disabled_by_group_by:"Hierarchy mode is disabled due to results being grouped by %{column}."
sort_ascending:"Ordre ascendent"
sort_descending:"Ordenació descendent"
move_column_left:"Moure la columna a l'esquerra"
move_column_right:"Moure la columna a la dreta"
hide_column:"Amagar columna"
insert_columns:"Insereix columnes..."
display_sums:"Mostra les sumes"
confirm_edit_cancel:"Are you sure you want to cancel editing the name of this view? Title will be set back to previous value."
click_to_edit_query_name:"Click to edit title of this view."
rename_query_placeholder:"Name of this view"
star_text:"Mark this view as favorite and add to the saved views sidebar on the left."
Publish this view, allowing other users to access your view. Users with the 'Manage public views' permission can modify or remove public query. This does not affect the visibility of work package results in that view and depending on their permissions, users may see different results.
unretrievable_query:"Unable to retrieve view from URL"
not_found:"There is no such view"
duplicate_query_title:"Name of this view already exists. Change anyway?"
text_no_results:"No matching views were found."
is_parent:"The dates of this work package are automatically deduced from its children. Activate 'Manual scheduling' to set the dates."
is_switched_from_manual_to_automatic:"The dates of this work package may need to be recalculated after switching from manual to automatic scheduling due to relationships with other work packages."
configure_button:'Configure work package table'
summary:"Taula amb fileres de paquets de treball i columnes amb els atributs dels paquets de treball."
text_inline_edit:"La majoria de les cel·les d'aquesta taula són botons que activen la funcionalitat d'edició en línia de l'atribut."
text_sort_hint:"Amb els enllaços a les capçaleres de les taules es pot ordenar, agrupar, reordenar, treure i afegir columnes de la taula."
text_select_hint:"Select boxes should be opened with 'ALT' and arrow keys."
button:'Configure this work package table'
choose_display_mode:'Display work packages as'
modal_title:'Work package table configuration'
embedded_tab_disabled:"This configuration tab is not available for the embedded view you're editing."
default:"per defecte"
display_settings:'Display settings'
default_mode:"Flat list"
hierarchy_hint:"All filtered table results will be augmented with their ancestors. Hierarchies can be expanded and collapsed."
display_sums_hint:"Display sums of all summable attributes in a row below the table results."
show_timeline_hint:"Show an interactive gantt chart on the right side of the table. You can change its width by dragging the divider between table and gantt chart."
description:"Highlight with color"
none:"No highlighting"
inline:'Highlighted attribute(s)'
inline_all:'All attributes'
entire_row_by:'Entire row by'
description:'Chose the mode to sort your Work packages:'
warning:'You will lose your previous sorting when activating the automatic sorting mode.'
columns_help_text:"Use the input field above to add columns to your table view. You can drag and drop the columns to reorder them."
attribute_highlighting:'Need certain work packages to stand out from the mass?'
relation_columns:'Need to see relations in the work package list?'
check_out_link:'Check out the Enterprise Edition.'
filter_work_packages_by_relation_type:'Filter work packages by relation type'
overview:Visió general
attachments:Fitxers adjunts
configure_view:"Configure view ..."
sort_by:"Ordenar per ..."
group_by:"Agrupar per..."
display_sums:"Mostra les sumes"
display_hierarchy:"Display hierarchy"
hide_hierarchy:"Hide hierarchy"
hide_sums:"Amaga les sumes"
save_as:"Anomena i desa ..."
visibility_settings:"Visibility settings ..."
page_settings:"Rename view ..."
unselected_title:"Paquet de treball"
search_query_label:"Search saved views"
search_query_title:"Click to search saved views"
placeholder_query_title:"Set a title for this view"
label_settings:"Rename view"
label_delete_page:"Suprimeix la pàgina actual"
title:'Confirm to continue'
text:'Are you sure you want to perform this action?'
title:"Confirm deletion of %{label}"
text:"Are you sure you want to delete the following %{label} ?"
has_children:"The work package has %{childUnits}:"
confirm_deletion_children:"I acknowledge that ALL descendants of the listed work packages will be recursively removed."
deletes_children:"All child work packages and their descendants will also be recursively deleted."
title:"Confirm deletion of time entry"
text:"Are you sure you want to delete the following time entry?"
notice_no_results_to_display:"No visible results to display."
description:'Permissions based on the assigned role in the selected project'
description:'Permissions based on the assigned role in the selected project'
title:'Placeholder user'
title_no_ee:'Placeholder user (Enterprise Edition only feature)'
description:'Has no access to the project and no emails are sent out.'
description_no_ee:'Has no access to the project and no emails are sent out. <br>Check out the <a href="%{eeHref}" target="_blank">Enterprise Edition</a>'
name_or_email:'Name or email address'
already_member_message:'Already a member of %{project}'
no_results_user:'No users were found'
no_results_placeholder:'No placeholders were found'
description:'This is the role that %{principal} will receive when they join your project. The role defines which actions they are allowed to take and which information they are allowed to see. <a href="" target="_blank"> Learn more about roles and permissions. </a>'
description:'We will send an email to %{principal}, to which you can add a personal message here. An explanation for the invitation could be useful, or perhaps a bit of information regarding the project to help them get started.'